We used to call this number the devil's dozen. However, few people know why
§ Holidays in Germany in the summer in August 2020 For a list of holidays for
“Mind at your fingertips” - a master class for specialists and teachers of preschool educational institutions Compiled by: Music director
Summary of an integrated lesson in Russian language and mathematics with presentation, grade 5 Integrated lesson
Childhood The time of childhood is that wonderful time when the necessary knowledge and skills are laid,
Parents' meeting "School's daily routine" Dina Fomina Parents' meeting "School's daily routine" Message from a psychologist
Experiment “Wind in the Desert” The experimental game can be played in a sandbox or poured sand into a basin.
Orbit of the Moon Perigee (closest point of orbit to Earth): 363,104 kilometers (varies within
Technological map of a mathematics lesson Municipal budgetary educational institution "Bazkovskaya secondary school" Sholokhovsky district of Rostov
Working on a problem in elementary school. Working on a task in elementary school Role and