Bashkir folk games for preschool children Alfiya Khusniyarova Bashkir folk games for preschool children 1. Kurai
Master class for the competition “Class Teacher” on the topic: “Successful Personality” Epigraph on the screen:
The benefits of the game and its features It is best to conduct the lesson on a summer walk or during
Author's position: fine arts teacher Animalistic genre in painting Animalistic genre (from Lat.
Lesson development and presentation “The Life and Work of A.P. Chekhov” Lesson topic: Life and creativity
Long jumps: types and features There are several variations of this exercise. According to its principle
Classification of questions The Bloom's Cube technique for developing critical thinking is unique in that it allows you to formulate questions
The history of the origin and development of swimming. The widespread finds of archaeologists indicate that people swim
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes Program content: Lead children to deliberately convey an image; Teach