Regulations on the circle work of the Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 5, Rivne"
Annual report on circle work Yulia Anatolyevna Gudozhnikova Annual report on circle work Report
Working with phraseological units in Russian language lessons in elementary school
What are phraseological units? When starting research in the field of phraseology, it is necessary to define the concept of phraseology.
Methodological development “Working with concepts and terms in a history lesson”
Methodological development of a lesson on the history of the Ancient world Lesson progress Stage I. Introductory and motivational part Hello,
decorative arts
The role of decorative art in the life of ancient society, presentation for a lesson in fine arts (art, grade 5) on the topic
Man has always tried to embellish his life, introducing elements of aesthetics and creativity into it. Craftsmen,
Didactic material on the surrounding world for grade 2
Nature and the man-made world: educational games for children, cards for downloading. educational video for
"Didactic games in mathematics in the preparatory group"
What is the point of playing dominoes? Dominoes as a board game are widely known throughout the world. IN
Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov Poem “Sail” Literature lesson in the 6th grade of the teacher of Russian language and literature Secondary School 24 Sochi Bondareva Rimma Alexandrovna. - presentation
Summary of the lesson on Literature “M.Yu. Lermontov. Poem "Sail"" 6th grade MBOU "Secondary School No. 1 of Suzdal"
The relevance of S.A.’s creativity Yesenin in our days - Coursework
Research work on the creativity of S.A. Yesenina Municipal educational institution Vladimir secondary school Research work
Biology project “The role of sleep in human life” (8th grade)
Sleep and wakefulness For a long time it was believed that sleep and wakefulness are opposite to each other. IN
Social and personal development of children. article on the topic
The social and personal development of preschool children is given much attention in kindergartens, because it is also required
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