Types and forms of theatrical games in the first junior group of preschool educational institutions. Theatrical games are divided into
Today, there is a large selection of different methods for preschool development and upbringing of a child.
Games for the development of fine motor skills, middle group Games for the development of fine motor skills, middle group
The use of fiction in kindergarten classes is a powerful means of developing a harmonious personality.
Riddles about sports Riddles about sports for children with answers. Riddles about
A bit of poetry Drawing is a skill that develops with practice. You are not alone,
Shapes of the earth's surface test Distance learning students were asked to do homework and take
At a very early age, from about two years old, a person begins to discover unfamiliar
Development of a physics lesson on the topic “Friction Force” (grade 10) “Friction Force” Grade 10 Purpose:
Didactic game “Sports equipment” by Alexander Gordeev Didactic game “Sports equipment” Didactic game: “Sports equipment”