Methodological development of a lesson on the program “Talk about proper nutrition” 2nd grade

Methodological development of a lesson in 2nd grade



("New Journey")

Textbook – V.P. Kuzovlev. English language. 2nd grade. Textbook for general education institutions, Moscow “Enlightenment”, 2013.

The purpose of the lesson is to organize students’ activities to repeat and generalize the material covered.

Lesson objectives:


to activate and improve the lexical and grammatical skills of students on topics (“Transport”, “Animals”, “Character Traits”, “Favorite Activities”) by repeatedly repeating the material in a variety of activities;

during the lesson, ensure repetition, assimilation, and consolidation of the rules for constructing statements according to the model;

continue to develop the ability to participate in basic dialogue;

create conditions for practicing skills and abilities in reading, writing, speaking, and listening comprehension.


promote an active life position;

promote the development of the ability to defend one’s point of view;

promote a culture of communication when working in pairs, groups, and teams (the ability to listen to classmates’ answers, respect for the opinions of interlocutors);

promote the formation of students’ values ​​of friendship and camaraderie;

create conditions that ensure the development of self-control skills in students;

maintain students' cognitive interest in the English language.


promote the development of skills to apply acquired knowledge in communication in English;

create conditions for the development of communication skills through various types of speech activity (monologue, dialogic speech);

create conditions for the development of memory, attention, imagination;

create conditions for the manifestation of creative activity of students;

promote the development of skills to carry out reflective activities.

Lesson type:

A lesson in repeating and summarizing the material studied.

Forms of work in the lesson:

Frontal, individual, pair and group work.

Teaching methods used in the lesson:

explanatory-illustrative: explanation, demonstration of presentation;

reproductive: games - exercises (Insert letter, anagrams, role-playing game) and independent work.

Lesson equipment: didactic handouts (task cards), illustrations on the topic; TSO: sound recording; interactive whiteboard and multimedia projector, Power Point presentation, handouts (table of words, plan for writing a story), masks of the inhabitants of the island of Neverland prepared by students.

Lesson structure

I Organizing time 3 min.
II Phonetic exercise 1 min.

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