Synopsis of a technology lesson on the topic “Patchwork, its history and techniques.” (6th grade)

Lesson summary on “Patchwork” technology

Lesson outline

Topic: “Patchwork is an inexhaustible source of creativity”


  • introduce students to the history of the development of patchwork technology; materials and accessories for sewing;
  • give an idea of ​​the composition and color scheme of the product;
  • teach how to make and use templates for cutting ornamental elements;
  • develop artistic taste, accuracy, neatness, patriotism through instilling respect for the history of the native land.

Didactic support:

ready-made samples of products made using the patchwork technique; collection of fabrics for work; Fashion magazines."


computer, projection system, multimedia presentation, cardboard, stationery knife, colored pencils.

Methods of teaching:

conversation, story-explanation, independent observations of students, display of visuals, demonstration of labor techniques, independent work of students.

Type of lesson:

learning new material.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational part


a) Greeting.

b) Checking students' readiness for class

Hello guys and dear guests!

Today we have an unusual lesson, but an open one. I will announce the topic of today's lesson a little later.

Guys, tell me what day is it today? Who knows what national holiday is today?

October 30 (October 17, old style) Day of Hosea the Wheeler. “On Hosiya, the wheel and axle part until spring, the wheel says goodbye to autumn,” - this is what the peasants said. They put the cart in the sheds and pulled out the sleigh. A sled track was being installed.

They said about this day: “The day is melting quickly - you can’t tie it to the fence.”

They used to guess about the harvest by the creaking of the cart wheels: if on this day the wheels move quietly and do not creak, there will be a rich harvest.

On this day, children were asked riddles about wheels and carts. For example, the following are known: “The lady is tinted, belted across, and her back is smeared”; “Four brothers agreed to race, no matter how hard they run, they won’t catch each other”; “One walks, leads four behind him, and the fifth sits, looking with all his eyes.” And on this day they were not advised to wash, but why is unknown

Source: ©

Deep autumn is coming. The harvest was removed from the fields. The days are getting shorter, the evenings are longer, people have more free time. Every person needs to keep themselves busy with something. After all, there are many free evenings and all sorts of holidays ahead. Guests must be greeted, treated, and given gifts. The time has come to do what you love, i.e. arts and crafts.

What types of decorative and applied arts do you know? (Beading, macrame, lace weaving, batik, stained glass, mosaic, thread graphics, painting (gestures, Khokhloma, Gorodets), embroidery, knitting (fork, crochet, knitting), sawing, wood carving, burning, decoupage, collage , modeling (plasticine, dough, clay), embossing.


Guys , p

There is a crossword puzzle in front of you, you must solve it to determine the keyword. It will tell us the topic of today's lesson.

  1. Tool for hand working with fabric. (Needle)
  2. Fabric defect. (Thickening)
  3. Physical property of the fabric. (Dust capacity)
  4. A type of animal fiber. (Silk)
  5. Type of primary processing of textile fiber. (Drying)
  6. Weaving factory specialist. (Weaver)
  7. Fabric finishing process. (Coloring)
  8. Technological property of the fabric. (Shrinkage)

What keyword was encrypted in the crossword puzzle?

That's right - “shred”. And as you probably already guessed, today we will talk about patchwork.

So, the topic of today’s lesson is “Patchwork – an inexhaustible source of creativity.” During the lesson we will get to know each other………(Slide…)

2. Studying new material.

There were no useless things in the old house. Thrifty housewives did not throw away the pieces of fabric left over from cutting, but folded them until the required amount was collected. Then each of these scraps was given a specific place in the finished product.

Housewives did not just sew patches, but sought to do it skillfully. We came up with a pattern, selected the composition according to shape and color combinations.

Sewing from scraps

- one of the traditional types of folk art, which has a long history and deep roots. As an artistic work, quilt sewing is in essence very close to the ancient art of mosaic.

To get acquainted with the origins of patchwork, the girls were given an advanced task: Prepare a report on the history of patchwork. ().

Now listen carefully to the story and try to answer the questions presented on the board:

  • What contributed to the emergence of patchwork?
  • In what environment (urban or peasant) did patchwork appear first and why?
  • When did patchwork traditions begin to take shape in Russia?

Students' story.

1 student:

Slide The first mentions of the art of joining various fabrics are found in historical descriptions dating back to the 11th century. Fabric is a short-lived material, so the time and place where the patchwork technique originated is very arbitrary. The possibility of patchwork needlework appearing in several countries at the same time cannot be ruled out. However, it is generally accepted that this technique originated in England, and then gradually spread to other places. Products made from rags began to appear in Rus', Europe, America, and Australia.

Slide The reason for the appearance of a kind of patchwork was poverty. It was she who forced women to make new ones from the remnants of old clothes, as well as to create various products for everyday life. It is no coincidence that increased interest in patchwork techniques in different countries arose precisely during periods of crisis situations.

2nd student:

Slide Patchwork originated and developed initially among peasants. Village household items were most often both useful and beautiful. Patchwork quilts (Slide), round rugs (Slide), runners (Slide), woven from strips of fabric, as well as painted spinning wheels, carved tues, embroidery, filled everyday life and pleased the eye.

Slide The traditions of patchwork in Russia began to take shape in the 19th century, when factory-made fabrics became an item of everyday use. It was a rare peasant hut that did not have a patchwork quilt made from pieces of worn-out clothing. The scraps were often irregular in shape, selected at random, and connected as necessary. In peasant life, a patchwork blanket had a predominant utilitarian function; it served mainly as protection from the cold. At the same time, in some regions of Russia, traditionally, the making of patchwork quilts was associated with the wedding ceremony: it was part of the dowry. It was customary to give a patchwork quilt for the birth of a child. Such blankets combined practicality and decorativeness.

An important element in the house were dolls - amulets. Amulet dolls were not only used to decorate the interior or to play with in childhood, they have always been very powerful helpers in everyday life, in the social and personal life of our ancestors. Dolls were made on the occasion of folk holidays, for example, for Maslenitsa or Midsummer Day, as gifts or ritual symbols for celebrating family events, such as a wedding or the birth of a child, and were also simply made as companions and guardians of peace, health, prosperity, love.



- Thank you, girls.

— Who will answer the questions asked?

(Students' answers).


Patchwork is an ancient form of arts and crafts. Patchwork technique is an amazing handicraft that came to us from ancient times. In the 70s of the 20th century, when the folk style came into fashion, interest in patchwork sewing arose again. Since then, this interest has grown steadily. Festivals, competitions, master classes are held in our country and abroad, and creative associations are created.

Now patchwork is experiencing a new birth; it has become a favorite pastime for many. From multi-colored scraps you can get original things: vests (SLIDE,,,), skirts (SLIDE,,,), bags (SLIDE,,,), blankets, pillows, bedspreads and make a gift with your own hands.

Nowadays, quilt sewing is regarded as an art form that is growing steadily.

Anyone who wants to can create products using the patchwork technique. Not only fabrics can be used, but also yarn, braid, ribbons, lace - everything that is at hand and, of course, your imagination.


There are a wide variety of techniques for working with patches.

The most common include: patchwork, quilt, textile collage, textile mosaic. (SLIDE)


“Patchwork” translated into Russian means “patchwork” (from the English patch - patch (piece of fabric) and work - work), and its origins lie in darning, the scraps for which were taken from old clothes.


“Quilt” (“quilt” is translated as quilting, quilting; padding with cotton wool) stitching; sew (something inside something).” Since blankets were most often sewn in this way, this word began to be used to refer to a blanket quilted or sewn from individual scraps. Currently, “quilt” refers to any quilted item, be it a blanket, panel or vest.


Textile collage

. Translated from French - sticking. Work in this technique is performed by gluing scraps onto a base, creating a specific pattern.

Textile mosaic

- an ornament made from separate multi-colored shreds fitted to each other. This is a modern technique in which the patches are joined together using a zigzag machine stitch.


  • What tools and equipment are needed to make scrap products?


To work you need to have: needles, scissors, threads, measuring tape, ruler, tailor's pins, cardboard, tailor's chalk, pencil, iron, sewing machine.

  • What fabrics do you think should be used for quilting?

For work it is better to use chintz, satin, calico, cotton, linen, etc. Padding materials: padding polyester, batting. Useful: braid, ribbon, cords, pieces of fur and leather, yarn, buttons. Do not use old fabrics, as they will quickly fray in the product!

How to prepare material for work?


Preparation of materials for work includes the following steps:

1. Determination of color fastness (a corner of the fabric is ironed through a wet cloth). If a mark remains on it, it means the paint is fading. This material can be used after washing.

2. Washing and starching fabrics. Products made from scraps look good and get dirty less if the fabric from which it is made is starched.

3. Decatting is the moistening of fabric before cutting for shrinkage. Under the influence of hot water and steam, all fabrics with natural fibers shrink differently. Patchwork items are made up of many different fabrics, and this distortion can ruin the entire work.

3. Selection of fabrics by color, texture and pattern.

The color wheel “every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits” will help you quickly and tastefully select fabrics. The colors were conditionally divided into two groups: “warm” - red, orange, yellow - reminiscent of the sun and warmth. “Cold” - green, blue, indigo and violet - reminiscent of cold. There is a neutral group of colors - black, white and gray. The colors of sectors located opposite each other are considered contrasting and at the same time harmonious: red-green, orange-blue, yellow-violet. A more refined and complex color combination is considered to be the colors of sectors located one from the other through a sector: red - yellow - blue; green – purple – orange, etc. The colors of neighboring sectors introduce disharmony, and you should not combine them together: red – orange, etc.


Show instructions: “additional colors”

Color Additional colors
Red Green, grey, blue, yellow, black, brown
Orange Purple, royal blue, pale blue
Yellow Black, blue, red, brown, green, light blue, purple
Dark green Brown, beige
Green (light) Yellow, orange, dark green, sand, pink
Pale blue Dark red, gray
Blue Grey, white, blue, yellow, red, black
Violet Light green, dark green
Brown Yellow, black, red, beige, green
Grey Purple, crimson

Working with the application Arranging shapes by color groups (Students work in groups at computers)

The texture of a fabric is the structure of its surface. The texture depends on the weave of the threads.

In the patchwork technique, preference is given to simple weave (plain, twill, satin, satin).

Fabrics with patterns are widely used. Against the background of colorful fabrics, plain fabrics without a pattern stand out noticeably.

They are good for highlighting the main components and main guide lines. And vice versa.

The patchwork technique includes several types. These include:

sewing from squares;

sewing from stripes;

sewing from triangles.

A) This is sewing from squares, it is often used in small mosaic assemblies, and when connecting square blocks with a patchwork pattern into a blanket, napkins.


Today you will try to practice the skills of this assembly method using the example of a pattern of nine squares of two colors that are combined in a color wheel, arranged in a checkerboard pattern.

b) A set of triangles is often included in a mosaic pattern. Having mastered the techniques of collecting triangles, you will be able to make many traditional patterns and independently develop your own unique ornament (pattern).


A simple patchwork pattern can turn a simple piece of fabric into a beautiful tablecloth that can decorate any interior of a residential building


c) Sewing from strips.

This is one of the simplest methods of patchwork sewing - assembling a fabric from strips cut along a grain of thread. Any beginner can easily complete this model.


Using the application, create sketches of “Maple leaf”, “mill”

Practical work No. 1: “Drawing up a sketch of a tack”

The studied material is reinforced by practical work. Students, using colored pencils, draw up a sketch of a potholder, which consists of squares (triangles) of the same size but different colors.

How to make templates correctly!

Making a template


The production of a patchwork product begins with the preparation of templates according to which they are cut. They can be of various shapes and sizes: square, triangular, diamond-shaped. Since the same templates have to be used more than once, they are made from durable materials: thick cardboard, plastic, plexiglass.

(Demonstration of labor technique)

The template is made like this: draw the desired contour on cardboard without seam allowance, then add 5-10 mm to the seam allowance on all sides, and draw the second contour (external). Now they put something thick under the cardboard so as not to cut through the table, and with a sharp knife, first cut along the inner contour, and then along the outer. They receive templates with a “window”. Thanks to this template, greater accuracy of work is achieved, since it allows you to mark on the fabric both the line along which the patches are sewn and the seam allowances. The template is precisely calculated - the product is beautiful and neat!

Practical work No. 2.

1) Safety instructions when working with a utility knife.

2) Making templates from cardboard (triangle, square).

(Students, using their drawings, make templates from cardboard)



The history of patchwork

England is considered to be the birthplace of this technology. But in fact, the history of the appearance of patchwork sewing is connected with much more ancient times. In the National Museum of Cairo there is an example of an ornament on display, the material for which was leather fragments of gazelle skin; scientists date it back to 980 BC. e. The Tokyo City Museum houses an ancient outfit of similar age with patchwork patterns. In 1920, the English archaeologist A. Stein discovered a Buddhist carpet dating back to approximately the 9th century, sewn by monks from many pieces of pilgrims’ clothing.

The history of the emergence of patchwork in European countries is no less interesting. There is an assumption that this craft came from the East along with knights returning from the Crusades, who brought with them carpets, banners, clothes and fabrics as trophies. Then, at the end of the 18th century, settlers from England, Holland and Germany brought the patchwork technique to America, where it was significantly improved and turned into a national form of creativity.

The Western name for this technique is patchwork. This practical and inexpensive type of arts and crafts originally existed in England, where, from the 16th century, excellent cotton fabrics in bright patterns and colors were imported from India. A characteristic sign of wealth in the house was an Indian blanket luxuriously decorated with printed patterns or embroidery.

Technology lesson in 5th grade “Technology for making a product using patchwork technique”

#5th grade #Technology #Methodological developments #Lesson #Subject teacher #School education #UMK ed. V. D. Simonenko

For a technology lesson in 5th grade Prepared by E. V. Tsyganok, technology teacher at the Ivanovo Secondary School, 2012

Technology of making a product using patchwork technique

First, let's answer a few questions: what fabrics do craftswomen use?

Fabrics Cotton Linen synthetic

Tools and materials for work

Tools and materials for work Needles for hand sewing Pins Scissors Tools for marking fabric Quilting templates

Patchwork Cheap, practical, colorful calicoes were used not only in peasant houses, but also in city houses: clothes were sewn from them, and patchwork blankets were made from multi-colored remains of calicoes. In the 20th century, during times of crises, declines in production and wars, patchwork helped many people survive while maintaining the family budget. In the post-war period, the traditions of patchwork sewing faded into the background, giving way to the industrial production of clothing and household decorations. But since the seventies, interest in this type of artistic creativity gradually began to grow. And now a large number of masters are engaged in patchwork sewing. One way or another, modern patchwork is closely intertwined with folk sewing tradition, and through it with the cultural heritage of the past.

A little history The history of patchwork goes back to very distant times. Thus, in the Bulat Museum in Cairo, an example of an ornament dated back to 980 BC and made from pieces of gazelle skin of the same tone is exhibited. The Tokyo Costume Museum displays clothing from the Mayoma Edo period (1569–1867), decorated with patterns made from pieces of various fabrics.

Patchwork Patchwork (patchwork in European style, quilting in American) is one of the most common types of needlework, and this is so, apparently, because this art does not require special material costs, because for products made from patchwork you can use old, unnecessary rag and knitted items. The patchwork technique allows you to turn multi-colored pieces of fabric into original and beautiful things - bright napkins, bedspreads, rugs, elegant accessories and colorful panels. This amazing craft will create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your home.

Quilt A quilt is two layers of fabric with padding in between, sewn together. Often used to create bedspreads or blankets.

Quilting Quilting is a decorative stitch technique that connects three layers of quilt together.

"Square" technique

Triangle technique

“Well” technique

Patchwork has become a real art these days. Designers and decorators create beautiful and stylish decorative products: all kinds of wall panels, blankets, sofa pillows, bedspreads, tablecloths, kitchen utensils that will fill the house with warmth and comfort and will delight you and your loved ones. Patchwork has become a real art these days. Designers and decorators create beautiful and stylish decorative products: all kinds of wall panels, blankets, sofa pillows, bedspreads, tablecloths, kitchen utensils that will fill your home with warmth and comfort, will delight you and your loved ones, and will also be a wonderful gift for friends.





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