How to make a man out of plasticine step by step. We sculpt a person from plasticine step by step. Little man of their details

How to mold a man from plasticine step by step

  1. First of all, we sculpt the head. To do this, take a piece of plasticine, similar in color to your skin tone, and roll it into a ball.
  2. It’s clear how to sculpt a person’s head from plasticine, let’s move on to the torso. To create a body, you also need to roll a ball, but of a larger size. Next, roll it out to an oval shape. The body can be made of any color, depending on what your little man is wearing. We connect the head with the body.
  3. Next, we’ll look at how to mold a person’s arms and legs from plasticine. The limbs are usually made from “sausages” rolled out in the palms of your hands or on a board. Then they are attached to the body: arms on the sides on both sides, legs on the bottom. There is another option for how to mold a person’s legs from plasticine. You can make one thick sausage, and then use a stack to cut it without reaching the end. Then you will get smooth, beautiful legs.
  4. Let's move on to the design of the face. How can a person mold it from plasticine? The eyes are usually made from balls rolled out of black/blue/green plasticine. The mouth and nose are cut out in a stack.
  5. Hair is created by connecting many “snakes” rolled out in the palms of the hands. They can be of different colors: black, yellow, brown, red, blue - your choice.

That's all, the plasticine man is ready.

Modeling kits

There are also modeling kits for children, which include different molds. There are also kits for creating a human figure. How to mold a human figure from plasticine, working with molds?

1. You need to roll a ball of plasticine of the same color or prepare several balls of different colors at once.

2. Next, take the mold and evenly and carefully place the plasticine inside it so that it is completely filled.

3. We do the same with balls of other colors.

4. Carefully connect the upper part of the body with the head and lower part. In the end we get these cute little people.

Children love to sculpt from plasticine, and with such sets the process will become even more exciting and varied.

Today we will sculpt a plasticine man, namely a man. This step-by-step instruction will help and teach you how to mold a person from plasticine, how to make a head, nose, eyes, hair. How to make a man's torso, legs and arms.

Let's get started:

1. Let’s immediately prepare the plasticine we need. These are blue, orange and yellow, as well as small pieces of black, white and pink play dough. 2. Roll a ball out of yellow plasticine; this will be the base of the head. 3. Give the ball the shape of a head, make it slightly elongated and immediately sculpt the neck. 4. Next, you need to make sockets for the eyes and nose. We press with our fingers in the middle of the workpiece, so that we get the depressions we need.

5. Carefully form the nose. If it doesn't work out for you, you can add plasticine and make the nose the way you want. 6. This is the shape of the head. Side view. 7. Under the nose we make a depression for the mouth. Initially, we form the entire head, then we will make all its parts. 8. We begin sculpting the eyes directly. We roll small balls from white plasticine, and slightly smaller ones from black plasticine. 9. We make flat circles from white balls and stick them on the hollows in the eyes. 10. Place black balls on top of the white plasticine, flattening them a little. This is how we made the eyes of the man out of plasticine.

11. Roll two small and thin sausages from black plasticine. 12. Make eyebrows out of them. Let's stick sausages over the eyes.

13. Now comes the hard part. Everyone makes mistakes at this stage. You need to sculpt the hair, usually the rolled hair is sculpted onto the head in one layer. I propose to create them in the form of several sausages. Roll out nine small sausages from black material. 14. Shape the hair from the middle of the head. Stick one line in the center. 15. Here is the top view. 16. Then on one side we will stick another black line and so on. 17. This is how your hair should look. You can make an original bang or ponytail at the bottom of your hair. 18. With such hair, the face is much more beautiful and natural.

19. Again, we sculpt small ears from white plasticine. 20. We glue them on the head. 21. Roll up a mouth from pink plasticine in the shape of an arc. 22. Stick it on your head and we have it completely ready.

23. Let's start making the body. We fashion a rectangle from orange plasticine. 24. Roll two sausages for the hands. 25. These are the parts you will need for the body. 26. Glue the arms to the body. 27. Lubricate the joints between the arms and torso. 28. Let's stick the head to the body.

29. Roll two balls from yellow plasticine. 30. Roll them out a little and form brushes. 31. Making one finger. 32. Then the second finger. 33. Third. 34. Fourth and fifth. 35. We do the second hand in the same way, but don’t forget that the thumbs should be on different sides. 36. Let's stick the hands to the arms.

37. Next, we form the legs from blue plasticine, take the entire layer. And cut it a little more than halfway through. 38. Lubricate the entire layer. 39. Let's stick the legs to the body.

40. Again we roll two balls for the feet from yellow plasticine. 41. We make three-dimensional rectangles out of them. 42. We make shoes for the feet from pink plasticine. 43. These are the curved layers that need to be made. 44. Add pink details to the feet. 45. And in the end we will stick the feet to the legs and the whole person. Ready!

Plasticine cartoons

A caricature is a sarcastic depiction of something. If we talk about a person, then he is portrayed as absurd, unpleasant, funny, and sometimes even terrifying. Let's try to make a caricature out of plasticine.

  • Firstly, the head. How to sculpt a person's face from plasticine if it is a caricature? The head is usually made very large.
  • The man's body should be frail, his arms and legs thin (compared to his head).
  • The facial expression is always stupid. Facial features are also usually sharp or unrealistically convex: nose, eyes, lips.

Plasticine man's face

How to mold a person's face from plasticine?

1. We sculpt the head itself. Since we will be working on the face, we need to make the head a little flat. To do this, roll a ball out of beige plasticine. Next, flatten it a little in your palms or on a board using your fingers. Next, take a small piece of the same color, make an oval nose out of it, and give it a slightly pointed shape with your fingers. Place it in the middle of the face.

2. Let's start sculpting the lips. For this we need red plasticine. We make a cake out of it, then use the stack to shape the lips. We attach the lips just below the nose. Next, we take two small pieces of white plasticine and also make oval-shaped cakes from them. We attach them a little higher from the nose on both sides of it.

3. We continue to sculpt the eyes. We take two more brown pieces of slightly smaller sizes and do the same with them as before with the white pieces. Layer brown on white.

4. Finish the eyes. Now we need black plasticine - we will make the pupils. We do the same with it and put it on top of the eyes. Only the hair remains. Take brown/yellow/black or plasticine of any other color and roll out a thick flagellum from it. We attach it to the head - on the sides and top. Then, using a stack, we add realism to the hair - we create the shape of the curls.

That's all, the plasticine head is ready. Blinding it is not difficult; anyone, even a child, can do it.

Sculpting of a human figure in motion.

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– So we found ourselves in the kingdom of Clay and Plasticine. Once upon a time, our distant ancestor first noticed that a lump of clay can be crushed and at the same time it takes on different shapes. This was the beginning of the art of sculpting. The Romans coined the word “sculpture,” which means “to carve,” “to carve.” The ancient Slavs called this art “sculpting”. The ancient Greeks developed standards for perfect proportions of the human body. The beauty of the works they created remains unsurpassed. The proportions of any living organism change as they develop. These changes are clearly visible in the human figure. The proportions of a small child are very different from those of an adult. In an adult, the size of the head occupies 1/7 of his total height, and in a child 4–5 years old - 1/4 or 1/5.

There are ratios of body parts: the ends of the fingers of an adult’s lowered hand, when he is standing, fall approximately slightly below the middle of the thigh. The thigh is slightly longer than the tibia. The forearm is shorter than the upper arm. Look at pictures depicting the figure of an adult and a child, clay and porcelain sculptures depicting a person in motion; see how a piece of clay should be shaped to produce the entire human figure from one piece. Name the stages of completing the practical task.

1. Knead the plasticine.

2. Distribute plasticine over the masses of body parts.

3. Sculpt a human figure.

4. Give the figure movement.

Summary of the lesson.

– Consider all the completed figures and choose the most expressive and neatest ones. Explain your choice. Our journey has come to an end.


Implementation of the program content in educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

Types of children's activities: communicative, perception of fiction and folklore, visual arts.

Goals: learn to answer questions; develop skills of correct grammatical structure of speech; consolidate the ability to depict one’s hometown, different houses, convey the details of festive decorations, paint with paints; develop aesthetic perception, sense of color, composition.

Target guidelines for preschool education: has an idea of ​​the family, family relationships, family traditions; can write a short story about his family; knows the name of the author and the title of the poem read; independently draws festive fireworks in different ways, correctly organizing the composition.

Materials and equipment: white or colored paper in soft tones, slightly larger than a landscape sheet, gouache; "Family Tree" poster; a heart with the inscription “Friendly Family”; glue; small hearts.

Contents of organized children's activities

Introductory word from the teacher.

– Today we will talk about the most important thing in every person’s life – family. Let's learn how to depict a festive city and fireworks.

Conversation on the topic “My family.”

– Today we will talk about family. How do you understand the word “family”? (These are people close to us: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, sister, who are always next to us, live in the same house, take care of each other, show attention.)

– Look at the “Family Tree” poster. Which part of the tree is considered the main part? (Root.)

Who is the most important person in the family?
(The one who is older.)
These are our grandparents, you must admit, they always help us make the right decision, help us with advice.
Each of you has a family album. And usually photographs of the most important family members are placed on the first page. Who do you think? (Grandmothers, grandfathers.)
Then photographs of mothers, fathers, children.
Let's take a look at your family album. Tell about your family. Popular wisdom says: “You don’t need a treasure when there is harmony in the family.” How do you understand it? Which family has the treasure? And in what way? What is "lad"? (The ability to get along with yourself and with people is the most valuable quality in a person.)
- Now I’ll tell you one story, you be careful so that you can answer why this family is considered friendly.

In ancient times, there lived a surprisingly friendly family. Huge family - 100 people. Word of this reached the supreme ruler himself. And he decided to visit this family. When the ruler was convinced that all this was true, he asked the head of the family: “How do you manage to live without ever quarreling or offending each other?” Then the head of the family took the paper, wrote 100 words on it and gave it to the ruler. He quickly read it and was surprised: the same word was written 100 times on the sheet - “understanding.”

– So why do we call this family friendly? Consider the heart with the inscription “Friendly Family”. This big heart is our friendly family, and it consists of small hearts in which friendship, trust, happiness, respect should reign. Take small hearts and attach them around the big heart.

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