L. N. Tolstoy “Old grandfather and granddaughters” 2nd grade educational complex “School of Russia”


The old grandfather was completely old: his teeth fell out, his eyes saw almost nothing, his legs did not obey him at all, he heard almost nothing. When the old man ate, everything poured back out of his mouth. The daughter-in-law and son stopped seating him at the common table and took a place behind the stove.

One day, the old man accidentally broke a cup of food, which greatly angered his daughter-in-law. The woman began to scold her grandfather for ruining her things in the house. She stated that from now on he would eat not from plates, but from a wooden basin. The old man sighed but remained silent.

One day, my son and daughter-in-law were sitting at home and noticed how their little son Misha was persistently trying to put something together out of planks. The father asked the boy what he wanted to build. He replied that he was trying to make a basin to feed his parents from it when they became very old.

The husband and wife looked at each other and began to cry. They felt very ashamed of their behavior in front of the helpless old man. They again seated their grandfather in the place of honor at the table, and from then on they never offended him again.


There lived a family consisting of a father, his son, daughter-in-law and grandson. Over time, the grandfather grew old, was left without teeth, practically could not see or hear anything, and his legs and arms did not obey. When grandfather ate, all the food fell out of his mouth and he slurped. For this reason, they stopped seating him at the common table and gave him a place behind the stove .

Once an old man accidentally broke a plate of food, and by this act he angered his daughter-in-law. She began to scold the old man for damaging things in the house. She said that now grandfather would eat not from cups, but from a wooden basin. Grandfather was upset, sighed, but did not say anything.

One day, a son and daughter-in-law saw their child making something out of planks. They asked the boy what he wanted to build. The answer surprised the parents. The boy said that he was making a basin from which he would feed his mother and father when they grew old .

The parents looked at each other and cried bitterly. They were ashamed of their behavior in front of their helpless grandfather. The old man was again seated at the table and given the most honorable place. They didn't hurt him anymore.


Boy Misha taught an excellent lesson to his parents. They realized that they had set a bad example for their son, and soon they themselves might find themselves in the place of a weak and sick grandfather. Old age comes to everyone without exception, and the way the family treats old and sick relatives is adopted by young children. So that they do not grow up to be heartless egoists, they must see how their parents care about the elderly.

Drawing-illustration for the fable Old Grandfather and Granddaughters

Drawing-illustration for the fable Old grandfather and granddaughters.


Test on literary reading in the section “Russian writers”. (2nd grade)

  1. What is the name of the nanny A.S. Pushkin?_________________________________________________________________
  2. From which work is the excerpt:

There is a green oak near the Lukomorye;

Golden chain on the oak tree:

Day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes around and around...

A) “Ruslan and Lyudmila” B) “Eugene Onegin”


What fairy-tale characters did the cat talk about?


  1. What did the old woman wish in A.S.’s fairy tale? Pushkin's "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"?

List all your desires:_________________________________________________________________



  1. The works of I.A. Krylov “Swan, Crayfish and Pike”, “Dragonfly and Ant” are

A) Fairy tales B) Poems C) Fables D) Stories

5. Where L.N. was born and died. Tolstoy?__________________________________________________________

6. What L.N. What did Tolstoy do for Russia?______________________________________________________________

7. What works of L.N. Do you know Tolstoy?_________________________________________________


8. Connect the proverb with the work.

If you want a lot, you will lose the last

“The Dragonfly and the Ant”
Time for business, time for fun.
“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”
He who honors his parents never perishes .
“Swan, Crayfish and Pike”
It’s not sad together, but at least let’s be apart.
“Old Grandfather and Granddaughter”
Reading Technique Test


A squirrel made a nest in a tall pine tree in the forest. Everything is round, closed, and on one side there is a loophole left so you can climb inside. The squirrel is a dexterous animal. All day long he jumps from branch to branch, from tree to tree, where he picks a berry, where he picks a fir cone. And when autumn comes, the squirrel will start preparing supplies for the winter. Either he hangs the mushrooms to dry, or he hides the nuts in a hollow. It’s cold and hungry in winter, so the squirrel needs supplies. (70 words) V. Chaplin.

  1. On which tree did the squirrel make its nest?
  2. What did the squirrel do all day?
  3. What did the squirrel collect?
  4. Why does a squirrel collect supplies?

(Less than 25 words “2”, 25-34 words “3”, 35 – 45 words “4”, more than 45 words “5”).





Literary reading lesson on the topic: L. N. Tolstoy. “Old grandfather and granddaughter” (2nd grade)

Literary reading, 2nd grade, educational complex “School of Russia”.

Primary school teacher, MBU Secondary School No. 74

urban district of Togliatti

Ivanova Valentina Ivanovna.

Lesson topic: L.N. Tolstoy. "Old grandfather and grandson"

Student goals:

  • I am learning to plan UD;
  • learning to read correctly;
  • learning to ask questions;
  • learning to analyze;
  • learning to draw conclusions;
  • I'm learning to speak correctly.

Educational objectives.

1) Introducing children to L. N. Tolstoy’s fable “The Old Grandfather and Granddaughters.”

2) Formation of ideas about the content and meaning of the read work as a means of spiritual and moral development of the personality of younger schoolchildren.

3) Development of intellectual skills (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization).

4) Improving reading skills and speech development.

5) Fostering a sense of respect for older people and parents.

Lesson type: combined lesson.

Used textbooks and teaching aids:

textbook on literary reading “Native Speech” for grade 2 (compiled by: Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G., Golovanova M.V.);

Ozhegov S.I. and Shvedova N.Yu. “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” - M.: Azbukovnik, 2012.

Equipment used:

screen, multimedia projector, cards for individual work, pencils, “mathematical fans”, “Wise Owl”, demonstration materials for the board.

  1. Class organization.
  2. Speech gymnastics.

Listening to a video (singing along) of B. Grebenshchikov’s song “Under the Blue Sky.”

  1. Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson.

-I thought for a long time whether it was worth choosing such a video for a literary reading lesson, because there were very pleasant and beautiful shots, but there were also unpleasant and even scary ones.

-Why do you think there is such a contrast in the plot?

(Life is not always easy and pleasant).

-Guys, look carefully at the board. This is an encryption, there is a key nearby that will help you solve it. Think and tell me what is encrypted here?


(The name, patronymic and surname of the writer are encrypted on the board - Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy).

-That's right, the first, middle and last names of the great Russian writer are encrypted here: Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

-What do you think we will do in class today?

(We will read the works of L.N. Tolstoy).

-How would you like to structure the lesson?

-Today we will get acquainted with the fable “The Old Grandfather and Granddaughter.”

-What is a fable?

(A fable is a short story that has a lesson or moral).

-So, if we read the fable, we will definitely learn something.

-What would you like to learn?

-I would like you to be able to draw your own conclusions at the end of the lesson, starting with the following words...

(Notes on the board open.)

I felt …

I thought...

I understand…

IV. Learning new material.

1) A story about L.N. Tolstoy.

-Now the children who received differentiated homework will tell us about the writer’s life. Listen carefully, be prepared to answer the questions of the “Wise Owl”.


a) Where did L.N. Tolstoy live?

b) What kind of person was he?

c) How did Tolstoy help children from poor families?

d) What did he write about in his stories for children?

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born in 1828, almost 200 years ago, in Yasnaya Polyana, Krapivensky district, Tula province. Tolstoy's family belonged to a rich and noble count family, which occupied a high position even in the time of Peter the Great. It would seem, why work?

To my surprise, Lev Nikolaevich worked all the time. He plowed the land, mowed grass, sawed wood, built huts, and sewed boots. Lev Nikolaevich believed that all work is useful and necessary.

He lived a long life and wrote many books for children and adults. But besides this, he studied history, music, drawing and medicine. But most importantly, he loved children very much.

Tolstoy can be considered one of the first teachers of his kind who rejected the idea of ​​“education only for the rich.” Lev Nikolaevich believed that it is necessary to “sow the rational, the good, the eternal” in any child, then the society that these children will build will be a truly correct society.

At that time there were very few schools; children of poor people could not study at all.

In a neighboring village, Lev Nikolaevich used all his savings to build a school for poor children and began teaching them using textbooks that he himself wrote. He spent a lot of time with children. In winter I went skiing and sledding with them, and in summer I went with them to the forest.

In his short stories for children, he writes about empathy, helping the weak, about true friendship and courage, about doing good to people, about the need to learn, and much more.

He lived in his house in Yasnaya Polyana for a very long time. Now there is a museum there, which is visited by people all over the world.

The writer did a tremendous job, ensuring that, as he himself said, everything was “beautiful, short, simple and, most importantly, clear.”

The parables and fables he wrote speak about this.

-What is a parable?

(A parable is a short edifying story containing teaching (wisdom).

— What genre of literature do you already know that is created for the same purpose? (Fables.)

-The narrative part of a number of Tolstoy’s fables resembles a fairy tale, some of them describe real life conditions. Whatever they are, they bring the best to people, make them stop and pay attention to the shortcomings in our lives.

2) Checking the perception of the material.

(Answers on questions).

(L.N. Tolstoy lived in Yasnaya Polyana.

He was a hardworking, kind, intelligent man.

Tolstoy opened a school, wrote textbooks and taught children.

In his stories he wrote about friendship, helping the weak, kindness and compassion).

-Well done! You were attentive and answered all the questions from the “Wise Owl” correctly.

Open your textbook to page 108.

Read the text aloud.

— What else did you learn from this text about the writer?

- Turn the page, who do you see in this illustration? (Family.)

-Where does she live?

- How do you think this family lives in our time?

- Why do you think so?

(In old clothes, in bast shoes, old shops).

3) Updating students' knowledge.

-L. N. Tolstoy in his work very often turned to the wisdom of the Russian people, to proverbs and sayings.

-Why do you think?

-Knowledge of proverbs and sayings enriches our speech. Today we will read three proverbs. They are all united by one theme. Only the beginning and the end are confused. Take cards, pencils and connect the beginning and end of the proverbs so that you get correct statements.

1. He who honors his parents never perishes.

2. The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

3. There is no better friend than your own mother.

-Look at the screen. Who doesn't?

-Read aloud the first proverb that you came up with.

- What does “reveres” mean?

- How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?

(You must respect your parents, love them).

-Read the second proverb. How do you understand it?

(When everyone is together, you don’t worry about anyone, you don’t worry).

-Read the third proverb. Explain its meaning.

(Mom is the best and most reliable friend).

-What theme are these proverbs united by?

(All three proverbs are about family).

- Let us remember the statement of the great Russian teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky:

“The family is the environment where a person should learn to do good.”

  • What do you think the fable will be about?

4) Primary perception of the text. Reflection.

-Listen to Leo Tolstoy’s fable “The Old Grandfather and Granddaughter” performed by the author. After listening, I will ask you to think and continue the following conclusions in your own words.

I felt …

I thought...

5) Vocabulary work.

-The fable “Old Grandfather and Granddaughter” tells about a story that happened in one family. It was written a long time ago; while reading, we will come across words that are practically not used in our time.

At home, Dasha found these words in the Explanatory Dictionary and prepared to explain their meaning to us.

pelvis (pelvis), daughter-in-law, organizes

(Cards with the word are hung on the board).

6) Checking the initial perception of the text.

-Continue the first conclusion, the beginning of which is indicated on the board.

(I felt how offended my grandfather was. I felt sorry for him).

-Continue the second statement.

(I thought about how we should treat old people).

-I agree with you. This piece gave me the same feelings as you.

V. Structural analysis of the text.

1) Reading a fable to yourself.

-Read the fable to yourself and think about what two semantic parts it can be divided into?

2) Reading the fable out loud “in a chain”.

3) Reading and analysis of part I.

-How many parts can the fable be divided into?

(I believe that the fable can be divided into two semantic parts. The first part talks about how the grandfather was offended. The second part talks about how the son taught his parents a lesson).

-Read the first part of the fable and answer the questions from the “Wise Owl.”

-Find in the text and read the passage that can answer the question why grandfather was not seated at the table?

(The grandfather became very old. His legs couldn’t walk, his eyes couldn’t see, his ears couldn’t hear, he had no teeth. And when he ate, it flowed back from his mouth. His son and daughter-in-law stopped sitting him at the table, but let him dine at stove).

-What happened during lunch at the stove?

(Grandfather wanted to move the cup of food, dropped it and broke it).

-Why did grandfather drop and break the cup?

(Because he was very old and couldn’t see well).

-Read the passage that says what the daughter-in-law did when the grandfather broke a cup of food?

(The daughter-in-law began to scold the old man for ruining everything in the house and breaking cups, and said that now she would give him dinner in a tub).

-Did the daughter-in-law do the right thing? Why?

(The daughter-in-law did the wrong thing; he didn’t break the cup on purpose).

4) Reading and analysis of part II.

-Read the second semantic part of the fable aloud and answer questions from the “Wise Owl.”

-Why did Misha make the tub?

(To feed parents from it when they become old).

-Read the passage that explains why Misha’s parents cried?

(They felt ashamed for offending the old man so much.)

— How did the family treat your grandfather after this story?

(They began to sit him at the table and look after him.)

VI. Logical text analysis.

1) Definition of the teaching, moral of the fable.

-Can this fable be called instructive? What does she teach us?

(The fable teaches us to treat older people with respect, to be attentive and caring towards our parents).

-What is the idea of ​​this work?

(As you love and respect your parents, so will your children respect you).

2) Determining the relevance of the fable “The Old Grandfather and Granddaughters”.

-This work was written a very long time ago. Tell me, can such a story happen in our time?

-Are there any elderly people in your family? Tell us how you feel about them?

-In one of the parts of the “PORTFOLIO” I will ask you to write a story about your family, about how you take care of your family and friends. You can make a drawing or attach a photograph to the story.

“Now the guys who have received differentiated homework will tell us in poetry about how to treat old people and family.

3) Choosing a proverb to define the idea of ​​a fable.

1. He who honors his parents never perishes.

2. The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

3. There is no better friend than your own mother.

-Look at the blackboard. Here are the proverbs that we made at the beginning of the lesson. Take the fans and show the number of the proverb that most accurately reflects the idea of ​​the fable “Old Grandfather and Granddaughters.”

(Children show No. 1).

-Well done guys, I agree with your choice.

VII. Comparison of fables by I. A. Krylov and L. N. Tolstoy.

-Tell me, what fables did we get acquainted with in previous lessons? Who is their author?

(I.A. Krylov. “Swan, Crayfish and Pike”, “Dragonfly and Ant”).

-Let's compare L. N. Tolstoy's fable “The Old Grandfather and Granddaughters” and the fables of I. A. Krylov. What is their difference?

(In Tolstoy’s fable, the characters are people, it is written in prose. In Krylov’s fables, the characters are animals, they are written in poetic form).

-What do they have in common?

(All these fables are instructive).

VIII. Lesson summary. Reflection.

-Let's return to unfinished statements and conclusions. We have one more line left.

I understand …

- Continue this conclusion.

(I realized that you need to take care of old people, parents, love and respect them; that relatives need to be attentive to each other).


Creative task: in the “PORTFOLIO” write a story about your family, about how you take care of your family and friends; You can make a drawing or attach a photograph to the story.

Teacher reading a fable.

— Guys, at the end of a literary reading lesson, I often read poetry to you, which is called “for the soul.” Today I have prepared for you L. N. Tolstoy’s fable “A Glass of Water.” The content of the fable really touched me.

Glass of water

Yura's grandfather is eighty-five years old. He knows many interesting fairy tales. The eight-year-old grandson loves to listen to the amazing stories his grandfather tells him.

But now grandfather is sick. He lies there and breathes heavily. Mom said as she left for work:

- Sit, Yurko, next to your grandfather, take care of him. If he asks for water, give him fresh water, if he asks to open the window, open it...

Yura was sitting near the bed of his sick grandfather, reading a book.

In half a day, grandfather asked for water three times.

The boy was tired of sitting next to the patient. He put the book on the table, quietly left the hut and ran to the guys to play ball.

Yura walked for a long time at the stadium, and the sun was already setting. But the boy was uneasy in his soul. Yura abandoned the game and ran home.

He quietly opened the door, walked over to the bed and knelt down. Grandfather lay motionless. There was not a drop of water in the glass.

All his life Yura was tormented by remorse. He thought: “Grandfather died, probably because there was no water. He was thirsty, but there wasn’t a drop in his glass. And at this time I was playing ball with the boys.”

“Do not what you want, but what you need,” Yura taught his son.

(To have a break)

-I think we are doing with you not what we want, but what we need.

-I had the best parents in the world. I really, really miss them.

-But remember, a person lives as long as he is remembered. I love life very much, and my parents, my dad and mom taught me this. In memory of my parents, I give you a symbol of love: love for parents, for each other, for life, for nature - “a piece of my heart.” And if suddenly, God forbid, you ever find it difficult, take this “heart” in your palm, and I assure you, you will immediately feel better. In any case, I would really like this.

Fable "Old Grandfather and Granddaughter"

Grandfather became very old. His legs did not walk, his eyes did not see, his ears did not hear, he had no teeth. And when he ate, it flowed backwards from his mouth. His son and daughter-in-law stopped sitting him at the table and let him dine at the stove.

They brought him lunch in a cup. He wanted to move it, but he dropped it and broke it. The daughter-in-law began to scold the old man for ruining everything in the house and breaking cups, and said that now she would give him dinner in a basin. The old man just sighed and said nothing.

One day, a husband and wife are sitting at home and watching their little son playing on the floor with planks, working out something. The father asked: “What are you doing this, Misha?” And Misha says: “It’s me, father, who’s making the basin. When you and your mother are too old to feed you from this tub.”

The husband and wife looked at each other and began to cry. They felt ashamed that they had offended the old man so much; and from then on they began to sit him at the table and look after him.

Analysis of the fable “Old Grandfather and Granddaughters”

In the fable “The Old Grandfather and Granddaughter,” the author tells us about a seemingly ordinary family life in which three generations live side by side: father, son and wife, and grandson. The father is helpless and old, which undoubtedly irritates and angers the son and his wife. The grandson, reading what is happening from the position of a heart that is pure and not tired of adult problems and oppression, opens the eyes of his parents, just calling things by their proper names. Seeing the disdain with which his grandfather is treated, the boy concludes that this is the norm and prepares for a similar position towards his parents in the future. And only after projecting the current situation onto themselves, parents understand how wrong they were.

With his story, Tolstoy wanted to clearly show a true reflection of the reality that overtakes many families - the old age of parents, unfortunately, comes along with the impatience and irritability of their children. This is a very cruel side of the coin called “Family”. However, the decision to abandon such merciless injustice will not become too much for you; you should just imagine for a moment that the attitude of your children towards you during the period of merciless aging will be similar. Arranges? No? So you are on the right track.

Treat your elders with due respect and care, so that you don’t reproach yourself for the opposite for the rest of your life.

Read all Tolstoy's fables

Lesson on literary reading in 2nd grade “L.N. Tolstoy. Old grandfather and grandson"

Lesson on literary reading in 2nd grade L.N. Tolstoy “Old grandfather and granddaughters”


-introduce students to the biography of Leo Tolstoy, his story “The Old Grandfather and Granddaughters”;

- learn to find the main idea in the text, confirm your judgments with quotes from the text;

- cultivate respect and compassion for old people and parents.

Planned results:

-students must perceive works of art by ear;

-correlate the meaning of a proverb and a prose work;

-retell the text in detail, selectively;

-characterize the characters in the story based on an analysis of their actions and the author’s attitude towards them.


multimedia project, cards with proverbs, textbook on literary reading (author: L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky)

During the classes.

Organizing time.

Checking homework.

Expressive reading of I.A. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant.”

(prepared drawings for the fable are hung on the board)

Setting lesson goals.

-Today we will get acquainted with the biography and work of the great writer, our fellow countryman. Open your textbooks to p. 108, read his name.

-We will talk about what the relationship should be with the family, how one should treat elders.

At the end of the lesson I will ask you to answer questions, so you must listen carefully during the lesson.

IV . Work on the topic of the lesson.

-Now I will tell you about the life of a writer. Listen carefully and be prepared to answer questions.

1. Acquaintance with the biography.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828 – 1910) – great Russian writer. He lived to be 82 years old and dedicated his entire life to literature. Tolstoy studied history, music, drawing, and medicine. His books have been translated into many languages ​​and are read all over the world. The complete collection contains 90 volumes.

He lived in his house in Yasnaya Polyana for a very long time. Now there is a museum there, which is visited by people all over the world.

Lev Nikolaevich loved children very much. At that time there were few schools; children of poor people could not study at all. In a neighboring village, he set up a school for poor children and began teaching them using his textbooks, which he himself wrote. But he spent a lot of time with the children. In winter I went skiing and sledding with them, and in summer I went with them to the forest. He wrote specifically for schoolchildren.

In his short stories for children, he writes about empathy, helping the weak, true friendship and courage.

2.Checking the perception of the material.

1.Where did L.N. Tolstoy live?

2. What kind of person was he?

3.How did Tolstoy help poor children?

4.What did he write about in his stories?

-Well done, you were attentive and answered all my questions correctly.

3.Working with illustrations.

-Look at the illustration on p. 108. Tell it from the pictures.

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