Presentation on the topic “Law” for preparation for the Unified State Exam in social studies

Elements of the legal system:

  • A rule of law is a generally binding rule of behavior established or sanctioned by the state, which is designed for an indefinite number of similar cases and addressed to each and everyone who finds themselves in the life situation provided for by the norm.
  • A branch of law is a set of homogeneous legal norms regulating a homogeneous sphere of social relations (labor, family, civil law, etc.)
  • A sub-branch of law is a group of legal norms that, as part of a branch of law, regulate close relationships of a certain type. For example, in civil law there is a sub-branch of copyright.
  • The institution of law is a set of legal norms regulating any specific type of homogeneous social relations (for example, in labor law - the institution of wages, in civil law - the institution of inheritance, etc.)

Thus, in the branch of law, sub-sectors are distinguished, which, in turn, are divided into legal institutions. Such a system of law makes it easier to regulate certain relationships in society. And everything is based on the rule of law, that is, specific laws, decrees, agreements, etc.

A special branch is international law , which is not part of the system of any state; it is a set of legal norms governing relations between states. In the hierarchy of branches of law it occupies a dominant position. This means that not a single legal act of the state should contradict the international documents that the state has signed.

Information society presentation for a lesson on the topic

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Substance? Energy Information

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Substance Information Energy primitive communal slave feudal industrial information

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Information society History of development

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The information society is a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing, sale and exchange of INFORMATION.

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Information is knowledge, data, information, messages about the world around us, recorded on material media.

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The main stages of the development of the information society Time Stage Advantages Material media 2-3 million years ago Speech Formation of a work collective, a method of preserving and transmitting accumulated experience Human brain 30 thousand years ago Writing Accumulation and dissemination of experience Stone, bone, wood, clay, papyrus, silk, paper Mid-16th century Printing Mass accessibility to information – industrial revolution Book

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Main stages in the development of the information society Time Stage Advantages Material media Since the end of the 19th century Communication means Fast transmission of information over any distance Electromagnetic oscillations Since the middle of the 20th century Computer science Computer networks have fundamentally changed the processing, storage and transmission of information Punched tapes, punched cards, magnetic cards, magnetic tapes , magnetic disks, optical disks, flash drives. Information revolutions

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The science of information and technical means of its collection, storage, processing, transmission. mathematics physics cybernetics chemistry electronics history philosophy Computer science

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Community Resources Natural resources (minerals); Material resources; Financial resources; Economic resources; Labor resources… traditional Information resources

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Library information resources (more than 150 thousand in Russia, electronic catalogs are being created, books are being digitized); scientific and technical information centers (registration of new inventions and discoveries), archives (translation into electronic form), industry resources (computer centers of enterprises, information processing and management organizations), social resources (health care, education, pension fund, insurance system, tourism, etc.).

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Legal norms. Crimes in the information sphere.

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Unauthorized (illegal) access to information. A person gains access to secret information, for example, by selecting a cipher (password). Computer system malfunction. As a result of deliberate actions, the resources of the computing system become unavailable or its performance decreases. An example of this type of crime is the creation and distribution of computer viruses. Forgery (distortion or alteration), i.e. violation of the integrity of computer information.

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Information security measures 1. Organizational (Staff training, controlled channels of information dissemination, division of access rights, destruction of unnecessary copies of documents, observance of trade secrets by personnel); 2. Legal (Law “On the Legal Protection of Computer Programs and Databases”); 3. Software and hardware: - Protection against computer viruses; — Data encryption; — Data backup; — Restricting access to devices and the file system; — Traffic control using firewalls (firewalls).

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Test questions 1. Name and characterize the stages of information development of society. 2. What is information? 3. What is called computer science? 4. What was the main reason for the invention of the computer? 5. What is included in information resources. 6. Name the main legal norms related to information

Private and public law

  • Private law regulates the relations of private individuals, that is, horizontal relations, both parties to it are equal, they are given the opportunity to choose (family, labor, civil law).
  • Public law - regulates the relations between government bodies and citizens (as well as organizations, structures, etc.) In it, the parties are unequal, public law is characterized by subordination, prohibition and obligation - directive (imperative) norms (constitutional, administrative, criminal). Public law ensures the interests of a public nature, that is, the entire society.


The system of law is its internal organization, expressed in the unity and interaction of its various, relatively independent elements.

The legal system is the entire legal life of the country, the entire legal organization of society. The category “legal system” is much broader than the concept of “system of law”, since it characterizes not only the system of law, but also the entire legal development of a particular country, including the structure of legislation - the legal system.

Stages of the legislative process

  • legislative initiative , i.e. introducing a bill or legislative proposal;
  • consideration of the bill in parliamentary chambers and committees (commissions);
  • adoption of a law;
  • authorization, promulgation and publication of the law ; this stage is sometimes divided into authorization (signing) by the head of state and promulgation with official publication.

A legislative initiative is the official introduction of a bill or legislative proposal to parliament.

A bill is the text of a future law with all its attributes (preamble, articles, paragraphs, precise wording of norms, etc.).

A legislative proposal is just an idea or concept of a future law.

In the Russian Federation, subjects of the right of legislative initiative in accordance with Art. 104 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation are

  • President of the Russian Federation
  • Council of the Federation
  • members of the Federation Council
  • State Duma deputies
  • Government of the Russian Federation
  • legislative (representative) bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  • Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
  • Supreme Court of the Russian Federation,

Despite the dangers, information technology:

2) increase the ability of people to participate in the political decision-making process and monitor the actions of governments;

3) provide the opportunity to actively produce information, and not just consume it;

4) provide a means of protecting privacy and anonymity of personal messages and communications

Subsistence farmingThe basis is industry, in agriculture - increasing labor productivity. Destruction of natural dependence. The basis of production is information. The service sector comes to the fore.
Primitive craftsMachineryComputer techologies
The predominance of collective forms of ownership. Protection of property of only the upper class of society. Traditional economics. The basis of the economy is state and private property, a market economy.Availability of different forms of ownership. Mixed economy.
The production of goods is limited to a certain type, the list is limited.Standardization is uniformity in the production and consumption of goods and services.Individualization of production, up to exclusiveness.
Extensive economyIntensive economyIncreasing the share of small-scale production.
Hand toolsMachine technology, conveyor production, automation, mass productionThe economic sector associated with the production of knowledge, processing and dissemination of information has been developed.
Dependence on natural and climatic conditionsIndependence from natural and climatic conditionsCooperation with nature, resource-saving, environmentally friendly technologies.
Slow introduction of innovations into the economy.Scientific and technical progress.Modernization of the economy.
The standard of living of the majority of the population is low.Growing income of the population. Mercantilism
of consciousness.
High level and quality of life of people.
Dependence of position on social status. The main units of society are family, communityThe emergence of new classes - the bourgeoisie and the industrial proletariat. Urbanization. Erasing class differences. Increasing share of the middle class. The share of the population engaged in processing and disseminating information over the labor force in agriculture and industry is increasing significantly
Stability of the social structure, stable boundaries between social communities, adherence to a strict social hierarchy. Estate. The mobility of the social structure is great, the possibilities of social movement are not limited. The emergence of classes.Eliminating social polarization. Blurring class differences.
Dominance of the Church and the ArmyThe role of the state is increasing.Political pluralism
Power is hereditary, the source of power is the will of God.The dominance of law and law (though, more often on paper) Equality before the law. Individual rights and freedoms are legally established. The main regulator of relations is the rule of law. Civil society. Relations between the individual and society are built on the principle of mutual responsibility.
Monarchical forms of government, no political freedoms, power above the law, absorption of the individual by the collective, despotic state The state subjugates society, society is outside the state and its control does not exist.Granting political freedoms, the republican form of government prevails. A person is an active subject of politics. Democratic transformations Law, right - not on paper, but in practice. Democracy. Consensus democracy. Political pluralism.
Norms, customs, beliefs.Continuing education.
of consciousness, fanatical attitude towards religion.
of consciousness. The emergence of atheists.
Freedom of conscience and religion.
Individualism and individual identity were not encouraged; collective consciousness prevailed over the individual.Individualism, rationalism, utilitarianism of consciousness.The desire to prove oneself, to achieve success in life.
There are few educated people, the role of science is not great. The education is elite. The role of knowledge and education is great. Mainly secondary education. The role of science, education, and the information age is great. Higher education. A global telecommunications network—the Internet—is being formed.
The predominance of oral information over written information.The dominance of mass culture.Availability of different types of culture
Adaptation to nature.Liberation of man from direct dependence on nature, partial subordination of it to himself. The emergence of environmental problems.Anthropogenic civilization, i.e. in the center is a person, his individuality, interests. solving environmental problems.


Types of society.

Traditional society

- a type of society based on subsistence agriculture, a monarchical system of government and the predominance of religious values ​​and worldview.

Industrial society
a type of society based on the development of industry, a market economy, the introduction of scientific achievements in the economy, the emergence of a democratic form of government, a high level of knowledge development, scientific and technological progress, and the secularization of consciousness.

Post-industrial society

– a modern type of society based on the dominance of information (computer technology) in production, development of the service sector, continuous education, freedom of conscience, consensus democracy, and the formation of civil society.


1.By degree of openness:

closed society

– characterized by a static social structure, limited mobility, traditionalism, very slow introduction of innovations or their absence, and authoritarian ideology.

open society

– characterized by a dynamic social structure, high social mobility, the ability to innovate, pluralism, and the absence of state ideology.

  1. By availability of writing:



(knowing the alphabet or symbolic writing)

3.According to the degree of social differentiation (or stratification



— pre-state formations, there are no managers and subordinates)


– several levels of management, layers of the population.

Explanation of terms

Terms, conceptsDefinitions
individualism of consciousnessa person’s desire for self-realization, manifestation of his personality, self-development.
mercantilismthe goal is to accumulate wealth, achieve material well-being, money issues come first.
providentialisma fanatical attitude towards religion, complete subordination to it of the life of both an individual and the entire society, a religious worldview.
rationalismthe predominance of reason in human actions and actions, rather than emotions, an approach to resolving issues from the point of view of reasonableness - unreasonableness.
secularizationthe process of liberating all spheres of public life, as well as the consciousness of people, from the control and influence of religion
urbanizationgrowth of cities and urban populations

Material prepared by: Melnikova Vera Aleksandrovna

What four signs of the information society are named by the author?

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

The formation of the information society is far from complete, but it seems possible to highlight some of its characteristics.

The sector associated with the production of knowledge, processing and dissemination of information becomes dominant in the economy. As a result, the share of costs for research and marketing of new products exceeds the material costs of its production. Thus, in US pharmaceutical and computer companies, the latter have decreased to 10-15% of its value (in the US automotive industry they are still above 50%, which apparently determines its lag behind the Japanese one).

Share of “know-how” sales, i.e. technical information in the total volume of foreign and domestic trade begins to exceed the share of products of the agricultural, mining and manufacturing sectors of the economy. According to existing estimates, in the United States this “threshold” was exceeded back in the 1980s.

The share of the country's amateur population engaged in the creation, processing and dissemination of information begins to exceed the size of the labor force employed in agriculture and industry. It should be noted here that the service sector is differentiated: some of its workers, even in the most developed countries, are still engaged in fairly heavy physical labor, while most of them are beginning to serve the information sector of the economy.

Information flows receive a new material medium, i.e. global telecommunications network, as well as the Internet. <… contentScore=”976″>

The phenomenon of “human crisis” is becoming a significant and previously not taken into account factor in social development... A person living in developed countries is exposed to huge flows of information, the possibilities of understanding which are not unlimited. This leads to the fact that some information is not consciously perceived at all, is cut off or absorbed uncritically. <… contentScore=”301″>

We can talk about the beginning of the process of the emergence of a global information society as a new staged phase of world civilizational development.

N.V. Zagladin



The response must indicate the following:

1) the sector associated with knowledge, production and information processing becomes dominant in the economy;

2) the share of sales of technical information in the total volume of international trade exceeds the share of agriculture and industry;

3) the share of the population engaged in the production and processing of information exceeds the share of the population engaged in industrial and agricultural labor;

4) information receives a new material medium (Internet, global telecommunications).

The exam is taken after completing the study of this educational manual and preparing a test on the chosen topic.

During the examination process, the student must demonstrate knowledge in the subjects “Informatics” and “IT in the social sphere”, as well as skills in working on a personal computer using Microsoft Office programs.

Evaluation criteria for the examination test:

A student who receives an unsatisfactory grade must take the test again.

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