Traffic rules booklet for pedestrians, material on life safety on the topic

Booklet on traffic rules for parents

Consultation for parents

Along the safe road of childhood to a safe future

According to official statistics, every year about 300 children a year fall under the wheels of vehicles on the roads of our region.
Children, due to their age, are not able to correctly assess the road situation and recognize danger. Do everything necessary so that trouble does not come to your family. Timely teach children the ability to navigate traffic situations, cultivate the need to be disciplined on the street, careful and prudent! Remember, if you break the Rules, your child will do the same! Teach your children the rules for safely crossing the road! Discuss the safest routes together and remind your child every day: Before crossing the road, make sure it’s safe! Explain to your child that stopping the car instantly is impossible!
Prohibit children from crossing the road because of stopped vehicles - it is life-threatening! Learn to anticipate hidden dangers! Discuss the safest routes together! Attention parents!

Dear parents!
Usually you are busy with your own affairs, you have a lot of troubles, you always lack time.
And yet... despite the worries, the eternal rush, remember about those who need your help, advice, your care - children and teenagers. Dedicate a separate walk to the rules of crossing the road. Check whether your child understands them correctly and whether they can use this knowledge in real driving situations. And don’t forget that personal example is the most intelligible form of learning.

Take care of yourself and your children!

Be carefull!

Prepared by the teacher of MBDOU No. 26 in the village of Shalakusha

Trapeznikova N.E.


Practice crossing a pedestrian crossing together, across a roadway with one-way two-way traffic, through controlled and unregulated intersections. Follow your usual route to kindergarten (school) and back. Talk about why it is important to walk the same path. Draw the child’s attention to all the dangers and hidden “traps” that may lie in wait for him along the way. Think over the route so that it becomes safer. Before making a child’s dream come true and purchasing a bicycle or moped, parents should pay attention to their area of ​​residence and make sure there are safe places. Allowing for the restlessness of children, take into account that at any moment he can leave his yard and go to a friend or classmate in the next block (yard). Finding yourself on the roadway in a stream of vehicles, even a trained person finds it difficult to navigate in the first minutes of movement, but what can be said about a child - simultaneously work with his feet, hold the steering wheel with his hands, control the situation around him and remember to follow safety measures. In response to any change in road conditions, in the absence of experience and skills, a child may become confused, begin to panic and act inappropriately. We should not forget that a bicycle is one of the most unstable and unprotected vehicles, and even minor collisions can have very serious consequences. If your child is under 12 years old, he or she is not allowed to ride in the front passenger seat of a car. The safest place in a car is behind the driver. During the holidays, whether the child stays at home or goes out of town, it is necessary to use every opportunity to remind him of the rules of the road.

Do not leave children unattended on the street, do not allow them to play near the roadway. Teach children to follow traffic rules from an early age.

Learn “Traffic Light” with your children

How beautiful the color red is, but
there is no !
, take your time and wait for the green light!
Here the green light is on.
He says to the guys: “Look to the left, to the right: there are no cars - Move over !”

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