parent meeting “let’s talk about the free time of younger schoolchildren”

Slides and text of this presentation

We know that time is stretchable.
It depends on what kind of content you fill it with... N. Zabolotsky Various professions are held in high esteem in Russia - foundry worker and mechanic, taxi driver, geologist, builder, doctor, entertainer, But no matter what you say, the profession of a parent is a hundred times more difficult than everything else . A special profession is parents! Parent meeting Topic: “Free time of schoolchildren: priority of family or school?”

Survey results

What are the guys doing?

“Free time of schoolchildren: priority of family or school?” FamilySchool

Free time (leisure) is usually defined as a period of time when a person, having no obligatory activities, is left to his own devices in the choice of activities.

Mom: Working – 1 hour 21 minutes. Housewife – 2 hours 35 minutes. Dad: Weekdays -21 min. Weekend - 35 min.

Choose the 5 most traditional activities in your free time For parents: sleeping playing sports reading TV computer hobbies communicating with children meeting with friends household chores relaxing with children For children: communicating with friends TV computer communicating with parents relaxing with parents playing sports visiting clubs doing nothing listen to music sleep School as a center of additional education Activities Sports section Elective classes Elective courses. What do our children dream about? When choosing the opportunity to spend interesting free time at school or with family, what would you choose? Of the 27 respondents, 25 want to spend their free time with their family. 2 noted that they feel equally good both at home and at school. If you were wizards, what would you change with the help of a magic wand? Of the 27 children, 15 noted that if they had a magic wand, they would make their parents spend much more time with them. How do they see their future family? - athletic - responsive - loving

Auction of ideas

We know: time is extensible. It depends on what kind of content you fill it with. S.Ya. Marshak

Take care of yourself and your loved ones


Your psychologist. The work of a psychologist at school.

Parent meeting - organizational and activity game “Free time and family leisure” (compiled and conducted by S. Zavadenko and E.N. Price List) Objectives: 1) to actualize the problem of leisure time for adolescent students; 2) encourage parents and children to spend leisure time together; 3) develop recommendations for parents and teenage students on spending time together.

Participants: 8th grade students and their parents, class teacher, teacher-organizer. Preparation. 1. Conducting a collective creative activity “The World of Our Interests” in order to identify the most striking interests of class students. (For the parent meeting, students in groups prepare a presentation of their interests.) 2. Questioning students. Questionnaire “My leisure time” My free time is... Most often I have free time... In my free time I usually... I like that in my free time... In my free time I am with my friends... I attend a club (studio, section) th year once a week for hours of classes. I study at a music (art) school in the th year class and attend it once a week for hours of classes. The main hobbies in my family.. As a whole family we... I dream that in my free time.. In my free time I am with my parents... I dream that with my parents I... 3. Preparing exhibits for the exhibition of family achievements. 4. Preparing invitations to the parent meeting and delivering them to parents. Design, equipment and inventory. 1. The topic of the meeting and epigraphs are written on the board: We know that time is extensible. It depends on what kind of content you fill it with... (N. Zabolotsky) Take care and save time, reclaim yourself for yourself... Everything is foreign to us, only time is ours... Don’t miss an hour, hold today in your hands, less you will depend on tomorrow... (From the advice of L.A. Seneca) If youth knew, if old age could... (People's saying) 2. Whatman paper shows diagrams of the results of student surveys. 3. The exhibition “The World of Our Hobbies” is being organized. 4. For each group of participants (2-3 groups of parents and 3 groups of students participate) a workplace is equipped: a table, 5-8 chairs, sheets of protocols of the results of group work, pens, pencils and paper for notes. Progress of the meeting. I. Meeting participants (parents and children) take seats at the desks of one group or another. Each group selects a secretary who records the results of his group’s work. P. Carrying out the game in the following order: The first stage is introduction. The class teacher explains the goals and objectives of the game. The second stage is the presentation of student interests. Groups of students talk creatively about their interests and hobbies. The third stage is warm-up. The groups continue the sentence: “Free time is …” The fourth stage is identifying problems and contradictions in the organization of free time and family leisure. Groups of students and parents name the main problems and contradictions in the use of free time and the organization of family leisure. The fifth stage is brainstorming to solve key problems and contradictions of free time and family leisure. Play groups offer ways to rationally use free time and organize family leisure. The sixth stage is decision making. Decision of the parent meeting. 1. Create a family leisure club in the classroom. 2. Instruct the organizing committee to prepare and present to the parent meeting a program of activities for the family club. The deadline is October 2002. III. Discussion of the progress and results of the meeting.

Literature 1. Azarov Yu.P., Family pedagogy. M., 1993. 2. Bim-Bad B.M. The wisdom of education: A reader for parents. M., 1998. 3. Volkova EM. Difficult children or difficult parents? M., 1992. 4. Makarenko A.S. A book for parents. M., 1987. 5. Handbook for the class teacher /Auth.-comp. L.D. Gudkin. M., 2000. 6. Podolny R.G. Mastering time. M., 1989. 7. Family and school: dictate or cooperation / Author. -composition O. A. Shchekina. St. Petersburg, 1997. 8. Sukhomlinsky V.A. Parental pedagogy. M., 1987. 9. Fromm A. ABC for parents. M., 1994. 10. Chechet V.V. Pedagogy of family education. Minsk, 1998.

Lessons from Owl Filinovna

  • Hello, dear parents!
  • Today's topic of our meeting is “Organizing leisure time in the family.”
  • The interests of children of different genders and ages do not coincide very often (each has their own preferences) - what can we say about the interests of children and parents!
  • But the role of general family recreation is extremely important - both for a favorable atmosphere in the house and for the formation in children of the right attitude towards the family.

Despite the difference in interests, it is quite possible to unite a family with one idea. Of course, only if everyone wishes.

What is leisure?

Leisure is our free time, not occupied with matters related to work responsibilities.

Leisure also happens to be family time. What is family leisure?

Family leisure is time spent together doing pleasant activities - walking together, board games, conversations, etc.

Having good leisure time is a very important moment in the life of a family, which strengthens relationships, indicates family values ​​and creates shared pleasant memories.

That is why planning leisure time , in which there is a place for each family member, is no less important than planning work matters. Over time, this can become a good healthy habit that strengthens your “family ship” and allows you to have a good rest with your family.

The question of planning a family vacation faces many parents.

If you want to have a good rest with your family, then you need to plan and organize your vacation. Like all useful habits, organizing family leisure should also be approached gradually and consistently.

First, you need to determine: what is a well-spent family leisure time for you. This could be family trips to exhibitions and picnics, joint dancing, themed feasts with competitions, watching interesting films, drawing, etc.

Family leisure rules

1.Parents and children should be equally interested in being together. 2. Leisure should be useful for the whole family. 3. Leisure should contribute to distraction from pressing problems and obtain positive emotions.

So that it doesn’t turn out like in Krylov’s fable “Swan, Pike and Cancer” (“when there is no agreement among the comrades, there will be no sense in the matter, only flour”), ask each family member to make a list and combine everything into one big list. Now all that remains is to choose what you can do on your next free evening, weekend, vacation and choose the most suitable one.

Examples of family leisure

joint sports activities (simulators, boxing, swimming in the pool, running, skiing, team sports, etc.);

board games (monopoly, scrabble, mafia, chess, lotto, checkers, backgammon, dominoes, scrabble);

joint handicrafts (making your own puppet theater, writing a script for a fairy tale, creating a city from a construction set, assembling transport models, etc.);

  1. large puzzles or mosaics;
  2. going to the cinema;
  3. going to the theater;
  4. visiting an interesting museum;
  5. visiting a popular festival;
  6. attending a concert;
  7. visiting attractions;
  8. visit to the zoo;
  9. visiting a children's cafe;
  10. visit to the water park;
  11. visit to the planetarium;
  12. outdoor picnic;
  13. trip to the forest;
  14. a trip to the suburbs or the nearest city;
  15. viewing old photographs together;
  16. watching a family movie;
  17. a trip to visit with the whole family;
  18. general cleaning of the apartment or cleaning the area around the house;
  19. charity (collect and take good but unnecessary things to an orphanage or to those in need);
  20. write letters and sign postcards to family and friends, and then send them by mail;
  21. fantasy family photo session (at home or in a photo studio);
  22. shared reading;
  23. master class (online or live);
  24. family meetings (gather relatives at home, set the table, come up with entertainment);
  25. riding bicycles, rollerblades, scooters;

games (Fanta, Crocodile, Merry Nonsense, etc.);

  • joint purchases at the shopping center (it is important to please each family member, the amount of each purchase should be approximately the same and agreed upon in advance);
  • joint preparation of a complex, interesting dish (the selection and purchase of ingredients for the dish can also be included in this item);
  • a trip to the library (where everyone, slowly, chooses reading according to their interests, for example, for a week and returns the books they borrowed during the previous one);
  • themed dinner or themed party with children.
  • How to find time for leisure in the family - and calculate it correctly?

We are definitely planning some family fun.


Parents' meeting "The role of the family in raising a child"

  • Contestant:
  • Mandrovskaya Maria Evgenievna
  • teacher of 2nd qualification category
  • MAUDO "Kindergarten No. 9" of the city of Yalutorovsk
  1. Goals:
  2. - to form a harmonious image of the family, the need for joint active recreation (excursions, hikes, walks, outdoor games, family theater);
  3. - encourage parents to think about the peculiarities of upbringing in their family;
  4. - cultivate feelings of love and affection for your family, respect for its traditions;
  5. Preliminary work:
  • Prepare an exhibition of children's drawings on the topic: “Me and my family”
  • Commandments of family life (see Appendix 1)
  • We recorded the children’s statements on the topic: “What is a family?”
  • Poems about family (Appendix No. 2)

Progress of the meeting:

  1. 1. Introductory conversation about family.
  • Educator:
  • - What is family? (parents' answers)
  • Educator:
  • A family is an organized social group whose members are connected by a commonality of life, mutual moral responsibility and social necessity, which is determined by the need of society for physical and spiritual self-reproduction.

What is a family - this is a question worth asking yourself BEFORE trying to create one. Family is happiness for which you need to prepare.

  1. Creating a family is an art and everyone should master this art. Reading a poem
  2. How did the word “family” come about?
  3. Once upon a time the Earth did not hear about him...
  4. But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:
  5. Now I will ask you seven questions;
  6. “Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess”?
  7. And Eva quietly answered “I”,
  8. “Who will raise them, my queen?”
  9. And Eva briefly answered “I”
  10. Who will prepare the food, oh my joy?
  11. And Eve still answered “I”
  12. “Who will sew the dress?
  13. Washing clothes?
  14. Will he caress me?
  15. Decorate your home?
  16. Answer the questions, my friend!”
  17. “I”, “I”...Eva said quietly - “I”, “I”...
  18. She said the famous seven “I”
  19. This is how a family appeared on earth.
  20. Educator:
  21. What is family?

A more complete definition of family is given by N.V. Soloviev: “A family is a small social group of society, the most important form of organizing personal life, based on marital union and family ties, i.e. relationships between husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters and other relatives living together and maintaining a common household.”

  • (Listening to an audio recording with children’s statements on the topic: “What is a family”)
  • Why does a person need a family?
  • I think everyone will answer in their own way (children’s answers), but one simple and true thought will probably be heard - for happiness.

Yes, human happiness is hardly possible without family. Neither the most exciting job nor friends can give what family can give.

  1. Where, if not in the family, does a person get what he strives for at any age: the feeling of being needed by loved ones, the awareness that you are loved or loved by yourself, the belief that there is a place on earth where you are expected and loved.
  2. Where, if not in the family, does a person receive a charge of love and vigor, creative and spiritual strength, without which he cannot live and work normally.
  3. Where, if not in the family, do people receive a wonderful gift - the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood?
  4. Exercise: “Associations”
  5. So, all you need to do is hear the task and try to write down the first images associated with it that come to your mind.

Class parent meeting Organizing the student’s free time

Class meeting on the topic “Organizing a schoolchild’s free time”

Sections: Working with parents </</p>

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Karpova Anna Grigorievna


  • actualize the problem of communicating with your schoolchildren in your free time;
  • develop recommendations for parents on how to help teenagers spend their free time interestingly and usefully.

Form: round table.

Preparatory work:

  • surveying students and parents, advising students and parents on speaking about their hobbies; students preparing commercial breaks or parodies of television commercials;
  • designing invitation cards for parents.

Progress of the meeting

I. Statement of the problem.

Teacher. Free time: How often do you hear this phrase. We dream that we have more of it, we believe that we all sorely lack it for relaxation and development. It is also generally accepted that modern teenagers are so overworked that they actually have no free time. For them, the ability to organize their free time today is the key to tomorrow’s character formation, the formation of their destiny. And they learn to manage their time today, which means they will learn to manage their destiny tomorrow.

The conditions for children to spend their free time have changed over the past decade in all developed countries of the world. Due to the increased mobility of the population and the rapid development of mass media (primarily television) and individual leisure (computer games), the relationship between parents and children has changed significantly.

In Tatarstan, studies were conducted on the employment of children. It was revealed: in the interval from an hour to four, teenagers are free, what do they spend this free time on?

  • 25% of children walk outside with friends;
  • 18% listen to music or watch TV;
  • 15% - read and work at home;
  • 14% attend clubs and sections.

The main “eater” of time for adults and children is television. Guys love to watch TV series, cartoons, and movies. However, 40% of schoolchildren are partial to TV games and video clips, as well as advertisements. Advertising has a powerful influence on the formation of aesthetic and moral values ​​of adolescents, who are the main consumer of advertising products. One in five teenagers admitted that they like to watch everything. Thus, advertising clichés shape fashion style, musical tastes, and the language of teenagers.

II. Questioning students.

Conducting research using the “Unfinished Sentences” method on the topic “Free time”. Students are encouraged to continue the sentences.

Questionnaire 1. “My free time”

  • Free time is:
  • My favourite hobby:
  • In my free time, what I like most is:
  • If I had enough money I would:
  • The main goal of my life:
  • In my free time I am with my friends and girlfriends:
  • In free time with parents:
  • I dream that with my parents I:

Questionnaire 2. “My three wishes.”

Please write down your three most important desires in life.

The results of questionnaire 1 will allow the teacher and parents to judge the nature of the students’ free time; information obtained from children’s answers to questions 2 will help to draw a conclusion about the students’ desire to communicate with their parents, to pay attention to what they dream of and what to expect from their parents.

III. Familiarization with the results of sociological research.

Teacher. There is reason to believe that the reorientation of teenagers in communicating with their parents and switching to communication, to a greater extent, with peers is explained not so much by the growing attractiveness of friendly groups and companies, but by the lack of attention and care for teenagers in the parental home.

According to the results of sociological studies, fathers spend 9.6% (21 minutes) of their time on raising children on weekdays, and 7.2% (32 minutes) on weekends. Where does the rest of fathers' free time go? But this part of a parent’s free time is extremely important. And is parental free time always a good example? Although it has long been known that children take their example in organizing leisure time from their parents.

Research has shown:

  • firstly, the number of lonely teenagers is quite large;
  • secondly, the commitment of teenagers and parents to television to the detriment of other, more active forms of spending free time is upsetting;
  • thirdly, the lack of activity in communication between children and parents in all forms of leisure activities, excluding feasts, which firmly holds primacy among other leisure activities of adolescents on holidays, is alarming.

The survey found that 65% of teenagers have tried drinking alcohol.

Everyone is worried about this rather dangerous fun. But to what extent are those girls and boys for whom wine has become an obligatory companion of their free time to blame? Maybe this is their problem? And the blame lies with the adults who did not teach their children to have an interesting and meaningful vacation?..

IV. Stories from students and parents “My Collection.”

Teacher. For a long time, people have been collecting various items. Probably, the parents present here also collected badges, stamps, and postcards at one time. What do you think today's teenagers prefer to collect?

Research and observation show that they prefer to collect beer cans, newspaper and magazine clippings, chewing gum inserts, and cassette tapes. And only a few children continue the tradition of their parents, collecting postcards and badges.

Children and parents show their collections and tell why they collect certain exhibits.

V. Summing up the meeting.

1. What parents should think about.

Teacher. We adults never feel sorry for our children. We give them the most delicious things, dress them in all the best, protect them from diseases and misfortunes. But we frivolously decide that free time is not a serious problem, there are more important things to do, but we need to be able to spend our free time beautifully and usefully. And this also needs to be taught to children and teenagers. Unfortunately, modern research shows the opposite. In our fast-paced times, parents find less and less time to communicate with their children, especially to spend free time together. From the material family budget, we spend more and more money on food, clothing, education, and entertainment for children. And if we consider the expenditure of free time on children, it turns out that our heirs experience a significant lack of parental communication.

Among the “three important desires in life,” teenagers name the following:

  • go on vacation with your parents;
  • go to some interesting place;
  • have a heart-to-heart talk with your parents;
  • understand each other better;
  • I dream that I will be on good terms with my parents.

2. Parents work in groups.

Parents, united in 3 groups, discuss the following questions:

What conclusions can you draw for yourself after listening to the messages?

What is important in our communication with children? What needs to change in this communication?

What activities for organizing family fun are possible and necessary in the classroom? When and how to organize them? Who should be entrusted with organizing them?

3. Recommendations for parents.

Pay more attention to communicating with children.

Scold your children less, try to see their successes, focus on the positive beginning in their actions, behavior, behavior.

Relax in nature with your children.

Organize a family outing for the class to the theater, museum, exhibitions, or nature.

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