Geological quiz based on the tales of the famous Ural storyteller P.P. Bazhova

Quiz with answers based on Bazhov's tales for children in the senior group of kindergarten

Quiz based on P. Bazhov's fairy tales for preschoolers 5-7 years old

Entertainment, quiz competition.
Author: Kotova Irina Vladimirovna, teacher of MKDOU No. 7, Poldnevoy village, Bogdanovichsky district, Sverdlovsk region
This quiz is intended for children of senior preschool age.
This event can be held as a final event according to the tales of P. Bazhov. Goal: Consolidating and clarifying children’s knowledge about the tales of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. Objectives: - develop communication skills, cognitive interest; - introduce children to the culture and history of their native land; - develop teamwork skills and promote group cohesion. Materials: illustrations for tales, certificates, sweet prizes, table for recording points. Preliminary work: getting to know the writer - looking at the portrait, short biography. Design of the book exhibition “Books of P. Bazhov”. Getting to know fairy tales - reading fairy tales, telling stories, explaining ancient words, watching cartoons, looking at illustrations and books. Exhibition of children's drawings "Silver Hoof". Making emblems, forming two teams, coming up with team names, choosing captains (together with the children). Prepare certificates and sweet prizes. Progress: Presenter: Tales of Bazhov, Ural tales of Old mountain prospectors, stories that were born around the fire in the evenings, Looking at the stars, looking at the flames. A flock of lizards will come out into the sun, the Mistress will give you a rare stone, they will put you to sleep in the evening, you will enjoy the night, you will wake up in the morning, and maybe you won’t destroy them. Ognevushka dances again on the coals, Granny Sinyushka guards the treasure, Snake goes into the Earth with rings, Black Cat wanders through the forest. The Copper Mistress has wonderful halls, Markov Stone granite rocks, Wonderful tales are collected in a book. Grandfather Slyshko told them to us. (Tatyana Frolova) Today we will hold a competition with you based on the tales of P. Bazhov. 1st team (name) 2nd team (name) Are you ready? ... 1 task “Name a fairy tale.” Teams take turns guessing the story using the first word. A point for each answer. - Silver (hoof) - Blue (snake) - Ognevushka (Jumping) - Copper Mountain (Mistress) - Golden (hair) - Malachite (box) 2 task “Names” Teams take turns guessing the names. A point for each answer. — What was the name of the girl in the fairy tale “The Silver Hoof”? (Daryonka) - What was the name of the cat in the fairy tale “Silver Hoof”? (Murenka) - What was the name of the grandfather in the fairy tale “Silver Hoof” (Kokovanya) - What was the name of the boy from the fairy tale “Ognevushka-Jumping” (Fedyunka) - What was the name of the boy from the fairy tale “The Blue Snake” (Lanko Puzhanko) - What was the name of the 2nd boy from the fairy tale “The Blue Snake” (Leiko Shapochka) 3rd task “Name the fairy tale from the illustration” Teams guess in turns, for each correct answer 1 point


"Silver Hoof"

"Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

"Malachite Box"

"Silver Hoof"

“Golden Hair” 4th task “From which fairy tale are the words” For the correct answer 1 point, the teams answer in turns. - “It was the owl who interfered. Our happiness plumped up and laughed" (Ognevushka - Jumping) - "The whole booth is on fire - shimmering with multi-colored lights" (Silver Hoof) - "Show up, show yourself! Spin the wheel” (Blue Snake) - “And the clothes are such that you won’t find anything else like them in the world. Made of silk, hear me, malachite dress” (Mistress of the Copper Mountain). Task 5 “Who knows?” 1 point for an incomplete answer, 2 points for a complete answer - What kind of hoof did the goat use to knock out the stones? (silver hoof on the right front leg) - What is Ognevushka wearing? (a blue sundress and a handkerchief in his hand, also blue). - Why did the woman give Tanya a button? (If you forget something at work or a difficult situation comes up, look at this button. There you will have the answer). — How can you distinguish a Blue Snake from a person? (As it walks, it leaves no traces even on the finest sand. Even the grass does not bend under it). Counting votes. Team awards.

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Game - quiz based on the fairy tales of P.P. Bazhov

The game is a quiz based on the fairy tales of P.P. Bazhov.


To consolidate children's knowledge about the work of the Ural writer P.P.
Bazhov. Objectives:
- to form more complete ideas about the work of the Ural storyteller;

-develop curiosity and independence, develop communication skills, coherent speech, develop the ability to listen to each other, complement the answers of comrades.

-develop the ability to work in a team, the ability to negotiate. Equipment:

Projector, presentation on the quiz theme, 2 easels, 2 sets of cut-out pictures, 2 crossword puzzles, incentive prizes for participants.

Preliminary work

: getting acquainted with the biography of P.P. Bazhov, reading the writer’s fairy tales, watching cartoons, viewing illustrations for fairy tales.


Team members enter the hall to the accompaniment of music.

Educator: “The fairy tale is a lie, but it contains a hint for good fellows and a lesson.” Everyone knows that fairy tales teach us friendship and kindness.

Good afternoon, dear parents and children. Today we gathered for a game - a quiz based on the fairy tales of P. P. Bazhov. Well, what would a quiz be without a jury? I introduce the jury members. Now listen to the rules that must be followed during the game - quiz: • you must listen to the questions carefully; • any team that knows the answer and wants to answer can answer the task; to do this, they need to consult and the captain raises the emblem of his team and thus gain the right to answer; • for the correct answer a token will be awarded, but if the team answers incorrectly, then the right to answer goes to the second team. • The winner of the game will be the team with the most tokens.

Host: So, let's greet our brave players! Team "Know-It-All" and Team "Why-Checks".

We are starting a game - a quiz.

Presenter: 1st competition:

Questions for the Know-It-All team:

1. What is the name of the region where the author P.P. Bazhov lived? (Ural region)

2. List the heroes of the fairy tale “The Silver Hoof”? (goat, Grandfather Kokovan, Darenka, cat Murenka)

3. What was the name of the boy from the fairy tale “Ognevushka-jumping”? (Fedyunka)

4. What was the name of the cat in the fairy tale “The Silver Hoof”? (Murenka)

5. What animals are found in Bazhov’s fairy tales? (goat, cat, snakes, swans, lizards)

Questions for the “Whychki” team:

1. The city where P.P. Bazhov was born? (in the city of Sysert)

2. How old was Fedyunka? (8 years)

3. What was the name of the grandfather, the prospector who told various stories? (grandfather Efim)

4. The main character of the fairy tale “Sinyushkin Well”? (Ilya)

5. What did Grandma Lukerya collect? (Feathers)

Competition 2: questions for captains:

1. The main theme of Bazhov’s tales? (a simple man and his work, talent and skill.)

Geological quiz based on the tales of the famous Ural storyteller P.P. Bazhova


I. A fairy tale - it is, of course, not a fairy tale; there are many real events and heroes in it. Again, the actions take place not in the third kingdom, but on real land - in real villages and mines. But a tale is a tale , which means there must be fairy-tale heroes. Remember what fairy-tale heroes were in Bazhov’s tales and what they owned or what they could do?

“The girl is not very tall, she looks good and is such a cool wheel - she won’t sit still. He will lean forward, look exactly under his feet, then lean back again, bend to one side, to the other. He jumps to his feet, waves his arms, then bends down again. In a word - artut girl... The braid is gray - black and does not dangle like our girls', but evenly stuck to the back. At the end of the tape are either red or green. They shine through and ring subtly like sheet copper.”

Mistress of Copper Mountain. She manages reserves of valuable stones and lives on the mountain in beautiful stone rooms. The Malachite Girl loves to joke with people: “It’s woe for the bad to meet her, and little joy for the good.” She can turn into a lizard. And lizards also serve her.

“She’s very dark and fable-like, and has little green eyes. It’s like she doesn’t look like our girls at all.”

This wanderer is the mistress of the copper mountain (she has green eyes and black hair). She predicted the future for Tanya, that she would be in the royal palace, in a beautiful outfit and precious jewelry. The wanderer gave Tanya a bead, which helped in difficult times.

“A woman comes to them. She was short, dark-haired, about Nastasya’s age, and sharp-eyed, and, apparently, she was snooping around like that, just hold on. There’s a canvas bag on my back, and a bird cherry bag in my hand.”

Tanya, daughter of Stepan. Although she is an ordinary girl, she has magical qualities. Only Tanyushka fits the jewelry from the malachite box, but the rest are crushed by it. Tanya disappeared into the malachite wall. Since then, people began to see the two mistresses of the copper mountain.

“Only suddenly two little blue lights flashed... They were wider at the bottom, disappeared at the top, and between them there was a small hill.”

An earth cat, lives underground, shows only glowing ears, and even then only to the brave. Wolves are afraid of her. She showed Dunyasha the way. The cat lives on the sands, where there is copper with gold specks.

“He’s not dressed like us. He’s wearing a caftan, his trousers are all yellow, made of gold, you know, priest’s brocade, and on top of the caftan is a wide belt with patterns and tassels, also made of brocade, only with greenery. The hat is yellow, and there are red gaps on the right and left, and the boots are also red. The face is yellow, with a thick beard, and the beard is all curled into tight rings. It’s obvious you can’t straighten them out... the guy is not fat, but apparently overweight.”

Great snake He is in charge of all the gold, he can show the gold, or he can hide it. He turns into a man.

“In one artel Kostya saw a girl. She's also a redhead, thin-looking, and pretty. With such bad weather, the sun is shining... The girl has fallen behind the ground, but everything is standing straight. Then it stretched out further, thinned out, became a slow-moving slowpoke, leaned over Kostya’s shoulder, and crawled along Kostka’s back... the snake passed through the stone, and gold was burning along its entire trail, sometimes in drops, sometimes in whole pieces.”

Red-haired girl with black eyes. She turns into a snake that guards the gold. Points to gold only to a non-greedy person. Gave Panteley and his wife wedding rings.

“He entered, say, the stone lips as tall as a large beetle, and stepped further - he grew from a lamb, and moved even lower - he became from a ram, from a calf, from a bull. Then the mountain just creeps up, and his bast shoes are as big as they are, or even more. Until he leaves his bast shoes in the tag, he walks slowly, and as soon as he takes off every single one, he begins to slide no worse than a swimming swimmer, and no longer remains in growth.”

Big ants. They have golden paws on their paws. They crawl into the stone lips and grow larger, then leave golden sandals in the clay. After that they don't grow anymore.

“Dressed up for the occasion. On the head there is a huge lump of gold, like a hat or, say, a crown, and along the body there are gold girdles with stones.”

Snake Daiko. There is a legend that the snake Daiko gave the name to the large balls of gold. In a dream, Glafira saw a snake with a golden belt and gold was found in that place.

“Suddenly a tiny girl emerged from the very middle. It looks like a doll, but it’s alive. Red hair, a blue sundress and a handkerchief in his hand, also blue. The girl looked with cheerful eyes, flashed her teeth, and put her hands on her hips. She waved her handkerchief and started dancing. And she does it so easily and deftly that it’s impossible to say.”

Ognevushka is a jumping animal. She dances in circles and gets bigger. She appears where there is gold. In the middle of winter, her dancing makes her feel hot.

All material - see the document.

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