Literature. 9th grade. Lesson plans based on textbooks by Korovina V.Ya., Kurdyumova T.F.

Lesson topic: “Russian national character in M.A. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man”

The purpose of the lesson:

learn to comprehend the ideological intent of a work and the author’s position by analyzing the text.

Lesson objectives:

through Sholokhov's story, introduce the fate of a wartime man; identify strong character traits of a person in difficult life situations, note a person’s ability to withstand life’s adversities;

form and develop communication skills of schoolchildren;

contribute to the education of spiritual and moral personality


computer and projector, multimedia presentation, text of the story, fragments of the film by S. Bondarchuk, information cards


I. Organizational moment

II. Teacher's opening speech The people are like a huge tree on which you cannot count the leaves. And everything that we do good adds strength to it. But every tree has roots. Without roots, even a slight wind would have knocked it down. Roots nourish the tree and connect it to the earth. Roots are what we lived with yesterday, a year ago, a hundred, a thousand years ago. This is our history and spiritual traditions. In today's lesson we will continue to work on a work that takes us back to one of the most important and tragic events in the history of our Motherland - the Great Patriotic War. “If you really want to understand why Soviet Russia won a great victory in the Second World War, read the story “The Fate of Man,” wrote one English newspaper.

III. Goal setting. - Let's turn to the topic of the lesson. Tell me, what will be the subject of our conversation? (Trace the life path of Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the story, through Sholokhov’s story, to introduce the fate of a wartime man; to identify strong character traits of a person in difficult life situations, to note the person’s ability to withstand life’s adversities, and also to understand the meaning of the title of the story.) -What kind of character should a Russian person have to overcome the moral tests sent by fate? What could you keep in your soul? This is what we talked about in class. – We don’t have an epigraph for today’s topic. I suggest you choose it yourself, and we will do this after discussing the story at the end of the lesson.

IV. Updating students' knowledge. – M. Sholokhov’s story became an event. How did you perceive the story “The Fate of Man”? Why did this small work not leave its first readers indifferent and excites modern people? – Prove that from the hero’s biography one can trace the main stages of the path traversed by the entire country. What are these stages? -What is unique about the composition of the work? (“a story within a story” shows that the author-narrator is not just a listener, he experiences the fate of Andrei Sokolov, becomes an accomplice in what is happening.) - What do you think would be lost in the story if the narration were narrated directly by the author? (The poignancy and emotionality of the events would disappear. The hero tells us about his life as he feels, as if he is reliving everything that happened to him. The first-person story creates the impression of extraordinary authenticity and documentary accuracy.)

V. Motivation for educational activities A. Tolstoy wrote: “The Russian character is light, open, good-natured, compassionate, when life does not require him to make a heavy sacrifice. But when trouble comes - the Russian man is harsh, vigorous in work and merciless towards the enemy - without sparing himself, he does not spare the enemy either.” -How do you understand the word “character”? - Let's turn to the dictionary entry. (Character is the totality of mental, spiritual properties of a person, revealed in his behavior; a person with character, strong character (Ozhegov S.I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language). - What positive character traits can you name? - Can we say that Andrey Sokolov, the main character of the story, has the character traits that we have named? We will argue based on the text of the story and the table “Traits of Russian National Character”, which you filled out at home. (At home, children compose and fill out the table “Traits of Russian National Character” in notebooks ").

VI. Work on the text of the story. — What parts can be identified in the hero’s confession story? — How does the hero’s character manifest itself in peacetime? What does A.S. see as his happiness in pre-war life? (The hero of the story does not talk about wealth, about jewelry, he rejoices in little, it would seem. But this is the most valuable thing on earth: a home, harmony in the family, the health of children, respect for each other. Andrei Sokolov concludes his story with the words: “What else Do you need more?" Everything is harmonious in his life, the future is clear.) - What changes the established order in the family so much? (War breaks into a world built with care and love. People’s lives are inseparable from historical events. This is how history interferes with a person’s fate.) - Why does Andrei Sokolov begin the story about the war with memories of peaceful life? (He went through many trials, and what seemed ordinary became more expensive.) - What was the military fate of Andrei Sokolov? Historical commentary - For what purpose did Sholokhov introduce a description of captivity? (He showed how heroically and honorably the Russian people behaved in captivity, how much they overcame.). Read the passage in which A. talks about the attitude of the Nazis towards prisoners. — In which episodes does the hero’s character manifest itself most powerfully? - Let's look at them in more detail. — What is the significance of the episode “In the Church”? (reveals possible types of human behavior in inhumane circumstances.) - What types of human behavior does Sholokhov depict in this scene? – Which life position is closest to Sokolov? (Under any conditions, remaining oneself and not betraying one’s duty is the position of Sokolov himself. The hero does not accept either submission or opposition of his life to the lives of other people. The episode “In the Church” shows how cruelly the character of the hero is tested. Life puts him before the need for choice. The hero acts as his conscience tells him.) _ Why do you think the author introduces the image of a traitor into the story? (1. Submission to circumstances, cowardice, meanness, hypocrisy influenced the fate of this man. 2. He accepted death at the hands of those whose lives he wanted to give to the enemy in the name of his salvation. 3. An ordinary act of a doctor turns out to be a feat against the backdrop of betrayal.)

I suggest watching another important episode.

— Prisoner of war Sokolov, camp number 331, is on call, preparing for death. Is it possible to prepare for death, to get used to it? (You cannot get used to death, you cannot prepare for it. But you can accept it in different ways, depending on whether a person has character, the so-called core. Sokolov’s strength is in love and pride for one’s Motherland, for a Russian person.) — Why did Muller need a ritual with drinking before executing a prisoner? – What is the hero’s physical condition? Why does he agree to drink but refuse a snack? (Highlights his moral fortitude.) What have we learned about Mueller as a person? (read out) - Why did Commandant Muller “generously” give Andrei Sokolov life? —Are his words dear to us? Thus, the dialogue with Muller is not an armed fight between two enemies, but a psychological duel from which Sokolov emerges victorious, which Muller himself is forced to admit. – What words express Sokolov’s view of the duty of a person, a man, a soldier? (Willingness to withstand, “endure”, maintaining human dignity becomes Sokolov’s life credo “That’s why you’re a man, that’s why you’re a soldier, to endure everything, to endure everything, if need calls for it”) - What event do you think Was military life the worst thing for the hero of the story? – Twice the hero interrupts his story, and both times when he remembers his dead wife and children. It is in these places that Sholokhov gives expressive portrait details and remarks. (Reading by heart against the background of music, expressive reading) How great must be the pain that this person experiences if he, more than once, looking death in the face, never giving in to the enemy, says: “Why are you, life, so maimed? Why did you distort it like that?” The hero’s heart is “petrified with grief” so much that he is not even able to cry. – Sholokhov is a master of detail. With one phrase, a writer can reveal everything that is in the hero’s soul. What detail at the beginning of the story does the writer convey the depth of the hero’s grief? “People’s wisdom says: Eyes are the mirror of the soul.” Eyes say a lot about a person. Everything that a person has experienced, all his suffering can be read in his eyes... “As if sprinkled with ashes” - that is, what kind, what color? – Why is the color of the eyes not just gray, but similar to the color of ash? (Ashes are where everything is burned, destroyed. In the hero’s soul there is ashes, disappointment, emptiness.)

Thus, the color detail helps to understand the state of the hero. The war took everything away from Sokolov. No family, house destroyed. My hometown has become a stranger. And he went wherever his eyes led him, to Uryupinsk, with a dried-up heart, alone. — What can a person do if he finds himself in such a difficult situation? – Did this happen to Andrei Sokolov? (He continued to live. Sholokhov writes sparingly about this period of his hero’s life. He worked, began to drink, until he met the boy.) _ What role does the meeting with Vanyushka play in A.’s fate? What do their destinies have in common? (Two orphans whose lives were twisted by the war) (Andrei Sokolov, having gone through the war, having lost everything he could in these terrible years, completely devastated, meets Vanyushka with eyes as clear as the sky, like stars washed by the rain. He became for Sokolov, as if as a guiding light in a life filled with black grief, Vanya warmed the heart of Andrei Sokolov, his life regained meaning.) - Who found whom? - So how does a person live from Sholokhov’s point of view? What can he oppose to fate? Name the character traits that we noted in Andrei Sokolov. Perseverance, tenacity in the struggle for life, the spirit of courage, camaraderie - these qualities come from tradition even from the Suvorov soldier, they were sung by M. Lermontov in the poem “Borodino”, Gogol in the story “Taras Bulba”, they were admired by L. Tolstoy in “Sevastopol stories" and "War and Peace". A. Sokolov, the hero of Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man,” has all these qualities. These are the best features of the Russian national character, the presence of which helped to withstand such difficult trials and preserve oneself as an individual. If you have cultivated human dignity in yourself, it will help you preserve a person in any situation.

VII. Compiling a syncwine. —What two themes run through the hero’s confession? Work in pairs - compiling a syncwine for the words peace-war. —Does our idea of ​​war and peace coincide with A.’s ideas?

VIII. The role of landscape in the story. – Now let’s turn again to the beginning of the story. Where does Sholokhov begin the work? — What colors are contrasted in the description? (dead white, snowy color of winter and lively brown, dirty yellow, gray color of early spring) - What is this opposition a symbol of? (Just as winter with white coldness is replaced by a warm, albeit not yet festive, spring, so life conquers death). – Thus, the description of nature given at the beginning of the story is key to understanding the meaning of the work. But, interestingly, we understand the significance of this landscape sketch only after finishing reading. — How does the humanism of the story manifest itself? (Despite everything, Andrei Sokolov has not lost the ability to empathize. Andrei’s suffering heart is still capable of sincere love.) - How is the author’s position expressed in the story? (Sholokhov, in the image of his hero, reveals the tragedy of our entire people, their misfortunes and suffering. The author's pain and sympathy are felt in the very tone of the story, in the choice of the hero - a simple man, in the vicissitudes of his fate. The main method of constructing a story - antithesis - also serves as an expression of the author's positions: peaceful life, quiet happiness - the destructive force of war; goodness and justice - monstrous fanaticism, cruelty, inhumanity; devotion - betrayal; light - darkness) - What is instructive about the story of Andrei Sokolov? (Andrei Sokolov, a simple man, soldier and father, acts as a guardian and defender of life, its foundations, moral laws that have evolved over centuries. Sholokhov’s hero defends the meaning and truth of human existence itself.)

IX. Reflection. -What is the meaning of the title of the story “The Fate of Man”? -What is fate? (Vocabulary work) - Choose synonyms for the word fate. (Fate, lot, fate, destiny, share, predestination, destiny.) - What is the lexical meaning of this word in S. Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary? – In what meaning is this word used in the title of the story? — Why did the author call the story not “The Fate of Andrei Sokolov”, but “The Fate of a Man”? (Thus emphasizing the generalized meaning of the story.) -Reread the ending of the story. . Why does the author speak at the end about the “heavy sadness” that gripped him under the influence of what he heard? (Nothing will ever console Andrei Sokolov, will not help him forget what he experienced, will not compensate for his terrible losses. At the same time, he, a simple man, is not only not broken, but has also retained the most precious thing in himself - a living soul. These two orphaned people find in each other their new common destiny, mutually affirming each other in life. It was important for the writer and with him the reader to see what the soldier took out of this war, what he will live with next and what he will live with. LOVE. KINDNESS. HUMAN DIGNITY - Choose an epigraph for our lesson. Honor, conscience, decency, reliability are the most important things that life gives a person. Possessing such wealth, you can withstand any, even unbearably difficult circumstances. To withstand and win. B. Vasiliev Man lives by love "Love for the land, wife, children, language, comrade... Remaining human in inhuman conditions is a difficult matter. I. S. Gracheva

X. Lesson summary. The story “The Fate of Man” is a story of protest against war. Sholokhov told the bitter truth about the war, told the world what a huge price the Soviet people paid for the right to the future. Leads us to the conviction to loudly say our “No!” war. And we can say in the words of S Baruzdin:

We remember the war not to boast of victory again.

We simply repeat to everyone: “This should not happen again!”

The story “The Fate of Man” was highly praised not only in the Soviet Union, but also abroad. ^ In 1959, the film “The Fate of a Man” was awarded the main prize of the International Festival in Moscow - “Big Gold Prize”.

In 1960, the filmmakers Bondarchuk and Monakhov were awarded the Lenin Prize.

I would like to end the lesson with words from Mikhail Sholokhov’s Nobel lecture: “I would like my books to help people become better, to become purer in soul, to awaken love for people, the desire to actively fight for the ideals of humanism and the progress of mankind. If I succeeded to some extent, I am happy.”

XI. Grading.

XII. Homework: (optional) -1) watch a movie and write a review; 2) write an essay based on one of the epigraphs.

Literature lesson in 9th grade

Literature lesson in 9th grade


“A strange comedy by a “strange writer.”

(based on A. Griboyedov’s play “Woe from Wit”) 9th grade

to create conditions for problematic text analysis.

Highlight key words, images, ideas.

Determine cause-and-effect relationships.


contribute to the formation of analytical thinking, intellectual skills of comparison, generalization, structuring, development of speech skills.


contribute to the process of spiritual development through careful and thoughtful reading of fiction. Foster independence, cooperation, collectivism, and communication.


Teacher's opening remarks:

“Woe from Wit” is one of the mysterious works of Russian literature, a paradoxical work.

The paradoxes of fate began before his official “birth”. The comedy was distributed in lists and was memorized by reading Russia before its publication. The paradox lay in the genre originality. In the system of images and in the plot of the work. Finally, the paradox is present in the very title “Woe from Wit.”

It is these paradoxes of the immortal work that we will consider in our lesson. (Write down the topic)

I took the words of A.S. as the epigraph of the lesson. Pushkin

“...And genius is a friend of paradoxes.”

-How did you understand this epigraph?

The word paradox has been heard many times.

-What do you think it means?


strange opinion, statement. An opinion that diverges from generally accepted opinions, scientific positions, or is contrary to common sense. (write in notebook)

Today we will work in groups. Each group will do their task and then report the results.

So, let's begin.

The first group will explore the paradoxes of the plot, they will also read the text of the work (selectively)

The second group explores character paradoxes. They were given a homework assignment. We will find out later how they dealt with it.

The third group will tell us about the paradoxes of the genre. They also completed the task at home.


How do you understand the meaning of the word plot?

PLOT: 1.

a series of events described in a work of art that form its basis.

2. a set of actions and events in which the main content of a work of art is revealed.

The history of world literature knows two types of comedy: comedy of characters and comedy of situations.

- How do you understand this?

- “Woe from Wit” - what kind of comedy is it, situations or characters?

We will now find out if everything is as simple as it seems.

Let's take a look at the list of characters.

-What can you say about last names? (they are talking)

The list of characters, consisting of speaking names, indicates that the play belongs to the comedy of situations.

This is also indicated by the 1st day. 2 (read)

-What's happening?

(the stage is filled with two couples, equally hidden from each other).

This creates a comical situation.

Go ahead.

Chatsky appears.

-How long was he absent from Moscow?

-How does Chatsky behave after a three-year absence when meeting Sophia?

D.1, appearance 7.

-Why is Sophia so cold with him?

What can be seen in Chatsky’s words “where are we not?” (disappointment, Chatsky is disappointed not only in Moscow, but also in the people living in it, in the conventional truth, which is considered undeniable).

All this most likely points to signs of tragedy.


Then again a comedic situation:

Famusov sees Chatsky. D.1, appearance 8-10.

-Why is Famusov puzzled? (who is more dangerous)

So, act 1 plays out as a comedy of situations, but the need to resolve the question “Which of the two?” forces Famusov to take a closer look at the suitors. Thus, imperceptibly, a comedy of situations turns into a comedy of characters.

What a paradox!

This can be seen in actions 2 and 3. We won't dwell on them for long.

-How do we learn about the heroes and their characters? (the hero through the eyes of himself and the hero through the eyes of others).

You explore the paradoxes of these actions at home.

Let's move on to action 4.

Act 4 - a series of disasters.

-What's happening?

(Sophya begins to see the light, kicking Molchalin out of the house, Chatsky leaves, taking away his million torments, Lisa will most likely go to the village. The wounded Famusov is ready to send his daughter to the wilderness, to Saratov.)

-What is the paradox of such a denouement? (all the heroes are punished. But in comedy, as a genre, the ending is always happy.)

-And the main paradox of the denouement? (the comedy is not completed).

The open ending gave reason back in the 19th century to consider the comedy unfinished and gave rise to an epidemic of plays “Woe from Wit -2”, in which the fate of the main characters was calculated.

The guys of the second group will present to us their assumptions about the fate of Sophia, Molchalin and Chatsky.

-Where is Chatsky going in his carriage?

-What is the future fate of Molchalin?

-Who will Sophia marry and will she marry at all, if her father promised to send her to “the village to her aunt, into the wilderness, to Saratov”?

Let's discuss: what is the paradox of characters?


a heroic character who finds himself in the world of comedy. He was familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. The image seemed to multiply, pointing at once to several famous persons of that time. The first can be called Kuchelbecker, poet and Decembrist, Pushkin’s lyceum friend.

The hero’s surname itself was consonant with the surname of an equally famous personality of that time - Pyotr Yakovlevich Chaadaev, a hussar officer and philosopher. The closeness of the author and the hero is no less important.

His road is either to Senate Square, or to Siberia, or the hermitage of a thinker.


Griboedov's discovery. His image is based on duality - “modest with a young lady, but a rake with a maid.” In fact, he has many masks that change along with his interlocutors. He is the most mobile comedy hero and the most effective. Molchalin creates his destiny by pleasing everyone and everything. A position of apparent weakness conceals enormous strength. This is a guarantee that the Molchalins will penetrate anywhere and everywhere.


the most mysterious image of comedy. The meaning of a name is the key to the secret of character. Sophia means wisdom, there is an apparent paradox here. WHY?

I chose a hypocrite over a worthy man. (Molchalin was chosen because he does not look like Chatsky.). This can be explained by the fact that she grew up and was raised independently, was left without a mother early, was not like the young ladies of her circle, read a lot, dreamed, felt. With this image, a book hidden under the pillow became an adviser. Therefore, she endowed Molchalin with virtues that he did not have.

-What is the paradox of characters? (in duality)

Let's move on to the paradoxes of the genre. Group 3 presents their task.


“Woe from Wit” is an obvious paradox of title and genre. To understand this paradox means to understand the secret of this comedy about the tragedy of personality.

The story of Chatsky is the tragedy of a strong, misunderstood personality, doomed to loneliness. The fate of Sophia is the drama of a man who created an idol for himself and experienced a terrible moment of insight.

- So why is “Woe from Wit” not a tragedy, but a comedy?

The play was completed in 1824. At this time, the first place was not put on intelligence and learning, but on ranks, balls, and receptions.

— To whom did Chatsky deliver his dialogues?

(in front of Famusov’s society, in front of people living in Moscow. And Muscovites of that time are a special breed, a special rhythm of life, a certain category of people. It’s not for nothing that Moscow is called the real character in the play. Such a rhythm of life and such a category were alien to Chatsky people. But he was alone, so he looked comical.)

In 1825, there was an uprising of the Decembrists, who repeated the words of Chatsky. In 1826, many of them paid with freedom. The tragedy of the events that occurred after the release of the comedy made me look at it with different eyes. So comedy, against the will of the author, turned into tragicomedy: after all, laughter and intelligence in it are dual. Chatsky’s mind is the mind of a rebel, Molchalin’s mind is the mind of a “diplomat”. “Woe from Wit” can be called a play of prophecy, a play of warning.


Minds that could have done a lot for the country were expelled from Russia (Solzhenitsyn, Sakharov)

CONCLUSION: The mind should not be doomed to grief, because the tragedy of Chatsky alone turns into the tragedy of a country that expels minds and dooms itself to an insane existence.

Summarizing. What paradoxes of comedy have we seen?

D/Z. Find paradoxes in acts 2 and 3.

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