Lesson developments in the Russian language, grade 7, for the textbook by M.T. Baranova - 2013

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Speech like a sword (extracurricular activities) An extracurricular activity for students in grades 5-6….

10/01/2020 Boyadzhyan Eranush Mironovna 23 1

Open lesson in grade 7 “B” Lesson topic: § 74 A. A. Bek “Volokolamsk Highway”. The personality of B. Momyshuly is a shining example of courage and patriotism. This development is intended for 7th grade students in Kazakh schools...

05/11/2020 Toktasynov Kanat Toktasynovich 88 0

Essay “If I Were President” This entertaining essay provides an opportunity to look at the functions of the president in a new way….

07/26/2020 Marchenko Elena Igorevna 56 0

SCENARY of the school holiday dedicated to the month Theme of the event: “Know the road to the world” 1-presenter said goodbye to summer, smiled at the sun, And a completely different life will now begin... Don’t be sad...

04/08/2020 Akramova Mavzhudy Khamitovna 77 0

“Introduction of new methods and techniques in the organization of educational activities in primary schools: technologies for visualizing information in Russian language lessons” The report examines the methods and techniques of organizing the educational process in the Russian language lesson....

07/24/2020 Lushina Natalia Viktorovna 56 0

Gorbova Tatyana Ivanovna master class will show techniques for working with students in preparation for an oral interview...

09/12/2020 Tatyana Ivanovna Gorbova 43 1

Master class “How to become literate or on the “crest” of success” An algorithm is a form into which you can insert any content. This is knowledge that everyone should rely on. After all, any child needs basic knowledge. In St…

08/16/2020 Litvishkina Galina Ivanovna 47 0

Extra-curricular environmental event “Small Country” This extra-curricular event is held in order to instill cultural skills in students, to show the significance of the reality around us….

08/26/2020 Lackey Olga Vasilievna 31 0

Scenario of extracurricular activities for 6th grade students “Phraseological KVN” This development will help organize extracurricular activities in the subject…

05/27/2020 Kuznetsova Tatyana Evgenievna 108 5

Action "St. George's Ribbon" The action was timed to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. ...

06.24.2020 Irina Mikhailovna Pagaeva 48 0

Events during the month of KVN lessons dedicated to the 28th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan...

04/02/2020 Khusanova Giyokhon Negmatullo Kizi 105 0

Literary evening. Pushkin and Abai This development of an extracurricular activity. Intended for teachers and class teachers. ...

05/16/2020 Klara Adamzhanovna Babakhanova 113 1

Report on the topic of a multimedia lesson in literature Type of lesson - general-testing. Slides are alternately projected onto the screen, reflecting facts related to the life and literary activity of the classic of Russian poetry. No questions about the picture I...

04/08/2020 Akramova Mavzhudy Khamitovna 111 0

This entertaining Russian language Didactic material for conducting entertaining games in the Russian language...

05.25.2020 Chizhova Svetlana Nikolaevna 117 0

KVN in the Russian language for 8 grades Goals: developing interest in learning the Russian language. enrichment of students' vocabulary; development of memory, logical thinking, creative imagination...

05/13/2020 Kirgizbaeva Matlyuba Nurmakhamatovna 118 1

Extracurricular activity “Experts of the Russian language” A lesson-trip through the mysterious labyrinth of the Russian language. The motto of the competition is “Knowledge calls, but action does not wait.” ...

06/14/2020 Zelenkova Svetlana Valerievna 128 0

School-wide event “Novruz Bayram Holiday” CLASS EVENT HELD ON MARCH 20...

03/24/2020 Mirzaev Sarvan Fikretovich 110 0

Intellectual game in the Russian language “The smartest” Intellectual game in the Russian language and literature for grade 6...

05.25.2020 Chizhova Svetlana Nikolaevna 148 4

Lesson - game in 5th grade "Do you know Russian?" Lesson-game “Do you know Russian?” Lesson objectives: 1. Repeat the basic concepts of the sections “Morphol...

06/14/2020 Zelenkova Svetlana Valerievna 147 0

My Homeland is Uzbekistan 1. In this development we will make an absentee trip to Uzbekistan. 2. Let's learn about the historical cities of Uzbekistan: Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva. 3.We will also learn about the traditions of bonds...

04/02/2020 Turdieva Nilufar Nurutdinovna 130 0

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Russian language - lessons, tests, presentations, notes

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Summary of an open lesson in 8th grade. N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba” This presentation can be used in Russian and Turkmen language lessons. ...

06/15/2020 Khudekov Ashirmurat Khudekovich 86 0

Writing suffixes for verbs in the past tense. A lesson in learning new things. Writing suffixes for verbs in the past tense….

06/03/2020 Shushakova Marina Nikolaevna 57 0

Work program on the Russian language for grade 8 Work program on the Russian language for grade 8…

10/09/2020 Zhinzhikova Nina Mikhailovna 5 0

A. Platonov Yushka Presentation for students of 9th grade schools with Uzbek and other languages ​​of instruction on the topic: A. Platonov Yushka…

04/05/2020 Dzhumadullaeva Gulzinat Kokanovna 86 1

Presentation for the lesson Topic: Adjective as a part of speech. Lesson Objectives: Educational:

04/03/2020 Ibragimova Gulbahor Berdierovna 101 0

One-part sentences This development summarizes the material on the topic: “One-part sentences.” The presentation offers theoretical information and practical tasks on this topic....

08/10/2020 Zabolotskikh Elena Vyacheslavovna 51 1

Research work “Learn to speak correctly.” The material from the research work “Learn to Speak Correctly” can be used by the teacher not only in Russian language lessons, but also in literature lessons, during class hours, during extracurricular activities...

08/19/2020 Musaeva Nina Mikhailovna 40 0

Russian language lesson in 5th grade on the topic “Definition”. introduce the definition as a secondary member and methods of its expression, its role in enhancing the expressiveness of artistic description….

02/10/2020 Fedorenko Elena Nikolaevna 86 1

Technological map of the lesson. Lesson topic: “Syllables. Hyphenation". Familiarize students with the rules of word hyphenation. Formation of subject skills: spelling skills: - divide words into parts for transfer. way of dividing words into layers...

06.16.2020 Vetruk Tatyana Viktorovna 103 1

The work program of the elective course in grade 9 “Preparing for the OGE in the Russian language” The work program of the elective course “Preparing for the OGE in the Russian language” is based on ...

09/23/2020 Elena Anatolyevna Laikova 61 4

Biography of M.Yu. Lermontov, poem “Sail”. About the life and work of M.Yu. Lermontov. Get acquainted with the poem “Sail”...

04/12/2020 Tursunova Mokhidil Sabirzhanovna 79 1

“Religion as a cultural phenomenon” Educational – to form students’ knowledge about the essence of religion and the main distinctive features of world religions; outline the role of religion...

10/07/2020 Kaztaeva Aidana Maratkyzy 8 0

Adjective as a part of speech Familiarity with the adjective, its role in speech, the ability to find an adjective in the text….

04/26/2020 Golubina Natalya Viktorovna 85 0

Calendar planning in the Russian language for 7 classes of general education institutions. Calendar planning in the Russian language for 7 classes of general education institutions corresponds to the Russian language program and Educational standards. Test work is distributed optimally...

09.27.2020 Medvedeva Ksenia Nikolaevna 40 4

Magic square Linguistic kaleidoscope “Magic square”. (extracurricular activity in Russian language)

06/01/2020 Kabulova Sholpan Ilyasovna 84 0

Speech like a sword (extracurricular activities) An extracurricular activity for students in grades 5-6….

10/01/2020 Boyadzhyan Eranush Mironovna 23 1

"Word. Composition of a word" This lesson may be useful for Russian language teachers...

09.16.2020 Smirnova Irina Aleksandrovna 31 0

My small Motherland Essay by a 5th grade student “My small Motherland.” Repetition on the topic of narration...

07/24/2020 Marina Vladimirovna Mazurenko 52 0

Nouns with the suffixes -ek and -ik I offer a lesson in discovering new knowledge. The lesson complies with the Federal State Educational Standard...

08/30/2020 Prishchep Valentina Nikolaevna 49 0

Presentation: “City - Sevastopol” Project theme: Hero City Sevastopol. žProject goal: To introduce the hero city. žProject objectives: 1.Study the history of the city of Sevastopol in…

10/05/2020 Krasilnikova Olga Nikolaevna 13 0

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