Didactic games on environmental education in the middle group. Part 2

Relevance of environmental education and upbringing

Ecology as a science about the relationships of living organisms with each other and with the environment arose relatively recently, in the middle of the 19th century. Initially, she considered the issues of the relationship of living organisms with each other and their adaptability to environmental conditions.

“The study of home, home” - this is how the concept of “ecology” can be literally translated.

The rapid growth of technological progress at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries entailed increased and thoughtless exploitation of natural resources by man. Massive deforestation, drainage of swamps, water and soil pollution from industrial waste from large plants and factories, destruction of huge animal populations for profit have brought our planet to the brink of disaster. But humanity was able to stop and realize that the reckless waste of natural resources inevitably leads to the death of all life on our planet.

Humanity realized in time that nature is a priceless and unique gift that should be passed on to children and grandchildren

In the mid-twentieth century, environmentalists managed to attract the attention of both the public and governments of various states to environmental problems. Environmental measures have allowed us to restore balance and save our planet from irreversible changes. Currently, the science of ecology considers not only the relationships in the natural world, but also how to preserve and pass on to future generations the priceless gift of our common home, planet Earth - its natural resources.

The education system cannot remain aloof from problems of environmental protection, which in our time are declared a priority in most developed countries. The main task of modern pedagogy is the formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed, thinking, cultural personality. General human culture is impossible without environmental culture, therefore environmental education of the younger generation is the primary task of educational institutions, including preschool ones.

The purpose and objectives of environmental games in kindergarten

Preschool educational institutions (Preschool educational institutions) carry out systematic, diverse work to cultivate an environmental culture and value attitude (understanding of value and uniqueness) of children to the natural world. The approximate educational program “From birth to school” outlines a number of tasks for environmental education in general:

  • Familiarization with nature and natural phenomena.
  • Development of the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena.
  • Formation of primary ideas about the natural diversity of planet Earth.
  • Formation of elementary ecological ideas.
  • Forming an understanding that man is part of nature, that he must preserve, protect and protect it, that everything in nature is interconnected, that human life on Earth largely depends on the environment.
  • Developing the ability to behave correctly in nature.
  • Fostering a love for nature and a desire to protect it.

These are serious and complex tasks for the middle group of kindergarten, and one of the most frequently used methods for solving them is didactic games on natural history and environmental topics.

A didactic (educational) game is the best means for consolidating, generalizing and deepening the knowledge acquired by a child. The goal of didactic games on ecology in kindergarten is to make the process of obtaining information about the natural world and the relationships in it entertaining and easy, maximally corresponding to the physiological and psychological characteristics of children of each age group.

The objectives of each individual didactic game arise from the requirements of the Federal State Standard and educational programs. During the school year, the teacher conducts various educational games to ensure repetition and consolidation of knowledge about all phenomena and objects of nature that are understandable to the child. In this way, the entire scope of educational, developmental and educational tasks is fulfilled.

In a didactic game, the child consolidates and repeats important information without stress or boredom

Child's cognitive activity

Starting from the middle group, in preschool institutions, teachers begin to teach children a natural perception of the world through environmental games.

It is at the age of 5 that children begin to process and assimilate material faster, and playing with environmental materials becomes more accessible to them.

Child's cognitive activity

Directions for the development of children's activities

The cognitive activity of children has 2 directions of development: spontaneous and purposeful.

Spontaneous is the development of a child in which adults do not take part. The baby gradually, growing up and being in the company of people who are around him, gradually learns. But what they will learn depends on the people who are nearby.

Purposeful direction includes a whole list of goals and objectives that are set for the person raising the child.

Note! Depending on the age of the child, the semantic load of the games, with the help of which an adult communicates with a child in order to teach him and help him understand all the things incomprehensible to a little person, also changes.

Directions of development

The importance of didactic games of environmental content in secondary groups

During play, the child receives moral relief, learns new things without fatigue, and receives emotional and mental pleasure. While playing, the baby learns to communicate with other people, gets to know the objects around him, and understands the importance of work in a person’s life. Adults teach children the first steps in life, and it is from them that children learn:

  • Communicate with other people.
  • Attitude towards animals and plants that surround them.
  • Rules of behavior in society.
  • Culture of behavior.
  • Rules for using objects around them.
  • Understand that man is a part of nature that needs to be protected and taken care of.
  • Rules of behavior in nature.

There are still many things that are learned in childhood. After all, throughout one’s life a person constantly learns something new. And the beginning of this constant learning is childhood.

Ecological games

Methodological basis for conducting environmental educational games in the middle group of preschool educational institutions

Games to familiarize yourself with the natural world are carried out in early and early preschool age (third and fourth year of life). Actually, environmental games become available to children of the middle group, since in the fifth year of life the child’s thinking, his ability to assimilate and process information increase significantly. Four-year-olds begin to develop voluntary attention, logical thinking, the ability to make inferences, and express their thoughts, so they can understand the simplest relationships between natural phenomena, which they can not only trace and understand, but also describe.

The cognitive activity of children increases, the emotional sphere is enriched. They are inquisitive, inquisitive, responsive, and prone to empathy, that is, empathy. All these qualitative changes make the age of the fifth year of life favorable for mastering the basics of ecological culture.

Since the formation of the ecological culture of preschoolers goes through the stages of “I know - I love - I take care”, that is, a conscious caring attitude towards the natural world is built on the assimilation of knowledge about it and the emotional perception of its beauty, the list of ecological ones can include not only games on establishing relationships or the adaptability of organisms to environmental conditions (“Who spends the winter how?”, “Who is wearing what?”), but also those in which general knowledge about nature is reinforced (“What grows where?”, “Moms and cubs,” “Recognize the animal by description” ).

A caring attitude towards nature is formed in four-year-olds not only on the basis of knowledge, but also on an emotional level - through direct communication with it

Principles of organizing environmental games

When organizing a didactic game on ecology, the teacher must know the principles that underlie educational games:

  • Unity of training, education and development. In environmental games, compliance with this principle is especially important. Understanding the secrets of the surrounding world, each time a child should find something new, entertaining in the game, encouraging further active learning, so the teacher should think about what complications will be added to the game when played again. And the educational significance of environmental games lies on the surface - they are carried out in order to instill in children love and respect for living things, the ability to appreciate and increase the gifts of our planet.
  • Individual approach. Since games on environmental topics reinforce rather complex knowledge (about the relationships in nature, relationships between living organisms, means of their survival in different natural conditions), the best way to carry them out would be to divide children into small subgroups, up to 5-6 people. In this way, it will be easier for the teacher to ensure that children correctly name natural phenomena, plants, animals, and do not make mistakes in logical conclusions, and the children will have the opportunity to speak out, consider everything properly, and understand. Frontal (with all children in the group) didactic games are carried out during classes and outings, selecting for them the easiest material that is well known to everyone. These can be both verbal and active games like “Flies - does not fly”, “Flies, runs, swims”, “Edible - inedible”.
  • An individual approach also means that the teacher notices each child who has difficulty learning information and conducts additional mini-lessons with him separately.
  • Scientificity is one of the key principles that, unfortunately, is often neglected in kindergartens, making a “discount” for the age of the children. Teachers make scientific inaccuracies, mistakes and even blunders both in terminology and in the use of visual aids.
      The first sign of a competent, scientifically based didactic game is the correct use of names and terms by the teacher. In nature there is no “bunny”, “bear”, “apple tree”, “leaf”. There is a white hare and a brown hare, a bear, an apple tree, a maple, oak, and poplar leaf. The methodology advises educators to refrain from using diminutive forms of words when conducting environmental games.
  • Phrases like “Mushrooms grow in the forest, these are plants”, “Circle animals with a red pencil, fish with a blue pencil, and birds with a green pencil” do even more harm to the formation of a correct perception of the picture of the world in children. According to modern scientific concepts, mushrooms are not plants; they form a separate kingdom (large group) of living organisms. Children in the middle group are told about mushrooms, naming some of them (fly agaric, chanterelle, boletus), and in the older group they can explain that mushrooms are very interesting living organisms that have characteristics of both animals and plants, talk in detail about edible and poisonous mushrooms. This general information will be enough for preschoolers. It would also be incorrect to divide the inhabitants of ecosystems into animals, birds, insects, and fish, since they are all animals. In this case, for the general designation of mammals living in the forest, the terms “animals” and “wild animals” are used.
  • Since in the middle group children are introduced to insects and reptiles, the teacher needs to prepare in advance to study these topics in order to know the characteristics of animals and choose those that are accessible to children’s understanding (features of movement, body structure, coloring).
  • The correct selection of visual aids, both for games with objects and for tabletop-printed ones, as well as illustrative material, is also very important. In all images, the appearance of plants and animals must correspond to their natural appearance, that is, it is unacceptable to use for games figurines and images of animals with disproportionate body parts, unnatural colors (blue bears, pink squirrels, etc.), illustrations for fairy tales where animals are depicted in clothes, on their hind legs, talking to each other. The same applies to images of plants. Drawn cartoon vegetables and fruits with eyes, arms and legs are very cute, but they have no place in a didactic game on ecology. Such pictures are best used in creative, fantasy and simulation games.
  • Systematicity and consistency. The amount of knowledge about nature that children must learn during the middle group is quite large and varied, so the teacher needs a system of games to consolidate and repeat it, covering all the topics provided for in the program. It is also necessary to think through complications in games in order to introduce children to natural phenomena and living objects, gradually expanding the amount of information.
  • It must be remembered that in the middle group, children are not yet able to quickly assimilate and reproduce new information, therefore didactic games are built on material that is well known to children, so that there are no hitches and the dynamism of the game does not decrease.

    Images of phenomena and objects, both in plot and subject pictures for didactic games, should correspond as much as possible to natural

    Environmental education of children through play

    A visit to a children's group is desirable for any child. After all, if the baby is alone in the family, he gets used to the fact that all attention is paid to him. And in kindergarten he understands that he lives in a group and learns to interact with other children. He frolics with them and learns new things.

    Preschoolers gain a love for nature through such children's activities. This is how they get acquainted with nature, learn to care for plants and animals, and love them. After all, such a feeling as love also needs to be learned.

    Note! Environmental education introduces us to natural phenomena, to the life of all living things that surround us.

    Stages of organizing a didactic game on ecology

    To successfully conduct the game, the teacher needs to think through some aspects of its organization.

    Determining the theme and objectives of the game

    Typically, games are selected depending on the theme of the week or two weeks (with block planning). The thematic blocks “Vegetables and Fruits”, “Pets”, “Paths of Golden Autumn” require daily games on the corresponding topic in the calendar plan. In addition, didactic games are also planned during classes on familiarization with nature. But even if the topic of the block is “Professions” or “The ABCs of Traffic,” environmental games will not be superfluous in your free time, so they need to be planned at least two or three times a week.

    When planning a game, the teacher introduces teaching, developmental and educational tasks into the plan. Their most complete solution serves as an indicator that the game was played successfully. When self-analyzing the game, the teacher sees what tasks were completed and what needs to be worked on.

    Choosing a place and time

    Didactic games can last 8 or 20 minutes. The teacher needs to select shorter question-and-answer games and riddle games that are suitable for the morning hours before breakfast and for classes when time is limited. In the evening hours after afternoon tea and during environmental leisure activities, longer games (travel, object search, quizzes) can be used.

    In independent play activities, when children have enough time, they can be given lotto, paired pictures, games with modeling and construction (“Collect a picture”, “Bird yard”, “Who lives in the pond”). For example, in the game “Who Lives with a Person, What Gives to a Person,” children can first build a model of a yard using a tabletop constructor, and then select only domestic animals from the figurines proposed by the teacher, name them, describe how they are useful and place them in the appropriate buildings ( poultry house, barn).

    Ecological games are very diverse in location. They can be organized in a group room, on a playground, in a park, near a flower bed, flower garden, in a vegetable garden, on an ecological trail, near any noteworthy natural object after observing it. Games after observations will be short, but this does not reduce their benefits.

    So, after observing a flowering lilac bush on an ecological trail, the teacher can summarize it with a word game “Tree, Bush, Flower,” in which children will once again consolidate the names of plants and knowledge about the differences between them.

    After observing the apple trees in a corner of the garden, children will take an active part in the game “In the garden or in the garden”

    Selection of material and type of game

    Didactic games based on the use of material are divided into the following types:

    • subject;
    • desktop-printed;
    • verbal.

    Very often the type of game depends on the location. Board games and objects (toys, models, layouts) are best used in a group both for hygienic reasons and for the purpose of their safety. But environmental games in the fresh air are remarkable because nature itself provides the material for them. These are leaves, chestnuts, flowers, trees, earth and sky, and all the natural objects that the child sees around him. He may not be able to touch or reach all of them, but he is able to see their beauty, diversity, and richness with the skillful guidance of a teacher.

    In the fresh air, educational games can be carried out on the move, since there is enough space for this. “Run to the tree that I will name”, “Who moves how”, “Find around you” - children are happy to join such games, receiving double benefits: for the mind and physical development.

    Verbal games in the area are usually carried out without the use of visual aids, and in a group room, it is appropriate to confirm the correct answers in a word game by showing the corresponding subject or plot picture, since the thinking of children of the fifth year of life is visual-figurative. What the child sees, he will remember better.

    In the middle group, verbal games on ecology are accompanied by visual demonstrations

    Children's participation in the game

    It is necessary to consider whether the game will be played with a subgroup or all children. If it is carried out on a walk with a small number of children (for example, those attending an ecology club and having more extensive knowledge), the rest of the group is left under the supervision of an assistant teacher. When playing with a subgroup indoors, the teacher positions himself so as to keep all the children in sight. Since participation in games is always voluntary, those preschoolers who do not want to play a didactic game are interested in drawing, plot and construction games, looking at illustrations in children's books, that is, useful, exciting activities.

    Participation of the teacher in the didactic game

    We should not forget about the role of the teacher himself in the game: how to explain the rules, answer children’s questions, what kind of participation to take in it. All this needs to be thought out in advance so as not to delay time, which will inevitably reduce the interest of the students. In the middle group, children can both immediately explain all the rules of the game, and make explanations during the game actions, if necessary. In order to develop the independence of students, in the first half of the year the teacher takes the leading role in the game, and from the middle of the year he entrusts it to willing children, continuing to monitor the correct execution of game actions.

    Enriching children's knowledge and ideas is an important stage in preparing for a didactic game. The more children know about nature, its phenomena and objects, the more confident and bold they behave, and the more successfully they complete the game task.

    Help of didactic materials in teaching

    Didactic materials help teachers tell kids about this. For example, if you take one group of cards with photographs or drawings of animals, and another group with the food that animals eat, you can familiarize yourself with what animals eat.

    As another version of the same game - cards with animals and their children. Kids learn that a cow's child is called a calf, a pig's child is called a piglet, and so on.

    Didactic materials

    Venue of the games

    The location of the game depends on the type of game.

    Note! Board games, activities with cards, toys are best done indoors. This makes it easier to comply with hygiene standards, and materials for games will be better preserved.

    But on the street, seeing objects in nature, children learn about them faster and better. Let the kids touch chestnuts, various leaves, and look at flowers and herbs. Let them look at the sky, the clouds, say what they look like, watch how they constantly change their shape. They will find out what insects exist and what they look like, and the teacher will draw the kids’ attention to all this and tell them about them in an accessible form for children of this age.

    Methodological techniques used when conducting didactic games

    In order for the game to be bright, lively, memorable for preschoolers and to make them want to play it again, the teacher uses various techniques to enrich its content and attract the attention of children:

    • Gaming and surprise moments, the appearance of a game character. Children can be sent a parcel with a new game by forest animals, kind Lesovichok, Carlson, and then the same characters (a toy or an adult in a suit) will appear when the game is played again to see if the kids have learned to play it correctly.
    • Use of visual material, layout, modeling. A model of a tree with a set of subject pictures that are attached to it with Velcro or magnets (flannelograph or magnetic board) will help you to carry out an unforgettable beautiful game to consolidate seasonal phenomena. For example, the teacher accompanies the game “What Autumn Brought to Us” with the words: “Autumn has come, the leaves on the tree have become... What have the leaves become, guys? (children's answers). Clouds ran across the sky and it started to rain. Large (gray) clouds appeared on the ground. The kids dressed in jackets and had boots on their feet. (Mushrooms) grew under our tree. And here is a rowan bush. It has a lot of orange ripe (berries). Birds came to eat the berries. It’s beautiful in the forest in autumn, yellow and red leaves fall from the trees to the ground and quietly rustle under the children’s feet. What song are they singing? (shhh).” When the children correctly name the phenomenon or object, the teacher places the image on or next to the tree. At the end of the game, children repeat autumn phenomena, indicating them on a simulated canvas. Such games not only strengthen and expand children’s knowledge, but also have a positive effect on the emotional sphere, teach them to see the beauty of the world around them and admire it.
    • Similar games can be played with a model of a garden, vegetable garden, forest, accordingly selecting images of fruits, forest inhabitants and plants.
  • The use of artistic words and small folklore forms. Poems, riddles, excerpts from stories, proverbs and sayings, if there are not too many of them to the detriment of the main tasks, make the didactic game rich and useful in terms of mental and aesthetic development. They cultivate a love for their native literature and the nature of their region, which is the first step in nurturing love for the Motherland.
  • Explanation of the rules, demonstration of game actions. The teacher must make sure that all children understand how to play and in what sequence to perform actions. It is especially important to check this if the game is new. Children’s actions should also be corrected during the game, since in a didactic game, fulfilling the rules and game tasks is necessary to achieve program objectives. The exception is children's independent games, when children try to play, imitating the teacher, but change the rules or actions. You cannot interfere with them or interrupt children. But after the game, you can have a conversation, remind the kids of the rules, and offer to play again in compliance with the rules.
  • Independent attempts to play educational games in the fifth year of life are an indicator of the pupils’ high intelligence and developed creative abilities, so the teacher should encourage them with all his might. To develop independence, children should have free access to educational toys, printed board games, and natural materials.

    Independence and the ability to cooperate in play are indicators of a high level of child development

    It is necessary to teach children to put everything back in its place after games, as well as constantly conduct conversations about the culture of the game and explain how to properly use materials and equipment so that the game does not become dangerous.

    Various game options

    These can be pictures depicting different seasons - winter, spring, summer, autumn. Showing each picture in turn, the teacher asks the children to tell what they know about the different seasons. This is how kids get acquainted with different states of nature.

    Here you can introduce riddles about winter, summer, autumn, spring into the lesson. This will make it more fun and exciting for the children to explore the world.

    You can also study, for example, birds. Give the kids pictures of a sparrow, dove, swallow, crow - any of the most famous birds of the region where the children live. Ask to see one particular bird. The kids will show it and tell you where they saw the bird. This makes it easier for everyone together, as a team, to remember new material.

    Note! The same educational activities can be carried out not only in a group, but also on the street.

    Let's say we gather all the children together and talk about the trees that grow in the yard. Then say: “One, two, three, run to the birch tree.” The children run around happily.

    In the game you need to pay attention to each child

    All people on Earth are completely different; no two people are alike. And at the age of 4-5-6 years you can already see how active the child is, how quickly he learns, and how he behaves towards other children in the group. When working with children, the teacher pays attention to all the children, but some immediately, from the first word, understand and remember what is new to them, while another child needs to explain this in more detail again.

    If you set yourself the task of not just spending time with the children, looking after them so that the kids do not get injured due to their activity, but teaching them to live next to other people, to love the world around them, to take care of it, then it is quite possible to achieve such a goal. And what path they will take in the future largely depends on the environmental lessons in kindergarten and on how much parents at home will support and continue the initiatives of educators in raising children.

    Time plan and structure of the didactic game

    Depending on the place and time, a didactic game on ecology can last from 5–7 minutes. per lesson up to 15–20 minutes. in the afternoon, on a walk.

    Table: structure and time frame of the didactic game

    Stage of the gameContents of the stageDuration
    Interesting moment, message of the theme of the gameThe teacher draws the children’s attention to the game (it is possible to attract a character who brings the game), gives the children the opportunity to familiarize themselves with materials and objects, and communicates the game task.1–1.5 min.
    Familiarization with the rulesIn the middle group, it is allowed to first communicate 1-2 basic rules, and voice additional ones later, as the game progresses.1–2 min.
    Demonstration of game actions by the teacher. Performing play actions by children This is the main part of the game, during which educational tasks are carried out, which for children are presented in the form of gaming tasks.10–12 min.
    Game summaryHis teacher must lead in such a way that all children have a positive impression of the game, even if not all of them successfully completed the task. In the middle group, they are praised for successes, but not criticized for failures. The ability to evaluate their actions critically and endure defeats without a strong emotional outburst will appear in preschoolers only a year later, in the older group. If the teacher or game character praises all the kids, the kids will happily agree with them. 1–2 min.

    Table: card index of didactic games on ecology for the middle group of preschool educational institutions

    Name of the gameProgram tasksGame content
    Where is the bunny hiding?Teach children to describe and name plants according to their characteristic features, to develop thinking and attention.The game is played in the park, in the forest, in the square. A driver is selected from a group of children, the rest are divided into two subgroups. The driver hides the bunny under some plant (tree, bush) so that the other children do not see where the toy is hidden. Then the driver describes the plant (if it is difficult, the teacher helps). Whichever group guesses faster what plant the bunny is under, goes to look for it.
    Where does it grow?Teach children to group vegetables and fruits, develop quick reaction to the teacher’s word, endurance, and discipline.The children are divided into two teams: vegetable growers and gardeners. Vegetables and fruits (dummies can be used) are laid out on the table. At the teacher’s signal, children sort out vegetables and fruits and apply them to the corresponding pictures. The team that finishes the job first wins. Children not participating in the teams check the correctness of the selection.
    Our friendsExpand children's ideas about the lifestyle of pets, about caring for them, about their homes, and cultivate a caring attitude, interest and love for them.Cards with images of animals are distributed to the participants of the game, the leader has small cards (food, housing, care items), with the image turned down. The presenter takes any card and shows it to the participants. The participant who needs this card raises his hand and explains why this card is needed specifically for his animal.
    The postman brought the parcelTo form and expand children’s ideas about vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, etc., teach them to describe and recognize objects by description.The parcel is brought to the group. The presenter (teacher) distributes items from the parcel to each child. Children look at them and take turns telling what they received in the mail.
    Wonderful pouchTo form and consolidate children’s knowledge about various natural objects (animals, vegetables, fruits, etc.). Develop fine motor skills of fingers, tactile sensations, and speech of children. The leader holds a bag of objects, invites the children to come up one at a time and identify the object by touch without pulling it out, and name it. Complication: the child describes the object, the other children guess what it is.
    Place the animals in their homesTo develop and consolidate children’s knowledge about the places where animals live and the names of their homes. Develop speech. Different natural zones of the earth are located on the flannelgraph. Children have small cards with various animals, birds, etc. The children’s task is to name their animal, where it lives, and place it on a flannelgraph near the desired natural area.
    Guess by descriptionDevelop and consolidate knowledge about the appearance of natural objects (animals, plants, fish, insects, etc.). Develop memory and speech. The presenter (teacher) has cards with various images. He describes the object without showing it. Children must guess who is shown on the card. You can use riddles.
    When does this happen?Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature and the life of animals at different times of the year.The game is played like a lotto. The presenter has small cards with the image turned down, the players have large cards with the image of the seasons. The presenter shows the card, the players say what it is and when it happens. The child explains why this card is needed specifically for him. The one who closes his card first wins. But the game continues until all participants close their cards.
    Fourth wheelClarify and consolidate children's knowledge about the classifications of various natural objects. Develop logical thinking and speech. Cards are displayed: three are of one type, and the fourth is of another. The children's task is to identify the extra card and explain their choice. You can complicate the task and play the game verbally, naming items and objects.

    A separate group of didactic games on ecology consists of games of low and medium mobility, in which children must simultaneously apply knowledge about nature and demonstrate dexterity, speed, spatial orientation skills, and coordination of movements. Such games are played both during walks and during environmental leisure activities in order to satisfy the need for fidgety four-year-olds to move.

    During your walk, you can organize outdoor games of environmental content using trees that grow near the site

    Table: examples of outdoor environmental games in the middle group of kindergarten

    Name of the gameProgram tasksGame content
    Edible - inedibleTo form and consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits and berries. Develop memory, coordination The presenter names a vegetable, fruit, berry or any object, throws the ball to one of the participants, if the object is one of the given ones, then he catches it. You can play with the whole group at once using claps (clap if the item is not one of the given ones)
    Everyone go home!To form and consolidate children’s knowledge of different plants (trees, bushes), according to the shape of their leaves (fruits, seeds). Reinforce the rules of behavior in the forest and in the park. Before going for a walk with children, the rules of behavior in the forest (park) are reinforced. The game is preferably carried out in the fall (when there are already seeds and fruits), or in the summer (only using leaves). The teacher suggests going on a hike. Children are given leaves (fruits, seeds) of different plants (bushes, trees). Determine which tree the leaf or fruit belongs to. Children walk through the forest (park), at the teacher’s signal “It’s raining. Everyone go home!”, the children run to “their trees.” After the game, the children once again compare the leaves and fruits with those growing on the tree or bush they ran up to.
    Let's reap the harvestDevelop and consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables, fruits and berries, their place of growth (garden, vegetable garden, bed, tree, bush).In certain places in the group, pictures of a vegetable garden and a garden are placed, and there are also models or cards depicting the fruits of plants. Children can be divided into two teams (gardeners and gardeners). At the leader’s signal, the teams collect the harvest in their basket. When the harvest is harvested, 4–5 children describe a vegetable, fruit, or berry (optional). Condition: You can only transfer one item at a time.

    Table: summary of an outdoor didactic game on ecology in the middle group “Let's help Carlson collect vegetables and fruits,” developed by M. V. Korzh

    Stage of the gameContents of the stage
    Educational objectives
    • To consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits, their consumption by humans and where they grow. Learn to distinguish vegetables and fruits by appearance (color, shape).
    • Develop memory, logical thinking, and the ability to quickly navigate a situation.
    • To foster cognitive activity, a desire to learn new things, a sense of mutual assistance, kindness, gratitude, and the ability to appreciate the gifts of nature.
    Materials and equipment
    • Two baskets with labels (a bowl of soup and a jar of jam).
    • Dummy vegetables and fruits (10–12 of each type).
    • Carlson's suit.
    Interesting moment, message of the theme of the gameIn the group room, Carlson (an adult) appears on the playground. Educator: - Guys, look who came to visit us! Hello, Carlson, how did you end up here? Carlson: “I was flying over your kindergarten and I ran out of jam.” My motor can't work. I am very hungry. Don't have any jam? Educator: - No, Carlson. But we will help you make jam. Do you know what is needed for this? Carlson: - Of course, I’m the smartest, the most scientist! I know how to make jam from cucumbers and cabbage... Teacher: - Guys, is there really jam from cabbage? What is jam made from (children's answers). You see, Kalson, our guys know very well what jam is made from. What do you call apples, pears, plums, and peaches together? Carlson: - Vegetables! Educator: - Children, Carlson is right? What is this? Of course, apples, peaches, and pears are fruits. Where do fruits grow? (in the garden). What vegetables do you know? (children's answers). Where do vegetables grow? (in the garden). What is cooked from vegetables? (soup, borscht). Carlson: — I also really like soup and borscht, they are tasty and healthy! When I get home, I’ll make myself soup from plums and apples... Teacher: - Again, Carlson, you’ve messed everything up! It looks like you can't do it without the help of our guys. Children, can we help Carlson collect vegetables for soup and fruits for jam? Carlson: - That will be great! Help me please!
    Familiarization with the rulesThe teacher shows the children two baskets with labels (images of a bowl of soup and a jar of jam). Educator: - Here are the baskets in which you need to put fruits, separately vegetables and separately fruits. Which basket should we put the vegetables in? Which fruit? We will divide into two teams, one will collect vegetables, the second fruits. The fruits are here. You need to run up to them one by one and take one, then return to your team and put the fruit in the basket. Vegetables and fruits (dummies) lie at a distance of 4–5 m from the line at which two teams of children line up. If there are 5-6 children in a team, they run for objects twice, a subgroup of 10-12 people collects one object each. In the first half of the school year, vegetables and fruits are placed separately, opposite each team, then they are mixed (complication). Who will collect vegetables and who fruits is determined by lot: a child from one team approaches the teacher, who hides a vegetable behind his back in one hand, a fruit in the other, and makes a choice. The teacher divides the children into two teams, trying to equalize the strengths of both. The teams line up along the line, the teacher repeats the rules:
    • Don't run out of line.
    • Don't run ahead of time.
    • Take one subject at a time.
    • Choose the appropriate type of fruit.
    • Place all items in the basket.
    • Take your time, be careful, because the main thing is not to collect everything as quickly as possible, but to choose correctly (this rule is relevant in the second half of the year).
    Performing play actions by childrenOn the command “One, two, three, run!” Children one by one run out to the place where the fruits are laid out, choose the one they need, return and put it in the basket. Carlson encourages the teams and “roots” for everyone.
    Game summaryThe teacher checks how both teams completed the task. If the “wrong” fruit gets into the basket, it is moved, explaining to the children that this is a vegetable (fruit) and it should be in another basket. Carlson: - Thank you, guys, for your help! Now I won’t confuse what to make soup from and what to make jam from. And I have a gift for you, but I dropped it. Wait a bit! (runs away, returns with a gift, it can be a board game or a book on a natural history theme, for example, lotto, paired pictures, a collection of riddles about plants and animals, stories by E. Charushin). Educator: - And thank you very much, Carlson! Come visit us often! Carlson: - Definitely! Goodbye! (takes the baskets and leaves). Educator: - It was interesting that we played with Carlson, children? You know a lot about plants, you are true friends of nature! Let's look at what our friend Carlson gave us. Children look at the game, book, then move on to independent activities. This game can be played as part of leisure or environmental entertainment.

    Careful preparation of didactic games, proper organization and conduct, and scientific presentation of information will help the teacher to raise middle school children, fidgets and little ones, into true friends and defenders of nature. A creative approach, the ability to take into account the interests of the child and the desire to make the learning process as useful as possible will always come to the aid of both experienced and young teachers, and for kids, getting to know the secrets and mysteries of nature will turn into a wonderful, unforgettable journey around our wonderful planet.

    Card index of games for the middle group

    There are federal state educational standards that provide a set of special criteria in the requirements both in education and in sports standards. Based on the Federal State Educational Standard, didactic games on ecology are being developed for the middle group. There is a whole catalog of such games and includes the following sections:

    • didactic;
    • movable;
    • folk;
    • fingered;
    • plot-role-playing.

    Forms, methods and means of environmental education

    The section of environmental educational games involves studying nature using various aids - cards, drawings, animals, plants and other materials.

    Conducting classes

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