Didactic games for the cognitive development of children of senior preschool age. Part 1

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Methodological instructions for a set of didactic games on local history “Love and know your native land.”


  • Goroshnikova T.S.
  • Egorova M.N.

Kiselevsk, 2020 Municipal autonomous educational preschool institution of the Kiselyovsky urban district “Kindergarten No. 2 “Luchiki” of a combined type”

A.A. Psychological and pedagogical research has shown that preschool children can have access to knowledge about certain historical events, facts of geography, culture and art, if they are presented in an accessible form, touch feelings, and arouse interest, i.e. local history classes are available to preschool children.

Local history is a comprehensive research and popularization study of a certain territory and the accumulation of knowledge about it. At the same time, knowledge of geography, ecology, history, archeology, toponymy, topography, heraldry, ethnography, philology, and art history is combined on a geographical basis. This material is especially valuable in working with preschool children for the formation of local history knowledge and instilling love for their native land.

Local history education of preschool children is aimed at fostering a sustainable interest in their native land, cognitive activity, and cultivating feelings such as affection, love, which, in turn, feed the need and desire to learn as much as possible about their small homeland.

It should also be noted that local history is an inexhaustible source for integrated training, education and correctional work with children. Working with children based on the material of their native land, traditions and culture, contributes to the formation of social orientations in preschool children, including guidelines, goals and means of life.

“Personal orientations act as a kind of “filter” that allows this or that information to pass through, which does not require a restructuring of the entire personality system, supports its internal integrity, and satisfies the needs of the individual in those ways and through the values ​​that society itself offers.” (G. N. Muss, 2007)

Play occupies a special place in the local history education of preschool children. Through it, the child gets acquainted with the world around him and learns new things more easily and willingly. Games of a local history nature help children develop various skills and abilities to interact with the environment.

Local history is the starting point of a fascinating journey into a turbulent geological and historical past; a launching pad for a flight of fantasy about the future. About the future of a person, his family, his city...

The main goal of preschool local history is to educate a citizen who loves and knows his land.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of problems:

  1. Introduce us to the history and modernity of our city.
  2. Form an idea of ​​the various aspects of life in your city.
  3. Develop a desire to know your city as best as possible.
  4. To contribute to the formation, development and strengthening of not only the children's team, but also the family.
  5. To promote the development of personal qualities of preschoolers through local history.

These guidelines are aimed at providing assistance to preschool teachers, additional education teachers and parents to improve their competence in organizing work on local history in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

A set of didactic games and methodological instructions for them can be used in the following areas of knowledge and activity:

  • social and communicative development;
  • cognitive development;
  • speech development.

Explanatory note

Education of the moral side of a preschooler - a future citizen - is one of the most important components in the development of personality.

The most important moral value is the revived sense of patriotism in the Russian State, the formation of civically active, socially significant qualities in the younger generation. The feeling of love for the Fatherland is formed in children gradually, in the process of accumulating knowledge and ideas about the social life of the country, native land, city, attractions, indigenous people, people’s work, and nature. This complex feeling is born out of love for loved ones, for the place where the child was born, where he spent his childhood years, for his small homeland. State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016–2020” , which was developed on the basis of knowledge, experience and traditions of patriotic education increased over the past decades and “Strategy for the development of the system of patriotic education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025” , which takes into account that patriotic education is the socially determined formation of the personality of a citizen, a patriot, spiritual, moral and responsible for the fate of his Fatherland. Preschool age is the foundation of a child’s overall development, the starting period of all high human principles. After all, by cultivating a sense of attachment to one’s home, kindergarten, home street, one’s own family, the formation of the foundation on which a more complex education will grow—a feeling of love for one’s Fatherland—begins.

The federal educational standard for preschool education sets goals for patriotic education: creating conditions for the formation of the foundations of patriotic consciousness of children, the possibility of positive socialization of the child, his comprehensive personal, moral and cognitive development, development of initiative and creative abilities based on activities appropriate for preschool age. We live in the Kemerovo region, and this is a multi-ethnic region and its culture is multinational: the cultures of large and small nations are intertwined in it, mutually enriching each other. Therefore, by introducing children to nature and cultural traditions, the city, and their native land, parents and teachers instill in children a sense of love for their homeland, national identity, spirituality, and a culture of interethnic communication.

Practical significance of methodological recommendations:

  • the organization of work on moral and patriotic education in the logic of a person-oriented approach was introduced into the practice of preschool educational institutions;
  • the subject-spatial and sociocultural environment of kindergarten groups has been enriched in accordance with the requirements;
  • a set of didactic games on the topic was selected;
  • methodological recommendations were developed in connection with the preparation of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of Kuzbass and the 85th anniversary of the hometown of Kiselevsk.

The developed methodological recommendations “Love and know your native land” on the patriotic education of preschool children in the process of becoming familiar with the history of their native land can be used by preschool teachers, additional institutions and parents to improve competence in organizing work on the regional component in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

The purpose of drawing up methodological recommendations:

implementation of an integrated approach to child development and the implementation of the intellectual and moral development of preschool children through familiarization with their small homeland.



  • Using the example of the nearby natural environment, introduce preschoolers to the world around them, help them realize their place in it;
  • learn to navigate the natural environment;
  • to introduce children to the spiritual and moral tradition of the Russian people.


  • by means of moral and patriotic education, develop the child’s intelligence, form visual and figurative thinking, elements of independence, skills of relationships with adults and peers;
  • formation of a caring attitude towards nature and all living things;
  • expanding children's knowledge about minerals;
  • developing a sense of responsibility and pride for the achievements of the native land.


  • to morally educate a preschooler, developing a kind, caring attitude towards nature, people, one’s land, and country;
  • nurturing in a child love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, district, region;
  • instilling respect for work;
  • fostering a friendly attitude and respect for people of different nationalities;
  • the formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples and their traditions.

Expected results:

  • development in the child of civil and patriotic feelings, love and affection for his native land, Motherland;
  • development of civic position and patriotic feelings for the past and present of Kuzbass;
  • promoting the active life position of teachers in the moral education of children.

The novelty of the idea is that the methodological recommendations for the set of games on local history “Love and know your native land” solves the problem of nurturing love and affection for the small homeland, for the culture and traditions of the peoples of the Kemerovo region, as well as presenting local history information to students (educational games , creative tasks). As a result, preschool children will be able to use the acquired knowledge and skills to: independently become acquainted with the historical and cultural objects of their city and region; assessing their aesthetic value; orientation in your city; searching for the necessary information about the native land, people who contributed to the development and history of the city.

Didactic game MADOU No. 2 “Rays” : “Professions of Kuzbass. Who needs what for work?

Goal: to introduce children to representatives of Kuzbass professions and the corresponding attributes necessary for work.


  • fix the name of items belonging to this profession
  • develop logical thinking and coherent speech in preschoolers

- cultivate cognitive interest and respect for work.

Age audience: children of middle and senior preschool age.

Brief description of the game: six soft game cubes, with sides measuring 8*8 centimeters each, which depict representatives of different professions of Kuzbass and the attributes necessary for work: one cube contains images only of representatives of professions, attributes are depicted on the faces of other cubes.

The game is simplified by the fact that each profession and the attributes belonging to it are assigned to the side of a cube of the same color.

Profession teacher - appropriate attributes: globe, blackboard, chalk, pointer, textbooks.

Profession miner: helmet, jackhammer, pickaxe, flashlight, sledgehammer.

Profession metallurgist: blast furnace, apron and sleeves, casting ladle, helmet with protective mask, iron.

Profession chemist: flasks, safety glasses, preparations, microscope, chemical apparatus.

Profession doctor: overalls, syringe, first aid kit, couch, stethoscope.

Profession farmer: pitchfork, tractor, combine, cow, cart.

Guidelines for the game:

— preliminary work with children.

— a story about professions characteristic of Kuzbass.

After all the materials have been studied, you can begin gaming activities. The game should begin under the guidance of an adult; later, as it is mastered, children can play independently. Since the game contains three-dimensional figures that are available for viewing by all participants, the game can be either tabletop or floor-based.

Rules of the game: each participant must choose the right attribute that matches their profession. The game is played by 2 to 5 people.

The first player, the leader, is selected according to the counting, the remaining players take part in turns. The game is structured in such a way that the rules of the game correspond to the age characteristics of the children.

Option 1: (Middle group)

The game is recommended for individual work.

The child is asked to look at a pyramid consisting of cubes arranged in such a way that there are three cubes in the first row and two cubes in the second row. On the faces of the proposed cubes are depicted objects related to a particular profession. The player’s task is to choose a suitable profession and place it at the end of the pyramid. In this version and in the future, the game is considered correctly performed if all the dice are aligned with faces of the same color.

Option 2: (Senior group)

The players are invited to look at the objects depicted on the dice, which are set by the leader in the amount of three pieces. The players' task is to place two matching dice in the next row, and then choose the hidden profession and place the cube at the end of the pyramid.

Progress of the game:

The presenter, who was chosen according to the counting rhyme, throws a die on which professions are depicted. Names the profession that appears on the die. The rest of the participants examine the cubes, select a face depicting the materials or tools needed for this work, and explain their choice. Why this particular profession is important and should be respected. The game ends as the children get tired.

Intellectual game "Know-It-Alls" .

Goal: fostering a sense of pride and love for the Motherland, for the native land.


  • systematize preschoolers’ knowledge about the Kemerovo region;
  • consolidate children's knowledge about the sights of Kuzbass and memorable places;
  • develop teamwork skills;
  • develop coherent speech, memory, thinking, attention.

Age of children: the game is intended for children of older preschool age.

Brief description: playing field divided into 5 sectors, spinning top with arrow, envelopes with cards:

  • cities of Kemerovo region:
  • sights of Kuzbass;
  • heraldry of the cities of the Kemerovo region;
  • animals and birds listed in the Red Book of Kuzbass;
  • explorers of the Kuznetsk land.

Guidelines for the game:

  • preliminary work with children;
  • a story about the history of the city;
  • studying the map of the Kemerovo region;
  • getting to know the sights of your native land.
  • study of photographic materials that will form the basis of the game.

After all the materials have been studied, you can begin gaming activities. The game should begin under the guidance of an adult; later, as children master it, they can play independently. All materials for the game should be located in relation to the players so that they are clearly visible and convenient to use, so it is better to play the game at the table.

Rules of the game: The teacher or child lays out envelopes with inscriptions and symbols in sectors. The child spins a spinning top with an arrow and names the envelope it points to. Then the envelope is opened, cards with images are taken out, and the children name what is depicted on it. For each correct answer, the player receives a token. The one with the most tokens wins.

  • The game involves from 3 to 5 people, 1 is the leader.
  • Choosing a leader (child or teacher).
  • Envelopes with tasks are laid out on the sectors.
  • The presenter rotates the arrow and takes the envelope it points to.
  • Players answer questions in turns. For the correct answer, the player receives an incentive token.
  • The one who collects the most tokens wins.

Progress of the game:

Number of players: subgroup of children from 3 to 5 people. Children sit down so that everyone can clearly see and conveniently reach and choose a card. For a correctly completed task, a participant in the intellectual game “Know-It-All” receives an incentive token.

The game ends when all the children have completed the task. The one with the most tokens wins. The game can be played several times. When all the children begin to cope with the task easily, the game can be complicated. Invite the children (several one player) to compose a story based on the image. The game helps stimulate children's cognitive interest in the history of their native land, forms cognitive culture and patriotic consciousness. The didactic material of the game is appropriate for the age of the children and is practical to use when working with children.

Didactic game - lotto “Red Book. Fauna"

Children's lotto is an entertaining board game for children from 5 years old, which promotes the development of attention, logical thinking and visual memory of the child, and also introduces children to the animals of the Red Book of Kuzbass and broadens their horizons.

Lotto includes 4 game cards and 16 chips:

  1. Wild animals: reindeer, bear, red-cheeked ground squirrel, snow leopard, musk deer, wolf, wild boar, otter, elk.
  2. Reptiles: Siberian frog, common newt.
  3. Birds: demoiselle crane, black crane, hoopoe, peregrine falcon, flamingo.

Rules of the game

Lotto can be played simultaneously by two to six people. The participants in the game are given cards. The chips are placed in a bag and mixed. The presenter takes out one chip at a time, names the depicted object and shows the chip. The player whose card contains the corresponding picture takes the chip and covers the named object with it. The winner is the one who is the first to cover all the pictures on his card with lotto chips.

"Who is first?"

The participants in the game are given cards. The chips are placed in a bag and mixed. The presenter takes one chip out of the bag, names it and shows it to the players. In a more complicated version of the game, the presenter only shows the chip without naming it.

The player whose card contains the corresponding picture takes the chip and covers the matching picture with it. If there is no one willing to take the chip, the chip is returned to the bag.

The winner is the one who covers all the pictures with lotto chips first and without mistakes.

"What changed?"

The presenter lays out from 3 to 6 different chips with the pictures facing up. Players should try to remember them over time.

Then the participants turn away, and the presenter changes something, for example, removes or adds one or more chips, or changes their places. The players turn around and try to determine what has changed. The one who does this first (and of course, without mistakes) becomes the leader himself.

"Pick up a chip"

The chips are laid out on the playing surface with their pictures facing up. The presenter offers to choose chips with the image:

a) animals;

b) birds;

and so on. depending on the type of lotto (for example, if there is a lotto with modes of transport, then only cars or only trucks, etc.) are selected.

The participants of the game, at the signal of the presenter, begin to choose chips. When all the tiles have been selected, players check the selection and count the number of tiles.

The winner is the one who has the most chips with a given characteristic.

"What's in common?"

On the playing surface, the presenter places three chips with pictures that have one common feature. The players' task is to identify the feature and find more chips with this feature.

The one who finds the most matching chips wins. He becomes the leader.

“Which chip is the odd one out?”

On the playing surface, the presenter places several chips with pictures that have one common feature and one extra chip. The players' task is to guess by what criteria the chips are collected and identify the extra one. This game helps develop logic in children.

The winner is the one who was the first to find the correct solution and was able to justify it.

Didactic game “Assemble puzzles”

Goal: to form the idea that not only the country has state symbols: flag, coat of arms, but also every region and region.


  • consolidate basic ideas about the origin and symbolic meaning of images on the coat of arms and flag;
  • teach children to recognize the symbols of their native land and neighboring regions;
  • cultivate patriotic feelings - love for the Motherland - respect for the flag, coat of arms of Kuzbass;
  • promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands, eye, attention, concentration;
  • develop visual memory, visual perception;
  • develop the ability to put parts together into a whole.

Children's age: 4-7 years.

Materials: sample template of the coat of arms and flag of Russia, coat of arms and flag of the Kemerovo region, coat of arms and flag of the city of Kiselevsk, map of the Kemerovo region.

Rules of the game: 2-3 children lay out the boxes and look at coats of arms and flags, match the coat of arms to the flag.

  1. option: Find the flag of the region, which one I will name.
  2. option: Collect a flag according to the description.

Progress of the game.

Make up a coat of arms or flag from the proposed symbols and tell about it.

  • Children are invited to look at the coat of arms or flag of the city and note the distinctive features from the coats of arms or flags of other cities in our region.
  • Using a contour template, children assemble a mosaic coat of arms or flag of the city using a sample template.
  • Children assemble a coat of arms without the help of a sample template, relying on

as a keepsake.

  • Children are offered coats of arms of other cities for a similar

game task.


Puzzles "Collect a map of the Kemerovo region"

Objectives: introduce the map of the Kemerovo region, its cities and districts. Instill love for your native land.

  • Children are asked to look at a map of the Kemerovo region and name the cities that are included in it. Using a contour template, children assemble a map from a mosaic using a template.
  • Children assemble a map without the help of a sample template, relying on

as a keepsake.

Didactic game “Collect a map of the Kemerovo region”

Goal: developing knowledge about the map of the Kemerovo region, drawing up a map based on a model and from memory, developing attention, visual memory, cultivating interest in the native land.

Children's age: 5-7 years.

Equipment: map of the Kemerovo region with cities highlighted in color, outlines of 20 districts.

Game task. The game is played as a puzzle game . Separate colored outlines of cities are superimposed on the finished sample map of the Kemerovo region. The names of the areas are called first by the teacher, then by the children, found and placed in the right place on the map.

Electronic game “I love my country!”

Children's age: 5-6 years.

Goal: Consolidating children's knowledge about male military professions;

To consolidate children's knowledge about Russian folk costumes, as well as about proverbs of their native country.

Progress of the game: Children need to go through all the levels together with the soldier

reach the flag of the Russian Federation.

1st level. "Find differences" . You need to use your mouse to click on the picture in the place where there is a difference.

2nd level. "Find the pilot, sailor and tank driver" . Children are offered 3 male military professions.

It is necessary, using the mouse, to indicate which equipment belongs to the pilot, sailor and tankman.

Warm up.

3rd level. “Dress up the doll in Russian folk costume . Of the 4 proposed national costumes,

children need to find a Russian folk costume.

4-level. “Continue the proverb . Children, with the help of a teacher, need to read the beginning of the proverb

and choose its end from the proposed options.


  1. Aleshina N.V. Introducing preschoolers to their hometown and country (patriotic education). Lesson notes. −M.: Perspective, 2011. −143 p.
  2. Danilina G. N. “For preschoolers - about the history and culture of Russia” : A manual for the implementation of the program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation” , M. 2003 Kovaleva G.A.
  3. Raising a little citizen...: A practical guide for workers in preschool educational institutions. - M.: ARKTI, 2005.
  4. Katsyuba D.V. History of Kuzbass, Ed. 4th, Kemerovo: Book. publishing house, 1983, 192 pp., ill.
  5. Kozlova, S.A. Preschool pedagogy: textbook. aid for students avg. ped. textbook establishments. — 3rd ed., corrected. and additional / S.A. Kulikova, T.A. Kulikova. - M.: Publishing Center Academy, 2001. - 416 p.
  6. Kolobkov M.N. Researchers of Kuzbass. Kemerovo: Book. publishing house, 1959. 58 p.
  7. Komratova N.G., Gribova L.F. Patriotic education of children 4–6 years old: Methodological manual. - M.: TC Sfera, 2007.
  8. Red Book of the Kemerovo Region: Team of authors Publisher Genre Asia print, Kemerovo, 2012208 (volume 1); 192 (volume 2) 9. “Local history education of preschool children” Practical guide / Ed. L. N. Prokhorova. – 2nd ed., Spanish. and additional – M. 2004
  9. Leonova N.N. Moral and patriotic education of older preschoolers. Targeted creative practice-oriented project. Federal State Educational Standard DO. −Volgograd: Teacher, 2015−187 p.
  10. Makhaneva M.D. Moral and patriotic education of children of senior preschool age: A manual for the implementation of the State program Matova V.N. “Local history in kindergarten in St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Childhood-Press” LLC . 2014.
  11. "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2015–2025" . - M.: ARKTI, 2005.
  12. Patriotic education of preschool children through local history and tourism activities: A manual for the implementation of the state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2001–2005” / Ed. A.A. Ostapets, G.N. Abrosimova, M.E. Trubacheva. - M.: ARKTI, 2004.
  13. Fedorova A.G., Chekmazova L.V., Ledneva E.M., Kakueva A.K. Main tasks and forms of local history work in preschool educational institutions // Young scientist. - 2020. - No. 28. - pp. 953-954. — URL https: //moluch. ru/archive/132/36707/
  14. Encyclopedia for children. Volume 2. Moscow, Avanta+ , 2009.
  15. Yavorsky V.I. Essays on the history of geological exploration of the Kuznetsk basin. - Tr. VSEGEI, new. series, vol. 69, 1962.

Annex 1.

Next >

Didactic games for the cognitive development of children of senior preschool age. Part 1

The materials presented below can be used by educators and kindergarten psychologists when planning and conducting classes with children of senior preschool age in a kindergarten. Watch the second part of the games here.

Didactic game “Our Street”


Reinforce your knowledge of geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle. Give the concept of a rectangle, find similarities and differences with a square. Correlate geometric shapes with certain facts on the streets of the city, use these shapes to designate objects in a drawing-scheme of your home street.


Demonstration: photographs, illustrations of the native street, children's drawings and two sheets of paper (A4) connected in length on a flannelgraph with indicated landmarks (road, stop, monument, etc.). Creating a street diagram.

Handout: silhouettes of geometric shapes of different sizes and colors, if possible, which can be used to indicate certain objects; images of trees, bushes, cars, people (according to professions).


It is advisable to play the game in the afternoon after a walking tour along the street, after children have drawn their native street.

Game actions.

The teacher draws the children's attention to photographs and other images of their home street (the street on which the kindergarten is located). Invites you to remember a walking tour along the street and share your impressions: which street objects were remembered most. After the statements, the children together verbally reproduce in the correct sequence all the objects they saw during the walk. They are depicted on the diagram using geometric shapes. Kids choose geometric shapes and match them by color and size with buildings on their home street. The teacher suggests carefully examining and naming which figures were used to depict certain buildings. Children learn squares and triangles. The teacher draws attention to the rectangle and asks the kids to determine what geometric figure it is similar to (how?), How: is it different from a square? This creates a problematic situation: what would happen to the high-rise building that we represented using a rectangle if we “put” it on the long side of the shape? The kids independently examine the rectangle and come to the conclusion that it has four right angles, two long sides, two short ones. Using problem situations when creating a street diagram, the teacher helps children learn that having two long and two short sides is an essential characteristic of a rectangle. After pasting the silhouettes of the main objects on the “street”, the teacher and the children “revive” the layout, together they paste the silhouettes of trees, cars, people, clouds, a circle - the sun in the sky, etc.

Didactic game “Let’s build a street for dolls”


To consolidate preschoolers' knowledge of geometric shapes (square, rectangle), geometric body - cube. Give the concept of a bar. Learn to find similarities and differences between a square and a cube, a rectangle-bar. Develop skills in using mathematical knowledge in the game.


A diagram of their home street that the children created the day before, toy dolls, cars, silhouettes of trees, a construction set; a place has been determined to create a “street” on the floor with landmarks (road, pedestrian crossing, etc.).

Game actions.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the map of their home street and reminds them how interesting it was for the children during the walking tour. However, the teacher notes, our dolls did not go on excursions and did not walk on the street. He proposes to build a street for dolls using a floor constructor. Total: children look at the details of the construction set (cube, block), think about what buildings can be built with their help. The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that the parts of the construction set are similar to the geometric shapes on the diagram (Which ones? How are they similar?). Together they find out how they differ. The teacher notes that a plane geometric figure does not stand on the floor on its own - it falls (demonstrates), a geometric body, which is both a cube and a block (“brick” from a construction set), stands on the floor and does not fall. A geometric figure can be “squeezed” between your palms, but a geometric body cannot. These properties of geometric bodies will help us now build the layout of our street.

While working, the teacher also pays attention to which buildings are taller and which are lower, what needs to be done so that our model of buildings will have high and low ones?


When playing out situations on the created street model, the teacher should definitely note the rules of safe behavior: can children play on the street themselves? How and in what places should you cross the street?

At what traffic lights can this be done? What other danger can await a child on the street and how should it be prevented?

Didactic game “We are interested in playing on the street and counting everything around us”


Strengthen counting skills within 5.

Learn to relate number to number.

Develop attention, visual vigilance, the ability to find and isolate objects with given characteristics from a large number of other different objects, combine them into one set, count the number of elements in a given set, and designate them with a number.


Demonstration: drawing-scheme of the native street (the street on which the kindergarten is located), numbers from 1 to 5.

Handout: cards with numbers within 5.

Game actions.

The teacher suggests looking at the street diagram and finding out whether there are identical (similar) objects on it. Then he suggests counting silently and showing with a number how many high-rise buildings there are on the diagram? Christmas tree? Pictures of cars? Stripes at a pedestrian crossing? Shops? Stops? After each answer, the teacher invites one child to count the given objects out loud, showing them on the diagram, and select the corresponding number.

Didactic game “I’ll find little Lena”


Strengthen the skills of orientation relative to objects in the diagram.

Equipment. Drawing diagram of the street on which the kindergarten is located; a silhouette image of the little girl Lena, which can be placed anywhere on the diagram; toy walkie talkie.

Game actions.

The teacher reports that a little girl Lena lives on our street. She does not go to kindergarten yet and does not know that children are not allowed to play near the roadway or walk along the street themselves. So she got lost. Her mother is very worried and turned to the police for help. Whoever finds Lena first must describe to her mother exactly where the girl is via radio as quickly as possible.

Children close their eyes, the teacher moves the silhouette image of the girl. Each child (“policeman”) takes turns describing her location: “On the path to the high-rise building, near the bench,” “Between the Christmas trees, near the pharmacy,” “At the bus stop, under a billboard,” etc.


It is appropriate to accompany the game with explanations on safe behavior on the street.

Didactic game “Let’s help the architect”


Learn to compare objects by height using the application method, and arrange them by height in a given sequence.


Handout: background - a sheet of paper with an image of a landmark (road); silhouette image of buildings of different heights.

Game actions.

The teacher informs the children that in order to develop a street, each architect must first develop a layout of buildings on it. For a good street, buildings should be placed in a certain sequence.

I option.

The teacher gives the children options for the sequence of building locations, the children lay out the silhouettes on a sheet of paper.

from low to high and vice versa.

Option II.

Children independently arrange the silhouettes of buildings and talk about “their street” (explain the sequence of location in height). Creating a problem situation:

The teacher demonstrates a plot illustration, buildings that are depicted on different plans (in the foreground and in perspective), at different levels. Asks:

— Is it possible to tell from these drawings whether the building is higher or lower?

— Is it possible to determine this by eye (if the number of floors were not indicated)? Why?

— How should objects (objects) be placed in order to compare them in height? (On the same level)

Didactic game "Who is faster"


Give the concept of speed. Learn to move in a given direction at a given speed during the game. Reinforce the rules of safe behavior on the street, between peers in the game.

Equipment. Flannelgraph, images of people, animals, types of transport. Toy steering wheels for every child.

Game actions.

The teacher asks the children to arrange images of objects in order of increasing speed. For example: person - dog - tram - car - ambulance - plane, etc.

Explain your choice: “The car moves faster than the tram, because the tram carries many passengers...”, etc.


The set of illustrations can be changed each time.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that during movement you can change its direction. Child drivers can change the direction and speed of movement according to the instructions of the teacher; the cars move forward, drive slowly (fast), turn left (right), stop, etc.

Didactic game “Vegetables, line up”


Strengthen knowledge about adjacent numbers. Demonstrate clearly how adjacent numbers can be compared. Strengthen the ability to correlate numbers and numbers.

Equipment. Typesetting canvas, numbers from 1 to 6, silhouette images of vegetables (six types, 6 copies each).

Game actions.

The teacher reports that Lena harvested vegetables in her garden and laid them out on shelves in the cellar. There was a certain amount of vegetables on each shelf, and the numbers will tell us exactly how much. He suggests arranging vegetables on the shelves in accordance with the clue numbers (which vegetables to put on which shelf will be indicated by images of vegetables that the teacher has already put “on the shelf”; one for each).

After the children have laid out the required amount of vegetables on the shelves, the teacher, together with the kids, checks whether the number of vegetables corresponds to the number.

The teacher goes on to say that at night the vegetables came to life, they looked at how they were arranged on the shelves, and there was something they didn’t like. He asks the children if they could not like the vegetables? Leads to the conclusion that there is no clear sequence in the number of vegetables. He suggests laying them out on the shelves so that all the clue numbers find their neighbors (from the smaller number of vegetables to the largest).

As a result of the work, children receive a kind of “stepping stone” from numbers, which allows the teacher to: find out together with the kids which number is greater and which is smaller; name the “neighbors” of the hidden number, guess a certain number behind its “neighbors”, count forward and backward , practice the concept of “next number”, “previous number”, compare how many more (fewer) vegetables are in given rows, how a certain number was formed , count as units and the like.

Didactic exercise “What vegetables grew in the garden?”

Consolidating knowledge about vegetables, their appearance, developing visual attentiveness.

The teacher suggests carefully examining the illustration, which shows the silhouettes of vegetables (on top of each other) and find out which vegetables Lena has prepared for sale at the fair.

Card index of local history games

Didactic games.

“Depict a natural phenomenon”


Didactic task: to consolidate knowledge about natural phenomena characteristic of the Ulyanovsk region (rainbow, flood, leaf fall, rain, snow, fog, thunderstorm, tornado, etc.)

Materials: pictures depicting natural phenomena.

Progress of the game: The child depicts a natural phenomenon using pantomime, the rest guess. After guessing, the teacher shows a picture depicting this phenomenon. After this, it is discussed when this phenomenon occurs, how often, why it appears, how long it lasts.

«Ulyanovsk trails".

Didactic task: to consolidate the ability to navigate on a map.

Materials: map of Ulyanovsk, small magnets.

Progress of the game: Children are given a route from point A to B, lay out the road on the map, showing their route, marking it with magnets.

"How to avoid trouble in nature."

Didactic task: to consolidate the rules of behavior in the forest and on reservoirs.

Materials: pictures depicting dangerous situations in nature.

Progress of the game: The teacher hands out pictures depicting dangerous situations in nature, and the children take turns explaining the situation, what should not be done, and what should have been done.

"Meet your native land."

Didactic task: to consolidate and systematize knowledge about the native land.

Materials: photographs with views of Ulyanovsk, iconic historical places, excursion sites, attractions.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows a fragment of some famous landmark, and the children must guess what it is and give the name.

“Name the architectural monuments.”

Didactic task: to consolidate knowledge about monuments of cultural and historical value created by man (monuments to writers, doctors, outstanding people, museums, train stations, libraries, etc.).

Materials: images of architectural monuments, map of Ulyanovsk.

Progress of the game: Children choose man-made monuments from a variety of attractions and distribute them on the map.

"Red Light".

Didactic task: to consolidate knowledge about plants and animals of the Ulyanovsk region listed in the Red Book.

Materials: pictures of plants and animals.

Progress of the game: Children choose plants and animals that are in danger from the entire flora and fauna, and tell about them.

"My street".

Didactic task: to consolidate knowledge about modern and old street names.

Materials: old photographs of the city of Ulyanovsk, map with the streets of Ulyanovsk

Progress of the game: Children find their street on the city map and sign its name, then write the old name (if any) in brackets.

"Collect the cubes"

(sets of old cubes that have been given a new life)

Didactic task: To maintain the active interest of preschoolers in their native land; Develop attention, thinking, perseverance, etc.

"Find differences".

Didactic task: to teach children to compare the characteristic features of the old and modern cities, to find similarities and differences; develop thinking, attention, speech; consolidate knowledge about your hometown; cultivate interest in his present and past. Explain to children that the city is growing, improving and its best new buildings successfully complement and develop the historical appearance of the ancient city.

Progress of the game: Children find differences by comparing photos from the past and present.

“Magic Road Ribbons” (educational and educational game)


a playing field showing roads, streets, squares, and parks. On the red fields there are silhouettes of well-known buildings, monuments and other structures in the city; cards with questions and tasks; cube; chips according to the number of players.

Progress of the game.

2 teams (or 2 players) play. They throw the dice, moving forward in order to get onto the red field; Once on the red field, players will have to determine which structure is depicted here and where this structure is located.

They choose questions for which they can get 2 or 3 points, respectively. By answering questions, players move forward, also ending up on a red field on which they can guess memorable places along the contours.

Players can instantly find themselves on the red field, but to do this they will need to answer questions under the “blitz” sign.

"Coat of arms of the city" (game)


consolidate children’s understanding of the coat of arms of their hometown; be able to distinguish the coat of arms of your hometown from other signs.


sample template depicting the city coat of arms; outline template of the same coat of arms; "mosaic" of the city's coat of arms in an disassembled version.

Progress of the game.

Children are invited to look at the city’s coat of arms and note the distinctive features from the coats of arms of other cities in our country.

1. Using a contour template, children assemble the city’s coat of arms from the mosaic using a template.

  1. Children assemble a coat of arms without the help of a template, relying on memory.
  2. Children are invited to assemble the city's coat of arms from individual parts using overlay templates.
  3. Children are offered coats of arms of other cities for a similar game task.

«The area we live in" (board game)


generalize children's knowledge about the area of ​​the city in which they live, with its features and attractions.


a playing field superimposed on a plan of the area, with a route and the sights of the area and street names depicted on it; cube with number figures from 1 to 6; chips in the form of a car and people; “grandmother’s encyclopedia” with brief information on the topic of the game.

Progress of the game.

Any number of children can play. They independently choose what type of transport they take to travel, or walk. Depending on this, the game chip is selected. Children take turns throwing the dice: how many numbers appear, they move forward by so many spaces. Participants need to go through the entire route and return back to the kindergarten (or home). If the chip lands on a red field, to advance further you must answer the question indicated by the number of this field; If the chip lands on a green field, then the child can use the hint from “grandmother’s encyclopedia.”


If a child does not know the answer to a question in the “red field,” he can use the hint from “grandmother’s encyclopedia,” but skips a turn; “Grandma’s encyclopedia” must be shown and read to the children in advance.

“Hometown Story” (lotto game)


strengthen children's understanding of the history of their hometown.


playing fields (9 pieces) with images of views of the city from its origins to the present day; cards with images of individual buildings and places belonging to different time periods of the city’s history.

Progress of the game.

3-9 children can play. The presenter distributes the playing fields and shows the cards to the participants. Players must completely cover their playing field with cards that match the time period.


Each card has an inscription with the name of the object and the time period.

If the child makes a mistake, then a “certificate from the leader” is given, which can be either the teacher or the child.

«Enchanted City"


consolidate children’s ideas about the architecture of modern buildings and structures; introduce you to the architectural features of the city.


an album with outline images of buildings and other structures of a modern city; photographs depicting the same buildings and structures.


"disenchant" the city.

Progress of the game.

Before the game starts, the teacher conducts a mini-conversation with the children:

  • What is the name of our country?
  • What is the name of the city where you live?
  • How long ago was our city founded?
  • What city streets do you know?
  • What is the name of the street where you live?
  • What monuments of our city do you know?
  • What ancient monuments are there in our city?
  • What great people do you know who glorified our city?
  • How did you know that? Who told you about this?
  • What else would you like to know about our city? The teacher invites the children to look at an album with the outlines of buildings, then photographs of the same structures and compare the outlines with the photographs. For example: the outline of the Planetarium building is a photograph of the planetarium building.


During the game actions of “restoring the enchanted city,” the teacher conducts a mini-excursion to these places (possibly based on the children’s personal knowledge and experience).

"City Trip"

Purpose: to introduce you to your hometown

Material: album of photographs of hometown

The teacher shows the children photographs of the city’s attractions and asks them to name them.

“Where is the monument?”

Goal: introduce children to monuments, teach them to navigate their hometown

Material: images of monuments

The teacher shows the children images of monuments and asks them to tell where this monument is installed.

"Do you know?"

Goal: introduce children to famous people of their hometown

Material: portraits of famous compatriots

The teacher shows the portraits, invites the children to name who is depicted in the portrait and tell what he is famous for.

“Continue the proverb.”

Purpose: to introduce oral folk art

The teacher begins the proverb, the children continue it.

Lotto "Folk Crafts"

Goal: to introduce children to folk crafts, to instill an interest in Russian traditions, to teach them to recognize and distinguish different crafts.

The game can be played by 1 to 5 people.

Lay out the cards on the table or floor.

Shuffle the cut cards and place them face down in the center.

Each participant in the game takes one card and a pile and determines how big

put the card down.

The winner is the one whose card (or cards) is filled in first.

"Birds of our city."

Goal: introduce children to the birds of their hometown

Material: cards with images of birds

The teacher shows the children cards with pictures of birds, asks them to name and determine whether the bird lives in our city or not.

"Draw a pattern."

Goal: to introduce children to folk crafts, to instill an interest in Russian traditions, to teach them to recognize and distinguish different crafts.

Material: cards with a drawn pattern and a field lined for drawing.

Children draw a simple pattern based on the image.

"Dress the doll."

Goal: to introduce national clothing, instill interest in national culture

Children dress the doll in national clothes.

«Sort the patterns"

Goal: to introduce children to folk crafts, to instill an interest in Russian traditions, to teach them to recognize and distinguish different crafts.

Material: pictures of folk crafts

Children sort pictures by belonging to one or another folk craft.

Assemble the pattern.

Goal: to introduce children to folk crafts, to instill an interest in Russian traditions, to teach them to recognize and distinguish different crafts.

Material: cut pictures with images of folk crafts

Children collect pictures from fragments.

Interactive local history games to familiarize older preschoolers with their hometown.

— to form preschoolers’ ideas about the historical past and present of their hometown.

— consolidate and expand knowledge about its architecture, attractions, nature and cultural heritage.

— to cultivate in children patriotic feelings for their small homeland, love for their hometown.

They activate cognitive interest, attention, and memory. They develop imagination, coherent speech, intelligence, logical thinking, visual perception, and constructive skills. They also contribute to the development of independence, initiative in solving assigned tasks, and the formation of communication skills in preschoolers.

When using local history games, you should adhere to certain principles:

Rely on the knowledge children already have;

Ensure that the didactic task is accessible to children;

Maintain interest and variety of game action;

Gradually complicate the task and game actions;

Explain the rules of the game specifically and clearly.

The main thing is that at least 2 people participate in the games.

The proposed games are used in working with children of senior preschool age to familiarize themselves with their hometown at the stage of consolidating previously learned material.

Game "Timeline".

The main goal is to acquaint children with the history of the development of the city and its objects. The material used is a set of illustrations (6 pieces each), depicting views of the city, its individual objects relating to different time periods, the playing field is a time tape (satin ribbon with numbers from 1 to 6). Can be played by 2 to 10 people. Divided into teams, children lay out a “timeline” of an object (from its original appearance to the present day). Next comes a discussion of the work completed. The narrator can be either a teacher or a child who is already familiar with the history of the development of this object. This game allows children to independently establish the sequence of changes in urban objects over time, namely residential buildings and public transport, public gardens, city streets, etc.

Next game “Get to know me”

arouses great interest and some surprise not only among children, but also among adults. The goal of the game is the same as in the previous one. Players are invited to find pairs of pictures that depict the same building or urban object in its original form (during its construction) and in its modern form (in our days).

Game "Enchanted City"

allows not only to consolidate children’s ideas about the modern appearance of the city and its attractions, but also to develop visual perception and logical thinking. In this game, children are asked to look at an image of a city object in a modified form (noisy pictures, contour, pixel image, blurry drawing, etc.) and compare the sights with the photograph. During the game actions of “restoring the enchanted city,” the teacher conducts a correspondence mini-tour of these places.

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