Parent meeting for elementary school. Children and television

Parent meeting “Family is a school of love”

II . Working with concepts.

1. Interactive game “Psychological Attitude”

Dear parents, you are all familiar with the symbol placed in front of you - “a stork carrying a newborn.” What does it mean exactly to you?

2. Interactive psychological and pedagogical exercise “Expectations”

Of course, everything that you have listed is a reflection of your inner feeling, the perception of this image - the image of “expecting a miracle in the face of a long-awaited baby.” And now this moment has come. The baby was born, and even managed to grow up a little, just enough to go to 1st grade. So what do you adults expect from your child? What should he be like now? What qualities and skills should he develop? In front of you are white paper feathers, on which you will write your expectations, and then we will attach them to the body of our stork, who is making our dream come true.

(Parents write down their expectations for a child of a given age period, after which they pass the feathers to the teacher, who voices them, comments on them based on the requirements of the educational program and attaches them with glue to the stork’s body. If necessary, adds the necessary qualities and skills that correspond to age on spare feathers child).

This is the kind of stork we got. Now he knows exactly what kind of child we need.

3. Interactive psychological and pedagogical exercise “Creating conditions.”

Of course, it is very important to have an idea of ​​the final or intermediate result in our upbringing of a child, but in order to achieve something, we need to work hard. Do you agree that a child on his own will not grow up the way we see him? Therefore, our task, as parents and teachers, is to create all the conditions for his development. The task is as follows: you still have feathers in front of you, write on them all the forms and methods of working with children, everything that you consider a necessary condition for the full development of your child. This is the only way our stork will be able to spread its wings and we will be sure that our work will be fully rewarded. (The teacher is given feathers with inscriptions, he voices them, comments on them according to pedagogical methods, the psychological characteristics of the children, and attaches them with glue to the wings of the stork).

4. Interactive psychological and pedagogical exercise “Parental parenting style.”

Of course, now everything has become much clearer. We know what we want. We have an idea how to achieve what you want. But there is still difficulty in how we will manage all this. There are three main parenting styles: authoritarian, liberal and democratic. (The teacher attaches three large tail feathers, signed accordingly, to the stork’s tail.) Each style is found in the education of the younger generation. Moreover, sometimes it is advisable to use a specific type of parental relationship. But let's figure out which style should be made dominant, and which should be “used situationally”? (The teacher stimulates the emergence of a reasoned dialogue between parents over the advisability of choosing a democratic parenting style as the main one, and reveals the features of the use of other parental relationships, with examples of the negative consequences of their constant use. As a result, the pen with a democratic style of raising a child stands out in bright color, as a conscious choice of parental relationship ).

Parents' meeting "Children and television"

Television is the foam of civilization, sparkling with poisonous dyes.

V.G. Krotov

Meeting objectives:

  • Draw the attention of parents to the advantages and disadvantages of a child’s interaction with TV.
  • Show the influence of television viewing on the physical and mental state of the student.

Shape: I

informational lecture with elements of discussion.

Issues for discussion:

  • Statistics and figures about the role of television in a child’s life.
  • The influence of television programs on the formation of the character and cognitive sphere of students.

Questions for discussion:

  • The family receives an apartment and fills it with household items. Do you think that TV should be among the main household items?
  • What TV shows, in your opinion, shape a child’s personality?
  • How do you think it is necessary to organize a third-grader’s interaction with the TV? Name possible options.

Preparatory stage:

In preparation for the meeting, the class teacher conducts a survey of class students on the following questions:

1. What do you like to do most in your free time?

  • Read books.
  • Watch TV.
  • Watch the video.
  • Meet with friends, girlfriends.
  • Go to the cinema.
  • Listen to music.
  • Go to theaters and exhibitions.
  • Other.

2. What TV shows are you most interested in?

  • Political reviews.
  • Sports programs.
  • Musical.
  • TV serials.
  • Movies.
  • TV games.
  • Talk show.
  • Cognitive and general educational.
  • Humorous.
  • Other.

3. How many hours a day do you watch TV?

4. Do your parents recommend what TV shows to watch?

5. Do you discuss the TV shows you watch with your parents?

Progress of the meeting

Opening speech by the class teacher.

Dear moms and dads!

According to many parents, as soon as the child crosses the threshold of the house, the TV becomes its absolute owner, right up until the parents come home from work.

/Meeting objectives message/

Television has long been a part of children's lives.

Its potential for child development is obvious. It helps children find answers to questions that adults do not answer because they are busy; understand what is “good” and what is “bad”, learn about various phenomena in different fields of knowledge; develop the imagination, emotional sphere, fantasy, and finally, occupy the child’s free time.

However, the influence of television on children is far from clear.

Statistics for parents to think about:

Two-thirds of today's children aged 6 to 12 watch television daily;

50% of children watch TV shows in a row, without any choice or exception;

25% of children aged 6 to 10 years watch the same TV shows from 5 to 40 times in a row;

35% of children aged 6 to 12 years, when rating the use of free time, put TV in first place, excluding sports, outdoor walks, and communication with family.

How do our third graders fit into the statistics?

What are the dangers of watching television?

First of all, it is overwork. A television program is a kaleidoscope of sounds and images. Trying to keep track of them and understand them, the child spends a lot of energy. For comparison, watching an hour and a half film is equivalent to receiving guests for an hour and a half: a huge number of stories about business, conversations about politics, showdowns... At the same time, television programs cause not just fatigue, but overstimulation.

Impressionable children, after watching emotional programs (with shooting, murders, fights, conflicts, chases, etc.) often become nervous and excited. Horror films for such children can give rise to new or intensify existing fears. As a result, children sleep poorly, become unbalanced, restless, and study worse.

Scenes of aggression, cruelty and violence are especially dangerous for a child’s psyche that has not yet formed. Under the influence of such scenes, children become more prepared for cruelty in the real world, which becomes more aggressive and frightening for them. As a result, in order to protect himself from this world, the child himself may become more cruel and aggressive. In some cases, children begin to be afraid of real life, expecting constant disasters, accidents, kidnappings and murders from it. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to protect children from such scenes. This requires special monitoring of the TV program by parents.

Another danger of television is that a child may develop a real addiction, a passion for television, replacing all other values ​​with it, which is called telemania. Even adults tend to fall under the spell of the blue screen. If you often turn on the TV in order to keep your child occupied and distracted while you go about your business, he runs the risk of becoming attached to it as a friend. After all, TV can comfort and distract from unpleasant thoughts. At the same time, he doesn’t ask for anything and doesn’t get offended - why isn’t he a real friend? And if time watching TV can be limited by a volitional decision by pressing a button, then consciousness is a subtle thing, not amenable to prohibitions.

According to various sociological studies, modern children communicate with their parents many times less than with TV. But communication with TV is one-sided, the child is not a real interlocutor, therefore, oddly enough, children who spend a lot of time in front of a blue screen may not learn to speak well and competently, to express their thoughts clearly, as happens when reading books. The fact is that when a person reads a book, information enters the brain in the rhythm and quantity that corresponds to its capabilities. While reading, a person himself can control the flow of information - stop, think about something, re-read it again. And when he watches TV, the flow of information is huge, intense, and most importantly, uncontrollable, having a strong impact on both consciousness and subconsciousness.

According to the Daily Mirror, British scientists claim that over the past five years, children's communication abilities have deteriorated significantly. And the culprit is the same notorious TV, in front of which children spend too much time, and which is often their main interlocutor.

As a result, the younger generation does not know how to properly combine words into sentences, construct phrases correctly, and find the right words to express their thoughts.

The study, which revealed children's declining ability to communicate, was carried out by the British National Literacy Society in conjunction with the National Teachers' Association, and its results were communicated to the public in a number of publications, which particularly emphasized the role of parents in the development of children's oral language skills.

“In the modern world of television and computers, children are becoming less and less able to listen and hear each other, listen to their parents and speak normally themselves,” says the director of the British State Literacy Society, Tail McClelland. “Given this trend, parents should talk to their children as much as possible, and from a very young age.”

British experts in the field of literacy and education say that they do not intend to demonize television, but they emphasize that there is no doubt that it does not teach normal language, and this must be taken into account.

In addition, as it turns out, children, unfortunately, watch more entertainment rather than educational programs. This is most likely due to the fact that parents do not supervise their children and do not shape their television tastes. They believe that the announcer or presenter explained everything well. In addition, serious programs require the child to exert thought, concentration, and the ability to think, and children do not always like this, so they themselves often choose bright, interesting and easy-to-watch programs. One cannot but agree that “staring at the screen” is a waste of time.

It is very harmful for children if the TV is constantly on in the apartment: no one seems to be watching it, but no one turns it off. Children are forced to constantly be in a noisy environment: play, do homework, talk with parents, have lunch, and even fall asleep to the sound of the TV. This sound background has a bad effect on children (and adults too), causing them discomfort, a feeling of exhaustion, and tiredness. It should be remembered that we all, both children and adults, sometimes need to be in peace and quiet, alone with ourselves and our loved ones.

What to do if a child has already “sick” with telemania? First of all, replace the TV with yourself. That is, after turning off the screen, do not send your child to do homework or go for a walk, but do something with him. Moreover, this “something” should be interesting to him. Remember what your child asked for before he started watching TV. Maybe he called you to the slide or asked you to play hide and seek?

And yet, despite the above, you should not rush to extremes and start a “fight” with the television screen. After all, programs can be educational, developing creativity and imagination. A child can learn a lot. Just select a “TV repertoire” for him, be aware of what he watches and how it affects his psyche. Discuss everything that happens on the screen, express your point of view, listen to the opinion of your son or daughter. And you and your child will benefit and enjoy this pastime!


Questions for discussion:

  1. The family receives an apartment and fills it with household items. Do you think that TV should be among the main household items?
  2. What TV shows, in your opinion, shape a child’s personality?
  3. How do you think it is necessary to organize a third-grader’s interaction with the TV? Name possible options.

At the end of the meeting, the teacher invites parents to discuss recommendations that will help them in raising their children.

Try not to turn the TV into an invariable participant in family rituals: lunches and dinners, conversations before bed.

  • Think about the role of television in your own life. If it has long replaced friends, interesting trips and become your hobby, it is naive to assume that the child will avoid the same fate. In this case, when starting a fight with the screen, first of all, start with yourself.
  • Be selective when choosing television programs, do not watch everything, this will set a good example for your child. Discuss the TV shows you have watched with your children.
  • Remember that the influence of television on the psyche of children is different from the influence on the psyche of adults. Children are easy to control by manipulating their emotions and feelings. Scenes of violence on television have a particularly detrimental effect on children’s psyche. They must be excluded from viewing by children.
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