Methods for determining the level of spiritual and moral development of students

Spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren, what is the role of the class teacher?

After reviewing the status that a teacher has, acting as a class teacher, his professional activity within the framework of the spiritual and moral direction within the walls of the school can be characterized by a personal approach to raising children, as well as various national ideas. This system is united by the unity of students and their teacher during teaching science and general physical and moral development.

State concept of spiritual and moral education

The teacher must have personal characteristics that can easily ensure humane relationships between the students themselves and their mentors. The quality of education largely depends on the class leader, his work experience, and the duration of communication with students.

Open event on spiritual and moral education


Classroom hour.


Formation of spiritual and moral values ​​among students;

give concepts of good and evil, the essence of mercy;

motivate for moral self-improvement, teach to perform actions in the name of good.


  • Expand the concepts: good, evil, mercy.
  • To form the spiritual and moral qualities of a person.
  • To cultivate feelings of camaraderie, compassion, and the desire to do good deeds.

Basic concepts:

  • kindness
  • evil
  • mercy
  • compassion

1.Opening speech by the teacher.

Hello guys! An evil witch snuck into our class and mixed everything up. See if everything is fine. (There is a picture of the sun on the board. The words are written on the rays: hatred, rude, angry, greedy, sad, grief, enmity, deception, cruelty.

Let's fix everything. Choose antonyms for the words, and the sun will start smiling again.

Now try to determine the topic of the class hour. (Children's answers)

The theme of the class hour is “Good and Evil.”

2. Main part

Formulate a definition of the concepts “good” and “evil”.

Independent work using cards, continue...

“Good is...” “Kindness is...” “A kind person is...”

"Evil is..."

"An evil man is..."

An explanatory dictionary reveals the meaning of these words. (The meaning of these words is read out).

Can we say that good and evil are opposite concepts? (children's answers)

Can a person be born evil?

Should we strive for good and avoid evil? Why?

Listen to the parable

Two wolves

Parable of unknown origin

Once upon a time, an old man revealed one vital truth to his grandson:

“There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies. The other wolf represents goodness: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty.

The grandson, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a moment, and then asked:

- Which wolf wins in the end?

The old man smiled and answered:

“The wolf you feed always wins.” Source:

What did the grandfather want to tell his grandson? Can a person always be only kind?

Every person can do good deeds. But at the same time, he can do bad things. I think each of you could have done both good and bad things. How did that make you feel? Can a person do bad things and be happy? We feel proud for some of our actions, and shame for others.

Please listen to the parable song about good and evil. Try to understand and feel the events described.


What does this story teach? What made the sick man at the door do such an act?

What do you think happened next?


. Try to determine what is good and what is evil.

1. A puppy was running in the yard. It was immediately obvious that he had no owner. Vitya brought the puppy home.

2.Mom asked her daughter to clean the room. After numerous reminders, my mother tidied up the room herself.

3.Vera was walking down the street. Suddenly she saw a wallet. The girl picked it up. There was a small amount of money and some receipts. The wallet was very beautiful. She took it for herself.

4.3 children climbed into the farmer's garden to pick apples.

5. The teacher asked the student to decorate the classroom corner. The student promised, but did not complete the task.

6. The student did not complete his homework and, so as not to scold him, said that he forgot his notebook at home.

7. There were many beautiful flowers growing in the flowerbed. The young man picked a bouquet for the girl.

8.Nina is getting ready for school. Mom asks the girl to dress warmly. It's frosty outside.

Nina resists.

9. In the store, the teenagers asked an adult to buy cigarettes.

10. The guys in the yard offered their friend a drink.

11. A citizen, passing by, stroked a kitten sitting alone and moved on.

12. A group of guys gathers at the entrance every evening. They talk loudly, listen to music, and gnaw seeds.

13. A classmate helped a friend on a test and told everyone about his help.

Tell me, is it necessary to talk about your good deeds? Boast?

Watching the cartoon “Just Like That”

Good has been fighting evil for a long time and most often wins, since good is stronger than evil. Guys, where does good always triumph over evil? Of course, in fairy tales.

A tale of good and evil. Ju Julia

Once upon a time there lived Good and Evil. They lived as neighbors, on the same street, and even their houses stood next to each other. Good created: it grew beautiful gardens of human souls, it sowed good, eternal things.

Evil destroyed what Good created, leaving behind a scorched, devastated land and empty dead souls.

- What is this? - Good lamented, - You build and build, create and create, but Evil will come and destroy everything!

But Good could not do anything, could not help either itself or people.

And Evil also showed all sorts of attention to Good. It happened that he would meet him on the street and pat him on the shoulder: How are you, they say, Good?

And he will move on. Good look at your shoulder, and there is a bloody lacerated wound - Evil took a piece with it.

Or, it happened, Evil would come to the house of Good and ask to be let in. Dobro asks through the closed door: Why?

And Evil sings sweetly:

- Oh, Darling, let me in, I’m cold, I’m sick. Help me, support me.

And take the Good and let the Evil into your house. He treats him to tea and cake, it’s still a pity. The guest will eat, warm up, and, on leaving, take a bite - and take a bite from the hospitable hostess. Yes, and he will go to himself without thanking him for the warmth. And the housewife is bleeding, crying from pain and injustice, but she can’t do anything - after all, she let her into the house.

One day Evil again came to the house of Good. And he knocks on the door.

- What do you want? - asked Good.

“Let me in, Dobrenkoye, I really want to have a heart-to-heart talk.”

“No, Evil, your visits cost me too much,” answered Good and did not open the door.

Evil got angry, spun and spun in one place, releasing its most terrible weapon - the Monster that Destroys and Incinerates Everything Around. And Evil unleashed this Monster on the house of Good. And he swooped in and destroyed the house to the ground, and shredded the Good itself and tore it into small pieces.

And the earth became scorched all around, and there was not a flower, not a bug, or anything living on it. And it seemed that Life on Earth had ended.

Suddenly, in the place where the house of Good stood, a small blade of grass began to break through the ashes. And Good was reborn, and realized that it was impossible to live like this anymore, that it was impossible to let Evil into your world.

And Good built a new beautiful house, and revived gardens on earth and in the hearts of people.

But Evil did not have to wait long. It came again and sang sweetly:

“Darling, I’m so glad that you’re alive and well.” Let me in, let's chat, drink some tea.

But Good closed all the windows and doors, and did not even answer Evil.

Evil got angry again, spun and spun, but this time he could not release his Monster, instead he rose in a whirlwind of ash and disappeared into the air.

Now we will correctly connect the beginning and ending of proverbs.

(On the desk):

  1. Hello... (good answer).
  2. About a good deed... (speak boldly).
  3. Life is given for... (good deeds).
  4. Learn good things... (bad things will not come to mind).
  5. Without good deeds... (no good name).
  6. It is bad for him... (who does no good to anyone).
  7. Good deeds... (beautify a person).
  8. By the path of evil... (they do not reach good)
  9. You will spend an hour in goodness... (you will forget all the grief).
  10. He who lives in goodness... (he walks in silver).
  11. Dashing is remembered, but goodness... (a century will not be forgotten).
  12. To offend the poor... (not to wish well for oneself).

3. Summary

If you are ready to change, then you can do it now and become kinder. To do this, it is enough to stop harming someone, being angry with someone, being offended or afraid. To do this, it is enough to realize this and you can change. Our conscience, the incorruptible judge who is inside us, who feels what is really good and what is bad, can help us. And if conscience objects to some action, then we must refuse it, no matter what benefits it promises.

On this good note we end our class hour. What impressions do you have after today's conversation? What did you like? What upset you? Has anything changed in you after today's class?


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