Biology lesson on the topic: Genetic composition of a population (grade 11)

Summary of a biology lesson in 5th grade. Biology - the science of life

Lesson summary Generalization of knowledge on the topic “Biology is the science of life”
Author : Olga Aleksandrovna Starovoitova. Description of the material : I offer a summary of a general lesson for 5th grade students “Biology - the science of life.” This material will be useful for biology teachers. This lesson will help students: form an understanding of biology as a science in general; will show the relevance of biological knowledge; will reveal the meaning of general biology and its place in the system of biological knowledge. Purpose of the lesson: To summarize knowledge on the topic “Biology is the science of life” Objectives: • To promote the development of intellectual skills; continue the ability to compare and analyze, highlight the main points and give examples. Form a holistic picture of the world. • search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature, encyclopedias, reference books (including, if possible, electronic, digital) in the open information space, including the controlled space of the Internet; • Contribute to the formation of a scientific worldview, implement environmental and aesthetic education. Equipment: objects of living and inanimate nature, tables “Structure of a plant cell”, tables “Structure of an animal cell”, burner, test tube, indoor plants, potatoes, iodine, seeds, drawing of a chamomile. DURING THE CLASSES. 1. Organizational moment.

2. Updating knowledge. Sisters stand in the meadows - Golden Eye, White eyelashes. Answer: Chamomile

Teacher: what is this? And the petals were torn off our chamomile, tell me you did well. Can we do this to keep our planet beautiful? But we will help our chamomile, if you answer the questions correctly, the petals will return to their place. 1. On the table there are objects of nature, living and inanimate (flower, stone, etc.). Distribute the objects. Teacher: correct. 1 petal per place. Now tell me why we classified these objects as living nature, and these as non-living. Name the signs of a living thing. 2 petals. 2. What science studies living things, what is biology? What sciences are part of biology and what do they study? 3 petal Fizminutka. Flowers Our delicate flowers are opening their petals. The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway. Our scarlet flowers cover their petals. They quietly fall asleep, shaking their heads. There is a drawing of cells on the board, you need to color the organelles, how a plant cell differs from an animal cell. (A plant cell has chloroplasts, vacuoles and a cell wall) 4 petals. What methods of studying biology do you know? 5 petal 3. And now we will conduct an experiment to find out what chemicals are included in the composition of the cell (organic and inorganic) (burning a leaf proves the presence of water; proof of the presence of fats by crushing a seed; drop iodine on a potato, the presence of carbohydrates ) 6 petal Gymnastics for the eyes. Butterfly The flower was sleeping (Close your eyes, relax, massage your eyelids, lightly pressing on them clockwise and counterclockwise.) And suddenly woke up, (Blink your eyes.) Didn’t want to sleep anymore, (Raise your hands up (inhale). Look at your hands. ) He started up, stretched, (Arms bent to the sides (exhale).) Soared up and flew. (Shake your brushes, look left and right.)

Blitz tournament. What kingdoms of living nature do you know? Students prepared riddles about the kingdoms of living nature. What kind of forest animal Stood up like a column under a pine tree And stands among the grass - Ears larger than head? (hare) (animal kingdom) He grew up in a birch forest. Wears a hat on his foot. The leaf stuck to it on top. Did you find out? This is... (mushroom) (the kingdom of mushrooms) Although the eye cannot see me, I can infect you. And cholera, and sore throat, runny nose and scarlet fever. (bacteria) (kingdom of bacteria) He was a yellow flower - He became white, like a snowball. A girl and a boy blow - It flies around... (dandelion) (plant kingdom) Without me you can’t make cheese, And you can’t make kefir. Yogurt and cottage cheese, I helped prepare (bacteria) (the kingdom of bacteria) Under the pine tree by the path Who is standing among the grass? There is a leg, but no shoe, There is a hat, but there is no head. (Mushroom) (kingdom of mushrooms) White flowers grow from the water, both here and there. The pond is beautiful, like in the picture, In summer they bloom in it... (water lilies) (the plant kingdom) Angry touchy lives in the wilderness of the forest. There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread. (Hedgehog) (animal kingdom) 3. Consolidation. Take the test on page 33 of the textbook. 4. Homework. Repeat topic 1

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Biology lesson notes, grade 5


The date of the:

Lesson topic: Biology and health

Number of hours: 1

Lesson type: Combined

Goal: Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle as the main factor in maintaining health

Concepts and personalities: Healthy lifestyle. Bad habits. First aid to the victim

Planned results (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard):

Subject: The ability to provide evidence of the dependence of human health on his lifestyle and the state of the environment, demonstrate knowledge of the basic rules of first aid for bleeding, fractures, bruises and sprains


Cognitive learning tools: the ability to work with text, highlight the main thing in it, structure educational material, compile lesson notes in a notebook, convert information from one form to another.

Regulatory UUD: the ability to determine the goal of the lesson and set tasks necessary to achieve it, present the results of work, and reflect on activities.

Communicative learning skills: the ability to perceive information by ear, build effective interaction with classmates when performing joint work

Personal: Cognitive interest in biology. Adopting the rules of a healthy lifestyle. Understanding the need to provide emergency first aid to victims of bleeding, fractures, bruises and sprains. Application of knowledge in practical activities.

  1. Organizational stage
  2. Checking homework

Open tests on the topic: “Biologists protect nature”

1. Many plants and animals have disappeared due to... the fault of man

2. Before humans appeared on Earth, one species disappeared on one thousand

3. Currently, one species is disappearing... in one year

4.Human impact on nature manifests itself in two forms: and indirect

5. The destruction of all species the International Red Book and the Red Book of Russia is prohibited

6. To breed certain species, scientists create special... nurseries, botanical gardens, nature reserves

7. In order to protect plants and animals, they create:...national parks

8. The Red Book is a list of rare, endangered or extinct species of animals, insects, fish, mushrooms and plants

9. A reserve is... a section of territory (water area) in which its entire natural complex is preserved in its natural state, and hunting is prohibited.

10. A sanctuary is... a protected natural area, in which (unlike reserves) it is not the natural complex that is protected, but some of its parts: only plants, only animals, or their individual species...

11.Rare endangered species are included in... the international and Russian Red Books.

12. Disappeared plants and animals are brought to...

  1. Updating knowledge

Today we have a serious conversation ahead of us, I would even say the most serious conversation in the entire 5th grade biology course. And its theme will be suggested to us by a small fragment of a cartoon (a fragment of the cartoon “The Hedgehog and Health”). Guys, what are we going to talk about in class today?

Many proverbs and sayings have been invented about health. What proverbs do you know?

But I really like this proverb, I changed it a little and it turned out: “Take care of your dress when it’s new, and your health when you’re young!” and also think about this fact: 75% of diseases a person acquires before the age of 16! He is born healthy, and then diseases appear.

What questions will we discuss in class today?

  1. Learning new material

Guys, what is health?

Using clue words, try to define the concept of “health” (Appendix No. 2). Organizes students' work in pairs.

Checks students' work in pairs.

“Health is the state of any living organism in which it as a whole and all its organs are able to fully perform their functions; absence of illness." (written on the board).

This definition of health is given in the electronic encyclopedia - Wikipedia. Compare your work with this definition.

Health is an invaluable wealth of each person individually, and of the entire society as a whole. When meeting and parting with people close to us, we always wish them good health, because this is the main condition for a full and happy life. In our country, more than 30 million people suffer from ARVI and seasonal viruses every year. The reason for this is that more than 80% of the population has weak immunity. For the immune system to work like a clock, it must be supported every day, and not just during flu epidemics! How to charge your immunity? The answer is simple - lead a healthy lifestyle

What is a lifestyle?

A lifestyle is a set of habits, actions, implemented in a certain order or according to a schedule.

Human immunity is the ability of his body to defend itself from various “enemies”, i.e. foreign genetic information. On the one hand, the immune system protects the body, and on the other, its condition depends on the general health of a person. If an individual is active, strong, mobile, and cheerful, then his immune system will be fine, and if he is weak and passive, then his immune system will be adequate

One of the main aspects of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition.

In addition to proper nutrition, here are a few more ways to charge your immune system, live healthy and live healthy!

Play sports.

Physical activity improves the general condition of the body and the functioning of the lymphatic system, which removes toxins from the body. According to research, people who regularly exercise are 25% less likely to get colds than those who do not lead a healthy lifestyle. However, don't be too zealous. Just 30-60 minutes of exercise a day allows you to become healthier, while more serious exercise will make you weaker. Be sure to include push-ups in your program - they promote better lung and heart function. Be sure to do abdominal exercises - this will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system.

Daily morning exercises are a mandatory minimum of physical activity for the day. It is necessary to make it the same habit as washing your face in the morning.

More vitamins

We all need vitamin D, which is found in salmon, eggs and milk. Citrus fruits are a great source of vitamin C. But getting the right amount of vitamin C from fruits and vegetables boosts the immune system.”

Zinc is also very important for strengthening the immune system; it has antiviral and antitoxic effects. You can get it from seafood, unrefined grains and brewer's yeast. In addition, drink tomato juice - it contains a large amount of vitamin A.

Toughen up!

Hardening your body can be your assistant in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is best to start it from childhood. The easiest way of hardening is air baths. Water procedures also play a huge role in the hardening process - strengthening the nervous system, having a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, normalizing blood pressure and metabolism. First of all, it is recommended to rub your body with a dry towel for several days, and then move on to wet rubdowns. You need to start wiping yourself with warm water (35-36 C), gradually moving to cool water, and then to dousing. In summer, it is better to take water procedures in the fresh air after exercise

Wash your hands!

When you wash your hands, do it twice. When scientists from Columbia University studied this problem in volunteers, they found that washing their hands once had virtually no effect, even if people used antibacterial soap. Therefore, wash your hands twice in a row if you want to ward off a cold.

If you want to be healthy, lead a healthy lifestyle. Your new motto: no more lying on the couch, more exercise and fresh air!


Knowledge about the structure and functioning of the human body is the key to a healthy lifestyle.

Statistics say that 53% of a person’s health depends on his lifestyle. To prove this, I suggest you work with the text “Components of a healthy lifestyle” (Appendix No. 3). We will analyze the text in groups. Organizes work in groups (each student fills out only one vertical column of the table; after completing the task, students exchange information).

Organizes a check of the table “The influence of lifestyle on human health.”

Draw a conclusion about the influence of lifestyle on human health.

  1. Reflection.

To what extent do you follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle? Let's check this using the questionnaire (Appendix No. 5). Conducts surveys.

I want to end our lesson with a parable about the sage and the butterfly (Appendix No. 6).

  1. Homework Ex. 1, p.70.
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