Implementation of a system-activity approach through game technologies in chemistry lessons Elena Petrovna Kim, chemistry teacher at Gymnasium 1, Saratov 11/16/2014Kim. - presentation

Modern pedagogical technologies in chemistry lessons.

Modern pedagogical technologies in chemistry lessons.

In pedagogy, questions inevitably arise: “what to teach?”, “why teach?”, “how to teach?”, but at the same time, another one appears: “How to teach effectively?”.

After graduation, the student must:

- adapt flexibly to changing life situations, independently acquiring the necessary knowledge, applying it in practice to solve emerging problems, so that throughout life you have the opportunity to find your place in it;

- independently see the problems that arise in reality and look for ways to rationally solve them; clearly understand where and how the knowledge they acquire can be applied in the reality around them;

— competently work with information (be able to collect the facts necessary to solve a certain problem, analyze them, put forward hypotheses for solving problems);

- be sociable, contactable in various social groups, be able to work together in various areas, in various situations, preventing or skillfully solving any conflict situations;

- independently work on the development of one’s own morality, intelligence, and cultural level.

Today the focus is on the student, his personality, and his unique inner world.

Every teacher wants his subject to arouse deep interest among schoolchildren, so that students can not only write chemical formulas and reaction equations, but also understand the chemical picture of the world, be able to think logically, so that every lesson is a holiday, a small performance that brings joy to both students and to the teacher. We are used to the fact that during the lesson the teacher talks, and the student listens and learns. Listening to ready-made information is one of the most ineffective ways to learn. Knowledge cannot be transferred from head to head mechanically (heard - learned). Many people think that they just need to force the student to listen and things will immediately improve. However, the student, like any person, is endowed with free will, which cannot be ignored. Therefore, it is impossible to break this natural law and subjugate them even for good purposes. The desired result cannot be achieved this way.

It follows from this that it is necessary to make the student an active participant in the educational process. A student can only learn information through his own activities if he is interested in the subject. Therefore, the teacher needs to forget about the role of an informant; he must play the role of an organizer of the student’s cognitive activity. It is necessary that as a result of activity, the student independently comes to some conclusions, so that he creates knowledge for himself. The most important principle of didactics is the principle of independent creation of knowledge, which lies in the fact that knowledge is not obtained by the student in a ready-made form, but is created by him as a result of certain cognitive activities organized by the teacher. Various types of technologies contribute to the development of cognitive and creative interests among students.

Currently, the concept of pedagogical technology has firmly entered the pedagogical lexicon. Technology is a set of techniques used in any business, skill, or art (explanatory dictionary). There are many definitions of the concept of “educational technology”. I will choose the following: this is a structure of the teacher’s activity in which all the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and integrity, and implementation presupposes the achievement of the necessary result and is predictable. Today there are more than a hundred educational technologies. The introduction of modern teaching technologies and their systematic use helps improve the quality of education, motivation, the formation of students' functional literacy and key competencies, and the development of students' potential abilities. New technologies provide new opportunities for the formation of personal potential and ensuring the success of school graduates. To help the modern student, we ourselves need to keep up with modernity. In these conditions, a teacher needs to navigate a wide range of modern innovative technologies, ideas, trends and master modern educational technologies, to be a technologically literate modern teacher who is proficient in modern teaching methods.

Today, the use of modern educational technologies that ensure the personal development of the child by reducing the share of reproductive activity (reproduction of what remains in memory) in the educational process can be considered as a key condition for improving the quality of education, reducing student workload, and more efficient use of educational time.

Various types of technologies contribute to the development of cognitive and creative interests among students:

1. Pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the educational process:

— technology of level differentiation of training;

— group technologies;

— computer training technologies.

2. Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of students’ activities:

— gaming technologies;

— technology of problem-based and research learning;

— technologies for intensifying learning based on schematic and symbolic models of educational material.

3. Pedagogical technologies based on personal orientation of the pedagogical process:

— technology of learning in collaboration;

A modern school needs not just one pedagogical technology, but a whole palette.

Personally-oriented technologies

They place the personality of the student at the center of the entire educational system. Providing comfortable, conflict-free conditions for its development, realizing its natural potential. In this technology, the student is not just a subject, but a priority subject; it is the goal of the educational system, and not a means of achieving something abstract.

Gaming technologies -

Play, along with work and learning, is one of the activities not only of a child, but also of an adult. The game recreates the conditions of situations, some type of activity, social experience, and as a result, self-government of one’s behavior is developed and improved. In a modern school that relies on the activation and intensification of the educational process, gaming activities are used in the following cases:

-as an independent technology;

-as an element of pedagogical technology;

-as a form of a lesson or part of it;

- in extracurricular activities.

Intellectual and creative games (ICGs) stimulate the development of students’ cognitive interests, contribute to the development of their intellectual and creative abilities, enable children to assert themselves and realize themselves in the intellectual and creative sphere through the game, and help compensate for the lack of communication. ITI can be used not only in extracurricular and extracurricular activities, but also in the classroom (when learning new material, repeating what has been learned, monitoring students’ knowledge, etc.)

In my practice, I systematically use game forms of organizing knowledge control and constantly notice how this increases students’ interest in the material being studied and the subject as a whole, how students who have been reading so little lately suddenly begin to leaf through books, reference books, and encyclopedias. So in the classroom, when studying topics related to ecology, for example, on the topic “Natural sources of hydrocarbons and their processing,” I use role-playing games using expert groups. The class is divided into two groups: “specialists” and “journalists”. The first ones select the material and prepare a visual aid. The second ones prepare questions that they should ask during the game.

To reinforce materials in grades 8–9, I use didactic games: “Chemical Cubes,” “Chemical Lotto,” “Tic Tac Toe,” “Find the Error,” “Chemical Battle,” “Valence Lotto,” “Decipher the Phrase.” I also conduct spectacular intellectual and creative games in extracurricular activities: “KVN”, “What, where, when”, “Finest Hour”, “Erudite”.

Computer technology

- at the end of the 20th century, humanity entered a stage of development, which was called post-industrial or information. Information technology is not only a technology that involves the use of a computer in the educational process. In fact, any process associated with the processing of information can be called information technology, however, more correctly, information technology is understood as a set of means and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data to obtain information of a new quality about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (information product). The feasibility of using a computer in the educational process must be confirmed by pedagogical goals, the achievement of which is possible only with the use of a computer, thanks to its capabilities. A computer can support and thereby add variety to the process of presenting new material; the possibility of modeling chemical processes and phenomena using a computer and, of course, in the process of quality control of education is not excluded. When I mention computer simulation of chemical processes and phenomena, I am in no way advocating replacing a live demonstration experiment with a computer version. I'm talking about those cases when there is no possibility of demonstration due to the lack of necessary reagents or conditions for carrying out. The computer uses visual and figurative thinking, which promotes more effective learning of educational material.

The use of computers and multimedia technologies gives positive results when explaining new material, simulating various situations, collecting the necessary information, assessing learning skills, etc., and also makes it possible to put into practice such teaching methods as: business games, problem-solving exercises , presentations and more. In my lessons, I use various programs on disks that help me explain new or repeat old topics, consolidate and systematize the knowledge gained. An example of one lesson. Topic: “Oxygen subgroup, characteristics. Getting oxygen." During the lesson, a multimedia projector was used, where experiments were shown on the screen that were impossible to demonstrate in a school laboratory. Several tables were also designed on the screen. The children were asked to analyze, compare and draw a conclusion. From the above, we come to the conclusion that computer technology increases the level of learning and arouses students’ interest in the subject.

In my lessons I use various programs, pursuing the following goals: developing information processing skills; development of communication abilities; training the personality of the “information society”; formation of research UUD, the ability to make optimal decisions; maximum visual presentation of educational material. Depending on the form, goals and objectives of the lesson, computer technologies are used as:

— a source of educational information (partially or completely replacing a teacher or a book);

— a visual aid using the capabilities of multimedia and telecommunications;

- training apparatus;

- diagnostic and control tool.

Computer technologies are used at all stages of the learning process:

— when explaining new material (source of educational information),

— during repetition (didactic materials);

- to control knowledge (tests),

- for the purpose of organizing a leisure environment.

For example, in the lessons - presentations: “Why chemical reactions occur”, “Calculations using thermochemical equations” and “Solving problems using chemical equations”, a video method is implemented; solution using an algorithm, a multimedia test is used, which is accompanied by evaluative elements and audio positive and negative reactions depending on the correct solution of problems, which reduces tension in the lesson and makes the environment more comfortable.

In my work I use various computer teaching aids:

— Internet resources for collecting additional information on the topic of the lesson and creating computer presentations of extracurricular and extracurricular activities;

— computer support for students’ research projects;

— controlling computer teaching aids, for example, “Chemistry Tests”;

- computer tools as visual aids: “Cyril and Methodius”, a library of electronic visual aids for grades 8-11, etc.

Results of using ICT:

— Creation of a data bank (computer presentations for students in grades 8 and 9) and computer presentations for teachers (by topic).

— Annual increase in student activity in the use of ICT in preparing lessons and extracurricular activities.

— Speeches at school methodological associations, teacher councils, seminars for teachers.

At any stage of the lesson, you can use computer presentations, either individually or using an interactive whiteboard.

Examples of using presentations in chemistry lessons:

An explanation of a new topic followed by a presentation.

Working with oral exercises.

Using a presentation when reviewing the material covered.

Demonstration of the conditions and solution of the problem.

Demonstration of chemical experiments.

Peer testing of independent work using the answers on the slide.

Carrying out tests.

Conducting physical education sessions.

Conducting reflection.

Demonstration of portraits of chemists and stories about their discoveries.

Illustration of the practical production and use of chemicals in life.

Students create computer presentations for lessons on generalizing and systematizing knowledge and methods of activity.

Extracurricular activities: chemical games, KVNs and evenings.

Thus, the inclusion of information and computer technologies in the lesson makes the process of teaching chemistry interesting and entertaining, and makes it easier to overcome difficulties in mastering educational material.

Problem-based learning technology

involves the creation, under the guidance of a teacher, of problem situations and the active independent activity of students to resolve them, as a result of which the creative mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of mental abilities occurs. Problematic situations in the classroom can arise in the most unexpected ways. These are the rules for creating problematic situations.

1. Students are given a practical or theoretical task, the completion of which will require the discovery of knowledge and the acquisition of new skills.

2. The task must correspond to the intellectual capabilities of the student.

3. The problem task is given before the new material is explained.

4. Such tasks can be: assimilation, formulation of a question, practical actions.

The same problem situation can be caused by different types of tasks.

There are four levels of learning problems.

1. The teacher himself poses a problem (task) and solves it himself with active attention and discussion by students (traditional system).

2. The teacher poses a problem, the students independently or under his guidance find a solution; he also directs an independent search for solutions (partial search method).

3. The student poses a problem, the teacher helps to solve it. The student develops the ability to independently formulate a problem (research method).

4. The student poses the problem himself and solves it himself (research method).

In problem-based learning, the main thing is the research method - such an organization of educational work in which students get acquainted with scientific methods of obtaining knowledge, master the elements of scientific methods, master the ability to independently obtain new knowledge, plan a search and discover a new dependence or pattern. In this way, students become familiar with with basic research methods in chemistry, master the skills to independently obtain new knowledge, constantly turning to theory. Involving basic knowledge to solve problem situations involves the formation and improvement of both general educational and special skills of students (conducting chemical experiments, correlating observed phenomena with changes in the state of molecules, atoms, ions, conducting a mental chemical experiment, modeling the essence of processes, etc.) .

In the process of such training, schoolchildren learn to think logically, scientifically, dialectically, creatively; the knowledge they acquire turns into beliefs; they experience a feeling of deep satisfaction, confidence in their capabilities and strengths; Self-acquired knowledge is more durable.

A problematic situation in the lesson can be created by both the teacher and the students. For example: Topic: “Simple and complex substances”, the teacher provides the student with a wide field of activity: asks problematic questions, suggests writing out simple and complex substances separately from a list of various substances, and leads the student himself, using his life experience, knowledge of previous lessons , tried to formulate the concept of simple and complex matter. The student creates knowledge for himself, this is how interest arises not just in the subject, but in the process of cognition itself. In my opinion, problem-based learning technology allows the teacher to hold the student’s attention. After all, the problem put forward will encourage you to search for ways to solve it, put forward hypotheses, sometimes the most extraordinary ones, justify them, test them, and ultimately obtain a result. When information passes along this path, it is firmly and unobtrusively absorbed. Moreover, students’ self-esteem increases, as they understand that they were participants in the process of solving the problem. In problem-based learning, the teacher’s activity consists in the fact that he systematically creates problem situations in educational and cognitive activities that encourage students to analyze facts, independently draw conclusions and generalizations, students independently form certain concepts and laws with the help of the teacher. As a result, students develop skills of mental operations and actions, skills of transferring knowledge, develop attention, will, and creative imagination. Problem situations can be created when studying almost any section and topic of the subject. For example, when studying the topic “Hydrolysis of salts” in the section of inorganic chemistry, students are asked the question: “What type of environment exists in salt solutions?” Many people hypothesize that if in solutions of acids and alkalis the environment is acidic and alkaline, respectively, then in salts the environment is neutral. I propose to test the stated hypothesis during an independent laboratory experiment with solutions of the three proposed salts. We remember how to experimentally determine the nature of the environment in solutions of substances, and carry out the experiment. The stated hypothesis was confirmed only in one case out of three. Therefore, students conclude that salt solutions can be acidic, alkaline, or neutral. And again a problematic situation arises: “What determines the nature of the medium in a solution of a particular salt?” We remember which particles are responsible for the acidic and which ones for the alkaline nature of the medium and try to explain their appearance in salt solutions using the ionic equations of salt hydrolysis.

Research can be carried out with the aim of obtaining new knowledge, generalization, acquiring skills, applying acquired knowledge, studying specific substances, phenomena, processes. So, when studying the topic “Salts of nitric acid” in the 9th grade, I use elements of research work. The research includes: conducting theoretical analysis; predicting methods for obtaining substances and their properties; drawing up an experimental testing plan and its implementation; formulating a conclusion. The result is a logical chain: theoretical analysis – forecasting – experiment. Michael Faraday said: “No science needs experiment to such an extent as chemistry. Its basic laws, theories and conclusions are based on facts. Therefore, constant monitoring by experience is necessary.” To systematize the knowledge gained, students fill out the table:

The use of the research method in teaching chemistry allows students to be involved in the most independent, creatively active activities. Creative work, such as composing crosswords and various tasks, composing fairy tales, drawing various graphs, writing reports, abstracts, conducting research, etc., are of great importance for developing research skills.

For example, replacing one type of milk with another is one of the types of adulteration of milk and lactic acid products, which constitute the main component of a balanced human diet. Milk can be adulterated by adding water, skim milk, neutralizing substances, skimming the cream, adding soda to milk (to reduce acidity), etc. The most common and “innocent” counterfeit is selling skim (skim) milk as whole milk. Lime (limewater), potash and soda are added to milk in the summer to prevent it from souring. Poor quality food products not only cause economic damage to the consumer, but also pose a threat to human health. Therefore, an important task is to teach students to determine the authenticity of milk and lactic acid products using simple and accessible methods.

Using tests in chemistry lessons

also plays a prominent role in the process of introducing new technologies. This makes it possible to mass test students’ knowledge. Test methodology is a universal means of testing knowledge and skills. Tests are an economical, targeted and individual form of control. Systematic testing of knowledge in the form of tests contributes to a solid mastery of the academic subject, fosters a conscious attitude to learning, forms accuracy, hard work, dedication, activates attention, and develops the ability to analyze. Test control ensures equal testing conditions for all students, that is, the objectivity of knowledge testing increases. This method brings variety to academic work and increases interest in the subject. I conduct final tests in grades 8–9 in the form of a test.

Health-saving technologies -

The ancient Greek philosopher Herodotus said this: “When there is no health, wisdom is silent, art cannot flourish, strength does not play, wealth is useless and reason is powerless.” Being healthy is a natural human desire. A healthy and spiritually developed person is happy: he feels great, receives satisfaction from his work, and strives for self-improvement. Child health refers to physical well-being, social and mental health. A child’s health directly affects their ability to assimilate the educational program, feel comfortable in a team, realistically assess their capabilities and strive for development. The social and mental state of a child largely depends on a properly organized educational process.

Health-saving technologies are understood as a set of techniques, methods, techniques, teaching aids and approaches to the educational process, in which at least four requirements are met:

  1. taking into account the individual characteristics of the child,
  2. nurturing the child’s ability to independently protect himself from stress, insults, teaching him the means of psychological defense,
  3. avoidance of excessive debilitating intellectual load when mastering educational material,
  4. ensuring such an approach to the educational process that guarantees the maintenance of only a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team.

When preparing and conducting each lesson, I take into account: a strict dosage of the teaching load; building a lesson taking into account the dynamism of students and their performance; compliance with hygiene requirements (fresh air, good lighting, cleanliness); favorable emotional mood; stress prevention; healing moments and changes in activities in the lesson, helping to overcome fatigue, despondency, and unsatisfactoriness; clear organization of educational work (preparing the board, clear notes on the board, use of ICT, complying with the requirements of SanPiN;

1) in the lesson I create an atmosphere of goodwill, a positive emotional mood, situations of success and emotional release, because the result of any work, and especially mental work, depends on the mood, on the psychological climate - in an unfriendly environment, fatigue sets in faster;

2) clear organization of educational work to prevent fatigue; When planning a lesson, I provide for a change of activity, alternating different types of activity: intellectual – emotional – motor;

3) the use of dynamic pauses, minutes for health (preventive exercises for the eyes, relaxation exercises, exercises to form correct posture) to relieve tension and enhance performance:

4) in lessons we consider tasks that are directly related to the concepts of “healthy lifestyle”, “proper nutrition”, “ecology”; I provide an individual approach to students, taking into account personal capabilities;

  • Problem 1

Calculate how much of a lemon you need to eat daily in order to replenish your body's need for vitamin C.

In calculations, it should be assumed that the mass of the lemon is 100 g; The vitamin C content in lemon is 0.5%. The daily requirement of an adult for vitamin C is 100 mg.

  • Problem 2

A piece of white wheat bread contains 0.8 mg of iron. How many pieces should you eat per day to satisfy the daily requirement for this element (daily requirement for iron – 18 mg).

  • Problem 3

One glass of whole milk contains 288 mg of calcium. How much milk do you need to drink per day to supply your body with enough of this element? (Daily requirement – ​​800 mg Ca)

5) I conduct training mini-sessions to reduce the degree of anxiety of students. The systematic inclusion of elements of health-saving technology in the lesson makes the learning process interesting and entertaining, creates a cheerful, working mood in children, makes it easier to overcome difficulties in mastering educational material, increases children’s interest in the subject, facilitates its study, teaches discipline and caring about their health, reduces morbidity rate leads to an improvement in the psychological climate in the classroom and contributes to the understanding of the relationship between chemistry and everyday life.

The result of the use of various types of technologies can be considered: the development of cognitive and creative interests in students, increased motivation for learning, improving the quality of knowledge acquisition, creating favorable conditions for problem-based learning, attracting different types of student activities, the formation of research learning tools, the ability to make optimal decisions, the ability to form communicative students' competencies.


1. The purpose of educational technologies is to increase the efficiency of the educational process and ensure the achievement of planned learning outcomes. The main thing is to focus on the student’s personality, since pedagogical technology is a set of interrelated means, methods and processes necessary for a targeted influence on the formation of a personality with given qualities; This is an activity aimed at creating conditions for the formation of the level of education of an individual.

2. The history of mankind is, to a large extent, the history of the development of human abilities for invention, creativity, and improvement of various technologies. The adaptive learning system (AES) and the collective mode of learning (CME) are the most progressive educational systems, which, if used correctly, will give a lot to the formation of the student’s personality.

3. The use of elements of pedagogical technology in lessons allows the teacher to accurately and specifically determine the place and meaning of each lesson in the topic, establishes logical connections between lessons in all components of the learning process (target, content, operational activity, control and regulation, evaluation and outcome), which ensures increased efficiency of the educational process. In addition, learning is transferred to the subject - a subjective basis, which ensures the student’s development of his motivational sphere, intelligence, independence, sense of collectivism, and the ability to control and manage his educational and cognitive activities.


1. Bespalko V. P. Components of pedagogical technology. – M., 1989.

2. Guzeev V. In Educational technology: from reception to philosophy. – M., 1996

3. Ksendzova G. Yu. Promising school technologies:

Educational and methodological manual. – M., 2000.

4. Kolechenko A.K. Encyclopedia of educational technologies:

Manual for teachers. – St. Petersburg: KARO, 2008. – 368 p.

5. Selevko G.K. Encyclopedia of educational technologies. In 2 volumes - M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2006.

6. Tomina E. V. Modular technology for teaching chemistry in the modern educational process: Educational manual. – Voronezh, VSU, 2004. – p. 3-4

7.Babansky Yu.K. Optimization of the learning process. M.: Education, 1977; 8.Gara N.N. Teacher of creativity. Book for teachers. From work experience. M.: Education, 1991; 9.Granitskaya A.S. Teach to think and act. M.: Education, 1991; Didactics of secondary school. Ed. M.N. Skatkina. M.: Education, 1982;

Using didactic games and simulations in chemistry lessons

The formation of a creative personality is one of the main tasks proclaimed in the concept of modernization of Russian education.

The federal component of the state standard, developed taking into account the main directions of modernization of education, is focused not only on the knowledge component, but primarily on the activity component of education, which makes it possible to increase the motivation of learning and realize the abilities, capabilities, needs and interests of the child to the greatest extent. Therefore, it is no coincidence that one of the main goals at the level of general education is the development of cognitive activity of students. Cognitive activity provides cognitive activity, during which the content of the academic subject, the necessary methods of activity, abilities, skills are mastered.

Among the various ways to enhance cognitive activity, didactic games occupy a certain place.

Purpose of the work: to study the possibilities of didactic games for the development of cognitive processes in students and consolidation of knowledge acquired in lessons

Didactic games for chemistry lessons presentation

By definition, a game is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience in which self-control of behavior is developed and improved.

N.P. Anikeeva classifies play as an indirect method of influence, when the child does not feel like an object of influence from an adult, when he is a full-fledged subject of activity. During the game, children themselves strive to overcome difficulties, set problems and solve them. In her opinion, play is the means where education turns into self-education. The game method of involving the student in activities and communication presupposes a personal approach . The game is not entertainment, but a special method of involving children in creative activities, a method of stimulating their activity.

The concept of “game pedagogical technologies” includes a fairly extensive group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games.

Game features:

To better understand the influence of didactic games on increasing the effectiveness of learning, it is advisable to highlight the three most significant and necessarily present functions of games - educational, didactic, and developmental. In addition, the most important feature of the game is that it is entertaining. You can trace the effect of these functions and entertainment on the learning process using Diagram 1.

Students receive knowledge in a didactic game not only from the teacher, they themselves are participants in their search, exchanging information with each other and ways of obtaining it. During the didactic game, children’s diverse motives develop. Some are attracted by the gaming motive - competition, for others the main motive is educational.

The leading function of a didactic game should be an educational function, which is the main one because it contains a didactic goal. In a game situation, a didactic goal is set for students in the form of a game task where this knowledge and skills are applicable. For example, when studying the topic “Periodic Law and the Periodic System of Chemical Elements by D.I. Mendeleev,” 8th grade students must learn the concept of the classification of chemical elements through a historical and logical approach. In the process of conducting a didactic game in an entertaining form with the help of cards and using the method of historicism, students learn the sequence of formation and development of the periodic law, the periodic system and their scientific meaning.

The educational function of the didactic game is manifested through the cultivation of a positive attitude towards the subject, the desire to study chemistry, hard work and diligence in learning new things.

In the game, such personality qualities as willpower, determination, activity, dynamism, productivity of thinking, self-confidence are developed, and character traits such as mutual assistance and camaraderie are revealed.

The didactic game also performs a developmental function.

The educational possibilities of the game were considered in the works of O.S. Gazman, A.M. Matyushkin, S.A. Shmakov.

To master knowledge in chemistry, attention, well-developed memory, and maximum intellectual work are constantly required. Therefore, for successful learning of chemistry, it is necessary to train these mental properties. When playing games “Who's the odd one out,” “Find the mistake,” “Tic-tac-toe,” etc., the goal is not only to consolidate knowledge of chemical symbolism and make it easier to memorize the names of chemical elements, but also to improve memory, attention, and develop imagination, intuition, and observation.

Consequently, a didactic game, through its entertaining, teaching, educational and developmental functions, contributes to solving the didactic tasks of the learning process - educational, nurturing and developmental.

When is the game needed? Research by psychologists shows that if schoolchildren have developed a stable and deep interest in a subject, then they can give up the game (high school). If there is no such interest and the teacher strives to create it, then the game can become a good assistant to the teacher. It is also necessary to take into account the age of schoolchildren: the younger they are, the more important the game is for them. And here there is no need to be afraid that the interest that arises during the game is an interest in the game, and not in the learning process itself. The development of interest has a pattern: interest in the external side of phenomena develops into interest in their inner essence. “And the opportunities that the game opens up for an observant teacher in terms of assessing the creative inclinations of children, their resourcefulness, and ingenuity cannot be provided by any lesson, even the best one in methodological terms,” says V.F. Shatalov. During the game, the world of childhood connects with the world of science. In games, the student receives various information and knowledge freely. Therefore, often what seemed difficult during the lesson, even inaccessible to the student, is easily learned during the game. Interest and pleasure are important psychological effects of play.

Game technologies in teaching chemistry

The use of didactic games in the study of chemistry allows you to solve the following problems:

  1. Instilling interest in studying the subject
  2. Reducing student overload
  3. Activation of educational and cognitive activity of students.

While working on this problem, I tried to apply a large number of different didactic games in my practice. I have developed both lessons where game moments are fragmentarily used, and lessons where game is the leading method (lessons - role-playing games, lessons - competitions, lessons - knowledge reviews, lessons - quizzes, lesson - investigation and others).

Let me give you an example. The first year of studying chemistry as a new subject is extremely important for developing students' cognitive interest. At the beginning of studying chemistry, students are of great interest in studying the properties of substances and conducting experiments in class. Interest decreases when considering theoretical issues: oxidation state, studying nomenclature, as well as when composing chemical formulas and equations. In order for schoolchildren not to lose interest in the subject and not be afraid of chemistry lessons, to create a relaxed atmosphere in the lesson and activate the cognitive interest of students, I propose a system of didactic games presented in the thematic planning of the topic “Compounds of Chemical Elements”. This topic covers a large number of fundamental chemical concepts in a short period of time. The time of its study falls on the second quarter of the 8th grade, when there is a decline in cognitive interest among students.

When developing game lessons, it is necessary to provide for the following points:

  • think over a methodology for conducting the game in a lesson (this can be a whole lesson or a fragment of a lesson for 10–15 minutes);
  • introduce a competitive element into the game;
  • clarify the goals of the game, draw up guidelines for the presenter, instructions for players, additionally select and arrange didactic materials;
  • develop ways to evaluate the results of the game as a whole and its participants individually;
  • warn students in advance about the conditions and rules of the game;
  • create a creative and democratic environment that excludes the student’s indifferent attitude to classes and his unnecessary participation in the lesson.

Although 8th grade students have a strong cognitive interest, they do not have adequately developed abstract thinking. They are characterized by a preference for memorizing material rather than thinking about it. Independent reasoning is rare, and the tendency to critical analysis is almost non-existent. What is best perceived at this age is not the logic of the educational material, but its image, one’s own impression of independent activity. Therefore, the most relevant when conducting chemistry lessons at the beginning of training are didactic games aimed at memorizing concepts and terms. Games-exercises usually take 10-15 minutes and are a good way to comprehend and consolidate educational material, and apply it in new situations. These are a variety of puzzles, ciphergrams, crosswords, etc. (Appendix 1)

In the 9th grade, educational, controlling and generalizing games become plot-based, where the plot is a form of intellectual activity. Such games can be called practical activities of the imagination. As a result of play, children develop theoretical activity of creative imagination, creating a project for something and implementing this project through external actions. Games related to chemistry indicate a serious need for mental exercises and self-testing of one’s intelligence.

Along with learning and work, play in the 10th and 11th grades (senior adolescence) still carries great opportunities for the personal development of children. The plot as a form of intellectual activity in educational, controlling and generalizing games is preserved. However, in games of this age, I more widely use partially search and research methods of learning through solving experimental problems. In grades 10–11 I widely use role-playing and business games. In this case, it is necessary to take into account a number of conditions:

a) providing older teenagers with initiative and creativity in developing the content of the game, creating game self-government bodies;

b) free choice of playing role in accordance with personal capabilities, providing an environment for creative performance of the role;

c) individual work of the teacher for the student to achieve success in the game;

d) creating a high emotional uplift during the game.

I believe that gaming activity is a promising type of educational activity. During the game, students develop important qualities: the ability to participate in discussion and make a collective decision; express and argue your point of view; listen carefully to supporters and opponents. As a result, intellectual skills and abilities develop: analyze different options and points of view; take a comprehensive approach to discussing the phenomenon; compare and summarize facts. Interest in the subject is firmly maintained. A game is a universal means of educating, developing, and teaching a student, so underestimating its importance is at least irrational and unproductive.

Modeling in teaching chemistry.

Simulation, along with experiment, occupies a special place in teaching chemistry.

By modeling we mean a method of scientific (or educational) cognition, in which not the direct object is studied, but its model, which is in relation to the object in relation to correspondence, in order to obtain new knowledge. In chemical science, the modeling method is one of the leading in the process of cognition of its objects and phenomena.

The possibilities of modeling are wide and multifaceted; it is used at all stages of the experiment, when processing experimental data. Studying an object through a model is possible because the object and the model have common properties. Replacing the subject of research with a model is sometimes very convenient for cognition.

Models act both as a means of obtaining knowledge and as a means of fixing it, which makes human cognition at the present stage unthinkable without modeling.

Modeling is widely used in the learning process at school. Modeling at school is an approximate reproduction of any objects that, due to their complexity and size, are not amenable to or difficult to study or manufacture in their natural form.

According to the method of construction, all models used in training can be divided into:

  • operating (allowing laboratory demonstration of a technological process used in industry),
  • material (consist of material elements and are intended to reproduce the structure of an object)
  • ideal (constructed mentally and recorded using drawings). Ideal models are divided into two types: representation models and iconic models.

The first type is images of objective reality. A person thinks in images, therefore, replenishing the supply of chemical images in the minds of students is one of the tasks of teaching chemistry, the basis for the development of chemical thinking in schoolchildren. An idea can become a model when the object of imagination and the object being modeled have something in common. Representation models are especially needed when studying micro-objects that are inaccessible to perception. The second type - a sign model - is based on the expression of the relations and properties of the modeled object using certain laws and formulas. A sign model is necessary when solving specific problems based on existing theory and an already known system of signs (for example, when drawing up equations, calculation problems). The visibility of ideal models increases when using diagrams and drawings.

In the process of learning chemistry, students are faced with the need to use all of the mentioned types of models literally from the very beginning of studying the subject.

This method is especially necessary when studying the topic “Structure of the atom. Chemical bond"

When studying the topic “Structure of the atom. Chemical Bonding" I use various models, from simple ones, such as pictures in a textbook, which simply show the distribution of electrons across energy levels, to more complex, spatial ones, demonstrating the shape, size and location of electron clouds. In this case, it is recommended to use not one, but several models of a chemical phenomenon for better assimilation and understanding. At the same time, the boundaries of the possible application of each of them should be shown.

The introduction of computers into the educational process creates qualitatively new opportunities for the implementation of modeling.

Modeling chemical phenomena and processes on a computer is necessary, first of all, to study phenomena and experiments that are almost impossible to demonstrate in a school laboratory, but they can be demonstrated using a computer. The use of computer models makes it possible to reveal the essential connections of the object being studied, to more deeply identify its patterns, which ultimately leads to better assimilation of the material. The student can investigate a phenomenon by changing parameters, compare the results obtained, analyze them, and draw conclusions.

Nowadays there is a fairly wide range of pedagogical software tools (PPS) that are freely available, which make it possible to study processes that are hidden from direct observation and therefore difficult to perceive by students. Visualization of processes using animation serves to develop visual-figurative thinking in students and more effectively assimilate educational material.

ECMs (educational computer models) can become invaluable assistants, for example, in studying the structure of atoms, types of chemical bonds, structure of matter, the theory of electrolytic dissociation, mechanisms of chemical reactions, stereochemical concepts, etc. All of these listed models are implemented in the programs: Chemistry. Electronic library "Enlightenment", Chemistry. Multimedia application to the educational complex “Chemistry. 8th grade", Chemistry lessons of Cyril and Methodius 8 - 9th grade, Chemistry lessons of Cyril and Methodius 10 - 11th grade, etc.

Models of chemical reactions, laboratory work, chemical production, chemical instruments (computer models of the macroworld) are implemented in the following programs: Chemistry (grades 8 - 11) virtual laboratory, Chemistry general and inorganic (grades 10 - 11), etc.

Such models are used in cases where, for some reason, it is not possible to carry out laboratory work under real conditions and there is no opportunity to actually get acquainted with the technological processes being studied.

The use of the above software tools in chemistry lessons has the following advantages:

• the visibility of the presentation of material is improved due to color, sound and movement;

• the presence of demonstrations of those chemical experiments that are dangerous to the health of children (for example, experiments with toxic substances).

• acceleration of the lesson pace by 10-15% due to increased emotional component;

I believe that modeling helps deepen knowledge about the objective world, makes many complex theoretical concepts, technological schemes and installations understandable and visual, and also develops abilities, deepens knowledge of the fundamentals of science, promotes the connection between theory and practice, and develops practical skills.


It is difficult to imagine the success of learning material using various technologies without special monitoring of this process.

Observations of the learning process have shown that in lessons using didactic games, modeling elements, and ICT, even “weak” students work more actively, are not distracted, and complete tasks with interest.

The technologies I use enhance perception, facilitate the assimilation and memorization of material, and affect several student information channels at once. At the same time, students' interest in chemistry lessons increases.

In my work, I use various methods for assessing the quality of knowledge - tests, including individually differentiated (three-level); independent tasks; computer testing. Student grades are posted in an electronic journal. I use thematic tests in organic and inorganic chemistry, including in the State Examination and Unified State Exam format. With the help of these tests, I conduct thematic control of knowledge on the subject.

Pedagogical monitoring and modern analysis of activities allow you to control the style of your own activities and make sure that the introduction of new technologies is a necessity and requirement for teachers at the present stage.


  1. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies. M.: Public Education, 1998;
  2. Gazman O.S., Kharitonova V.E. To school with a game. M.: Education, 1991;
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