Development of a technology lesson. Topic: “Protection of a creative project” Zhukova T.M., technology teacher at the Moscow Secondary School 2 in Beloyarsky, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Tyumen region, - presentation

Project "Breath of Flowers"

The choice and justification of the technology project topic can be formulated as follows. We live in a unique country that is proud of its historical roots and natural resources. The unique flora amazed the greatest writers, poets, and artists with its versatility. We admire flowers in the summer and watch with interest how the leaves of the trees turn yellow in the fall. I want to enjoy the beauty and warmth of nature and cold winters. That is why the theme “Breath of Flowers” ​​was chosen for the work. Such an ecological justification for the technology project indicates the meta-subject nature of this work.

Justification of the relevance of the project

When justifying your project choice in the Introduction to a Creative Project section, you need to decide why this particular creative work needs to be done at this time.
Justification of the relevance of a creative project is an explanation of the necessity, necessity and usefulness of carrying out a given creative project. In simple words, if a creative technology project is not relevant in our time, then why and for whom should we create it?

Justification for the choice of a creative project increases the significance of the project and the expected results and makes it possible to use and apply in practice the development of this project.

Writing a justification for a creative project on technology (justification for choosing a model), as in any other subject, is a basic requirement for any creative project work.

During the defense of a creative project, the jury pays special attention to the correct, competent and concise justification of the relevance of the student’s creative project.

Work “Transformer Swan”

How to justify a technology project? A transforming vase is a wonderful gift for friends and family. The finished product can be used to arrange fruit, as a hot stand, and even as a cutting board. The vase can also be considered as an independent decorative element in a city apartment. The product is compact, it can be stored in assembled form, and, if necessary, put into “combat readiness”.

Environmental justification for the project based on technology:

  • safety;
  • availability of materials;
  • originality of forms;
  • minimal labor intensity;
  • strength;
  • manufacturability;
  • reproducibility.

This justification of the project's technology problem confirms the relevance of the work. The finished product will decorate any interior.


When preparing an environmental and economic feasibility study for a technology project (creative or gaming), it is important to consider that it must contain the following points:

  • history of the idea and theoretical information;
  • selection and justification of the project;
  • analysis of the idea and its preliminary development;
  • tools and devices, safety precautions;
  • technological map of the execution algorithm;
  • economic feasibility study of the project;
  • environmental justification of the project;
  • analysis of the project as a whole;
  • advertising of the designed product.

The task of the economic feasibility study of a technology project is the formation of an appropriate budget and its savings. Also rational (economical) achievement of the goal. And also compliance with regulatory environmental requirements for occupational health and safety.

Batik work

How to select and justify a technology project? Masters call batik a unique and inimitable material used in artistic creativity. Why is there a growing interest in working with it these days? The reason is that the materials and tools needed to work with batik have become available to the general population.

People are increasingly turning to artistic creativity associated with the postmodern era and are trying to create unusual products and compositions with their own hands. This justification of a creative project based on technology fully confirms its relevance. Considering that working with batik does not involve complex technological operations, the project is accessible to everyone who dreams of touching this type of artistic creativity. We were attracted by the batik technique's combination of the practicality of the resulting products with artistic significance.

This technology justification for the project will become the main idea of ​​the creative work.

Creative projects using technology

  • GDZ
  • Creative projects using technology

Creative project using the “Thread Box” technology
Creative project using the “Breadbox” technology

Creative project using the “Flower Shelf” technology

Creative project using the “DVD stand” technology

Creative project on technology “Protection of glasses”

Creative project using the Fly Agaric technology

Creative project using the “Needle Case (Do-It-Yourself Miracle)” technology

Creative project using the technology “Element of living room decor”

Creative project on the “Electrical extension cord” technology (Presentation)

Creative project using the “Garden in one pot” technology

The creative project is an independent final work on the subject “Technology and Labor Training”. It shows how strong the skills, knowledge and abilities of the student that he acquired in technology lessons are. In addition, a creative project allows the student to demonstrate individuality, as well as their own ability to use all acquired knowledge in practice.

In this section of our website you will find an abundance of creative technology projects, among which you will be sure to choose one that is interesting and accessible to you. With the help of the project, you can create new models using the material at hand. All presented projects are aimed at producing new competitive products that meet human needs and are also in demand among modern buyers.

What are the benefits of completing the project?

The implementation of projects presented on our website contributes to the development of:

  • aesthetic taste;
  • creative abilities;
  • logical thinking in the field of project activities;
  • logic.

Students will use the item obtained as a result of the completed project in practice, that is, use the product in their daily lives. In addition, students have the opportunity to independently evaluate the work done, as well as feel satisfaction from the result obtained through their own efforts.

How to choose a project?

When choosing, be guided by your own preferences and the availability of materials and tools necessary for the work.

In the economic part, it will be necessary to calculate the costs of the product. The technological part describes the production process. The presented projects are created in such detail that you will not have any problems during their implementation!

DIY gift

New Year's holidays are ahead, during which it is customary to give gifts. Of course, you can purchase a finished product in a store, but it will not convey the feelings that you feel for the person for whom the gift is intended. If you arm yourself with creative imagination and select materials, you can create a unique picture. Such justification for a technology project involving the use of batik painting on fabrics fully explains the author’s choice.

Project - what is it? Justifications

A creative project is a reasonable creative activity aimed at achieving and fulfilling a set goal, solving a specific problem, despite some restrictions of an environmental, economic and other physical nature. This is all clear. When making a business case for a technology project, there is a limitation that the limit (cost) cannot be exceeded up to a certain limit. The designed product must be effective and expedient, and have some novelty. In environmental terms, the product must be harmless and without dangerous consequences for humans. There are also other general physical restrictions.

Goals and objectives

In the age of computer technology, the demand for handmade products is increasing. The choice and justification of the technology project is complemented by the purpose of the work. It can be formulated as follows: create a gift for the New Year holidays using the batik technique.

The author sets himself certain tasks:

  • study literature on the chosen topic;
  • develop an action algorithm;
  • create a gift with your own hands;
  • give an analysis of the finished product.

The technology justification for the project has been completed, and we can begin to think through the stages of work. First, you need to conduct a survey, the purpose of which is to identify the attitude of classmates towards gifts made with your own hands. Respondents are asked to check the following questions:

  • Do you give gifts?
  • do you make them yourself?
  • Which gift is more pleasant to receive?

After statistical processing of the responses, the author summarizes the results of the survey. The choice and justification of the technology project topic has been made, you can move on to the main stage.

The finished product should be beautiful, bright, practical, inexpensive, and safe. What gift should you give your friends for the New Year? For example, you can create an original panel from salt dough, sew a hot pot, an original toy or voluminous interior decoration, or make a New Year's card.

In order for the finished product to please the person for whom it is intended, it is important to think through all the details of the work.

What types of projects are there?

Basically, projects are divided into the following types:

  • practice-oriented project;
  • research teaching project;
  • information project for collecting statistical data;
  • creative and playful (role-playing).

The economic justification for a technology project is directly included in all types of educational training. They are primarily aimed at developing the ability to master the outside world on the basis of scientific analysis, which is the main goal of general education.

Gzhel project

The Moscow region is considered the birthplace of this painting. The first mention of Gzhel appeared in 1320, they were made in a message from Prince Ivan Kalita to his eldest son. These porcelain products have a characteristic blue-white color. In the eighteenth century, such dishes were created from clay, then covered with white enamel, and multi-color painting was applied to it. In the 19th century, Gzhel craftsmen created new materials, improved technologies, and began producing semi-faience and porcelain.

At the beginning of the last century, this unique painting was practically lost. And only in 1972 this folk craft began to be revived. On the basis of six small industries, the Gzhel association was created and they began to restore lost folk traditions. The Russian land is rich in talents.

Gzhel painting is done with cobalt. High-quality white clay, previously placed in certain molds, is double fired. Firing is carried out in furnaces at temperatures above 1350 degrees.

During a review of the literature on the project, we were able to find out that painting is carried out with cobalt. At elevated temperatures, this mineral acquires an unusual blue color of different shades. They appear precisely after firing is completed; in its original form, the design has an unsightly black-gray color. The topic was chosen for the work precisely because products created using this technique are distinguished by unique aesthetic characteristics.

Rationale by class

In this context, the economic and environmental feasibility of a technology project does not require a single-line skill, like that of professionals. This requires logically oriented thinking and mastery of the following knowledge:

  • justify the purpose of the activity and take the risk of creating an original product;
  • collection and processing of information on the Internet, archives and the like;
  • master projective and technical activities, learn professional work skills;
  • give an environmental and economic assessment of technology and the product of personal labor;
  • carry out technological processes, observing safety precautions;
  • find your professional interests and inclinations, which will help in the future to work in a work team.

Determining the cost of the product

Determining the cost of a product includes the costs of materials used for work, equipment costs, electricity bills spent on operating PCs (personal computers), lighting and other costs that make up the cost of the product, as well as advertising costs.

The economic justification for a technology project in 6th grade can be calculated using the intuitive formula: C = C + P (B). Where C is the price, C is the cost of the product, P is profit (the remainder of the proceeds), B is the time during which the product was made. The cost price also includes other costs: C1 - the cost of cardboard, glass; C2 - cost of paints, varnish; C3 - cost of airbrush, compressor; C4 - cost of electricity, external sources; C5 - cost of fixing materials (drying oil, varnish, glue.). All this is summed up, highlighted and justified economically, taking into account the environmental aspect. Is the project of mirror decoration and design technology feasible or economical?

An example in grades 5-6. Nuances

Such an economic justification for a technology project in 5th grade can be done using the example of decorating a simple mirror or the research topic “Where do butterflies come from.” For example, decorations on a mirror in a certain algorithm can be applied by spraying with aerosol paints through a stencil (airbrush spraying technology) or using the multi-color sgraffito method using several durable stencils. In the content in the history (methods) paragraph, you can consider other methods of decoration and make an objective analysis of ideas. In addition, the development of sketches of the drawing is required; description of materials (cardboard, glass, paints and fixing varnishes, hard brush for sgraffito printing, etc.); equipment for the technological process (airbrush, compressor); environmental and economic justification for a creative project on technology for decorating a mirror. The work also needs to show the sophistication of the finish (design) and the usefulness of the item.

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