Research work on the history of Orthodoxy The work was completed by: Elizaveta Plotnikova and Anastasia Kardasheva, students of grade 5 “B” of the Municipal Educational Institution “Tselinnaya Secondary. - presentation



"Steps into Science"
Anisimov PavelOne-part sentences and their role in the speech of the author-narrator in the chapters of the poem by A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin"
Bolobayko MaximiComparative analysis of proverbs and sayings using the zoomorphic component of the Russian and French languages ​​and their classification
Britvina Lyubov The theme of childhood in the works of P. Sanaev “Bury me behind the baseboard” and D. Sabitova “Three of your names” (comparative analysis)
Vaispapir Alexandra National features of speech etiquette
Zharikov ArtemInsufficient use of hypocoristic names in modern colloquial speech
Natalya IvashchenkoFunctioning of nouns with –ing in modern Russian language
Karlova IrinaVertical context of the poem as a way to identify the poet’s authorial and civic position (using the example of V. Bakaldin’s poem “On the red stripe along the riverside”) Download >>>
Pshenichnykh KirillThe role of means of expression and their role in T. Kryukova’s work “Zhenya Moskvichev and his friends”
Kononov ArtemSoviet alphabet V.V. Mayakovsky
Anastasia MaksimovaThe relationship between literature and painting of the 19th-20th centuries: from romanticism to futurism (based on artistic texts and paintings by M.Yu. Lermontov and D.D. Burliuk)"
Mamatkazin AndreyExpressive syntax in A. Chudakov’s novel “A darkness falls on the old steps...”
Maslakov DenisPlace of personifications in the idiostyle of N.M. Rubtsova
Ozhegova DariaGender features of the images of Yalta and Sevastopol in the essays of the same name by M.M. Potapova
Pikedova AlenaSpeech mask as a way of expressing linguistic personality in the novel by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “Gentlemen Golovlevs”
Polodyuk AlinaThe role of onomastic space in the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin
Pytikova AnnaLexical exercises as a means of developing vocabulary in children of primary school age
Rakhimova NadiyaFeatures of the use of words-univerbats in the vocabulary of newspapers of different levels
Romanian Kirill Parcellation as a compositional device for syntactic division of text
Sablina Anastasia

The use of precedent texts in the headings of articles in the Telesem magazine

Sverdrup Anthony Elias

Comparative analysis of the author's and folk tales using the example of the author's tale “Curious Butterflies” and the German folk tale “Three Butterflies”

Silnova Yulia

Analysis of unfinished works in the creative heritage of V.M. Garshina

Shevchuk Lada

How to check an "unverifiable" word"

========== 2012-2013 ==========
Sat. annotations in PDF format
Averyanova AlexandraThe function of phraseological units in achieving a comic effect in the stories of S. Filatov
Azhirkova Yulia Metaphor in the poetry of Anna Akhmatova
Bakhshalieva Aigul Functions of interrogative sentences in literary critical articles by A. Latynina
Bykov Semyon “Life” inside a poem
Maria VilchinskayaTransformation of phraseological units as a means of expressiveness in journalism (using the example of heading structures)
Goncharova AlexandraTwo cross-cutting themes in Leonid Martynov’s work: a special way of dialogue with world culture and a study of the nature of translation. Analysis of the poem “Problems of Translation”
Zatsepin VladislavAgnonyms (phraseologisms that we forget)
Iskendarova DenizWord creation in literature and modern colloquial speech
Kireeva NatalyaLanguage polysemy and punctuation
Kopovaya Anastasia Linguistic means of expressing odoric vocabulary in the stories of V.M. Shukshina
Korobeynikova VictoriaFunctioning of phraseological units in journalistic style
Cousin PolinaTheme and ideological and artistic originality of the poetic creativity of Afghan soldiers
Lashina MariaRealization of the artistic and aesthetic potential of words with the meaning of perception in the story by V.A. Soloukhina “Water Lily”
Lugina DianaEmotional and evaluative vocabulary in advertising
Malevannyy Ivan Enantiosemy as a special phenomenon in the lexical system of the Russian language
Manakova Maria Paronyms and paronomasia in the poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva
"Steps into Science"
Maryasova NatalyaFeatures of the functioning of outdated vocabulary in the lyrics of F.I. Tyutcheva
Nikolaeva Ekaterina Productivity of occasional word formation in the development of the lexical system of the Russian language
Ponomareva Olga

Light designation in the story by I.A. Bunin "Village"

Romanova Polina

The phenomena of paronomasia in the Russian language (using the example of use in literary texts)

Salia Adeline
Appeals in the speech of teenagers (from history to modern times) Download >>>
Olga SannikovaAnalysis of linguistic means conveying the emotion “fear”
Tikhonov MaximDevelopment of the theme of the railway in Russian literature Download >>>
Troitskaya AlimaWords with color semantics in the lyrics of S.A. Yesenina (psycholinguistic research)
Ustinova AlexandraThe secret of the names of sweets
Khachikyan MariamThe meaning of the title and its influence on the reading interest of students
========== 2011-2012 ==========
Sat. annotations in PDF format
Akimova DariaWord formation processes of verbs of motion in school speech
Babaeva Malakhat Maharram kyzyRhythmic-suggestive component of prose (using the examples of I. Bunin’s stories)
Zubenko Yulia Political text as a means of speech influence" (Russian and English printed editions)
Nikitina Anna Basic ways of translating English film titles into Russian
"Young Explorer"
Belozerova MariaLexico-etymological and phonosemantic analysis of the word “homeland”
Victoria BerestovaRules for using phraseological units in speech Download >>>
Velina AlisaAuthor's remarks as a way of reflecting the author's position in E. Schwartz's play "Shadow"
Gubarev SergeyLinguistic analysis of inscriptions on dishes
Klim AishetThe theme of childhood in the stories of A.P. Chekhov
Kuzmich Dmitry Numerals with proper names Download >>>
"Young Explorer"
Pirahmedova KristinaOrigin and features of the names of Russian villages in the Republic of Tatarstan
Poluyanova AnnaThe role of speech characteristics in N. Solomko’s story “If I were a teacher” for depicting the inner world of the heroes”
Ryzhova MariaThe fate of the letter E in modern Russian language
Simonova AlexandraClassification of literary advice and the effectiveness of their impact on the reader
Svetlana SobinaThe poem “The wind whistles, the silver wind...” in the context of the creative quest of S.A. Yesenina (On the problem of the functioning of figurative antitheses)
Tishin SergeyMeans of artistic representation in literature
Yulia UvarovaThe drama of the Christmas miracle (based on the example of some works of the 19th-21st centuries)
Fugman ElizavetaPoetic translation as a way of expressing the author's individuality
Kharitonova Alexandra

The book as a source of human spiritual development (based on N.V. Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”)

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Cherdakova Ksenia

“An Honest Mirror of Youth” as a monument to the Peter the Great era. Ideological and linguistic features

========== 2010-2011 ==========
Sat. annotations in PDF format
Batyushova Renata "Little Man" in modern women's prose
Bakhshalieva AigulFunctioning of the independent infinitive in literary critical articles by P.V. Annenkova and N.G. Chernyshevsky
Bogatyrev Kirill Borrowing Anglicisms in the modern Russian language
Bugaev Nikita System of exercises when studying the topic “Special forms of the verb” in the school course of the Russian language (based on the novel “That’s So the Circus” by T. Kryukova)
Byvaltseva AnastasiaGender aspect of oral speech of adolescents
Alexandra GaidukAnalysis of autovariations of Marina Tsvetaeva’s poem “I wrote on a slate board...” as a way of identifying the poet’s authorial and civic position
Elunina Valeria Foreign language vocabulary in the youth magazine ELLE girl No. 83
Enokyan KristinaMetaphorization of names of body parts
Zabrodina LadaYouth slang in the culture of speech
Zakirova ElviraLanguage game as a means of creating witty subtext (based on the analysis of examples from fiction, jokes and advertising texts)
Kobets AlexandraFeature of the author's sign (dash) of Marina Tsvetaeva in the cycle of poems “To Blok”
"Steps into Science"»
Kononenko ElizavetaThe role of expressive-evaluative vocabulary in the everyday sphere of communication of a schoolchild
Kosova AlinaLanguage features of badge texts
Leshkov DanilaAccentological norms and tasks on orthoepy in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language
Likutova DianaLanguage of modern advertising
Martynova IrinaImaginative and expressive means of language when creating slogans for modern television advertising (using the example of advertising slogans of the First TV channel)
Mikholapova AnastasiaPhraseological units naming human mental abilities in literary and dialect language
Pavlov AlexeyReflection of the linguistic picture of the world in the works of art by V.I. Belova
Evgenia PitkoViolation of speech norms as one of the ways to create a politician’s speech image (using the example of V.V. Putin’s statements)
Popova Maria

Proverbs as a phenomenon of Russian culture

Sample topics for research papers in history

Sample topics for research papers.

Alexander the Great. Hellenistic era. Alfred Nobel English castles and fortresses. The English alphabet in the past and present. Arabic calligraphy Archaic Greece VIII-VI centuries. BC e. Socio-economic development of Greece. Architecture of China Architecture. Culture and buildings. Atlantis is a civilization that does not exist! Atlantis - myth or reality? Attica during the period of the collapse of slave-owning democracy in the works of Aristophanes. Achilles and his image in art. Balloons and airships: history and service in the Russian army until 1918.

Military equipment in medieval Rus' in the 10th–16th centuries. and features of its manufacture. Martial arts of Ancient Rus'. Martial arts of Ancient Rus'. Boris Godunov Was there an alternative in the development of Russian society at the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th centuries? during the Time of Troubles? Was Ivan IV the most cruel ruler in the 16th century? Life of peasants in the 16th century.


Without a root, wormwood cannot grow, or the history of one genus. Berezina. Mysteries of Napoleon's treasures. Berlin Wall. There is so much in this word... Fearless knight of the sky Battle of Thermopylae Heroes of the past and present. Gods of Ancient Egypt Gods of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Gods and myths of Ancient Greece War machines of the past Battle of Borodino through the eyes of the French. The struggle between patricians and plebeians Brandenburg Gate Is the British royal family a relic of the past? Buddhism as a religion. Buchenwald Was there a Flood? Life of the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt Life and everyday life of the Evenks at the end of the 20th century. Life, religion and culture of the Aztec civilization.

Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky. Beliefs of the Eastern Slavs Beliefs of the ancient Slavs. Paganism. Slavic beliefs as superstitions of modern man. Vikings and Slavs: a history of relationships. The influence of Norman culture on the development of the Old Russian state. The influence of the policies of Ivan III on the historical development of Rus' in the 15th century. The emergence and formation of the Moscow Principality as a center of statehood and spiritual culture. The emergence of writing among the Slavs. The magical world of legends of Ancient Rus'. Wars of the ancient Slavs. Armament of Slavic warriors.

In the Valley of the Pyramids In Search of the Holy Grail: from the beginnings to the present day. UK currency Vandalism. Vatican. State within a state. The Great French Revolution 1789-1799 Great Bulgars Great personalities in history. Great discoveries. Christopher Columbus. Great rulers of the Middle Ages Great civilizations of the East Great Britain in the 19th century. Relations between the Russian and Byzantine churches. The Vikings are the creators of the history of navigation. Virtual trip to Egypt. Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The influence of Ancient Egypt on modern times The influence of time and religion on the popularity of the historical figure A. Macedonsky. The influence of historical processes on lexical borrowings. The influence of the Celts on the language and culture of Great Britain. The influence of epidemics on historical events that took place on Earth. Military sports training in Ancient Greece. The emergence of life on Earth The emergence and development of writing. The emergence and evolution of writing. The emergence of Italian humanism. The emergence of a new religion - Christianity. Chronology of events in time and space. Warriors and knights of the Middle Ages War of 1812 War of the Scarlet and White Roses Wars in Ancient Greece in the 1st century BC. The Rise of Spartacus It all started with a wheel. The Flood as a projection of earthly cataclysms and catastrophes. Following Anna Yaroslavna - Queen of France... Elected power as a condition for raising the standard of living of citizens. Higher education in the UK

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