Pedagogical project “Child safety in nature.”

Planning “safety moments” in the senior group

Elena Oblova

Planning “safety moments” in the senior group


Week 2 Conversation “Taking care of health”

Goal: personal hygiene skills, disease prevention, teach how to take care of your health, avoid situations that are harmful to health.

D/game “Toiletries”.

Ball game "Helpful and harmful".

Week 4 Conversation “Rules for safe behavior in the garden and orchard”

Purpose: To introduce the tools of work in the garden and in the garden. Help draw conclusions about the consequences of careless and improper handling of tools.

Examination of illustrations with tools and objects to help in the garden. Introduce safe rules for picking apples from tall trees.


1 week Game “Put the edible mushroom in the box”

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about edible and poisonous mushrooms.

Week 4 Contacts with strangers.

Goal: discuss typical situations, teach how to behave correctly

Situation: an unfamiliar adult treats a child with candy, chewing gum, etc.


Week 2 Conversation “Get to know household appliances”

Purpose: to establish safety rules when handling electrical appliances. Learn to talk on the phone, get acquainted with the telephone number of the “Fire Department” - 01.

D/i "What's extra"

Week 4 Conversation with children on the topic “Types of transport. Special vehicles"

Goal: To consolidate ideas about various types of transport. Draw children's attention to the fact that behind large vehicles (buses, trucks) small ones (cars, motorcycles, bicycles) can be hidden. Bring to children's attention the concept of “car braking distance.”


Week 2 Conversation “So that there is no trouble”

Goal: to clarify children’s understanding of fire safety rules at home and in kindergarten, to continue learning to talk on the phone, to become familiar with the telephone number of the “Fire Department” - 01 and other rescue services. Expand children's knowledge about fire-hazardous objects.

D/i "Flammable items"

Week 4 Conversation “When edible things are poisonous”

Purpose: To draw children's attention to poisoning, its causes and consequences. Provide information about the unsuitability of food products for consumption.


Week 2 Conversation with children on the topic “Street. Crossroads":

Goal: To clarify children’s understanding of the rules of street traffic (sidewalk for pedestrians, cars moving along the roadway of the street; car traffic can be one-way or two-way). Look at the illustration depicting a crossroads.

Week 4 Conversation with children on the topic “Pedestrian. Crosswalk"

Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the rules of the road: they can cross the street in special places - above-ground and underground passages, to remind them of the meaning of the “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign. Practice skills in performing the correct actions when crossing a roadway with an adult and understanding spatial terminology (left-right side, front-behind, towards, etc.)


Week 2 Conversation “What are the dangers of guys you don’t know well”

Goal: Explain to children what troubles happen when interacting with unfamiliar children. Convince the need to be selective in choosing friends.

Week 4 Conversation with children on the topic “Road signs”

Goal: Expand children's understanding of road signs. Introduce new signs: first aid station, food station, gas station, pedestrian crossing, bicycle path, entry prohibited, children. Expand your understanding of what ignorance of signs leads to.


Week 2 Conversation “Safety on ice in spring”

Goal: to tell children how to behave near bodies of water in the spring, to introduce them to methods and means of rescuing drowning people, as well as the rules of safe behavior on ice.

Observation from pictures “What happens when ice cracks”

Week 4 Conversation “If you are lost on the street”

Goal: to teach how to behave correctly if you are lost on the street and who to turn to for help in this situation. Learn to talk on the phone, familiarize yourself with the phone number of the “Police” - 02.


Week 2 Conversation “Contacts with unfamiliar animals”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules of safe behavior with animals, to develop a respectful attitude towards animals.

Week 4 Conversation “Basic rules of behavior and actions in case of fire”

Goal: to consolidate the acquired knowledge about the occurrence of a fire, to learn the number of the fire department, police and ambulance; become familiar with the profession of a firefighter and his actions. Continue to learn how to talk on the phone, consolidate knowledge of the telephone number of the “Fire Department” - 01.

Watch a cartoon about fire safety rules.


Week 2 Conversation “Sharp objects”

Purpose: to consolidate the idea of ​​sharp, prickly and cutting objects, to warn against accidents in everyday life.

Reading fiction: E. Kazakov “Chik-chik with scissors”, Yu. Permyak “Hasty Knife”

Week 4 Conversation “Extreme situations in everyday life”

Goal: To bring to the attention of children the dangers of gas leaks and water breakthroughs at home. Teach them the correct actions in such cases. Introduce them to service 04.

Minutes of safety in the senior group; methodological development on life safety (senior group) on the topic

“Minutes of safety” in the senior group


  1. Week 2 Conversation “Taking care of health”

Goal: personal hygiene skills, disease prevention, teach how to take care of your health, avoid situations that are harmful to health.

D/game “Toiletries”.

Ball game "Helpful and harmful".

3 – 4 weeks Conversation “Rules of safe behavior in the garden and orchard”

Purpose: To introduce the tools of work in the garden and in the garden. Help draw conclusions about the consequences of careless and improper handling of tools.

Examination of illustrations with tools and objects to help in the garden. Introduce safe rules for picking apples from tall trees.


  1. Week 2 Game “Put the edible mushroom in the box”

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about edible and poisonous mushrooms.

3 - 4 weeks Contacts with strangers.

Goal: discuss typical situations, teach how to behave correctly

Situation: an unfamiliar adult treats a child with candy, chewing gum, etc.


1 - 2 week Conversation “Get to know household appliances”

Purpose: to establish safety rules when handling electrical appliances. Learn to talk on the phone, get acquainted with the telephone number of the “Fire Department” - 01.

D/i "What's extra"

3 - 4 weeks Conversation with children on the topic “Types of transport. Special vehicles"

Goal: To consolidate ideas about various types of transport. Draw children's attention to the fact that behind large vehicles (buses, trucks) small ones (cars, motorcycles, bicycles) can be hidden. Bring to children's attention the concept of “car braking distance.”


Week 1 -2 Conversation “So that there is no trouble”

Goal: to clarify children’s understanding of fire safety rules at home and in kindergarten, to continue learning to talk on the phone, to become familiar with the telephone number of the “Fire Department” - 01 and other rescue services. Expand children's knowledge about fire-hazardous objects.

D/i "Flammable items"

Week 3 - 4 Conversation “When edible things are poisonous”

Purpose: To draw children's attention to poisoning, its causes and consequences. Provide information about the unsuitability of food products for consumption.


1 – 2 week Conversation with children on the topic “Street. Crossroads":

Goal: To clarify children’s understanding of the rules of street traffic (sidewalk for pedestrians, cars moving along the roadway of the street; car traffic can be one-way or two-way). Look at the illustration depicting a crossroads.

3 - 4 weeks Conversation with children on the topic “Pedestrian. Crosswalk"

Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the rules of the road: they can cross the street in special places - above-ground and underground passages, to remind them of the meaning of the “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign. Practice skills in performing the correct actions when crossing a roadway with an adult and understanding spatial terminology (left-right side, front-behind, towards, etc.)


Week 1 - 2 Conversation “What is dangerous about guys you don’t know well”

Goal: Explain to children what troubles happen when interacting with unfamiliar children. Convince the need to be selective in choosing friends.

Week 3 -4 Conversation with children on the topic “Road signs”

Goal: Expand children's understanding of road signs. Introduce new signs: first aid station, food station, gas station, pedestrian crossing, bicycle path, entry prohibited, children. Expand your understanding of what ignorance of signs leads to.


1 - 2 week Conversation “Safety on ice in spring”

Goal: to tell children how to behave near bodies of water in the spring, to introduce them to methods and means of rescuing drowning people, as well as the rules of safe behavior on ice.

Observation from pictures “What happens when ice cracks”

3 – 4 week Conversation “If you are lost on the street”

Goal: to teach how to behave correctly if you are lost on the street and who to turn to for help in this situation. Learn to talk on the phone, familiarize yourself with the phone number of the “Police” - 02.


1 - 2 week Conversation “Contacts with unfamiliar animals”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules of safe behavior with animals, to develop a respectful attitude towards animals.

Week 3 -4 Conversation “Basic rules of behavior and actions in case of fire”

Goal: to consolidate the acquired knowledge about the occurrence of a fire, to learn the number of the fire department, police and ambulance; become familiar with the profession of a firefighter and his actions. Continue to learn how to talk on the phone, consolidate knowledge of the telephone number of the “Fire Department” - 01.

Watch a cartoon about fire safety rules.


1 - 2 week Conversation “Sharp objects”

Purpose: to consolidate the idea of ​​sharp, prickly and cutting objects, to warn against accidents in everyday life.

Reading fiction: E. Kazakov “Chik-chik with scissors”, Yu. Permyak “Hasty Knife”

3 – 4 week Conversation “Extreme situations in everyday life”

Goal: To bring to the attention of children the dangers of gas leaks and water breakthroughs at home. Teach them the correct actions in such cases. Introduce them to service 04.

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