Games, play exercises for the development of speech of preschool children at home

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"Outdoor games. Mishutka's birthday."

Goal: To develop the ability to perform various movements, forming a circle; practice pronouncing the sound “sh”; develop the ability to perform movements with verbal accompaniment.Materials for…

Outdoor games. (The concept, meaning and characteristics of outdoor games; classification of outdoor games: elementary outdoor, sports; games of different dynamics, games with different motor content; place in the daily routine) - tips for the instructor

Outdoor games. (The concept, meaning and characteristics of outdoor games; classification of outdoor games: elementary outdoor, sports; games of different dynamics, games with different motor content; place...


Venue, hall...


In the middle of the site, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 1-1.5 m from one another, and on both sides of them, 10-20 m parallel to them, are the lines of “houses”. The players are divided into 2 equal teams, which stand at their middle lines and turn to face their houses. Thus, they stand with their backs to each other. The players can be lined up sideways to each other (facing the leader).

By lot, one team is “Day”, the other is “Night”.

Description of the game.

The leader stands on the side of the court near the middle lines and suddenly says: “Day!” The players of the “Night” team run into the house, and the “Day” team catches up with them and spots them. The disgraced players are counted (their number is recorded) and released to their own. Then the teams again stand at the middle lines with their backs to them. The leader gives a signal with an exclamation, trying to make it unexpected for the players (strict alternation is undesirable). You can use a circle board in the game, white on one side and black on the other. In this case, the leader throws the circle and, depending on which side it lands on (black or white), commands: “Night!” or “Day!” This option is convenient for children to play with.

Before the signal, the leader, in order to divert the attention of the players, can invite them to do various exercises (for example, raise their arms forward, up, lower down, sit down, stand up, rise on their toes, etc.). At an unexpected moment, the leader says: “Day!” or “Night!” Exercises can be performed with musical accompaniment. Each time those caught are counted and released.

The game is played several times, after which those caught in each team for the same number of catches are counted. Let’s say “Day” was called 4 times, and “Night” 3 times. Those caught are counted for the first 3 times of the game. The team that catches the most players wins.


1. It is forbidden to run into your home before the leader shouts: “Day!” or “Night!” 2. You can only catch or bait up to the house line. 3. After counting, the caught players again participate in the game along with others.

Card index “Games and exercises for the development of cognitive and creative abilities.”

“Games and exercises to develop cognitive and creative abilities.”

1. Game tasks for the correction and development of visual perception:

aimed at developing the active and differentiated nature of perception, its integrity and constancy; these tasks are given to the class or group during the lesson; the subject or topic of the lesson is taken into account.

Overlaid images: 3-5 contour images are presented, superimposed on each other: numbers, geometric shapes, letters, objects. All images must be named.

Hidden images: figures are offered consisting of elements of letters, numbers, and geometric shapes. You need to find all the hidden images.

Noisy images: contour images of objects, letters, numbers, geometric figures that are noisy are presented, i.e. crossed out by lines of various configurations. They need to be identified.

Paired images: two images are presented that are similar in appearance to each other, but have up to 5-10 minor differences. You need to find them.

unfinished images: images with unfinished elements are presented (a bird without a beak, a letter or number, a geometric figure without details). You need to either name or fill in the missing details.

Dot image: images of objects, geometric shapes, letters, numbers made in the form of dots are offered. You must name the image data.

Inverted images: schematic images of objects, letters, numbers, geometric shapes, rotated 180°, are offered. You need to name them.

Cut images: parts of 2-3 images are offered (vegetables, geometric shapes, etc. of different colors). Collect entire images.

Covered images: cards with words, numbers, schematic images of objects, where the top, bottom or middle part of the card is hidden behind a strip of paper. You have to guess what is hidden.

Generalized schematic images: figures are offered that are schematic images of objects. Guess what it might be.

2. Game tasks for the correction and development of auditory perception:

are carried out during the lesson in the form of minutes of rest.

Who hears what? Children close their eyes and listen to sounds and noises coming from the corridor, street, etc. Name the source of the sound.

What am I doing? Children with their eyes closed, by characteristic sounds, noises, knocks, determine the actions performed by the teacher or peers: leafing through a book, dropping an object, pouring water, writing with chalk on a blackboard, crumpling paper, etc.

Who called you? A child with his eyes closed recognizes the person who called his name by his voice.

3. Game tasks for the correction and development of orientation in space:

Funny men: offer cards with schematic images of men performing various gymnastic exercises. It is necessary to repeat these exercises (forms knowledge of the diagram of one’s own body - a mirror transfer of the position onto oneself).

Where will you go and what will you find? (ability to follow verbal instructions) - objects or their images are hidden in different places in the classroom, and the child is asked to perform a series of actions to find them (for example: if you go forward, you will find a plane, if you go to the right, you will find a car, etc. Where do you want to go and what to find?). The child must verbalize his actions.

Find a hidden object: they hide any object in different places in the class, and then take turns looking for it, following the teacher’s instructions - take 1 step forward, two steps to the right, 1 step forward, etc. until they find the item.

4. Game tasks for the correction and development of orientation in space:

Wonderful bag: objects of different size, shape, texture (based on the topic of the lesson) are placed in an opaque bag. The student is asked to find by touch an object in which ... 2 vowel sounds, etc.

Walking along the contour of a figure: on the floor (fabric, paper) with chalk (pencil, pen) they depict letters, numbers, geometric shapes and are asked to walk first along the contour of the figure with open eyes and then with closed ones (focusing on kinesthetic sensations). The student can make a figure himself and walk through it, and the rest must guess it.

I don’t see anything: the child is asked to perform any well-known action with his eyes closed - write a word on the board with chalk, collect supplies in a briefcase, go to the window, etc.

5. Game tasks for the correction and development of inter-analyzer interactions:

Auditory-motor analyzer: clap your hands if you hear the desired sound or word (number).

Visual-motor analyzer: jump in place as many times as objects are shown (number on the card, etc.).

Auditory-tactile-motor analyzer: count as many objects by touch (with your eyes closed) as you hear the beats of a tambourine.

Tactile-motor analyzer: count as many objects by touch (with your eyes closed) as many times your hand is touched.

6. Game tasks for the correction and development of various types of memory:

1) Development of mechanical and voluntary memory:

No. 1 Children are shown a card on which 8-10 objects are depicted. Display time is 10-20 seconds. you need to remember as many items as possible. The card is removed. children reproduce objects from memory.

No. 2 It is proposed to describe from memory what was depicted in the illustration of the textbook with which the work was just carried out (unintentional memorization without installation in advance).

No. 3 6-8 cards (geometric shapes, objects, words, etc.) are hung in a row on the board. They suggest looking carefully at the cards for 10-20 seconds and remembering their location. Then the children close their eyes for 1 second, and the teacher swaps 2 cards or removes 1 at all and moves the rest. Offers to determine what has changed? (first remove or change the outer images, and only then in the middle).

No. 4 An image of 6-8 objects, numbers, letters (homogeneous and heterogeneous) is attached to the board in various places. It is suggested to carefully consider what is where for 25-30 seconds. Then the board is closed. Do you need to remember which objects were in which places on the board? The exercise is repeated 2-3 times (the objects themselves change, as well as their position). Instead of a board, you can take a sheet of paper and small objects.

No. 5 The child is shown 6-8 objects for 10-20 seconds and asked to remember them well. Children close their eyes, and the teacher places objects in different corners of the classroom that are visible to the eye. You need to find them among a mass of other objects (the game “Seeker”).

No. 6 Offer the child 8-10 objects and ask them to carefully examine them for 30 seconds (“take a photo”). They warn in advance that any questions can be asked regarding the items (what color are the pencils? What is made of glass and wood? etc.). Children must answer various questions regarding the items they viewed. The more unexpected the questions, the better prepared children are to pay close attention.

No. 7 A student with his eyes closed names certain objects that are in the class (name all the green objects; name all the objects that are round in shape; made of wood; the largest; smooth and rough...), memory here is selective.

2) Development of auditory memory:

No. 1 The teacher reads 5-7 words that are not related in meaning, then repeats them, skipping 1 word, 2 words. Children must reconstruct the chain of words from memory.

No. 2 The teacher names 1-2 words that are not related in meaning and gives the relay race (ball) to any student who must name not only the words, but also add 1 more word to them, the relay race goes further (“snowball”). The dictionary is activated.

No. 3 Children, at the teacher’s command, reproduce from memory a number of motor actions: “digging the ground,” “chopping wood,” “sewing,” “threatens,” “says goodbye,” etc.

7. Game tasks for the correction and development of logical memorization techniques:

the development of logical memory presupposes the preliminary development of mental actions aimed at processing the memorized material, i.e. its classification, establishing the meaning of all connections and relationships, highlighting the main ideas in the story, schematization, drawing up a plan. These actions are used later as methods of memorization or mnemonic techniques (“mnemos” - memory). This can be used in class.

Add a new word to the word: the 1st student names any word (object, number, letter, geometric body), the 2nd student repeats this word and adds his own from the same group, name until all the words of this group are named . It turns out to be a “snowball” with a logical connection.

Picture-scheme: On the board, 10-12 pictures with images of well-known objects are attached in a column, and on the teacher’s table there are cards with corresponding schematic images of these objects. The game can be played in rows.

Picture-picture: 8 pictures with objects are attached to the board, and on the table there are other pictures that have semantic connections with the first (1: tractor, sun, pencil, pear, tree, anchor, flower, potato; 2: wheel, lamp, rubber band , apple, forest, ship, flowerbed, book). The exercise is carried out in rows in the form of mutually inverse actions.

Word-word: children are asked to remember a chain of 6-8 words (cold, milk, monkey, cow, snow, banana). To remember them better, you need to first form semantic pairs: cold-snow, milk-cow, monkey-banana).

Semantic associations: children are offered a word (chicken); for the word it is necessary to select as many associations as possible (grain, rooster, chicken, egg, etc.).

Scheme-word: I offer students schematic drawings (weather, time of year...), and they compose a story according to the diagram.

Picture-story: the teacher reads out a short story, during which pictures are displayed depicting individual moments of the plot, the so-called. picture plan. Make up a story based on a series of pictures.

Scheme-story: the teacher reads a story, simple in plot and narrative content, consisting of 5-7 episodes. As you read, simple schematic images of each episode of the story are displayed. Based on this diagram, the child tells. (gingerbread man)

Retelling the text according to plan: the teacher reads a short story consisting of a number of episodes. Then, together with the children, they come up with a title for each episode and draw up a story plan. After this, the children retell it.

8. Game tasks for the correction and development of logical thinking:

To develop logical thinking, they use techniques of comparison, generalization and grouping of educational material. These techniques are used in the formation of concepts and ideas, in their consolidation, differentiation and communication, in the process of mastering a particular academic subject.

1st group: Logical operations performed at the representation level

Characteristics of an object according to given characteristics: children are asked to give a verbal description of the object, guided by an algorithm or description scheme (object: color, material, shape, size, properties, appearance). Apple - red, round, large, sweet, juicy, for jam, fruit.

Recognizing objects by description: Students must identify the object hidden behind the screen by asking the teacher questions regarding the properties and qualities of the object according to the model (see description diagram above). Or: children are asked to identify an object by description in the form of a ready-made book riddle or one invented by the children themselves.

Comparison of objects: they propose to compare objects, contrasting them from one sex to another with a number of characteristics (the rook is black, and the sparrow is ...; the rook is a large bird, and the sparrow is ...; the rook is a migratory bird, and the sparrow is ...). Or children independently find signs by comparing objects in pairs (rose-cornflower, dress-shoes, notebook-book).

Grouping objects according to their main properties: children are offered cards with images of 4 objects, three of which belong to the same group, and the 4th is extra. This can be done both on geometric material and on letters (vowels-consonants), words, etc.

Classification of objects according to a given (specific, generic) characteristic: can be carried out on any object material (clothing, furniture...).

Serialization (ordering) of objects: you need to find a pattern in the arrangement of objects ordered by one characteristic and placed in a row. To do this, you can use tasks in which you need to add another one to objects already ordered by this characteristic so that it does not violate their patterns (numeric sequences, pictures, words, objects, signs, etc.).

2nd group: Logical operations carried out at the level of specific concepts

Formation of concepts: they propose to name in one word a series of specific concepts (dress, coat, trousers - clothing).

Concretization of concepts: they propose to name objects that are included in concepts of a broader scope (birds - migratory, wintering...).

Definition of specific concepts: they propose to define familiar specific concepts, focusing on essential features (an apple tree is a tree on which apples grow).

Comparison of concepts: they propose to compare specific concepts 9morning-evening, plants-animals, rain-snow...).

Elimination of concepts: they offer 5 words, 4 of which are united by a genus-specific concept, and the 5th is not. You need to find this extra word: birch, pine, oak, lilac, spruce (tree-bush).

Identification of general concepts: they suggest choosing words that have general generic characteristics, i.e. having logical connections with a certain generalizing word: river: shore, fish, fisherman, mud, water.

The semantic relationship of concepts: they offer to complete the unfinished statement on their own: a brick house, a glass - ...?

Semantic seriation: tasks are proposed in which certain relationships between objects are specified. Based on one well-known sign, it is necessary to answer the questions: three girls were friends - Katya, Masha, Tanya. Katya studied better than Tanya, and Tanya studied better than Masha. Who studied better (worse) than everyone else?

9. Game tasks for correction and development of the ability to act in the mind:

Puzzles (letters, pictures + apostles);

Anagrams (pictures + letters are offered);

Crosswords (on the topic of classes);

Encrypted words: offer a series of sequential pictures depicting an object. It is required to select the first sound from the name of each picture, from which a new word will be formed.

10. Game tasks for correction and development of reasoning skills:

It happens or doesn’t happen: they ask you to look at a picture and a model of a situation that does not occur in real life, you must answer why this does not happen.

Why and why? The teacher asks questions, and the children must answer them logically. Questions can be about: guessing, guessing, guessing, finding out the reason, finding out the meaning, making a decision, planning actions.

Cause-effect: the teacher talks about the event in one sentence (The children threw a lit match in the forest.). Students must imagine and describe the possible consequences of this situation. Or: the teacher names the consequence, and the children find out the possible causes (A fire started in the forest.).

A story based on an algorithm: the teacher offers children a sequence of descriptions of events: who - what - where - why - how - when - ...

Proverbs: offer simple proverbs, children give their explanation of the meaning.

Logical problems: what is heavier than 1 kg of iron or 1 kg of cotton wool?

It is important to combine different methods, but take into account the characteristics of the students (depending on the defective area and the leading analyzer), this is determined by the teacher by observing the students. Depending on the nature of the educational material and the characteristics of its assimilation by schoolchildren, the teacher chooses certain methods for a particular lesson.

List of used literature:

  1. Vallon A. Mental development of the child. – M.: Education, 1989.
  2. Zaika E.V., Kalmykova I.A. How to raise a talented child. A collection of games and exercises to develop cognitive and creative abilities. // Practical psychology and social work. – 2002. – No. 7.
  3. Ponomarev Ya. A. Knowledge, thinking and mental development. – M.: Education, 1987
  4. Samukina N.V. Game methods in teaching and upbringing (psychotechnical exercises and correctional programs). - M.: 1992.)

“Hunters and Ducks”

Location, equipment.

Venue, hall. Volleyball or basketball.


The largest possible circle is drawn on the floor (ground). If the game is played in a narrow hall, then it is recommended to draw two lines in the middle across the hall at a distance of 7-10 m from one another. This way you will get a rectangle, two sides of which are the walls of the hall and two sides are drawn lines.

The players are divided into two teams - “hunters” and “ducks”. The hunters stand in a circle outside it or behind the drawn lines, dividing in half. The ducks randomly stand in the middle of a circle or in the middle of a rectangle. One of the hunters has a ball in his hands.

Description of the game.

At the leader’s signal, the hunters, throwing the ball in different directions without entering the circle (or rectangle), try to hit (“shoot”) the ducks with it. A duck hit by the ball (shot) leaves the game. Ducks, running and jumping inside the circle, dodge the ball. The hunters, throwing the ball, suddenly throw it at the ducks. Every duck shot is out of the game. When all the ducks have been shot, the leader notes how long it took the hunters to kill all the ducks. The players change roles (hunters become ducks, and ducks become hunters), and the game continues.

After two games, it is noted which team of hunters shot all the ducks faster.

You can play the game for a while: for example, 3 minutes. Only hunters shoot, then 3 minutes. - other. It is noted who shot the most ducks during this time.


1. When throwing the ball at ducks, hunters should not cross the circle line. Players who cross the line do not get hit. 2. Ducks that have been touched by the ball to any part of the body except the head are considered to be stung. 3. If a duck is hit by a ball that bounced off the ground or another player, then it is not considered touched. 4. If a duck, dodging the ball, runs out of the circle, it is considered greasy. 5. Shot ducks do not participate in the game until the teams change.

The outdoor game “Day-Night” in kindergarten has been known for several generations, but interest in it does not fade. A simple plot and unusual tasks will allow kids to frolic with virtually no restrictions. Children of primary preschool and school age show interest in the game.

A collection of games and exercises for the development of speech in preschool children


1. Information note

2. Review of the teaching aid “Playing and Developing Speech”

3. Introduction

4. Speech development in younger preschoolers

5. Speech development in middle-aged preschoolers

6. Speech development in older preschoolers

7. The importance of didactic games for the development of children’s speech

8. The importance of role-playing games for the development of children’s speech

9. Conclusion

10. References

11. ANNEX 1.

Games and exercises for speech development of younger preschoolers


Games and exercises for the development of speech in children of the fifth year of life


Games and exercises for the development of speech in children of senior preschool age (6-7 years old)


Role-playing games


Class notes


A person’s speech is an indicator of his development. To become highly educated, a person must master all the riches of his native language. Kindergarten is the first stage of the education system, and teachers have the enormous task of laying the foundation, the basis of personal culture. In recent years, there has been a significant decline in the level of speech development of preschool children. This is associated with deteriorating children's health and other reasons. In this regard, issues of speech development are very relevant. Speech is one of the important lines of child development. It is closely related to the intellectual development of the child and provides a huge service in understanding the world around him.

Good speech is the key to children's success in school. Children's speech develops at a rapid pace, and normally, by the age of five, its natural development ends. This means that the child correctly pronounces all the sounds of his native language, has a significant vocabulary, has mastered the basics of the grammatical structure of speech, and masters the initial forms of coherent speech (dialogue and monologue), allowing him to communicate freely.

In order to successfully exist in society, a person needs the most important skill - the ability to communicate with other people. When communicating, a person conveys some of the information to the interlocutor using gestures and facial expressions. But the lion's share of it falls on that unique skill that is available on earth only to man. This skill is speech. Normal development of children certainly includes the acquisition of coherent speech. It is not an innate skill for people, and the child will have to master it on his own. Formed and continuously changing over many generations, speech is one of the most important components of human life. A small child faces a big, important task - to master the art of expressing his thoughts correctly and clearly, to assimilate all the richness and diversity of the Russian language. And the child, as a rule, successfully copes with its implementation. The development of coherent speech in a small person is a long and complex process. With the help of speech, the child learns about the world around him, develops communication skills and associative thinking.

Preschool age is a unique and decisive period in the development of a child, when the foundations of personality emerge, will and voluntary behavior are formed, imagination, creativity, and general initiative actively develop. However, all these most important qualities are formed not in educational activities, but in the leading and main activity of a preschooler - in play.

Game is one of those types of children's activities that are used by adults to educate preschoolers, teach them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication.

Learning through play is an interesting and exciting activity for children, contributing to the gradual transfer of interest and enthusiasm from play activities to learning activities. When working with preschool children, various games are used to develop coherent speech.

Didactic games contribute to the development of coherent speech, all properties of the mind, stimulation of cognitive activity and the formation of educational and cognitive activity of children.

A didactic game is an educational game; it will definitely have educational tasks, but it must remain a game. It is necessary to use the correct intonation in the game, think about how to interest children in the game.

Didactic games, developing the coherent speech of preschoolers, contribute to the formation of children's vocabulary, activate children's search activity in the form of grammar, cultivate in children a linguistic sense, a linguistic attitude to the word and elementary forms of awareness of linguistic reality. The root of gaming activity is learning, during which children acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities.

The game plays a huge role in the physical, mental, moral and aesthetic education of children. Another famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: “A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the surrounding world flows into the child’s spiritual world. Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”

The game carries out the cognitive development of children, contributes to the expansion and deepening of ideas about the environment, improves attention, memory and thinking.

Role-playing game is a free type of joint activity for children. By the age of five, children have developed such methods of constructing role-playing games as conventional actions with toys and role-playing behavior. What happens to play as you get older? At an older age, the themes for games expand, the number of children playing increases, children are able to agree on the theme of the game, distribute roles, outline the main development of the plot, and prepare the game environment. Stable (group) play groups emerge.

In a role-playing game:

1. Dialogue speech is improved.

Dialogue is a complex form of social interaction. Participating in dialogue can be more difficult than constructing monologues. Participation in dialogue requires well-coordinated skills: listening and correctly understanding the thought expressed by the interlocutor; form your own judgment in response, express it correctly using language, monitor the correctness of the linguistic form, listen to your speech in order to control its normativity.

2. There is a need for coherent monologue speech.

New communication needs inevitably lead to intensive mastery of the language, its vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech, as a result of which speech becomes coherent.

Plot-role-playing game is the very speech situation where purposeful training of dialogical speech occurs. It is aimed at developing the skills to negotiate during communication, question the interlocutor, enter into someone’s conversation, follow the rules of speech etiquette, express sympathy, convince, and prove your point of view.

Speech development in younger preschoolers

The age from two to four years is of particular importance for the speech development of a child. Unlike the period of early childhood, when the child used extraverbal means to achieve speech goals, he moves on to verbal communication. Speech becomes the main means of establishing contacts with others, expressing thoughts and experiences. Qualitative changes in children’s speech development are associated with their increased contact with the surrounding world of people, things and nature.

Good speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of children. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities for understanding the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and fulfilling his relationships with peers and adults, the more active his mental development is. Therefore, it is so important to take care of the timely formation of children’s speech.

After all, the development of speech in children of primary preschool age occurs especially quickly: the vocabulary is replenished quickly, like at no other age, the sound design of words improves, and phrases become more developed.

However, not all children have the same level of speech development: some already pronounce words clearly and correctly by the age of three, others still do not speak clearly enough and pronounce individual sounds incorrectly. The majority of children are like this. Their most typical mistakes are omission and replacement of sounds, rearrangement of not only sounds, but also syllables, violation of the syllable structure (abbreviation of words: “apied” instead of bicycle), incorrect stress, etc. At this age stage, it is necessary, first of all, to teach children clearly and correctly pronounce, as well as hear and distinguish sounds in words. The voice of younger preschoolers is also unstable: some of them speak very quietly, barely audible (especially if they are not sure of the correct pronunciation), others speak loudly. It is necessary to draw children's attention to the fact that words can be pronounced at different volumes (whisper, quietly, moderately, loudly), to teach children to distinguish by ear how loudly others and themselves speak. The games proposed below can be used to develop children's auditory attention, correct speech perception, teach kids to correlate a sounding word with a picture or object, clearly pronounce one-two-, as well as three-four-syllable words, answer questions; play onomatopoeia loudly and quietly.

The leading line of speech development for young children is the education of a sound culture of speech, teaching correct sound pronunciation, and the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Games and exercises aimed at: - Onomatopoeia -

“Whose voice is this?”, “Who says what?”
- Finding an object, focusing on its signs and actions -
“Guess the toy”, “Who am I talking about”.
- Isolation and designation of the characteristics of an object -
“Tell me what”, “Correct the mistake”, “Who will see and name more.”
- Correlation of objects with different characteristics -
“Compare the dolls”, “Who will praise better.”
— Familiarization with opposites —
“Dolls draw and walk,” “Dolls: cheerful and sad.”
— Consolidating the idea of ​​generalizing words —
“Name it in one word.”
- Selection of verbs -
“Who can do what?”, “Complete the sentence”, “Add a word.”
- Coming up with an ending to the story -
“Tell about Olya and the bunny”, “The kids and the bunny”.

Speech development in middle-aged preschoolers

At the age of 4–5 years, the child uses words containing the result of previous generalizations. For example, the word “plant” includes groups such as berries, trees, fruits, etc. But such a generalization is still based on the most striking features that the child has learned in his own practical activities. That is, the generalization contained in the word remains specific and visual. Behind every word a preschooler says is an idea of ​​a specific object or situation. Therefore, in the speech of a preschooler, words predominate that denote specific objects that are as close as possible to the child himself, objects with which he constantly acts. The play method of teaching helps to create an interested, relaxed environment; increases speech motivation; encourages children to communicate with each other; the thinking process proceeds faster, new skills are acquired more firmly.

A didactic game is one of the forms of educational influence of teachers on a child. At the same time, play is the main activity of children. Game actions are the basis of the game. The more varied the game activities, the more interesting the game itself is for children and the more successfully cognitive and gaming tasks are solved. The didactic material highlights a whole range of target orientations: Teaching - the formation of certain skills and abilities, broadening one’s horizons, cognitive activity; Developmental - development of attention, memory, speech, thinking. Ability to compare, contrast, imagination, fantasy. Didactic games for solving problems of speech development, consolidate and clarify vocabulary, changes and formation of words, practice composing coherent statements, and develop explanatory speech. Vocabulary didactic games help the development of both specific and generic concepts, the development of words in their generalized meanings. In these games, the child finds himself in situations where he is forced to use acquired speech knowledge and vocabulary in new conditions. They manifest themselves in the words and actions of the players.

Didactic games are an effective means of consolidating grammatical skills, since, thanks to the dialectical nature, emotionality and interest of children, they make it possible to practice the child many times in repeating the necessary word forms.

By the age of five, children show a sharp improvement in the pronunciation aspect of speech; the majority complete the process of mastering sounds. Speech in general becomes cleaner and more distinct. The speech activity of children increases. Children begin to master monologue speech, but structurally it is not always perfect and most often has a situational nature. The growth of an active vocabulary and the use of sentences of a more complex structure (five-year-old children can construct statements of 10 or more words) are often one of the reasons for the increase in the number of grammatical errors. Children begin to pay attention to the sound design of words and point out the presence of a familiar sound in words.

Thus, the use of didactic games at work contributes to the development of children’s speech activity. It must be remembered that the development of speech in preschoolers during play activities is an attempt to teach children lightly, joyfully, without coercion. It is important that these two goals complement each other and ensure the assimilation of program material. The game helps to make any educational material exciting, causes deep satisfaction in children, stimulates performance, and facilitates the process of assimilation of knowledge.

The leading line of speech development for children of this age is the enrichment of vocabulary. Work continues to educate the sound culture of speech (formation of correct sound pronunciation, development of phonemic perception, vocal apparatus, speech breathing, ability to use a moderate rate of speech and intonation means of expressiveness). Children get acquainted with new terms “sound” , “word”.

Games and exercises aimed at: - Development of auditory perception, intonation expressiveness of speech -

“Find the first sound”, “How does the word sound”, “Loud-whisper”, “How does Tanya say?”
— Enrichment of vocabulary (selection of synonyms, cognates, polysemantic words) —
“Who can say more words”, “Who can be stroked”, “Lump”, “How to say it differently”, “What kind of needles are there?”
- Formation of the grammatical structure of speech -
“Who is that crawling”, “Who is lost?”.
- Development of coherent speech (composing a fairy tale, a joint story, a creative story) -
“Masha’s adventures in the forest”, “Let’s talk about the squirrel”, “Visiting the forester”.

Speech development in older preschoolers

At this age stage, the improvement of all aspects of the child’s speech continues. Pronunciation becomes clearer, phrases, or more precisely, statements become more developed. The child not only identifies essential features in objects and phenomena, but also begins to establish cause-and-effect relationships between them, temporal and other relationships. Having sufficiently developed active speech, the preschooler tries to tell and answer questions so that the listeners around him understand what he wants to say. Simultaneously with the development of a self-critical attitude towards his own statements, the child also develops a more critical attitude towards the speech of his peers. When describing objects and phenomena, he makes attempts to convey his emotional attitude. The enrichment and expansion of the vocabulary is carried out not only through nouns denoting objects, their properties and qualities, but also through the names of individual parts, details of objects, verbs, as well as suffixes and prefixes, which children begin to use widely. Increasingly, collective nouns and adjectives appear in a child’s speech, denoting the material, properties, and state of objects. Over the course of a year, the vocabulary increases by 1000-1200 words (compared to the previous age), although in practice it is very difficult to establish the exact number of words learned during a given period. By the end of the sixth year, the child more subtly differentiates collective nouns, for example, not only calls the word animal, but can also indicate that a fox, bear, wolf are wild animals, and a cow, horse, cat are domestic animals. Children use abstract nouns, as well as adjectives and verbs in their speech. Many words from the passive vocabulary move into the active vocabulary. Despite the significant expansion of vocabulary, the child is still far from freely using words. A good test and indicator of full mastery of a dictionary is the ability of children to select words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms) - nouns (input-output), adjectives (good - bad), adverbs (fast-slow), verbs (speaks-silent); select adjectives for nouns (What kind of rain can it be? - Cold, strong, mushroom, small, short-term) adverbs for verbs (How can a boy speak? - quickly, well, slowly, clearly, quietly, loudly, etc.), close the meaning of the words is synonymous (walk, walk, step, stomp, pace, etc.).

In preschool childhood, naturally, the process of mastering speech does not end for the child. And his speech as a whole, of course, is not always interesting, meaningful, or grammatically correct. Enrichment of vocabulary, development of grammatically correct speech, improvement of the ability to express one’s thoughts through speech in an interesting and expressive manner, and convey the content of a work of art will continue during school years and throughout life. The main feature of speech development in children in older preschool age is that the child moves on to conscious mastery of speech.

The main task of working with children of senior preschool age is the development of coherent speech and the acquisition of the phonetic side of speech. Work is being carried out to further improve speech hearing and consolidate the skills of clear, correct, expressive speech. Children differentiate what a sound, a word, a sentence is.

Games and exercises aimed at: — Clarifying the idea of ​​the sound, syllabic and semantic side of a word —

“What is a sound, a word, a sentence?”, “We go, fly, sail”, “Find the words”, “Picture-basket”.
— Enrichment of vocabulary (selection of synonyms, antonyms, similar-sounding words) —
“What do you see around?”, “Tell me what”, “Find the exact word”, “Is it true or not?”, “Name it in one word”, “ High Low".
- Formation of the grammatical structure of speech -
“Who has whom”, “One-many”.
— Development of coherent speech —
“Make a description”, “Come up with a story”, “Tell me more precisely.”

The importance of didactic games for the development of children's speech

“Play is important in a child’s life.

It also matters what kind of activity, work, service an adult has.

What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work.

Therefore, the education of a future leader occurs, first of all, in play.”

A.S. Makarenko

Didactic games for speech development are a special form of education for preschool children, which allows you to enrich, improve, activate and consolidate vocabulary in the process of play - one of the most important means of harmonious formation and education of a child’s personality.

A didactic game is a valuable means of cultivating mental activity; it activates mental processes and arouses a keen interest in the process of cognition in preschoolers. The game helps to make any educational material exciting, causes deep satisfaction in children, stimulates performance, and facilitates the process of assimilation of knowledge.

Didactic games develop children's speech:

— the dictionary is replenished and activated;

- correct sound pronunciation is formed;

- develops coherent speech, the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts.

The didactic objectives of many games are designed to teach children to compose independent stories about objects, phenomena in nature and social life. During many games, the development of thinking and speech is carried out in an inextricable connection. The game develops the ability to give reasons for one’s statements and arguments.

A didactic game is an excellent learning and development tool used in mastering any program material. Specially selected games and exercises make it possible to have a beneficial effect on all components of speech. In the game, the child gets the opportunity to enrich and consolidate vocabulary, form grammatical categories, develop coherent speech, expand knowledge about the world around him, develop verbal creativity, and develop communication skills.

All types of games for speech development should be based on two requirements: children must hear speech addressed to them and must speak themselves.

Types of didactic games:

Board and printed games are used as visual aids aimed at developing visual memory and attention.

Games with objects or toys are aimed at developing tactile sensations, the ability to manipulate various objects and toys, and the development of creative thinking and imagination.

Word games contribute to the development of auditory memory, attention, communication abilities, as well as the development of coherent speech.

The importance of role-playing games for the development of children's speech

Role-playing game is the main type of play for a preschool child. Role-playing play is of great importance in the formation of a child’s personality and in his mental development. Role-playing game is a free type of joint activity for children. Children unite on their own initiative, take on roles, determine the plot of the game themselves, distribute game material, and perform certain game actions. It is important that they take the plot and content from the life around them. Children reflect in the game those moments that attracted special interest and attention. Of course, all this is possible only if the children have already sufficiently mastered play activities with the help of the teacher.

The educational significance of the game is very huge and diverse. In play, a child learns about the world around him, relationships between children are formed, self-esteem and self-awareness are formed, thinking, speech, will, feelings, and the ability to model develop.

The game enriches children with knowledge, develops skills, awakens imagination, and stimulates the development of thinking. It allows you to identify the child’s inclinations and turn them into abilities. It is in play that a child first experiences the need to achieve success and understands that success largely depends on effort.

It is the game that gives children the opportunity to learn how to study... Game is a preparatory stage in the development of a child, a transitional moment for his inclusion in school. By playing with children, organizing and directing their games, we help them to reveal their natural abilities. By creating new and increasingly complex play situations, we move children's development forward.

A plot-role-playing game is an educational game, since it largely determines the choice of language means, promotes the development of speech skills and abilities, and allows one to model the communication of preschoolers in various speech situations. The plot-role-playing game is an exercise for mastering the skills and abilities of dialogic speech in interpersonal communication. In this regard, role-playing game provides a learning function.

The modern world does not stand still; more and more new professions are appearing. The world around the child is diverse and interesting to the baby. Therefore, it is necessary to devote more time to playing with the baby, and not to activities that he will successfully master at school if he is taught to play. It is necessary to play with interest and obtain the necessary information for a preschooler. The child himself will not learn to play or speak correctly: we, adults, must teach all this. After all, for this it is sometimes necessary to correctly, clearly pronounce a word, ask a simple question and help construct an answer. Then our children will have well-developed dialogical speech, mental abilities, love, and care for their neighbors.

Role-playing game is the leading means of educating a friendly group of children in preschool age, the most important form of organizing their lives. Role-playing is an active activity of children, in which their sociability is most clearly manifested, their desire to realize their plans together with other children, to live and work together.

Role-playing play has a positive effect on speech development. During the game, the child talks aloud to the toy, speaks both for himself and for it, imitates the hum of an airplane, the voices of animals, etc. Dialogue speech develops.

“Home - Family”, “Kindergarten”, “School”, “Library”, “Ambulance”, “Polyclinic”, “Hospital”, “Veterinary Hospital”, “Pharmacy”, “Shop”, “Sewing Studio”, “Photo studio”, “Hairdressing salon”, “Beauty salon”, “Construction”, “Zoo”, “Circus”, “In a cafe”, and others.


Speech accompanies almost every child’s activity, improves it and enriches itself. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his ability to know reality, the more complete his future relationships with children and adults, his behavior, and, consequently, his personality as a whole.

Children with speech impediments feel them painfully, become shy, withdrawn, and some even irritable. In such children, one can observe the manifestation of aggression towards peers, and sometimes towards adults.

The main pedagogical task is to educate a full-fledged personality. To do this, it is necessary to create conditions for preschool children to master productive speech activities. How to develop a child’s speech communication? This is to teach him to talk. Speaking means having a certain vocabulary, actively using them, being able to construct statements, formulating your thoughts, understanding the speech of others, listening to them and being attentive to them. Preschool age is the age of intensive speech formation; it is a favorable time for developing speech habits and abilities.

The connection between speech and mental development is especially clearly manifested in the formation of coherent speech, which is distinguished by content, logic, and consistency. In order to talk coherently about something, you need to clearly imagine the object of the story, be able to analyze, rely on the essential properties of this object, and establish various relationships between objects and phenomena. In addition, it is necessary to select words adequate to express a particular thought, be able to construct simple and complex sentences, and use a variety of means to connect individual sentences and parts of a statement.

A didactic game, as a form of teaching children, contains two principles: educational (cognitive) and gaming (entertaining). The teacher is both a teacher and a participant in the game. He teaches and plays, and children, while playing, learn. If in the classroom knowledge about the world around them expands and deepens, then in a didactic game (in games-activities, actually didactic games), children are offered tasks in the form of riddles, sentences, questions, and during play activities, children’s vocabulary is enriched and activated.

The didactic game as an independent gaming activity is based on the awareness of this process. Independent play activity is carried out only if children show interest in the game, its rules and actions, if these rules have been learned by them. Children love games that are familiar to them and enjoy playing them. Each game has the potential to develop vocabulary activities. The teacher’s task is to arouse children’s interest in the game, to select game options where children could actively enrich their vocabulary. Thus, the didactic game is a widespread method of vocabulary work with preschool children.

Systematic play helps in solving issues of children's mental development, because Such a valuable quality of memory as recollection is improved, voluntary attention is significantly improved, and speed of thinking develops. Children's speech becomes clearer, more correct, and expressive.

The effectiveness of the constant use of didactic games in the development of speech in preschool children is very high. The theory and practice of using didactic games in the teaching and educational process is one of the most relevant topics in modern pedagogy of preschool education.

The use of didactic games at the stage of speech development is not only justified, but also necessary for the purpose of the comprehensive development of the speech of preschool children, and, as a consequence of this, the growth of qualitative indicators of the speech development of preschool children.

I recommend the use of didactic games for educators to develop the speech of preschool children in preschool educational institutions.


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Rules of the children's game "Day-Night"

A driver is selected from the circle of participants. The rest are distributed around the site and prepare to listen to the tasks. Kids alternately hear the words, “day”, then “night”, and behave accordingly. They play, have fun, if the daylight hours are called, and freeze, as if they were sleeping at night. The driver, having called the word “night,” begins to walk along the rows and observes whether everyone is “sleeping.” And if anyone moved or laughed, he lost. According to the rules, the Day-Night game in kindergarten requires that the loser become the driver. And so the whole action happens in a circle. It’s interesting to watch kids when “day” reigns. They dance, imitate the behavior of adults, and simply make faces. And how difficult it is for them to freeze when they hear the word “night”.

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