"Teach children to play checkers." Recommendations for kindergarten teachers

"The Magic World of Checkers"

This game also develops in children qualities that are important for their future life, such as the ability to think independently and bear responsibility for decisions made, and to deal adequately with failures and defeats. Moreover, work in a circle involves joint activities of children, which improves communication skills, fosters a friendly attitude of children towards each other, thereby creating a favorable emotional background in the group.

I recommend starting to teach children how to play checkers in the senior group of kindergarten (from 5 years old). It is at this age that children’s attention becomes more stable and voluntary, and the prognostic and visual-imaginative functions of thinking

, which allow us to solve more complex problems. By the age of five, children become more diligent (they can engage in one activity for 20–25 minutes) and are able to play according to established rules.

When learning to play checkers, first of all, it is important to know that children should never be forced, they must want it themselves. In the group there will always be active and curious children who love “something new”; first they get involved in the work, then other children, looking at them, also begin to get involved in playing checkers.

The main thing is that the learning process for children is unobtrusive and interesting. It is necessary to introduce children to material that is new to them in a simple and very accessible form for them to understand. For example, you can tell children about the rules of the game of checkers in the form of a fairy tale or in a poetic version, which, having memorized, children will quickly begin to navigate them and stop getting confused (the most common mistake is moving back with a simple checker in the absence of “safe” moves forward).

The rules of the game of checkers at first glance seem simple, but, as my experience of working with children shows, to play checkers it is not enough just to know the rules, since this game contains many different kinds of difficulties, subtleties and intricacies. In order for children to learn how to play checkers well, they need systematic lessons that contain a minimum of theory and a maximum of practice.

Introducing and teaching children to play checkers occurs in stages, according to the principle: from simple to complex

. First, children need to be introduced to the history of this game, then shown the board, black and white chips, and then taught how to correctly place checkers on the playing field, explain why all checkers are placed only on dark squares (this is necessary so that opponents’ checkers met in the game) and so on. It is also necessary to clearly formulate the essence of the game, which is to, when moving your checkers forward, destroy your opponent’s checkers or block all his moves. After children have learned general information about checkers, they can begin to learn the basic rules of the game. I offer my own poetic version, which greatly helps children quickly master the rules of this smart game.

Rules for playing checkers for beginner children

Rules for playing checkers for beginner children
Among the abundance of all kinds of entertainment for children, we should not forget about the well-known checkers, but in order to play them, you need to learn the rules of the game intended for beginners or children. At first glance, they are quite simple, but to achieve victory, you will have to understand the essence.

One should not think that playing checkers is good for schoolchildren. Already from the age of 3-4 years, children can easily learn its basics and successfully demonstrate it in practice. Such a game is not only a pleasant time spent, but also an excellent training for memory, logic, and mathematical skills.

In addition to developing mental functions, playing checkers allows overly energetic children to become more assiduous, and this is often something that modern schoolchildren really lack, especially in the first years of education.

How to play checkers - rules for beginners

Having placed in front of the child the treasured box, lined with squares, the adult’s task will consist of the following steps:

  1. You need to explain to the child that each player has 12 chips of the same color (most often black and white).
  2. The field for the well-known “Russian checkers” has a size of 8x8 cells - where light (for white chips) alternate with dark (for black chips).
  3. The board cannot be installed in any position. According to the rules, the player who received the white chips has the right to make the first move and the dark sector should be the corner sector to his left.
  4. Chips in contrasting colors are placed in one cell. Thus, there are three horizontal rows.
  5. A piece can make a simple (quiet) move only diagonally and only one cell. If a place on its “road” is occupied, and an empty cell follows, then the piece jumps over the opponent and hits someone else’s piece, which is removed from the board.
  6. If there is not one, but several obstacles on the way of the chips and it is possible to jump over them one by one in any direction, but only diagonally, then all of them need to be hit.
  7. The goal of any chip is to get to the opponent’s extreme diagonal as quickly as possible in order to become a queen - a chip turned upside down and has special benefits. She can move not one square, but any number of them diagonally, thereby “killing” more opponents than usual.
  8. The winner is the one whose piece remains on the board, or a draw can be declared when the game reaches a dead end.

In a similar way, you can play “giveaway”, when the goal is to expose as many of your chips as possible to the battle. Understanding these rules of the game of checkers will not be difficult for children, and within half an hour the child will understand what the essence of such board game is.

“Rules of the game of checkers” in verse for children.

“Rules of the game of checkers” in verse for children.

Checkers is an ancient game. It is useful and necessary! She always teaches us to be attentive and honest!

Checkers is one of the most ancient games. The first checkers appeared in Ancient Egypt. From there they began their journey around the world.

Checkers is the best game!

Adults and children know, everyone on the planet knows, even children know - checkers is the best game! There is a wonderful board on the table, black and white. The checkers are lined up like soldiers standing. You have to think about how to go to cut down all the checkers. If you want to enter the “queens” boldly, you must play skillfully. You need to have endurance and master the strategy. Always go forward and victory awaits you! You must fight to the end, let your opponent be afraid. Checkers teaches us ingenuity, there is no better game in the world!

General recommendations: “Introducing and teaching children to play checkers occurs in stages according to the principle: from simple to complex. First, children need to be introduced to the history of this game, then shown the board, black and white chips, and then taught how to correctly place checkers on the playing field, explain why all checkers are placed only on dark squares (this is necessary so that opponents’ checkers met in the game) and so on. It is also necessary to clearly formulate the essence of the game, which is to, when moving your checkers forward, destroy your opponent’s checkers or block all his moves. After children have learned general information about checkers, they can begin to learn the basic rules of the game.

Poems for memorizing the rules: 1) You can start the battle with confidence - The first move is always White's!8) 2) Checkers slowly but accurately walk only on black squares! 3) Probably the checkers are unlucky, That the checkers only move FORWARD! 4) Everyone knows: both old and young, We hit with a saber forward and back! 5) The opponent’s checker will immediately die if yours jumps over it! 6) The field will suddenly end, the checker will immediately become a “king”! 7) So that your “queen” is not caught, move it along the entire diagonal! The goal of the game is to beat the “enemies” and so that they have no moves!

Rules of the game of checkers 1) The competition involves two players, each of whom has his own set of 12 pieces of white or black.

2) The game is played on a standard 8 x 8 chessboard, rotated so that there are letters horizontally and numbers vertically.

3) Checkers are placed only on black cells in such a way as to fill three horizontal rows on their side. This leaves two free lanes between the enemy pieces.

4) The steps are performed one by one, with the first move being made by the player with the white pieces.

5) You are only allowed to walk on the black squares of the board.

6) If there is an empty black cell behind a checker, then it must be “killed” - the first player moves his piece to a free square, and the opponent’s piece is removed from the board.

7) In one move, they hit as many pieces as can be stepped over, without a limit in number.

8) There is a zafuk rule, according to which a player who does not notice the opportunity to “eat” the opponent’s checker must return back to his cell and correctly repeat the move. This provision replaced the outdated fuca rule, under which a piece that made an incorrect move was considered “killed” and removed from the table, and the move was not repeated.

9) If, as a result of the game, a simple checker reaches the last horizontal line on the opponent’s side, it is turned upside down and receives the name “king” with increased opportunities for capturing the opponent’s pieces. The queen can move along the entire length of the diagonal row, “eating” all enemy chips on its way.

10)Both a simple checker and a queen can “hit” pieces in any direction - back and forth. But, unlike the way the king moves, a simple checker cannot make a backward move unless it is a strike move.

11) One of the tactical methods of the game is to “surrender” one or more of your own pieces to gain the opportunity to make a move or for other advantages in the game.

12) The game ends with the victory of one of the players if he “beat” all the opponent’s checkers, or a draw if the pieces on the board are located in such a way that further moves are impossible on both sides.

13) If there is not a single simple piece left on the board, but only queens, 15 moves are allowed, after which either the winner is determined or a draw is declared.

In order for us to play checkers, we first need to know everything about the checkers kingdom, the kingdom of the state. So listen, children, Here on the checkers planet, There are two big countries, They are equal in area. Checkers are brave guys, And they are all soldiers, They go boldly into battle, And they don’t give up on each other. They walk diagonally, And always only forward, But each of the soldiers can cut down the enemy backwards, A checker can become a king, And set traps. Now we know everything about checkers, and we’ll be happy to play!

“Playing checkers” project on the topic

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 217" of the Leninsky district of Saratov

I approve the Head of the MDOU “Kindergarten No. 217” __________ G.G. Pavlinova

Consultation for parents

“How to teach a child to play checkers”

Prepared by teacher: Yulia Aleksandrovna Polishchuk

The date of the:

Saratov 2016

Hardly anyone doubts that one of the good ways to develop a child is his passion for intellectual games, the most famous and popular of which, of course, are chess and checkers.

Checkers for children is an excellent means of developing important qualities in a child, and first of all, memory and logical thinking. In addition, the game of checkers for a child also means intuition, determination, the ability to make the right decisions and other qualities useful for life. Therefore, those parents who understand all the benefits of their child playing checkers have already found the answer to the question of why teach their children checkers. Be sure to try to introduce your child to the game of checkers. You can start playing as early as 3-4 years old. It is very important for kids to demonstrate and train such important qualities as concentration and attention for this game. This is exactly what the child will need when he goes to school, which once again proves the benefits of checkers in preschool age. This game is recommended even if your child is restless, has difficulty withstanding long-term studies, etc. Very often, it is the game of checkers that develops these necessary qualities in a child and helps him achieve better success while studying at school. In many secondary schools, checkers clubs are open and recommended.

The following question arises: how to teach a child to play checkers. At first glance, this process does not involve difficulties. After all, the rules of checkers are so simple that even a small child can understand and follow them. However, there are general important points without which it is impossible to succeed in introducing children to checkers and other useful educational games.

The most important and effective way to get a child interested in checkers is to get carried away with him! That is, do not tell the child how interesting and useful it will be for him to play checkers, but show and share this interest with the child. The following actions will help you achieve this:

1.Study literature on checkers, interesting checkers sites with the aim of:

  • receiving news about checkers, studying the works of famous checkers players,
  • self-study of game techniques
  • ability to solve and explain to a child the simplest checkers problems
  • studying interesting and beautiful checkers positions and games

2. Try to play checkers: with a person or (if there is no other option) with a computer (a simple checkers program is enough).

3. Tell your child interesting checkers stories (in some books you can find such stories involving characters well known to children)

4. Show your child simple, but demonstrative and exciting fragments of the game of checkers (children are especially impressed by spectacular checkers combinations)

5. Praise your child for success in playing and practicing checkers, do not scold for failures.

6. Express your pride in the presence of your child that he is playing checkers and brag about his successes.

7. Don’t force, but interest the child!

  1. Don't force things! The main thing is that the process is interesting and unobtrusive.

These important secrets and tips will help you not only teach your child to play checkers, but also get your child interested in checkers. Do not forget that if you are able to show your child your own interest in checkers, and do not force him to practice, then the child will also become interested in checkers (the above tips were created based on the work of an experienced teacher, Ivan Ivanovich Poloneichik).

Checkers, as a very exciting game, is suitable even if for some reason the child does not want to play chess.

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