synopsis of a physical education lesson “Running long jump”
Summary of an athletics lesson on the topic “Long jump with a running bend” Topic: “Jump
How to make a DIY information board / honor board
How to choose material for making a stand? The most popular material for making information boards is
Summary of a drama lesson on the topic: “Shadow Theater”
Advantages of using shadow theater in preschool educational institutions and schools Stimulates interest in theatrical activities; Promotes
“High hour on the coordinate plane” (general lesson on the topic: “Coordinate plane” in 6th grade)
Lesson summary “Coordinate plane” for grade 6 a) creating a problem situation What do we know about
Lesson notes for the senior group “Care for indoor plants”
Lesson “Care for indoor plants” Lesson topic: Homeland of indoor plants. Care of indoor plants. Tasks
Summary of the educational activity “Hello, Matryoshka” in the younger group (from 3 to 4 years old)
Thematic lesson: Matryoshka dolls The month ends and with it time for the competition task of Maria’s project
Russian language lesson in 9th grade “Concise presentation of journalistic style”
Speech development lesson. Preparation for writing a concise presentation in grade 9 Author: Marina Podobashina
Center for ART Education, All-Russian competition “Pride of the Fatherland”: Anniversaries of Russia in 2013 (history and culture) Presentation for a history lesson. Topic: The feat of Ivan Susanin. History teacher: Larisa Viktorovna Mukhametzyanova Student: Ivan Pisarev 7 “B” class MBOU “Secondary School No. 11” Almetyevsk
Presentation for a music lesson on the topic: Glinka. "Ivan Susanin" - presentation
Presentation “The Feat of Ivan Susanin” Center for Art Education, All-Russian competition “Pride of the Fatherland”: Anniversaries of Russia
Consultation with a speech therapist for educators “By playing, we heal!” Breathing exercises"
Consultations for parents (legal representatives) consultation on speech therapy on the topic Question - Answer B
Summary of a social studies lesson in 5th grade on the topic: “Labor and creativity.”
Social studies lesson in 5th grade topic “Work and creativity” Social studies lesson in
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