Summary of the didactic game “Wonderful Bag” (second junior group)
Important aspects of the theory In kindergarten, students play not only for pleasure and entertainment,
Russian language lesson in 9th grade. Lesson-test on the topic “Complex sentence”
Option 1 Part A A1. Indicate a complex sentence. 1) Pugachev left the room, and
Presentation “Child safety at home, on the street and on the roads.” presentation for a life safety lesson (preparatory group) on the topic
Presentation: “Vegetables and fruits are the most vitamin-rich foods!” presentation for the lesson (grade 1) on the topic
Presentation “Vegetables and fruits - vitamin products” presentation for the lesson (senior group) on the topic Slide 1
history of Gorodets painting
“Gorodets painting” Summary of educational activities for familiarization with folk crafts in the senior group.
History of the craft The birthplace of Gorodets painting is the Volga region. Residents of the villages of Khlebaikha, Kurtsevo, Savino, Bukino and
Conducting economic games in social studies classes in high school
On this page you will find examples of tasks for the Social Studies Olympiad. Here are the test questions
Education presentation for a social studies lesson (grades 8, 10, 11) on the topic
Choreography is an important element in a child’s development
Methodological recommendations on choreography for children 3-7 years old “Dancing and playing”
What is choreography? This is, first of all, a culture of movements, the art of beautifully presenting oneself in
Summary of GCD for drawing in the senior group “Planet Earth”
Project plan “The Earth is our common home” MADOU “Kindergarten No. 460” Nizhny Novgorod region Project
Modern lesson. World artistic cultureL. M. Vanyushkina, 2009
Ready-made lessons on MHC for grade 10: 1. The first artists of the Earth 2. Architecture of the country
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