types of project activities
Game project in the 2nd junior group “Kids love to play” Project duration: September 2011 – February 2012 Compiled by the teacher of the 2nd junior group 11 Shorina. - presentation
Methodical piggy bank for projects So, dear friends, let's get acquainted with the literature before we move on
Long-term planning for cognitive development (FCDM) in the first junior group of 2–3 years
Summary of an exemplary lesson on familiarization with the outside world in junior groups of preschool educational institutions Lesson on
Test work in the Russian language “Declination of nouns” for 3rd grade students
First declension The first declension includes masculine and feminine nouns with hard and
genres of folk songs
Folklore elements in modern art song
Folk songs are those tales, the music and words of which appeared in the course of development
generalization of the work experience of a primary school teacher
Presentation of the innovative pedagogical experience of a primary school teacher
Tasks and principles of the teacher’s work After a short introduction in the introduction, you can begin to cover
Interactive educational game “The Fourth Wheel”
Didactic game for children 5-7 years old. The fourth is extra Didactic game for older preschoolers “The Fourth
Lesson notes on speech development for middle group children. Pronunciation of sounds C
Card file of games on the sound culture of speech (middle group) Publicchenko Natalya Card file of games on sound
Social studies lesson summary “Human Cognitive Activity” for 10th grade.
Human activity Both people and animals constantly act, but human activity has a number of distinctive
Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev
Extracurricular event dedicated to “National Unity Day”
Hello, my dear friends! Since 2005, another day off has appeared on our calendar.
open lesson of the Russian language in 8th grade on the topic “Agreed and inconsistent definitions”
Lesson notes on the Russian language in 8th grade. Topic: “Definition. Coordinated and non-coordinated" Work
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