How to improve the position of a class teacher at school
At the head of any class in a secondary school is a class teacher, who not only
Felt apple - pattern and job description Very soon you too may have
Parent meeting in kindergarten: Cultivating politeness
Parents' meeting with children: what is it for? As schoolchildren grow older, problems with
Features of interaction between the teacher and the families of students. 2nd junior group
Interaction of the kindergarten with the family in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education Interaction of the kindergarten with
fun starts, competitions, games, outdoor games
Model of an extracurricular event: sports relay races on skates “We are sports guys”
The main portal for children's parties in Yekaterinburg Every time, preparing for a children's event
Summary of an open lesson on literature on the topic: “Love and Life” (in the prose of I. Bunin, A. Kuprin and in Russian poetry) in grade 11 B
Task No. 3
English language 1st grade: what a child should know and be able to do for successful learning
Exercises in English for children on the topic “Greetings, introductions” It’s not enough to just offer the child
Presentation for the lesson: “Great geographical discoveries”
Sources of geographical knowledge presentation for a geography lesson (grade 7) on the topic Slide 1
An example of a completed expert report for the highest qualification category for the position of teacher
The teaching profession is honorable and unique. Currently, the procedure for certification of workers in this sector is regulated, which
The world around us Grade 3 Part 1 Body support and movement pp. 134 – 137
Exercises and muscles We will not go deep into anatomy and physiology. Let's look only at those
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