How to improve the position of a class teacher at school

At the head of any class in a secondary school is a class teacher, who not only keeps order among the children, but also monitors their academic performance and level of spiritual development. The class teacher is the person responsible for literally everything, and it is his responsibilities that will be discussed in this article.

Responsibilities of the class teacher

The work of a class teacher can hardly be called simple and easy, because this person is responsible for literally everything that happens to the children entrusted to him. In addition to tracking progress, the teacher has to monitor the spiritual education of children and their psychological state.

One of the main responsibilities of such a teacher is to build competent relationships with the parents of each child. The teacher must hold meetings with parents and constantly tell them about the behavior and progress of their children. The range of responsibilities also includes organizing extracurricular activities for mothers and fathers regarding the nuances of the psychological state of their children. If we are talking about teenagers from disadvantaged families, the class teacher can visit the child at home, monitoring the conditions in which he lives.

Contacting social services if a child is subjected to violence or forced labor by parents is also the responsibility of the responsible class teacher. It is not uncommon for a teacher to have to go out in the middle of the night in search of children who did not return home for the night.

Another important function of the class teacher is educational. It is such a teacher who conducts various extracurricular activities with the class and takes care of the development of cultural and spiritual skills. Usually, at the beginning of the school year, class teachers prepare a fairly extensive program of potential extracurricular activities for the children. Thus, a teacher can visit museums and theaters with his students, organize discussions on the topic of bad habits, as well as various conversations about the nuances of the age-related development of schoolchildren.

The responsibilities of the class teacher include monitoring the behavior and academic performance of the students. So, it is the class teacher that another teacher will turn to if the students break or break something. It is the class teacher who often has to negotiate to make up for absenteeism and improve grades. If there are lagging students in the class who remain in the second year, the director may demand an explanation from the class teacher on this matter.

How to improve the position of a class teacher at school

The measure is more than justified: a modern class teacher is not only a person who organizes schoolchildren’s leisure time and accompanies them on excursions. Although this, the education of truant workers, and conversations with parents are still within his competence. The class teacher today is a mentor and the helmsman of the life of the class. What does this mean and how to calculate the contribution of the class teacher? We are dealing with the director of Moscow school No. 2065 Natalia Faydyuk.

This school has come up with a system that helps evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the class teacher’s work. We also developed a special electronic portal “I am the head of the class”, which even has a mathematically serious formula for calculating efficiency. But it's actually simple.

“The task of the class teacher is to find an approach to each child, to help choose additional classes, clubs, sections that will allow them to reveal the talent of everyone - both an excellent student and a conditionally poor truant,” says Natalia Stanislavovna. — It’s not just the activity of the guys that is important, but also their achievements. Only in comparison not with others, but with ourselves.

What does it mean? For example, Petya has been involved in athletics for several years and for him success is winning the city championship. And for Misha from the same class, success is preparing a report and presenting it at a school-wide conference. It would seem that they are completely different “weight categories”, but also children with their own interests.

“The class teacher must create conditions for children so that everyone reaches individual heights,” Natalia Faydyuk is sure.

The formula for calculating the effectiveness of a class leader takes into account the performance of students - regardless of the type of activity and level of difficulty. It is very important to help every child achieve a situation of success.

“It is important for us to evaluate not just children’s participation in various activities, but also their effectiveness,” says Natalia Faydyuk. — The first coefficient in the formula is the number of children who, in principle, achieved significant results for themselves, and the second is the ratio of the highest results to the lowest among children of the same class. This way we clearly see the result of the class leader’s work and can evaluate it. By the way, now every child in our school has found something to do to their liking, and the number of successful students has increased.

According to the school director, with this approach the common stereotype that a bully cannot achieve success ceases to work. It turns out that children whose behavior is lame are most often socially gifted: they are excellent at volunteering and helping younger people. The class leader’s task is to see this and direct the child’s activity in the right direction.

“The head of the class today is a navigator for both the child and the family in the conditions of great educational opportunities in the city,” says Natalia Faydyuk. — He is the center and moderator. Perhaps there is a manager and supervisor somewhere. And definitely a bit of a psychologist.

Rights of the class teacher

The organizational and educational work of a class teacher is not an easy task, and not every teacher is able to cope with such a range of responsibilities. That is why any teacher has the right to refuse class management if he fails to cope with his assigned responsibilities. Usually, the school management tries to delegate such responsible work to experienced teachers who have been working at the school for at least a couple of years.

Also, the work of the class teacher in the classroom is paid separately. Each teacher assigned to a specific class receives a small bonus to his salary. Another important right of a teacher is to request absolutely any information regarding his students. The class teacher has every right to be interested in the child’s progress and living conditions.

Teachers also have the right to organize educational programs for children and organize various creative initiatives for them. Among the rights of the class teacher, one can name one that gives the opportunity to bring decisions of the entire class to the attention of the school administration. So, for example, it is the teacher who can present data on elections in the class council. The teacher also has the right to sit on the administrative council if the case of a student from among his wards is being considered. Often, it is the class teacher who has the final say in transferring a student to another class or keeping him in the second year. The development of a system of educational punishments for students is also considered the right of the class teacher.

The range of responsibilities of a class teacher is indeed very wide, and the level of his responsibility is difficult to somehow measure, but many teachers are ready to take on such responsibility. Due to the literacy and balance of their actions, it is possible to cope with growing interpersonal conflicts in their infancy, simultaneously increasing children’s performance in academic subjects.

The role of the class teacher in a modern school

«The role of the class teacher in a modern school"

Educational functions in an educational institution are performed by all teaching staff, but the main role in solving the problems of educating the younger generation is assigned to the class teacher. The level of education of students and interpersonal relationships in the classroom depends on the success of his work.

A class teacher is a teacher who, by order of an educational institution, is entrusted with the corresponding responsibilities for managing the class, organizing and coordinating educational work with students.

The purpose of his activities

– promoting self-development and self-realization of students in the process of their education and socialization.

The activities of a class teacher in a modern school are a purposeful pedagogical process carried out on the basis of a personality-oriented approach to students.

The class teacher plans and implements the educational process in the classroom, taking into account the general goals of the school.

A class teacher (an additional paid job) is a subject teacher (less often another teaching worker) who is a mentor to students in the same class.

He is a professional teacher, a spiritual mediator between society and the child in mastering the culture accumulated by humanity, organizing a system of relationships through various types of educational activities of the class team; creating conditions for the individual self-expression of each child and the development of each personality, preserving the uniqueness and revealing of his potential abilities, protecting the interests of childhood.

Since the official approval of the institute of class teachers in Russia in 1871, their responsibilities included organizational activities (maintaining order in classes, holding meetings with teachers, maintaining school records), as well as monitoring the development of students, studying them, instilling respect for laws and moral principles.

Currently, the rights and responsibilities of the class teacher in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” are determined by the charter of the educational institution. Most educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have developed exemplary regulations on the class teacher, which determine the main directions of his activities and establish rights and responsibilities.

The class teacher is appointed with the consent of the teaching staff by order of the head of the educational institution based on the decision of the pedagogical council.

Control over the activities of the class teacher is carried out, as a rule, by the deputy head of the educational institution for educational work.

The work of the class teacher is a purposeful, systematic, planned activity, built on the basis of the education program of the entire educational institution, analysis of previous activities, positive and negative trends in social life, based on a person-oriented approach, taking into account the current tasks facing the teaching staff of the school and the situation in the classroom, interethnic, interfaith relations. The teacher also takes into account the level of education of students, the social and material conditions of their lives, and the specifics of family circumstances.

The main tasks and content (directions) of the class teacher’s work in the classroom:

Promotes the creation of favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for the intellectual, physical and spiritual development of the child’s personality. For what:

1) Studies the developmental characteristics of each child, health status, emotional well-being, reflecting all the data in a psychological and pedagogical map.

2) Study the child’s inclinations, interests, and areas of talent, selecting for each a specific type of activity where he can expect success.

3) Contributes to the creation of a favorable atmosphere and moral and psychological climate for each individual student in the class.

4) In accordance with the age needs of children and the requirements of class life, organizes the life activities of the class team.

5) Develops classroom self-government, teaching children self-organization, responsibility, readiness and ability to make life decisions.

6) Helps students solve problems that arise in relationships with teachers, comrades, parents, adapt to the team, gain recognition, and occupy a satisfactory social status among their peers.

7) Guides the self-education and self-development of the child’s personality. Together with the school psychologist, he organizes psychological education for students and introduces them to the rights and freedoms of a Russian citizen.

* Provides assistance to students in educational activities.

* Organizes and participates in pedagogical consultations (small teacher councils) on the problems of students in his class, and, if necessary, attends lessons of subject teachers.

* Promotes the acquisition of additional education by students through a system of circles, clubs, sections, associations that exist at school and in their place of residence.

* Promotes professional self-determination of the graduate, leading to a conscious choice of profession.

* Protects the rights and freedoms of students, is responsible for their life, health and safety at school and at agricultural work during school hours.

* Provides advice to parents. Conducts parent meetings and involves parents in helping the school.

* Organizes meals, duty, collective cleaning of the school, helps children in repairing the school, fills out a register, keeps records of attendance, immediately informs the administration and parents about all emergencies related to the health and life of children.

* Participates in the work of teachers' councils, seminars, administrative and methodological meetings

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