Lesson on exploring the world, grade 3 topic: “Natural phenomena”
Goal setting of the project [edit] Goal of the coordinator: [edit] Formation in children of ideas about natural phenomena: rain, thunderstorm, thunder, rainbow. Tasks
Modern forms of methodological work with preschool teachers (from work experience)
Summary of a lesson in the Russian language on the topic 'Speech and non-speech sounds' (grade 1)
Development of phonemic hearing. Stage 1 - recognition of non-speech sounds Development of phonemic hearing. Stage 1
Open piano lesson Topic: “Working on the artistic image in program piano works”
STAGES OF WORK ON THE ARTISTIC COMPONENT OF A MUSICAL WORK Creation of a musical image as an integral hierarchical system
Lesson in 9th grade. Topic: Laws of conservation of energy. Consolidation.
Lesson summary "Law of conservation of momentum and mechanical energy" in physics for grade 9 Lesson
Project work on the topic: Man and nature. Human influence on the environment. Completed: Completed: 10th grade student “B” 10th grade student “B” secondary. - presentation
Children around the world need protection
The Basic Law of Russia and human rights The presentation was prepared by: Balnova Elena Mikhailovna Primary school teacher MBOU Secondary School 46 of the city of Ryazan Lesson in the 4th grade. - presentation
Child protection At the beginning of the twentieth century, adults began to think about creating a document
Conversation with children of the senior group “Hello, Zimushka - Winter”
Conversation in winter 12/06/2018 Conversation on the topic: Safety in winter. Purpose: to consider
Play as a means of developing the social personality of a preschooler.
Game as a means and way of teaching preschoolers article on the topic GBDOU kindergarten teacher
Lesson on the course THE WORLD AROUND The topic of the lesson: “Winter changes in inanimate and living nature. Invisible threads in the winter forest" 2nd grade Teacher: Parshina Valentina. - presentation
“Winter in the Forest” Integrated lesson in computer science and natural history in elementary school Purpose of the lesson: To give an idea
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