Experience and advice
Lesson based on A. Kuprin’s story “The Wonderful Doctor” Topic: Hurry to do good deeds. (POWER LESSON
Lesson summary “Direct and figurative meaning of words” in Russian for grade 2 Lesson
Essay on the topic “Federal State Educational Standard – a new model of quality education” Author: Pozdeeva Elizaveta Aleksandrovna, teacher
Morning exercises as part of the educational process in kindergarten About the importance of doing physical exercises
Herbal medicine for children Herbal medicine, as an ancient science that has survived to this day, is part of the traditional
The most dangerous plants: parents and children should know so that there is no trouble. June is on the calendar.
Why do volcanoes erupt? Apparently, the story should begin with magma. Very often it is formed in
Municipal educational institution “Boarding School No. 10 of the city of Donetsk” Today, the family performs not only traditional functions,
Educational games with natural materials Author's games with tree fruits for children 2-3 years old.