Biology project “The role of sleep in human life” (8th grade)
Sleep and wakefulness For a long time it was believed that sleep and wakefulness are opposite to each other. IN
Social and personal development of children. article on the topic
The social and personal development of preschool children is given much attention in kindergartens, because it is also required
Bear climbs a tree
Outdoor game with musical accompaniment “Bear Trap”
Active movement is an important condition for the development of our children. The best way to involve a child in
Open lesson on beading on the theme “Little Butterfly”
Basic techniques Most beading patterns involve the use of certain techniques. Before
Literary quiz on the works of Bianchi, educational and methodological material
Literary quiz with answers based on Bianchi's stories for primary schoolchildren Literary quiz based on stories
Gaming technologies as a means of environmental education for preschool children
Programs for speech development in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
We play, we talk, we think: a program for the speech development of preschool children Kamaldinova G.M., Virfel T.M., Mikhailova L.P.
Lesson-presentation of Boris Vasiliev’s story “And the dawns here are quiet...”
Contents of Road Safety Centers in kindergarten groups consultation on life safety on the topic
How to design a life safety corner in a kindergarten? Teach children how to behave in emergency situations
Research project: “A star called the Sun. What will happen if the Sun goes out? Author of the project: 2nd grade student Author of the project: 2nd grade student of the MBOU. - presentation
Project “A Star Called the Sun” March 23, 2013 Competition “Children’s Project - 2013” ​​Nomination
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