Development of creative abilities of students in grades 1–4 in mathematics lessons (set of tasks)
Organizing a role-playing game using a technological map
Thematic role-playing game auto repair shop senior group. Role-playing game car service
Organization of a role-playing game using a technological map Natalya Konkina Organization of a role-playing game using
How to decorate a classroom for the New Year
Crown of the Snow Queen: making a decoration for a masquerade
There are teachers, children and parents who every year happily decorate school premises by choosing
Consultation for parents “family and family values”
Consultation for parents “Family and family values.” consultation on the topic Consultation for parents “Family
“Non-traditional forms of working with parents during the adaptation period” in an early age group
Modern forms of work with parents in an early age group Natalya Lanina Modern forms of work
A Lesson of Courage MEMORY OF THE PAST DOES NOT KNOW OBLIGATION! Prepared by Popova E.V., class. Head of 9th "A" class. - presentation
so UNT / Educational work / Russian language and literature Extracurricular event “Lesson
Cell cycle phases
Lesson summary Class 10 on the topic “Cell division. Mitosis.” using modular learning technology
Mitosis and meiosis Life cycle of a cell (cell cycle) From the moment the cell appears until
Quest game for a winter walk “Save the Postman Snowman” lesson plan (middle group) on the topic
Specifics of the New Year's quest in the apartment, indoors and on the street Quest (from the English “quest” -
The influence of color and light on the psychological state of a person.
The influence of color and light on the psychological state of a person. Have you ever wondered why you choose clothes?
Improvisation in dance
Improvisation class in a dance studio (video)
Improvisation in dance Improvisation in dance is the ability to move without a learned order.
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