Quiz about mushrooms, presentation for a natural history lesson on the topic

  • Reports and messages
  • Mushrooms
  • Edible mushrooms

Mushrooms belong to a group of living creatures.
They do not belong to the class of animals, nor to the class of plants. Mushrooms have a very interesting structural structure. They have a cap and a stem. This is only the part of the mushroom that grows on the surface of the earth. The mushroom also has an underground structure - it is a mycelium. The mycelium consists of white threads; these are the roots of the mycelium. These roots can spread in the ground over long distances, up to several kilometers. A large number of mushrooms grow on such a mycelium. Mushrooms grow in families. There are edible and poisonous mushrooms. Therefore, before picking mushrooms in the forest, you need to be able to distinguish mushrooms. Because if you eat a poisonous mushroom in food, you can be seriously poisoned, or even die.

Also, if the mushroom is edible, but was collected near the road, or unsafely near factories or chemical plants, it can become poisonous. Since mushrooms tend to absorb all harmful substances like a sponge. Therefore, you should try to collect mushrooms only in a safe place.

Mushrooms are used as food. A variety of dishes are prepared with them. Mushrooms are pickled, salted and dried. Mushrooms such as champignon can be eaten raw. It may not be strange, but mushrooms are everywhere. .

Fungi play a special role in the biosphere of our planet. There are a huge variety of edible mushrooms. Many mushrooms grow in forests, and there are mushrooms that people grow at home, as well as on special farms. Edible mushrooms include: porcini mushroom, chanterelle, saffron milk cap, russula, champignon and many others.

The mushrooms we all know are extremely popular: oyster mushrooms and champignons. These mushrooms are grown in large quantities on special farms. Such mushrooms are also exported to other countries. Truffle is one of the most expensive edible mushrooms. There are several types of such mushrooms. They are considered an exquisite delicacy.

Report on the topic Edible mushrooms

The kingdom of mushrooms plays a major role in nature. Mushrooms do not have flowers, stems or roots, they only have a mycelium located in the ground, a stem and a cap. Mushrooms have adapted to many ways of existence; they can be found in absolutely different places; they grow both in forests and fields. People use the most mushrooms with caps, growing in forests and on the edges. Mushrooms grow in places of high temperature and high humidity. Many cap mushrooms prefer to grow near various trees in order to exchange essential minerals and moisture with them. The types of mushrooms are quite diverse, but most importantly they are distinguished as edible and inedible. Edible mushrooms can be used in preparing various dishes, but it is better not to touch inedible ones at all. A person can prepare various dishes from good mushrooms without any particular risk to their health. Mushrooms have a special shape, color, and even each of them has its own smell.

All good mushrooms have tubes under the cap that resemble a sponge. Every mushroom picker who collects them pays attention to the cap, plates, stem and color of the mushroom. If you cut off the flesh of any mushroom, its color will change. Mushrooms have tasty and healthy properties. They contain a large amount of useful vitamins. Fiber and proteins are very beneficial to the body. Man knows a whole range of edible mushrooms that grow in nature, some of which man has learned to grow himself. Sometimes people can become poisoned by improperly prepared mushrooms. Which of them can you still eat safely? First of all, it is a white mushroom, which is often called boletus. It is highly valued among mushroom pickers due to its pleasant taste and aroma. Its shape is similar to a barrel with a cap like a pillow, most often pale dark or brown in color. Its leg is quite thick and has a beige or white tint. It grows in coniferous forests and is used in food in completely different forms.

Boletus or boletus is a mushroom with a brown cap and white flesh. It can be collected from mid-summer until the end of autumn. The boletus's favorite place is the edges. These mushrooms can be fried, stewed and even boiled. An interesting cap that resembles the leaves of a mushroom like boletus. The color of its cap is directly related to the place where the mushroom grows. It can be brown and yellow-red. The boletus has black spots located horizontally on its stem. If you break its flesh, it will immediately begin to change color and become darker. Mushroom pickers collect boletus starting in the summer; they go to the vast forests to search for it.

The oiler is known for its wide chocolate or yellow cap, which is very slippery. Its flesh is always yellowish and very juicy. Adult mushrooms have a skirt under the cap; young mushrooms do not have one. Oiler can be found growing among sand or in forests from spring to autumn. Such mushrooms are pickled, dried and even salted.

Moss mushrooms have a yellow-brown leg and a cushion-shaped cap of dark green or brown color. When you go in search of tasty mushrooms, you can find a honey fungus, which has a yellow-brown cap and resembles an umbrella. His leg should always be in a skirt. The mushroom grows near trees, in a birch grove. There are also russulas, chanterelles, champignons, milk mushrooms and saffron milk caps. It is difficult to count the number of mushrooms; the most important thing is to learn to understand them so as not to get poisoned. The most important thing is that a walk for mushrooms in the fresh air will be not only interesting, but also useful.

Presentation on the topic “Edible and inedible mushrooms” presentation for the lesson (senior group) on the topic

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Edible and inedible mushrooms Author: A.V. Smirnova, teacher of the State Budget Educational Institution “Kindergarten No. 101”, St. Petersburg

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Under the Christmas tree, Under the aspen tree, stands a little boy, He is wearing a caftan, A red hat. He drilled the ground, left the root, came into the world himself, covered himself with a cap.

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EDIBLE MUSHROOMS Along the forest paths There are many white legs in multi-colored caps, noticeable from a distance. Pack, don't hesitate! This …

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They are not eaten raw. Russulas woke up on snow-white legs. Even though it’s a little damp, it’s so nice for the legs, and the hats, which are very fragile, are quite comfortable in the grass. Henrietta Lyakhovitskaya

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EDIBLE MUSHROOMS In a forest clearing, Under a mighty pine tree, An old man, He wears a brown cap, A cap on a barrel, Anyone who visits the forest knows him.

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Boletus I'm so tired today, I found a lot of mushrooms, It's just a pity that I haven't found the boletus yet. Even if the Mushroom with the name “boletus” is small, We are terribly happy about it - And he is used to it: He knows that everyone gives him a bow to the ground.

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EDIBLE MUSHROOMS I grow in a red cap Among the aspen roots, You will recognize me a mile away, My name is...

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Handsome under the aspen Velvet cap, Gray slipper. The boletus is so bright, Like a holiday gift, And of course, it is not in vain that it is called red.

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EDIBLE MUSHROOMS On the edges, clearings, In fir trees and pine trees, As if after rain, Their hats always shine.

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Mushroom hide and seek The oil can from the diapers under the green tree The brown hat hid from view. And a mushroom picker walks through the forest in surprise: “Why don’t the boletus like us all so much?”

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EDIBLE MUSHROOMS There are no more friendly mushrooms than these, adults and children know, they grow on tree stumps in the forest, like freckles on the nose.

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Honey fungus The honey fungus does not like to grow up alone - With him next to him are his son and daughter, And uncle, and aunt, and grandmother, and grandfather... You better ask who is not there!

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EDIBLE MUSHROOMS I greet you with a brown hat. I am a humble fungus without any embellishment. I found shelter under a white birch tree. Tell me, children, what is my name?

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Boletus I am a modest dreamer. The grove is a bright spot for me. Under the powerful birch, under the thin birch, Under the fallen leaves I often appear. Delicious and fragrant. Good luck to the mushroom picker! The sticky head is gray in color. Find me! I am the gift of summer. Inga Pidevich

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INEDIBLE MUSHROOMS With a white stalk, in a red cap Among the firs and aspens, Not in a family, like honey mushrooms, But growing alone. For animals, medicine is sweeter Search even a meadow, even a forest You won’t find it, the poisonous one lurks in the thicket...

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It’s better not to touch the little white dots on the red handkerchief. Fly Agaric has a wonderful appearance. It's a shame he's so poisonous. His headdress is decorated with a dark forest.

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Forest pharmacy Fly agaric is a beautiful mushroom, Only very poisonous. Moose only eat it. And at the same time they say: - There is no more reliable medicine: Ate it - and there is no fever. Treats whooping cough and bronchitis, I ate it and my throat doesn’t hurt! Fly agaric is a healing mushroom; it is not poisonous to us.

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INEDIBLE MUSHROOMS Modest, thin and pale... This mushroom, imagine, is harmful. If a mushroom gets into the soup, you will be taken to the hospital. Because he is poisonous and angry at everyone around him. We will leave this harmful thing in the clearing...

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Pale grebe In a clearing early in the morning I met a toadstool - Why are you pale? -Because it’s harmful! Pale toadstool Poisonous toadstool, all entwined with silks, brittle and pale, you look harmless, but in reality you are an evil witch. We recognize you by sight!

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Proverbs about mushrooms I took a boletus mushroom, and in a handful of it there was a wart. Like a white mushroom, so is everyone brave, but like a morel, there is silence. The boletus is small, but noble. The fluff has flown from the aspen tree - go get the boletus. There are mushrooms under the aspen tree - both beautiful and tasty. The pine blossomed and a grainy oil can appeared. If the pine trees are sprinkled with golden pollen, the oil cans will come out in a friendly crowd. Honey mushrooms are friendly guys. Honey mushrooms have appeared - summer is over. Where fly agarics grow, there the boletus mushrooms sing in choirs. Although the fly agaric is red, it is poisonous and dangerous. It's a bad toadstool, yes, you need to know.

Option #3

Mushrooms are perhaps the most amazing kingdom of living nature, because they cannot be classified as either animals or plants. Mushrooms are not only their visible part, which we are used to collecting during trips to the forest, but also an underground structure called mycelium. The mycelium consists of roots that can be up to several kilometers long, and mushrooms appear above these roots. Thus, it turns out that hundreds of mushrooms in the forest can germinate from one mycelium.

Mushrooms are edible and inedible. By eating poisonous mushrooms you can get severe poisoning, even death.

All edible mushrooms have sponge-like tubes under their caps. Mushrooms contain a huge amount of vitamins, so they are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Man knows many edible mushrooms that grow in nature, and some of them can be grown without leaving home.

Which mushrooms can you eat without worrying about your health?

Porcini mushroom is a favorite mushroom of many foresters and is valued for its aroma and taste. The porcini mushroom has a large stem and a spreading, thick cap.

Oil can – you can recognize it by its dark yellow cap. This mushroom can be found among the sand or in the forest from spring to autumn.

Mushroom look-alikes

Some edible mushrooms have their poisonous counterparts. But there are signs by which they can be distinguished.

1) Without a doubt, the mushrooms that are most often confused are honey mushrooms. Autumn honey fungus is a very tasty and healthy mushroom, but it has poisonous twins - hay-yellow and brick-red honey mushrooms. To understand whether this mushroom is edible, you need to find a ring on the stem of the honey mushroom. If there is no ring, you cannot eat such a mushroom.

2) False inedible chanterelles are also often mistaken for real ones. In poisonous chanterelles, if you break the leg, white juice comes out, and their cap is more rounded.

In addition, it is important to remember that if you suddenly put a poisonous mushroom in a basket with collected mushrooms, you will have to throw away all the mushrooms. Therefore, be careful, do not take unknown, questionable, or mushrooms growing near the road.

Report No. 4

Mushrooms are a special kingdom of living nature. They are distributed in all layers of the biosphere. Mushrooms are classified as a separate kingdom of the living environment because they have characteristics of both plants and animals, and their own special characteristics. Mushrooms reproduce by spores, just like ferns.

Edible mushrooms both grow in the forest and are grown by humans. Edible means that if you eat them, there is no harm to a person. There are several thousand species of them. Below, each of the edible mushrooms is presented in more detail.

For example, Roquefort is a type of cheese on which a person specially breeds blue mold for a unique taste.

The most famous edible mushroom is the summer honey fungus or linden honey fungus. The honey mushroom cap is from three to six centimeters in diameter, honey-golden or yellow-brown in color, matte. The pulp of the honey mushroom is thin and watery. The leg is very thin - up to a centimeter in diameter, up to seven centimeters high.

Many honey mushrooms can be found on rotten wood or damaged trees. Very common in deciduous, mixed and coniferous forests. In dry climates it is difficult to find linden mushrooms.

The poisonous mushrooms Galerina fringe and the inedible false honey mushrooms are very similar to honey mushrooms.

Champignons are very common and can be found in almost every store. They are very easy to confuse with toadstool - one of the most poisonous mushrooms. Champignons have pink flesh, slightly reddening, while toadstools have gray flesh.

The champignon cap is from three to eight centimeters in diameter. The leg is strong, from three to ten centimeters in height and three to four centimeters in width.

Everyone has heard about porcini mushrooms or boletus mushrooms. These are edible mushrooms with a white stalk and a brown or reddish-brown cap with a diameter of seven to thirty centimeters, sometimes the diameter reaches fifty centimeters.

Camelina mushrooms correspond to their name in appearance: they are yellow-pink or orange-red.

Saffron milk caps are very good for health, because they get their red color due to the content of vitamin A, B vitamins and ascorbic acid. They contain potassium, phosphorus, sodium salts, and fiber.

Milk mushrooms and russula are common throughout Russia. The diameter of the cap ranges from five to twenty centimeters. The skin is light, slimy and wet. The leg is up to seven centimeters high, smooth, white or yellowish. Found in deciduous and mixed forests.

It is worth remembering that even edible mushrooms, if improperly processed or stored, can cause serious harm to health, so the issue of preparing mushrooms must be approached responsibly.

2, 3, 5 grade, biology

Quizzes for children. Mushroom quizzes

Quiz about mushrooms, about mushrooms for schoolchildren. Create fun and exciting competitions with these quiz questions.

Quiz "Mushroom"

You went to the forest to rest,

Pick berries and mushrooms,

Take edible mushrooms,

Do not put poisonous ones in the basket.

■ Which plants do not have roots, stems and leaves? (Mushrooms).

■ What are mushroom seeds called? (Disputes).

■ What is another name for the boletus mushroom? (Porcini).

■ Which “friendly” mushrooms look like umbrellas with their thin legs and piquant yellowish caps? (Honey mushrooms).

■ Which edible mushrooms appear first? (Mols, lines).

■ Which mushrooms, with their caps, resemble beautiful pinkish puddles with running waves? (Volnushki).

■ What is the second name for the mushrooms? (Volzhanki).

■ Which mushrooms, growing in groups in pine-birch forests, have caps that look like wide pipes and are white, black or yellow? (At the milk mushrooms).

■ What are mushrooms with strong white stems and tight red or orange caps called? (Boletus).

■ Which poisonous mushrooms have caps that are not only red, but even green, gray or completely white? (At fly agarics).

■ What mushroom is called the forest hero? (Porcini mushroom, or boletus mushroom).

■ Which mushrooms growing in coniferous forests have funnel-shaped caps that collect water when it rains? (In saffron milk caps).

■ What poisonous mushrooms can be identified by their pale green cap that looks like an accordion underneath? (Pale toadstools).

■ Which mushrooms are called redheads because of their bright, distinctive caps? (Boletus).

■ Which mushrooms are similar to both boletuses (only with brownish or gray caps) and boletus mushrooms (only smaller and thinner)? (Boletus mushrooms).

■ What mushrooms used to be pickled in whole barrels and eaten with potatoes all winter? (milk mushrooms).

■ Which mushrooms have white stems and empty insides, like tubes? (At the Volnushki (Volzhanka)).

■ Which poisonous mushrooms wear a “skirt”? (Amanitas and toadstools).

■ Many mushrooms have “telling” names. Why are they called so: boletus, boletus, boletus, oak, chanterelle, russula?

Blitz quiz “Mushrooms”

■ Who wears a hat on their foot? (Mushroom).

■ Some mushrooms are edible, and some are... (Inedible).

■ The most beautiful poisonous mushrooms. (Fly agarics).

■ The most nutritious mushrooms. (Porcini mushrooms, or boletus mushrooms).

■ Mushrooms that have a special reddish-olive color. (Saffron milk caps).

■ Neighbors of birch trees. (Boletus mushrooms).

■ They most often grow under aspen trees, but are found under birch and oak trees. (Boletus).

■ Deadly poisonous mushrooms, “relatives” of the fly agaric. (Pale toadstools).

■ Most suitable for pickling. (milk mushrooms).

■ Pink mushroom, good for pickling. (Volnushka).

■ The second name for the mushrooms. Volzhanki. “They will quickly save you from starvation in the forest. (Russula).

■ Edible mushrooms that are grown all year round. (Champignon).

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