Teacher self-education plan
MBOU "Goldyrevskaya secondary school"
Self-education plan
teacher of Russian language and literature
Vologodskaya Lyubov Anatolyevna
Self-education topic:
“Application of innovative educational technologies
in teaching Russian language and literature
in the conditions
of transition to the Federal State Educational Standard »
Educational institution "Druzhbinskaya secondary (complete) comprehensive school" Tselinny district of the Altai Territory
Self-education topic:
“Application of innovative educational technologies in teaching Russian language and literature in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard”
Implementation deadlines
: 2020 – 2020
Relevance of the topic:
The school needs a teacher who is able to master new educational technologies in teaching and upbringing. Self-education of a teacher is a necessary condition for the professional activity of a teacher. For the 2015-2018 academic years, I have determined the following topic for self-education: “The use of innovative educational technologies in teaching the Russian language and literature in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard.” I believe that the use of new educational technologies contributes to the formation of communicative, language and linguistic competence of students; self-realization and successful socialization of the child’s personality. The topic is focused on the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.
The goal of school education is not the sum of knowledge, skills and abilities, but the stock of competencies necessary for life in modern society, self-realization and successful social adaptation of graduates. The teacher’s task is to help the younger generation, which means that the teacher himself must improve the level of professional skills. Self-education is a need for a creative and responsible person in any profession, especially for a teacher. In order to teach others, you need a good supply of certain knowledge, you need a professional who will be ready to improve in the process of his activities.
The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the transition to a new Federal State Educational Standard, which is based on a systemic - activity-based approach, focused on the student’s personality, on the development of his personal qualities.
The purpose of self-education:
Increasing your theoretical, scientific and methodological level, professional skills and competence as a teacher of the Russian language and literature as part of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard
In order for the set goal to be achieved, it is necessary to systematically engage in self-education.
The main areas of my activity:
1) study of new educational technologies aimed at student-centered learning;
2) studying the theoretical foundations of student-centered learning;
3) study of the theoretical foundations of the system-activity (competence-based) approach to training;
4) study of the project method as a way to implement a system-activity approach;
5) studying and mastering the meta-subject approach in education;
6) application of acquired theoretical knowledge in practice.
- Study educational and methodological literature on the topic of self-education;
- Study the experience of teachers of the school, district, region, country;
- Master new information technologies by introducing them into the educational process;
- Monitor the self-development of schoolchildren;
- Summarize the experience of pedagogical work on self-education.
№ p/p | Event plan | Approximate implementation time |
Study of regulatory documents | ||
1. Study of official and regulatory documents. 2. Analysis of modern educational technologies from the position of implementing in them the main ideas of the new educational Standard | 2015 — 2016 | |
Advanced training and professional retraining | ||
1. | Studying educational and methodological literature on the Internet, in professional newspapers and magazines | 2015– 2018 |
2. | Taking professional retraining courses | 2015,2016. 2018 |
3. | Certification for the first qualification category | 2016 |
4. | Studying the use of innovative educational technologies in the work of leading teachers of a school, district, region, country in the field of training and education. | 2015-2018 |
Use of modern educational technologies | ||
1. | Using the Internet in the classroom. | Systematic |
2. | Preparation of multimedia presentations for lessons and extracurricular activities. Application in COR lessons | Constantly |
3. | Purchasing electronic manuals, accumulating material on your own website. | Systematic |
4. | Compiling your own methodological developments in electronic version and using them in teaching Russian language and literature. | Systematic |
6. | Conducting practical work on the topic “Technology for preparing students for the State Examination and the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.” | 2015-2018 |
7. | Conducting cross-sections of knowledge using questionnaires, tests, pedagogical observations at the initial and final stages of the experiment on the introduction of innovative educational technologies: 1) block-modular system of teaching the Russian language using reference schemes; 2) analysis of literary works based on supporting provisions (summaries); 3) testing and deepening the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the Russian language and literature using tests; 4) development of students’ cognitive interest in the subject through the introduction of non-standard lessons; 5) remote forms of work with students; 6) creation of projects on the subject; 7) differentiated training;
10) development of a system-activity approach in education; 11) mastering meta-subjects in education; 12) improve the ability to compose and use GOats in Russian language and literature lessons; 13) development of other new educational technologies; 14) mastering distance educational technologies. | 2015-2018 |
8. | Implementation of the results obtained in teaching practice. | 2015-2018 |
Generalization and dissemination of one’s own teaching experience | ||
All-Russian | ||
Participation in the All-Russian Internet competition of pedagogical creativity in the category “Pedagogical ideas and technologies” | Diploma and certificate of publication 2014 Diploma and certificate of publication 2015 | |
Publication of developments of lessons, events, essays and poems of one’s own composition on the websites: “Kopilkaurokov.ru” "LitObraz" | 14 publications 4 publications 2014-2015 | |
Regional, district | ||
Speech before colleagues at RMO, teacher councils 1) “Technology for preparing students for the OGE in the Russian language” 3) Preparation for the OGE, essay C3 and presentation | 2015-2016 2015-2017 | |
2. Conducting an open lesson. Master class on introducing new educational technologies in grades 5-6 | 2015-2017 | |
3. Conducting a creative report at the classes of teachers of Russian language and literature. | 2015 — 2018 | |
4. Professional publications, electronic lessons | 2014 — 2018 | |
5.Participation in the intermunicipal seminar “Christian values in Russian literature” Application in practice of distance learning technologies in preparing students for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam. | Regional 2014-2015 2015-2016 2014 – 2018 | |
6. Participation in the seminar “Achieving subject, meta-subject and personal results using teaching materials on the Russian language and literature of the publishing house “Drofa” | Regional 2014 | |
7. Participation in the seminar “Organization of research activities of students” | Regional 2014 | |
8. Participation in the seminar “Speech, grammatical, logical and factual errors of students and ways to overcome them” | Regional 2015 | |
Participation in professional skills competitions | ||
1. 2. 3. 4. | Participation in the All-Russian competition “Rassudariki” Participation in the All-Russian Competition of Pedagogical Achievements "Integrated Lesson" Participation in the All-Russian creative competition for teachers “Gallery of Talents” Center for Intellectual Development “Academy of Talent” Participation in the fourth All-Russian competition “Teacher of the Year according to the website www.mldv.ru -2015” in the category “My open lesson” | Diplomas 2 and 3 degrees 2014-2015 Certificate 2015 Diploma 2nd degree Result 08/20/2015 |
Participation in scientific and practical conferences of teaching staff | 2015-2018 | |
Working with students in class and outside of class time | ||
1. | Improve the system of preparing students for exams in the form of the Unified State Exam, OGE | 2014-2018 |
2. | Systematically supplement teaching materials with the results of work on the topic of self-education | 2015-2018 |
3. | Create conditions for the participation of especially gifted children in distance Olympiads and competitions: “Russian Bear”, “Fgostest”, in marathons; participation of children in Regional and All-Russian competitions of research and design works “Talentokha”, “Beginning-Beginning” | 2015-2018 |
5. | Involve students in research activities to participate in regional, regional, all-Russian scientific and practical conferences. | 2015-2018 |
6. | Improve work with students using a program of elective courses. | 2015-2018 |
7 | Monitoring students’ self-development | 2015 |
8 | Questioning students and parents to identify the efficiency of using innovative educational technologies | Annually |
Expected result:
1. Improving the quality of the taught subject;
3. Conducting open lessons in front of school teachers;
4. Reports and speeches.
5. Development of didactic materials.
6. Development and delivery of lessons on innovative technologies.
Evaluation of program effectiveness:
1. The effectiveness of the program will be assessed by quantitative and qualitative indicators;
2. The quality of teacher knowledge and skills in the field of innovative educational technologies; level of learning and training of schoolchildren;
3. The degree of satisfaction of students and their parents with the educational process;
4. Quality of educational, methodological and technological support.
- New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system / Ed. E.S. Polat. M., 1999, p. 223.
- Osmolovskaya I. School projects: activities aimed at enriching knowledge and the spiritual world. Osmolovskaya I. // School Director, 2003, No. 10, p. 15
- Materials of courses on the Federal State Educational Standard of the Perm State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University.
Methodological association of teachers of Russian language and literature
Attention! Since October 10, grade 2 B has been quarantined by suspending the educational process. Reason: Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor dated 10/09/2020 No. 4061
grades 5-11 by suspending full-time education. Training continues in distance form/
Reason: Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor dated 06.10.2020 No. 3888
Schedule of entry of grades 1-4 to school from September 2, 2020
School entry schedule for grades 5-11 from September 2, 2020
Information about the start time of lessons by grade
Dear parents!
You can sign up for additional education in Nizhny Novgorod (paid and free, at school or additional education organizations) in 2020-2021 only through your personal account on the website https://p52.navigator.children/. You need to create a personal account now. On September 5, 2020, a single day of consultations on additional education will be held in all institutions of the city, see the information on the websites.”
Organization of the beginning of the school year
In accordance with the letter of the Department of Education of Nizhny Novgorod "On sending recommendations on the organization of work in the 2020-2021 academic year, as well as on the basis of the Resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2020 No. 16, the beginning of the academic year will be organized from September 1 in full-time format .
Preparation of premises of an educational organization:
- cleaning of all premises using detergents and disinfectants and cleaning of ventilation grilles is carried out immediately before the start of the educational organization’s operation, as well as every week;
- daily wet cleaning of premises using disinfectants and treating all contact surfaces;
- ensuring the possibility of hygienic hand treatment using skin antiseptics at the entrance to sanitary facilities and toilet rooms;
- organization of air disinfection using air disinfection equipment and ventilation of premises.
Admission of students to an educational organization:
- Children will be admitted to school without presenting any documents from medical institutions. Medical certificates for admission to school will only be required for children who suffered from COVID-19 before the start of the school year, or who had contact with a sick person before the start of the school year.
- Entrance to the school will be as scheduled.
- conducting thermometry at the entrance to an educational organization;
- students with a body temperature of 37.1°C and above are recorded in the log;
- students with signs of infectious diseases (respiratory, intestinal, elevated body temperature) are immediately isolated until the arrival of an emergency medical team or the arrival of their parents (legal representatives);
- Upon entering the school, hand hygiene is organized using skin antiseptics.
Conducting lessons and activities:
- the lesson schedule is designed in such a way as to reduce the number of contacts during thermometry, during breaks, and in the cafeteria;
- Each class will have an office assigned to it, where teachers will come to conduct lessons, with the exception of classes that require special equipment.
- There will be no public events. Classes in the gym and assembly hall will be held with only one class.
Hotline for organizing the beginning of the school year
- tel. 432-14-17, Monday - Friday from 9:00 to 17:00, resp. Belskaya Olga Evgenievna
Catering in the 2020 - 2021 academic year
In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region “On approval of the list of activities for organizing free hot meals,” the school will provide free hot meals for students in grades 1-2-3-4 (for 1st shift - breakfast, for second shift - lunch) Students in grades 5-11 eat as before. All benefits will be retained. Meals in the dining room will be organized in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards. The number of seats in the dining room is 250. Students will eat according to a schedule
- meals are organized taking into account the requirement to reduce the number of contacts;
- upon entering the premises for eating, hand hygiene is organized using skin antiseptics;
- the work of employees involved in the preparation and distribution of food and service personnel is ensured using personal respiratory protection equipment and gloves;
- washing of dishes and cutlery is carried out in dishwashers at maximum temperature conditions (in the absence of a dishwasher, dishes must be washed manually and treated with disinfectants).
Catering hotline : tel . 432-14-17 Monday - Friday from 9:00 to 17:00, resp. Belskaya Olga Evgenievna
Reminders for disease prevention at school
Memo “Prevention of coronavirus infection
Memo for parents during the coronavirus epidemic
Advice from a psychologist for parents of teenagers stuck at home during quarantine due to coronavirus
Recommendations from the Union for Mental Health for parents and teachers in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19)
Tips for Teens Worried About Coronavirus
Dear guys!
We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rules “When electricity becomes dangerous”
We invite you to familiarize yourself with information materials on the protection of personal data:
What is PD?
Education news of the Nizhny Novgorod region:
- VKontakte group “Education52” https://vk.com/obrazovanienn
- Instagram account obrazovanie_52 https://instagram.com/obrazovanie_52
Dear Parents! The PC Axioma company has organized chats for you in instant messengers, where you can ask questions regarding the project, namely: 1. Will the balance be maintained when a student moves to a higher grade? 2. How to return funds from a personal account? 3. Where can I download the mobile application and view my balance? and other questions.
PC Axioma chats:
Telegram: https://t.me/onlineaksioma (group with news), @Aksiomabot (bot where parents can ask questions)
WhatsApp (not for communication) Viber: PC Axioma
And also social networks
VKontakte: https://vk.com/avsu_ru
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pc_aksioma/
Dear parents!
We inform you about the promotion “Bonus on replenishment”! Period: from 08/20/20 to 09/10/20 (inclusive)
Internet hotline MBOU "School No. 35"
e-mail Monday-Friday from 9:00-17:00, resp. Zinchenko Lyudmila Leonidovna
Technical assistance on the electronic diary resp. Poroshina Svetlana Vladimirovna
Technical assistance for the VKontakte group ot. Gnezdilova Irina Anatolyevna
Dear parents, teachers, the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education” is conducting a series of online consultations. Target audience for consultation: - families raising children with special educational needs; — specialists working with this category of students. More details
On compliance with the self-isolation regime and parental responsibility
Memo for parents (legal representatives) about the distribution of food packages
The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations recommends “Rules of conduct in the context of the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19”
The Education Department of the Nizhny Novgorod District Administration, on the basis of Resolution No. 10 of March 10, 2020 “On the work of the volunteer PSO “Lisa Alert,” informs you about the hotline telephone number: 8 800 700 5452 of the search and rescue team “Lisa Alert.”
About the Children's Helpline 8-800-2000-122
"01" informs
Reminder about fire safety measures
Dear friends! For 10 years now, the children's helpline 8-800-2000-122 , which was created to provide psychological assistance to children, adolescents and their parents in difficult life situations. Since 2010, it has already received more than 9 million calls. The call is free and anonymous.
Project “Support for families with children”
Information about organizations providing consultations within the project
The Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, in connection with the unfavorable epidemiological situation regarding the incidence of coronavirus infection in the world and in order to prevent the spread of airborne diseases, including coronavirus infection, recommends that you read the leaflets on disease prevention posted at the link
Prevention of influenza and ARVI
Dear parents! We inform you that from September 1, 2020, a federal portal for information and educational support for parents “Rastimdetey.rf” , link to the portal: https://ratimdetey.rf/
Dear parents, teachers! For the purpose of professional growth of the teaching community and the culture of parental education, an official group “PROfamily” . To join the group, follow the link: https://vk.com/club187936164
A platform for free communication on the prevention of deviant behavior of minors https://fcprc.ru/community/ forum-12.html
Dear students! The VGTRK branch “GTRK “Nizhny Novgorod” was created jointly with the department of “Russian Literature” of the Institute of Philology and Journalism of the Nizhny Novgorod State University. Lobachevsky educational radio program “Cool Reading”. More details
Parental nutrition management instructions
Memo on children's rights to free medicine
Dear parents! The “Navigator of additional education for children of the Nizhny Novgorod region” has started working in our region You can find out more on the website
We ask you to take part in a survey among parents on the quality and availability of additional education. To complete the survey you must follow the link
Fire safety instructions for students
Information about the main types of fraud
Prevention of transport accidents in the train traffic area. More details
Railroad safety rules
Conversation about proper nutrition for children
Regulations of the ARTEK Competitive Selection