What is rhythm and what is its benefit for the development of children?

Goals and objectives of conducting dance classes in kindergarten

The mission of organizing dance classes in a preschool educational institution (DOU) is determined by the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) and is as follows:

  • carry out musical and recreational work in kindergarten, aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children;
  • to form a variety of skills and abilities by combining music with rhythmic movements (for example, teaching children to convey the character and images of music through movements);
  • create conditions for identifying the child’s creative inclinations and musical abilities;
  • cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

If the goals of conducting dance classes are the same for all groups in kindergarten, then the tasks designed to implement them have some differences, which is associated with the characteristics of the age development of preschoolers.

Dance classes help unleash the creative potential of children

Table: objectives of conducting dance classes in preschool educational institutions

Age groupFeatures of age developmentObjectives of conducting dance classes
  • There is insufficient development of coordination of movements (they waddle with their heads down, run and jump heavily);
  • Due to the excited nervous system and insufficient inhibition, the reaction to music is slow.
  • Learn to determine the beginning and end of a piece of music, coordinating the beginning and end of dance movements;
  • develop the skill of walking rhythmically;
  • train basic movements with props (pipes, balls);
  • master alternate stamping of feet, circling in pairs, and the ability to move one’s palm forward.
  • Replenishment of life experience;
  • developed posture;
  • calm, even walking;
  • more confident performance of dance steps (even with attributes in the form of ribbons, plumes, balls).
  • Learn to change the nature of movements to music;
  • develop the ability to memorize musical rhythm;
  • master simple movements in pairs;
  • train the performance of folk dance elements (transition from toe to heel, half squats, “throwing out” legs);
  • encourage independent improvisation to music.
  • Tendency towards independence in performing dance movements;
  • interest in performing.
  • Place emphasis on the targeted development of dance movements (through practicing individual movements of the general choreographic pattern);
  • learn to change the nature of movements depending on the slowdown or acceleration of the tempo of the music;
  • master simple formations (in a general circle and small circles, columns, ranks);
  • develop expressiveness of movements.
PreparatoryThe ability to move naturally to music of different types (cheerful, sad, moving, etc.).
  • Learn to convey the subtleties of the nature of movements (switch from a regular step to a ceremonial march);
  • complicate the set of movements and changes;
  • master running “overlapping”, with high leg lifts, jumps of different heights, half-squats with the foot on the heel, polka step, etc.

During dance classes, children learn group choreographic compositions

Methodological development “Musical and rhythmic movements in kindergarten”

Irina Chichina

Methodological development “Musical and rhythmic movements in kindergarten”

Musical and rhythmic movements in kindergarten

“Perhaps the best, most perfect and joyful,

What life has is free movement to music .

And you can learn this from a child and with him.”

Anna Iosifovna Burenina

Music is the most emotional art (D. B. Kabalevsky)

Its impact on the formation of personality is enormous. “ It’s hard to imagine a person’s life music Without the sounds of music, it would be incomplete, deaf, poor... Music lovers and connoisseurs are not born , but become.” These words of the greatest composer of our time, D. Shostakovich, most fully reflect the basic view of the musical ear for music at all .” A fairly common formula for determining the reason for the lack of abilities of a son or daughter. However, everything in reality is somewhat different. Teachers and musicians have come to the conclusion that everyone has the inclinations for musical activity , i.e., the physiological abilities of the body, for example, the organ of hearing or the vocal apparatus. It is this that forms the basis for the development of musical abilities . And therefore it is considered proven that if the necessary conditions are created for musical development, then this has a significant effect in the formation of his musicality .
What is musicality ? This is a set of abilities that allow a person to actively express himself in various types of musical activities : listening, singing, movement .

Musical-rhythmic movements are a synthetic type of activity - this is one of the types in which the content of music , its character, and images are conveyed in movements . Therefore, any movements to music develop an ear for music , motor abilities, and the mental processes that underlie them and contribute to the emotional and psychophysical development of children.

Movements to music have been used in raising children since ancient times (Ancient India, China, Greece)

the Swiss teacher and composer Emile Jacques Dalcroze who first considered rhythm and substantiated it as a method of musical Before rhythmics, he first of all set the task of developing musical abilities , as well as plasticity and expressiveness of movements . The special value and viability of his system of musical and rhythmic education lies in its humane nature. E. Jacques-Dalcroze was convinced that it was necessary to teach rhythm to all children. He developed in them a deep “feeling”
, penetration into
music , creative imagination, formed the ability to express themselves in movements , and at the same time believed that music is the fundamental principle. The synthesis of music and movements concretizes the game image. On the one hand, the musical image contributes to a more accurate and emotional execution of movements , on the other hand, the movements explain music , the main means of expression. Such complex phenomena as meter rhythm, register, musical form , which are difficult to explain to children in words, are perceived by preschoolers not only with the ear, but with the whole body, this increases the musical experience , making it more conscious.
Movement exercises are of invaluable importance, especially for somatically weakened children, children with an unstable nervous system, immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere. After all, motor exercises primarily train the brain and the mobility of nervous processes . Therefore, it is so important to introduce clumsy, motor-inhibited children to movement to music , who need to be helped to gain feelings of self-confidence or, conversely, disinhibited and hyperactive children, in order to teach them to control their emotions and feelings. In the process of mastering movements to music children learn to focus on music as a special signal for action and movement , they improve motor skills, coordination of movements , develop voluntary movements , non-verbal communication abilities, and form and develop ideas about the connection between music and movements .

Scientific research has proven that any sound causes muscle contractions in humans. The whole body responds to the action of music . The perception and understanding of music lies in the sensation of it through the ligaments, muscles, movement , and breathing. Musicologist professor L. Medushevsky wrote: “The infinitely rich information contained in music is read not by the mind, but by the dynamic state of the body - co-intonation, pantomimic movement .” It is known that movement influences the nature of perception of music .

B. M. Teplov also proved the fact that the perception of music by motor reactions (vocalizations, small finger movements, etc. )

Also, well-known domestic and foreign teachers and psychologists studied the problem of musical-rhythmic education. Among them: D. B. Kabalevsky, B. M. Teplov, E. A. Flerina, M. A. Rumer, T. S. Babajan, N. A. Metlov, Yu. A. Dvoskina, A. V. Keneman, S. D. Rudneva, N. A. Vetlugina, O. P. Radynova, A. I. Burenina and many others.
Introducing children to music comes in different ways. In the field of musical and rhythmic activity, it occurs through accessible and interesting proposals - exercises, musical games , dances, round dances, which help the child to better feel and love music , get into its mood, realize the nature of the work, understand the form, expressive means.

Musical and rhythmic activities are aimed at developing aesthetic, physical, moral and mental qualities in each child.

In the field of musical-rhythmic movements, the following tasks are solved:

1. Enrich children's musical experiences and create a joyful mood.

2. Develop rhythmic movements to music .

3. Lead to expressive execution of movements , to joint and individual actions.

, musical and rhythmic skills are developed :

• Start movements independently after entry ;

• Independently change movements depending on the form (2 and 3-part, dynamics (loud - quiet, register (high - low)


• Perform movements , in general, for all tempos, coordinate them;

• Move at a moderate, fast pace.

When learning musical and rhythmic tasks, the teacher uses various methodological techniques , taking into account the age characteristics of the children.

One of the most important teaching techniques is a holistic visual and auditory demonstration. Music and movements are one . Teacher alone (or with a child)

can show
a movement being learned to musical accompaniment . Correct demonstration of movements and precise instructions help the child perform a particular movement .
Thus, the perception of music is an active auditory-motor process. Through movement music more vividly and emotionally , feels the change in its mood, consolidates knowledge about the means of musical expression , understands and feels it, develops emotions, interests, tastes, i.e., becomes familiar with musical culture , and his spiritual world is enriched.

It's no secret that people love to move to music , but spontaneous dance is not a product of human intellectual activity, it is rather a movement that occurs at the subconscious level. It is much more difficult to accurately perform a set of movements in a certain sequence to certain music . It is even more difficult to dance in a group when it is necessary not only to perform a movement , but also to perform them synchronously. When learning a dance, many of the child’s skills are trained: memorization of individual movements and movements in a complex , coordination of movements , the ability to listen to music movements to it (i.e., a sense of rhythm, the ability to express themselves creatively. All these skills help to form the child’s mental abilities, i.e. e. help develop intelligence.

Music , movement and the development of intelligence are closely related. The emotional impact of music is deeply comprehended by the child and acquires a personal impact. Raising a smart child is difficult, but raising a sensitive person is even more difficult.

Musical-rhythmic movement , or in other words, dance, is a form of learning that is comfortable, interesting, and gives the opportunity for self-expression.

Developing a child harmoniously, solving these and other tasks, it is necessary to understand exactly what we want from this particular child now and in the expected future. It is at preschool age that children do not experience the feeling of inconvenience or embarrassment associated with the fact that something may not work out. Freedom of movement is lightness and joy. I really like the motto of G. P. Fedorova: “Dancing is developing the mind”

. It is in preschool age that the foundations of harmonious mental, moral, and physical development are laid, and the child’s personality is formed.

Mastering dance compositions, children memorize certain combinations of alternating movements , while striving to interact with each other, navigate in space, and improvise.

Children have their own perception of what happens in class - they are all unpredictable, and, oddly enough, children are interested in more complex compositions, and they perform them with greater emotional impact.

Emotionality is achieved not only by musical accompaniment , but also by figurative exercises and complex compositions that meet the age characteristics of preschoolers who are prone to imitation and copying adults.

Experts call children of preschool age labor geniuses and great creators. The child creates not only drawings or plasticine figures, not only dance compositions and simple songs - the child creates himself, improves memory and attention, character and will.

The value of children's creativity is not in the result, but in the process; it is needed not by the audience, but by the children.

Much is changing in our lives, but I want to believe that one of the principles of humanistic pedagogy: “Where there is benefit for children, there should also be pleasure for them M. Montel” will help solve the tasks assigned to us, teachers and parents, to help preschool children age in the aesthetic game to enter the world of music , feel and experience it sensually, create the prerequisites for the formation of creative thinking, and promote the practical assimilation of musical knowledge .

A child should not be afraid to make mistakes. That's why he's a child, so he can't do much. That's why we are adults, to teach. We need to look for ways to each other, ways of understanding, then the process of learning and education will bring joy to both adults and children.

Ps: In kindergarten, instead of the term “rhythmic movements ,” “ musical-motor education ,” then “ movement to music ,” “ musical movement ,” “ musical-rhythmic movements ,” “ musical-rhythmic activity .” There has been debate over the years about the most precise formulation. However, there is no fundamental difference between all these terms, since most specialists in musical and rhythmic education in preschool institutions rightly considered music the “starting point” in rhythm, and movement as a means of its assimilation.

Types of dance classes in kindergarten

The following types of dance classes are practiced at the preschool educational institution:

  • rhythmics (rhythmic gymnastics) - a system of musical and rhythmic activities designed to teach children to move to music, control their body, and also develop attention and memory;
  • rhythmoplasty is a type of recreational gymnastics based on elements of gymnastics and choreography, designed to comprehensively influence children’s muscle groups in order to develop a sense of rhythm and reveal plastic abilities;
  • choreography - classes aimed at stage performance of dance through systematic learning of dance movements.

Dance classes in the preschool educational system

In the practice of kindergartens, dance classes are carried out according to a certain system: choreography is organized as a separate lesson, rhythmoplasty is most often part of music classes, and rhythm is usually left to the work of the circle. Choreography and rhythmoplasty classes are held 1–2 times a week, depending on the distribution of hours for other courses. 1-2 lessons per week are also allocated for rhythmic circle activities.

Dance classes are conducted by an additional education teacher with the appropriate qualifications, that is, a choreographer or physical education instructor. Rhythmoplasty classes can also be conducted by a music director.

Usually dance classes in preschool educational institutions are conducted by a choreographer

Musical and rhythmic movements in kindergarten. consultation on the topic

State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region secondary school No. 1 “Educational center” urban settlement. Construction ceramics of the municipal district of Volzhsky, Samara region

structural unit "Kindergarten "Solnyshko"

Musical and rhythmic movements in kindergarten.

Music is the most effective and efficient means of educating children. It helps to more fully reveal the child’s abilities, develop hearing and a sense of rhythm. In the field of musical and rhythmic activities, children are introduced to music through accessible and interesting exercises, musical games, dances, round dances, which help the child to better feel and love music, get into its mood, realize the nature of the work, understand its form and means of expression.

Rhythm is one of the types of musical activity in which the content of music, its character, and images are conveyed in movement. The development of a sense of rhythm is the development of children’s abilities in the field of emotional perception and reproduction of holistic musical images. Children first listen to music, they have certain emotional experiences, under the influence of which movements acquire the necessary character.

Therefore, musical-rhythmic movements are very important in the musical education of children. Without dancing, it is difficult to imagine a child’s musical activity in kindergarten. Various musical works evoke emotional experiences in children, give rise to certain moods, under the influence of which movements acquire a corresponding character. For example, the solemn sound of a festive march pleases and invigorates. This is expressed in a smart posture, precise, emphasized movements of the arms and legs. On the contrary, the calm nature of the dance allows you to make your posture freer, your movements leisurely, softer, and rounder. The connection between music and movement is not limited to the consistency of their general character. The development of a musical image, the comparison of contrasting and similar structures, modal coloring, features of the rhythmic pattern, dynamic shades, tempo - all this can be reflected in movement. The image is conveyed through a combination and alternation of means of expression. Consequently, musical-rhythmic movements are one of the types of musical activity in which the content of music and its character are conveyed in movements. Plot-shaped movements are used as a means of deeper perception and understanding. Music and movement are means that have a beneficial effect on a child’s health. Musical and rhythmic movements perform a relaxation function, help achieve emotional release, relieve mental overload and fatigue. The rhythm that music dictates to the brain relieves nervous tension. Movement and dance help the child make friends with other children and has a certain psychotherapeutic effect. Musical and rhythmic movements are the most natural and important way of self-expression of the artistic personality of a child from 3 to 7 years old. During this age period, the child’s psyche is formed, speech develops, initial aesthetic ideas about the beauty of the surrounding world are laid, correct posture, correct breathing, and the ability to move beautifully and expressively to music are developed.

With the development of musical and rhythmic movements, the following tasks are carried out: 1. Development of motor qualities and skills, development of coordination of movements, formation of correct posture, beautiful gait.

2. Enriching children’s motor experience with various types of movements.

3. Development of creative abilities, the need for self-expression in movement to music.

When mastering this form of musical activity, I take into account the following principles: 1) a comprehensive solution to the main tasks of musical education;

2) systematic;

3) gradualism;

4) consistency;

5) repetition;

Stages of learning musical-rhythmic movements:

  1. Initial stage of training
  2. In-Depth Study
  3. Consolidation and improvement of musical and rhythmic movements.

The program for the sequential development of musical-rhythmic movements is compiled on the basis of scientific research and generalization of the experience of practical rhythm classes in kindergarten, taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers.

In early childhood (in the first year of life), the baby’s musical and rhythmic activity is expressed in a purely impulsive reaction to sounds and is characterized by great imitation. An adult, activating the child by performing a dance melody and, more calmly, a lullaby. The first manifestations of an emotional response to music through movement appear.

Children of the second and third years of life are ready for independent musical and motor expressions. By displaying the external side of the characters' actions in games, they try to show their different characters under the influence of music. When performed individually, they can perform separate isolated actions, finding it difficult to connect them into a whole. The children feel the change of parts of the work (especially in a two-part form with contrasting structures) and accordingly change movements with the help of an adult. Feeling the metric pulsation, children try to mark it with clapping.

In the fourth year of life, children can speak out about the game, remembering its individual moments. They are able to independently change movements in accordance with a two-part piece of music, if the sound of each part is long enough (about 8 bars), however, these reactions are still imperfect. Children easily master the metric pattern in clapping, it is more difficult when walking and it is completely difficult when running. Clear tempo and dynamic changes make them want to run.

Children of the fifth year of life can make brief comments about musical-rhythmic games, exercises, touching on the theme, plot, talk less about music, are able to cancel the two- and three-part form in movements, arbitrarily changing their character and direction, feel the expressiveness of the musical-game image, trying to express it with some characteristic movement.

Children of the sixth year of life try to note some connections between music and movement in their statements. While listening to a piece, they can recall in their memory the sequence of movements in games, round dances, and dances. Children feel and use movements to represent repeated, contrasting parts of music, sentences, phrases, if they are clearly defined, symmetrical and continuous. There is a more developed sense of rhythm - the ability to reproduce a constant rhythm (which lasts for some time), highlight an accent, a strong beat, and change tempo.

Children of the seventh year of life, actively perceiving music, note its connection with movement, feel the expressive features of musical sound. They move independently in dances, round dances, exercises, distinguishing the form of the work: division into phrases, sentences, asymmetry of construction.

Successes and achievements in the field of musical and rhythmic education, of course, depend on the general physical development of the child, but to a greater extent this is facilitated by the correct organization and systematicity of classes.

Let’s formulate specific goals for education and training in rhythm classes:

· Teach children to perceive the development of musical images and coordinate movements with their character.

· Develop a sense of rhythm: learn to sense rhythmic expressiveness in music, conveying it through movements.

· Develop artistic and creative abilities, which in children of senior preschool age are manifested in a unique individual expression of the game image, inventing, combining dance movements, and constructing round dances.

These tasks are solved by fulfilling the main program requirement - compliance of the nature of movements with the content and development of the musical image.

The program on musical-rhythmic movement has two subsections: musical-rhythmic skills and expressive movement skills.

Musical and rhythmic skills are mastered in the process of learning games, dances, round dances, and exercises. It is important to teach children to perceive music holistically, to grasp its general mood and character.

Expressive Movement Skills In order to move in accordance with the character of the music, you must have a certain reserve of movements.

- from physical education of basic movements: walking, running, jumping.

- the principle of construction is taken from plot dramatization - staging the plot of songs, program music.

— from the field of dance, first of all, elements of folk dances that are accessible to preschoolers are used. Simple ballroom dance movements are included (polka step, gallop step, etc.).

Musical-rhythmic skills and expressive movement skills are closely interrelated and are a single process of perceiving music and reproducing its features in a variety of movements. It is mandatory to interact with parents, conduct conversations, and conduct surveys on the following issues:

  • Does your child love to dance, does he dance at home?
  • What dances do you offer your child and do you dance with him?
  • Does your child know how to listen carefully to rhythmic and dance music, listen to the end without being distracted; determine her character, remember and recognize her?
  • Would you like your child to do choreography? (Folk, ballroom, rhythmic dances?)

Using questionnaires, we can hope that parents will begin to show more interest in the musical education of their children; we can invite them to come up with some dance moves together with their children, which will have a positive effect on our work.

Thus, consistent, systematic work on solving problems of musical-rhythmic activity develops children’s imagination, their creative activity, teaches a conscious attitude towards the perceived music, towards an emotional dynamic understanding of movements. This conscious attitude towards the perception of music fills the child with joy. Music opens up a rich world of goodness, light, beauty for a child, and teaches creative transformative activity. But the most effective method of musical education is the individual form of working with children.

Internet sources:




Musical director Vlasova E.V.

What exercises are practiced in dance classes at preschool educational institutions?

We can say that in dance classes, children are involved in performing the same exercises as in physical education lessons with an emphasis on performing dance movements. In general, the set of tasks will be like this:

  • general developmental exercises (usually to warm up muscles);
  • elements of ground gymnastics (exercises that are performed lying down, sitting at different angles);
  • exercises - tasks for the development of body plasticity and movement culture (mastering positions for legs, arms, accepted in the professional environment of dancers);
  • dance moves;
  • games (with elements of musical, active, role-playing);
  • relaxation exercises.

Types of dance movements for preschoolers

Dance movements (steps) in kindergarten are practiced sequentially: from simple, similar to physical education exercises, to complex, almost complete dances. Let's look at the basic movements:

  • an additional step, which precedes the study of gallop, is performed forward, backward, left and right from the toe, on the toes (one step is half a beat of a musical phrase in 2/4 size);
  • gallop (sliding movement of the leg forward, left or right, slightly bending the knees, with a push and lift off the floor);
  • the variable step precedes the study of polka movements, consists of an additional step and movement of the foot in front;
  • polka step or variable step in the form of light jumps forward, backward and with a turn of 360 degrees (musical size is also 2/4);
  • Russian variable step - slow smooth variable steps;
  • waltz step - forward, backward, left, right with a circle turn (musical size ¾);
  • The mazurka step to waltz time signature is divided into male (1 sliding step and 2 jumps) and female (1 sliding and 2 small steps with the left and right legs), movements are performed only forward.

During choreographic classes, kids learn a classic set of dance steps

Article “Musical and rhythmic movements in kindergarten”


“Musical and rhythmic movements in kindergarten”

We work with preschool children. What do children like to do most? Of course, play, sing, draw and dance.

Children's dances

is the study of the basic means of expressiveness (movements and postures, plasticity and facial expressions, rhythm), which are associated with the emotional impressions of a small person from the world around him.
Children's dance begins with rhythm
, where the study of dance begins with simple movements, often classes are more like a game, but in this game the child will learn those things that will be very useful to him in life.
And, as we know, music is a synthetic art; everything comes to life in it. Movements take on a tactile form and become, as it were, audible. Many children, due to their age characteristics, have not yet developed a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, spatial imagination, and learning according to the principle: “repeat after me” and “put your foot here, and this one like that” is not always successful. Dry repeated repetition by the music director or teachers extinguishes interest in this type of activity, which is why so much time has to be spent on choreographing the dance: poor-quality and inexpressive execution of movements cannot please either the children or the audience.
How to instill in children a love of learning musical and rhythmic movements from a young age?
Of course, through the game ,
so that in an entertaining, playful situation the child performs movements easily and naturally, being carried away by the learning process itself, so that he is not embarrassed to make a movement incorrectly, but is captivated by the game, the plot, because it has long been known: if the child is interested, then a guarantee that that he will succeed increases many times over.
What is clear is doable!
And if play techniques are not used in musical and rhythmic movements, then the child loses interest in this type of activity.

Musical and rhythmic movements -

one of the types of musical activity in which the content of music and its character are conveyed in movements.
Plot-shaped movements are used as a means of deeper perception and understanding. Music and movement are means that have a beneficial effect on a child’s health. Musical and rhythmic movements perform a relaxation function, help achieve emotional release, relieve mental overload and fatigue. The rhythm that music dictates to the brain relieves nervous tension. Movement and dance help the child make friends with other children and has a certain psychotherapeutic effect. Musical and rhythmic movements are the most natural and important way of self-expression of the artistic personality of a child from 3 to 7 years old. During this age period, the child’s psyche is formed, speech develops, initial aesthetic ideas about the beauty of the surrounding world are laid, correct posture, correct breathing, and the ability to move beautifully and expressively to music are developed. Based on experience in working with children, we can say that the most labor-intensive process is the development of motor memory, coordination of movements, and orientation in space. The most accessible for children are natural movements, which include the so-called basic ones:
walking, running, jumping, skipping.
It is very important to first teach the child to move naturally, freely, beautifully, expressively to music, performing musical and rhythmic tasks based on natural movements, and only then to perform the simplest dance elements and simple dances.
The relationship between music and movement, as it were, builds a bridge from the emotional and spiritual to the concretely physical.
Musical and rhythmic exercises help the child learn to control his body, coordinate movements, coordinating them with the movements of other children, teach spatial orientation, strengthen basic types of movements, contribute to the development of elements of dances, dances, games, and deepen skills in handling various objects. Work on musical and rhythmic movements involves solving the following tasks:
Development of musicality:

  • Developing the ability to perceive music and understand its character.
  • Development of special musical abilities of musical ear (melodic, harmonic, timbre), sense of rhythm.
  • Development of musical horizons and interest in the art of sounds
  • Development of musical memory

2. Development of motor qualities and skills

  • Development of the ability to convey a musical image in plastic, using certain types of movement (walking, running, jumping movements, general developmental exercises, imitation movements, dance movements)
  • Development of dexterity, accuracy, coordination of movements
  • Formation of correct posture and beautiful gait

3.Development of the ability to navigate in space

  • Find an empty seat in the hall yourself,
  • form a circle, stand in pairs and behind each other
  • Enriching children's motor experience with various types of movements.

4. Development of creative abilities:

Fostering the need for self-expression through movement to music:

  • Formation of skills to perform familiar movements in game situations, to different music
  • Development of creative imagination and fantasy
  • Development of the ability to improvise in movement,
  • The ability to find your own original movements to express the nature of the music, the game image with expressive gestures, and elementary dance movements.

5. Development and training of mental processes

  • Development of the emotional sphere and the ability to express emotions in facial expressions and pantomime
  • Developing the ability to start and finish movements along with music. development of auditory attention, the ability to coordinate one’s auditory perceptions and motor response.
  • Development of perception, attention, will, memory, thinking

6.Development of moral and communicative qualities of the individual

  • Developing the ability to feel the mood of music, understand the state of the image conveyed in a piece of music, and express it in plasticity.
  • Form a sense of tact and cultural habits.

When mastering this form of musical activity, the following principles should be taken into account:

-comprehensive solution of the main tasks of musical education; - systematic; -graduality; -subsequence; -repetition;

Stages of learning musical-rhythmic movements:

  • Initial stage of training
  • In-Depth Study
  • Consolidation and improvement of musical and rhythmic movements.

First stage

learning is characterized by the creation of a preliminary idea of ​​the exercise. At this stage of training, the teacher talks, explains and demonstrates the exercises, and the children try to recreate what they saw, try out the exercise, imitating the teacher. The name of the exercises, introduced by the teacher at the initial stage, creates the conditions for the formation of his image and activates the work of the central nervous system of children. The exercise is shown in a mirror image. An explanation of the technique for performing the exercise complements the information that the child received while watching. The first attempts to try out an exercise are of great importance in the further formation of a motor skill. The success of the initial stage of training depends on the skillful prevention and correction of errors. If the exercise is successfully completed, it is advisable to repeat it several times, thereby consolidating a preliminary understanding of it.

Joint execution of movements helps to create a general high mood, a single rhythmic breathing regulates psychophysiological processes, and concentrates attention as much as possible. Such group activities have a kind of hypnotic effect, the strength of which depends on the sound of the music and on how expressive and artistic the teacher is. In this state, children seem to automatically copy all movements in a mirror image (they copy everything down to the smallest detail - facial expressions, the subtlest nuances of performance).

Advanced learning stage

characterized by clarification and improvement of the details of the technique of performing exercises. The main task of this stage comes down to clarifying motor actions, children’s understanding of the patterns of movement, improving the rhythm, and performing the exercise freely and smoothly. The main condition for learning at this stage is the complete execution of the exercise. The number of repetitions in the lesson increases compared to the previous stage. At the stage of in-depth learning, children gain some experience in performing movements as shown by the teacher and memorize several compositions. All this contributes to the development of children’s ability to independently perform learned exercises in general.

Consolidation stage

and improvement is characterized by the formation of a motor skill and its transition to creative self-expression in movement to music.
At this stage, it is necessary to improve the quality of exercise performance and form an individual style in children. The stage of improving exercise and creative self-expression is considered complete only when children begin to move freely with full emotional and aesthetic return .
If you follow the formula that “ learning should be fun”

“, then you can’t think of anything better for teaching children, such as communicative games and story-based dances! They are not only simple, but also cheerful, which is due to the creation of a unique game situation, imaginative transformation, diversity of characters and their communication with each other. In order for communication to occur, a kind of dialogue between partners, their mutual understanding is necessary, which is impossible without knowledge of the expressive language of pantomimic and dance movements, without the ability to see in dance a special form of “story” and perceive individual expressive movements as specific means that convey plot development dance. Features of story-based dance and communicative games create favorable conditions for the emergence and development of dance creativity in children

Techniques for working in dance classes in kindergarten

When developing dance classes, the teacher uses 4 groups of techniques.

Verbal techniques

Speech is the link between movements and music.


Verbal explanation is especially important when working on new exercises in class. The teacher's comments should be imaginative, specific and accurate. For example, in the senior group, during the dance lesson “In the Underwater Kingdom,” I learned the game exercise “Waves” with my students to practice movement in a chain, line, and diagonally. After repeating the concepts of line and chain, the verbal description was structured like this: “Guys, stand in two lines facing each other. When the music starts, the line on the right, holding hands and raising them up, goes towards the guys standing in the line on the left. And the left one, moving in one line, passes under the raised hands of the right one. After the music ends, the ranks make a U-turn over their right shoulder and, changing places, repeat the exercise.”

Riddles and poems

This technique is usually used to motivate children: at the beginning of a lesson to familiarize themselves with the topic. During a dance class, riddles can serve as illustrations for musical-spatial warm-up exercises. So, I describe the task of practicing a sneaking, careful step in the preparatory group with a riddle about a fox:

  • What a cunning cheat is this? Red head, fluffy tail - beauty! Who is this? (Fox).

Warm-up jumps can be accompanied by a riddle about a hare:

  • Gray, fluffy, forest runner, Jumping, frolicking Our cheerful... (Bunny).

Solving riddles can be combined with round dance

In my practice, I use rhymes to present topics related to the study of the history of this art form, for example, when considering questions about the dances of the peoples of the world with children of the middle group:

  • All nations have dances, We can’t count them in the world of dances! Tango, cha-cha-cha, hopak, and lezginka, and trepak. The people are circling in the dance, They dance in circles together, We can’t wait any longer, We’ll dance too.

This is interesting. Trepak is a fast Russian dance in two-part time signature, rooted in the history of Ancient Rus'. Trepak is built on a combination of fractional steps, stamping and squatting with kicking out the legs.


This verbal technique is especially relevant for students in the middle and senior groups. Usually, in a conversation, children with a teacher discuss the importance of dance for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, consider the expressive possibilities of dance (for example, after watching an excerpt from the ballet “Swan Lake” in the senior group). Conversations on the topic of dance have an educational, moral and ethical orientation. Here are some examples of conversation topics on the topic:

  • “Such different dances” (senior group);
  • “There are many interesting dances” (middle group);
  • “Dance for Life” (preparatory);
  • “Dances of the Peoples of the World” (second junior, middle).


Presenting the material in this form is not a very convenient way to work in classes that require dynamics. Therefore, reading is practiced as an element of independent activity for children in the senior or preparatory group. For example, within the framework of the theme “Our Dancing Kindergarten,” when the children look at albums with photographs of preschool children from various events at which they perform dances. Children read brief information about these dances (the name where it came from).

Visual techniques

Of course, the palm in this group is given to the demonstration, that is, the presentation of movements by the teacher. And not only at the stage of familiarization with the exercise, but also at the repetition stage.

The teacher must show the students exactly how to perform this or that movement.

In addition, visibility in the classroom can be achieved through:

  • pictures (for example, when considering the topic “Space”, the teacher presents pictures with images of the planets of the solar system to immerse the children of the senior group into the atmosphere, and then offers to learn the “space” dance “Aliens”, the plasticity of which resembles the movements of robots);
  • photographs of famous dancers in characters (for example, Maya Plisetskaya in the image of “Carmen”, Galina Ulanova in the image of Masha from the ballet “The Nutcracker”, etc.);
  • diagrams (this type of visualization is practiced only with older preschoolers and involves showing the children a schematic performance of dance movements).

Props for dance classes

Important elements of visibility in dance classes are the following attributes:

  • rattles (for younger preschoolers);
  • plumes, balls (for practicing hand movements);
  • ribbons (for performing rhythmic gymnastics movements);
  • elements of costumes (hats, wreaths, boots, etc. to create the ambience of national dances).

Practical techniques

Creative ways of understanding the topic - drawings, crafts, applications - are used as a way to consolidate the information received. For example, in the middle group, after getting acquainted with Russian folk dance and costume, kids perform an applique from colored paper “Kokoshnik”, gluing the pattern onto a blank headdress.

A creative task can be the result of studying a topic

Gaming techniques

The educational potential of games for preschoolers is simply enormous. Dance classes mainly use musical outdoor games with elements of theatrical performance, which are united by the concept of etude.

Table: games for dance classes in kindergarten

Name of the gameChildren's ageEquipment (music accompaniment)The essence of the game
"Training emotions"From the second junior groupMusical excerpts of different moodsThe teacher asks the kids:
  • frown like a cloud in the sky, like an angry person;
  • tired, like a mother after work, like an ant who dragged a huge fly into an anthill, etc.
"Inflate the doll"Senior groupsMusic at the discretion of the teacherChildren are divided into pairs. One participant stands with his head bowed, legs and arms bent. He is a "doll". His partner is the “pump”. On command, the “pump” begins to bend and straighten the torso, and the “doll” begins to straighten its limbs, raise its head, that is, “inflate.” When the “doll” is fully inflated, the partners change places.
“Jazz of the body” (by G. Roth)From the middle groupRhythmic musicThe leader shows the order of the exercise: first, only the head and neck move to the music (in different directions, forward, backward), then only the shoulders, and so the movements of the elbows, hands, hips, knees and feet are practiced. Children then move all of these body parts at the same time.
"Dance in the Mirror"Senior groupsMusical excerpts of different moods and rhythmsChildren are divided into pairs. Take turns showing movements to the music, the partner repeats.
"Forest"From averageSounds of natureThe teacher invites the children to imagine themselves as different trees (rowan, oak, pine), shrubs, herbs, etc. Then, at the command of an adult, the children respond to:
  • Hurricane;
  • mushroom rain;
  • shower;
  • heat.
“Sleeping kitten” (relaxation game)First, second junior groupsR. Pauls “The day will melt, the night will come” (lullaby).Children pretend to be kittens and lie down on rugs. Their bellies slowly rise and fall to the music.

This is interesting. In modern kindergartens, exercise-games developed by Gabriella Roth, a dancer, philosopher, and teacher who promoted meditative techniques in dance, are actively practiced.

Igrodances (dance-games)

This is one of the types of games in which movements are performed under rhymes, finger games that develop mobility, dexterity and create a positive microclimate. Typically, play dances are held in the minutes before or after intense intellectual stress, and also as one of the forms of organizing children and parents at matinees. For example, before the New Year, at a leisure event, participants play the game “Warm and Cold”. To the music of “New Year’s Parade,” the teacher says: “It’s warm,” the children and their parents dance, and when they hear the word “Cold,” they hug.

Game dance can be performed as a physical education break

Summary of a rhythm lesson in an early development group

The structure of a rhythm lesson with mothers for a group of children aged 1.5 - 3 years:

1. Warm-up “At your place, at my place” 2. Spatial-oriented part “Bunny” “Bear”, “Chickens and kids”, “Cat and mice” 3. Parterre gymnastics “In the clearing”: “Flower” “Butterfly” massage “Hedgehog” finger game “Spider” logori imitation game “Four little frogs” imitation game “The giraffe has spots and spots...” 4. Active block of the lesson: “Obstacle course” 5. Exercises to restore breathing “Sunny Bunny” 6. Dance - game with mothers “Hand the Paw”
1. Warm-up 1. For me, for you (lunge, right handle, left handle) Sounding palms (clapping hands) For me, for you, (lunge, right handle, left handle) Like springs, legs (“spring”) We are with you, we are with you (lunge right handle, left handle) Slap, slap, slap, slap (on the knees) We are with you, we are with you (lunge right handle, left handle) Jump-jump, jump-jump (jumping in place) 2. For me, for you (lunge, right handle, left handle) Eyes like buttons (join the thumb and index fingers into a ring) For me, for you (lunge, right handle, left handle) The sponges are like cranberries. (show “beaks” with hands) You and I with our eyes (lunge, right handle, left handle) Clap, clap, clap, clap (clap with our eyes) You and I with our lips (lunge, right handle, left handle) Smack, smack, smack, smack. (“kisses”) 3. For me, for you (lunge, right handle, left handle) Miracle elbows, (handles on the belt, performing a “spring”) For me, for you (lunge, right handle, left handle) Pointed toes. (“pulling the toe”) We are with you, we are with you (lunge, right handle, left handle) Hop, hop, hop, hop! (“wings”) We are with you, we are with you (lunge, right handle, left handle) Jump-jump, jump-jump! (jumping in place) 2. Spatial-oriented part (“hand in hand with mother”) circle Imitation of movements to music: “Bunny”, “Bear”, “Chickens and Little Goats”, “Cat and Mice” “Bunny”
The bunny jumped, Jumped, jumped, Jumped and got tired.
(we jump) He moved his tail, (we wagged his tail) he raised his ears up. (with our hands we make “ears” above our heads) The bunny jumped, jumped, jumped, Jumped and got tired. (jump) He moved his tail, (wagging his tail) He raised his ears up. (with our hands we make “ears” above our heads) And the bunny heard a quiet, very quiet sound. (put your hand to your right ear and turn to the right, also to the left) He looked around (we make a “visor” over the eyes with our hand, turn to the right, also to the left) He suddenly jumped into the hole. (bounce in place or jump forward) “Teddy Bear”
This is how our little bear dances well: (Hands on the belt, stomp with feet) Top-top-top!
He waves his arms well too: (Waving their arms and clapping their hands) Clap-clap-clap! The bear deftly spun around (They spin around in place). The bear bowed to his mother (Bends forward). The bear invites mom to dance (We give mom some hands) The bear invites the children to dance. (Springs in place) You can jump, you can jump and jump (Jumping in place) And then stop and bow to each other. (Bends forward) The bear really, really loves to dance. (The springs are in place) “Chickens and kids”
1. The chickens came running (the “chicken” children run in a circle) into the garden beds, They brought little chickens with them.
2. Co-co-co! Knock-knock-knock! (they squat and tap their fingers on the floor “pecking”) The beaks were knocking. The chickens plucked both carrots and lettuce. - Me-me-me! I'll catch everyone! (we show the “goat” horns, raise our legs high, walk in a circle) Me-me-me! I'll gore you! “Cat and Mice”
A cat went for a walk.
Walks quietly along the path (We walk on our toes “quietly” in a circle) - Meow-meow! Where are the mice, (We make a “visor” over our eyes with our hands, turn to the right, and also to the left) Are the mice gray pants? The cat didn’t find the mice, the cat (“goes to bed” on her haunches) and went home to sleep. The mice immediately came running, made a noise, squealed (we run on our toes in a circle) - Where is the cat, pee-pee-pee? She won't find any mice! (we spread our arms in different directions, we wave our heads “can’t find”) 3. Ground gymnastics: “In the Glade” Exercise “Flower”: (I.P. With your back to mom, between mom’s legs. Right angle pose, legs together, toes extended . Handles in 3rd position) “These scarlet flowers Suddenly opened their petals (Handles in 2nd position) The breeze flies easily (wave hands) The petals sway These scarlet flowers Suddenly closed their petals, (Handles in 3rd position) They began to swing their buds (Swinging hands in the 3rd position) Suddenly they fell asleep, they don’t want to wake up” (Exercise “Fold”) Exercise “Butterflies” (IP. Sitting, connect your feet “sole to sole”, use your hands to depict the flapping of butterfly wings, bend forward, we put the tummy on the legs - “catch a butterfly with a net”) Massage pause “Hedgehog” (I.P. Facing mother, legs extended wide, imitation of “hedgehog” movements using massage balls.) Small hedgehog, four legs. (rolling the ball along the legs) He walks through the forest, singing a song: Fufty, fufty, fufty, fufty (stomping the ball on his arms) I’m carrying a sweet apple. Fufta, fufta, fufta, fufta I’ll treat the kids! (circular movements on the tummy) (Repeat movements) Finger game “Spider” (I.P. Facing mother, legs widely spaced) The spider walked along the branch, and the children followed him. (Hands are crossed; the fingers of each hand “run” along the forearm, and then along the shoulder of the other hand.) Rain suddenly poured from the sky, (The hands are freely lowered, we perform a shaking movement (rain).) The spiders were washed off to the ground. (Clap your palms on the table/knees.) The sun began to warm up, (Palms are pressed on the sides, fingers are spread out, we shake our hands (the sun is shining) The spider crawls again, And all the children crawl after it, To take a walk on the branch. (The actions are similar original, “spiders” crawl on the head.) Logori (legs under themselves, tilting the head to the right and left) Game - imitation “Four Little Frogs” (I.P. “Butterfly” pose) Four little frogs sit together on a stump, sit together on a stump, eating delicious worms (Fingers spread (paws), swaying from side to side) Yum-yum, yum-yum, yum-yum-yum-yum-yum-yum! Yum-yum, yum-yum, yum-yum-yum- yum-yum-yum! (We forcefully throw our arms forward, then above our heads, performing “grasping” movements (we clench and unclench our fists) Suddenly, one dived into a puddle, fell asleep in the warm water (we bend down, lying with our torso on our knees, hands put it under your cheek, close your eyes (sleep) And three little frogs eat delicious worms Yum-yum... Suddenly, one dives into a puddle, falls asleep in warm water And two little frogs eat delicious worms Yum-yum... Suddenly, one dives into a puddle, in warm water fell asleep The last one still sits and looks at the worms (movements are repeated from the 1st verse) game - imitating “The giraffe has spots, spots...” (I.P. facing mom, legs spread wide apart) Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere. Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere. We clap our palms all over the body. On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows, noses, bellies, knees and toes. (Use both index fingers to touch the corresponding parts of the body) Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere. Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere. (We pinch ourselves, as if collecting folds) On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows, noses, bellies, knees and socks. (Touch the corresponding parts of the body with both index fingers) Kittens have fur, fur, fur, fur everywhere. Kittens have fur, fur, fur, fur everywhere. (We stroke ourselves, as if smoothing fur) On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows, noses, bellies, knees and socks. (We touch the corresponding parts of the body with both index fingers) And the zebra has stripes, there are stripes everywhere. And the zebra has stripes, there are stripes everywhere. (We run the edges of our palms over the body (we draw stripes) On the forehead, ears, on the neck, on the elbows, On the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and toes. (With both index fingers we touch the corresponding parts of the body. 4. Obstacle course : orthopedic mats 2 benches (steps forward with your face, steps with your back, crawling forward and backward, pulling yourself up on your hands) hoops (1 hoop vertically) cones with sticks 5. Psycho-gymnastics exercise: “Sunny Bunny” “Do you want to play with the Sunny Bunny? The Sunny Bunny looked into your eyes . Close them." He ran further over his face, gently stroke him with your palms on his forehead, on his nose, on his mouth, on his cheeks, on his chin, gently stroke his head, neck, arms, legs. He climbed onto his stomach - stroke his tummy. The sunbeam does not mischievous, he loves you, make friends with him. Great! So we made friends with the sunny bunny, let's take a deep breath and smile at each other." 6. Dance with mothers "By the Paw" + bow 1. Bears and little bunnies came running into the clearing (in two hands with mothers, head tilts to the right and left, a spring) The holiday is cheerfully greeted by nimble animals Grab your paw, paw, paw (mom alternately gives the right and left hand) Little Bunny and Teddy Bear quickly spin around (spinning) 2. Clap your paws, clap more cheerfully (we clap our hands) We stomp our feet, stomp harder (we stomp our feet) Grab the paw, paw, paw (mom alternately gives the right and left hand) Little Bunny and Mishka quickly spin around (spinning around) 3. We stroked the ears, it will become warmer for us (imitate stroking ears) Twisting the tails will be more fun (waving the “tail”) Grab the paw, paw, paw (mom alternately gives the right and left hand) Bunny and Teddy bear quickly spin around (spinning around) Bow: step to the right - squat - bow of the head; step to the left - squat - bow of the head Contents of the musical repertoire for the month: 1. Warm-up “At your place, at my place” (unknown in Spanish) 2. Spatial-oriented part “Bunny” (Spanish E. Zheleznova) “Bear” (Spanish .unknown) “Chickens and kids” (Spanish: Lyayla Khismatullina) “Cat and mice” 3. Parterre gymnastics “In the clearing”: “Flowers” ​​“Butterflies” (Spanish: unknown) massage “Hedgehog” (Spanish: Lyaylya Khismatullina) finger game “Spider” (Spanish: E. Zheleznova) logori (Spanish: E. Zheleznova) imitation game “Four little frogs” (Spanish: E. Zheleznova) imitation game “The giraffe has spots and spots” (Spanish: E. Zheleznova) 4 Active block of the lesson: “Obstacle course” (“About traces” from the film “Masha and the Bear”) 5. Psycho-gymnastics exercise: “Sunny Bunny” (Spanish unknown) 6. Dance - game with mothers “By the Paw” (dog "Dance of the Forest Animals")

We recommend watching:

From the experience of working as a kindergarten teacher. Enriching the vocabulary of children 2-3 years old Summary of morning exercises in a group of early childhood development Entertainment in an early age group Experience of interaction between a teacher and parents in solving educational problems. Early age group

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Card file of dance classes topics

The topics of dance classes correlate with the topics considered during the educational process in different age groups, and are displayed in the calendar-thematic plan of a specific type of dance classes.

The presented fragment of planning for rhythmoplasty in the second junior group includes consideration of such topics as:

  • "Journey to the Land of Dance";
  • "Teddy bear";
  • "Fun Zoo"

The topics of classes and an example of drawing up calendar-thematic planning for rhythmoplasty in the middle, senior and preparatory groups can be found in the work of music director G.A. Nizhelskaya.

Choreography classes with the youngest preschoolers are in the nature of familiarization with basic dance movements, which is reflected in the plan of dance classes for the first junior group. The long-term plan of choreographer E. Sheshukova presents the topics of choreography classes in the second junior group. In conjunction with the development of the course curriculum, a calendar-thematic plan for choreography is given for children 4–5 years old and 5–7 years old.

This is interesting. Choreography classes in the first junior group are organized in October, since September is the month of active adaptation of children to kindergarten.

The themes of dance classes are combined with the general theme of the educational process, for example, staging the fly agaric dance at the autumn festival

Circle work on rhythm in kindergarten

A circle is a form of organizing children based on their interests and preferences, as well as the wishes of mothers and fathers regarding expanding the ideas of preschoolers in a particular educational area. The rhythmic circle is designed to help children not only learn to determine the extent of their capabilities and strengths, but also to prepare the body for mastering more complex movements. In this regard, the organization of a circle is especially in demand in early preschool age. Classes are held 2 times a week, but their timing in comparison with the accepted time frame for direct educational activities (DED) can be on average 5 minutes longer (for example, if in a younger group a lesson lasts 15 minutes, then a circle lesson can take 20 minutes ). You can get acquainted with a sample work program for a rhythmic circle and the topics of classes for the younger group here.

How to conduct a dance lesson in a preschool educational institution

The stages of developing tasks for a dance lesson fit into 3 stages.

Table: content and timing of the stages of dance classes

StageThe essenceTime (minutes)
First junior groupSecond junior groupMiddle groupSenior groupPreparatory group
IntroductoryMotivating children, preparing the body for physical activity. Exercises:
  • for construction and rebuilding;
  • practicing dance steps;
  • general developmental exercises;
  • musical outdoor games.
  • Learning new dance moves;
  • connecting them with people they already know.
FinalMaking the transition from intense exercise to a state of rest using relaxation exercises.1223–43
Bottom line1015202530

This is interesting. Musical and outdoor play can be included in the final stage, and not in the initial stage.

General physical exercises are a mandatory part of the introductory stage of the lesson

Table: summary of the choreography lesson “In the Spring Forest” in the senior group (fragment)

AuthorKiseleva O. A., teacher of additional education in choreography.
Introductory stageTeacher: Hello, guys. Today we will take a walk in the spring forest. And a lot of new and interesting things await us in the forest. Warm up. Walking, running, galloping, jumping. (Performed to the accompaniment of a piano). Stomping step on the entire foot. Teacher: So, I ask everyone to take their seats in the carriages. We will get to the forest by train.
  • Chug-chug, puffing, puffing, grumbling, I don’t want to stand still. Sit down quickly, I'll pump you up!

Children stand in a column with their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The guide is a train, his arms are bent at the elbows. The exercise is performed from the starting position: legs slightly bent at the knees, back straight. The step is fractional, small, the foot is in full contact with the floor surface. The “locomotive” moves in a circle...> Relaxation exercise. Musical accompaniment: audio recording of “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. I. Tchaikovsky (ballet “The Nutcracker”). Teacher: We are in a forest clearing. We walked for a long time through the forest. It's time to rest. Let's lie on the grass. Children lie on the carpet, on their backs, relaxing the muscles of their arms and legs and closing their eyes. Ground gymnastics. Contraction of the foot. Work on strengthening the foot muscles. Teacher: The sun rises higher and higher. It's getting hot. Let's put our feet in the water. Children sit on the carpet, arms supported behind the body, legs together and perform a contraction of the foot, pulling the toes forward, then straightening the foot (toes “towards oneself”).

Main partTeacher: And beautiful flowers bloom in the clearing. And you and I, as in a fairy tale, will turn into flowers. Let's remember together which flowers can be seen first in the spring in a forest or meadow. Pay attention to the illustrations of plants you see on the board. How many of you know which plant is the first to bloom in the forest, as soon as the snow melts in March? Who recognized him in the picture? (Children name and show a snowdrop - a Siberian scilla. The children are offered two more illustrations of famous primroses - coltsfoot and dandelion)...> <... Musical game. Teacher: Let's turn into these beautiful flowers and show how they grow, bloom, and wake up in the morning. (Children are selected to play the roles of Rain and Sunshine. Props for the characters are used). Musical accompaniment - “Waltz in C sharp minor” by F. Chopin. Children sit freely around the hall, depicting buds, from which “beautiful flowers” ​​begin to bloom when the music starts. Musical accompaniment encourages players to exhibit plasticity of movement and expressive facial expressions. Under the scorching rays of the sun, the flowers begin to fade: the children, slowly relaxing, drop to one knee. And in the rain they come to life again and rise. Actions are accompanied by appropriate facial expressions. The roles of rain and sun are played by children...> <... Sketch “Rainbow”. Children are given two ribbons of the same color. Ribbons in rainbow colors are used. Studying the movements used in a dance sketch, without musical accompaniment and repeating previously studied movements: “ribbons”, “breeze”, “singing hands”, “painting the fence”, circular movements, etc., then in combination with an additional step (AND .p.: standing still in position 6 - “narrow path” - in front of the mirror, hands with ribbons lowered down). Work on a sketch with musical accompaniment to the waltz of A. Tom (I. p.: standing in a circle facing the center, ribbons of the same color in both hands).
The final stageConsolidating the skills of performing movements with objects (ribbons). The teacher thanks the children for their work.
Quote from: https://nsportal.ru/detskiy-sad/raznoe/2013/03/27/zanyatiya-po-ritmike-i-khoreografii-v-detskom-sadu

Video: lesson on rhythmoplasty with children of primary preschool age

Video: rhythmoplasty lesson with children 4–5 years old

Video: choreography lesson in the senior group

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part.

conversation about the sea (“what inhabitants of the sea do you know, how do they live at depth, what is found on the seabed, etc.”), looking at relevant illustrations, reading excerpts from literary works,

walking (let's go to the sea)

: normal (on the path, on the toes (on the bridge, on the heels (on the path, with a high knee lift (on the grass,



Main part.

Game “The sea is agitated”. Children move to smooth , imitating sea creatures, while the teacher pronounces the text. To the words “Sea figure, freeze in place,” the children stop and freeze in the form of some sea creature. The child whose pose the teacher liked best performs the movements of the depicted creature and becomes the leader. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Dance composition with ribbons to the music of Saint-Saëns “Aquarium” (you can take the composition of movements by A.I. Burenina from the collection “Rhythmic Mosaic”,

Game "Fish". A “house” is laid out on the floor from rope. For musical accompaniment, smooth, leisurely music with two distinct parts is selected. During the first part of the music, the “fish” children move around the hall, and during the second part, they “swim into the house.” As you repeat the game, the “house” becomes smaller.

Imitation movements. Listening to musical fragments , children select one or another expressive image of a sea creature. The teacher may ask the child who performed the movements most clearly to demonstrate them again for the whole group.

Final part:

Game exercise “Be careful.” Children are given a fragment of music (3/4 time, waltz, pay attention to the peculiarity of the music , show possible movement options. Next, the children are given the task: “ we dance to the music of the waltz , listen to the rest of the music while sitting still.”

Summing up the lesson .

Lesson 3.

For children 6-7 years old.

Topic: Journey to the Dance Country.

Educational objectives:

develop a sense of rhythm,

teach to distinguish parts in music (using the example of three-part works,

learn to distinguish dynamic shades in music (loud - quiet,

of music in movement .

Open dance class in kindergarten

The demonstration lesson is not the first lesson in the topic, built on tasks, the methodology for performing which is well known to children. This activity demonstrates the children’s level of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities in the field of dance art. It also allows us to determine the degree of methodological justification for the teacher’s use of certain techniques in his work. At the same time, the timing and structure of the open lesson will not differ from the usual one.

At an open lesson, preschoolers demonstrate their skills and abilities

Table: summary of an open lesson on ri in the middle group (fragment)

AuthorLipskaya A., teacher of additional education in choreography MBDOU D/s No. 1, ZATO Uglegorsk, Amur region.
Introductory stageOrganizational moment: formation, bow. Teacher:
  • It’s not good for us to be lazy, Remember, guys, Even birds, even animals. Doing exercises. Repeat all warm-up movements without hesitation.

Warm-up is warming up the body. The purpose of a warm-up is to raise your body temperature and create ideal conditions for the smooth functioning of all the physical systems necessary for training.

  • Ding-ding, ding - day Let's start a new day! (March in place) Dili, dili, dili, dili, The bells woke up (Hands on the belt, turns left - right) Everyone will be rabbited, everyone will be hedged. (Hands on the belt, tilts left - right)...>
Main part<… Exercise “Friendly family”. Teacher: Once upon a time there lived a large, friendly family: a great-grandmother, two grandmothers, mothers and fathers and children. They often went for a walk to the park together. And then one day, to make walking more fun, the guys came up with something to do: count their steps. The alley in the park was long, they had to take many steps, and they could only count up to four. They thought and thought about how they could lengthen the count, and came up with an idea: after each number the guys decided to add the letter “i”. No sooner said than done.
  • The kids are walking along the road And counting the steps of the naughty girl, And it comes out like this: “One”, “and”, “two”, “and”, “three”, “and”, “four”, “and” (eighth duration ). Moms and dads heard them and counted their steps. This is what they got: “One and”, “two and”, “three and”, “four”, “and” (quarter duration). Well, the grandmothers, not to be left behind, also began to count their steps. Like this: “one and, two and”, “three and, four and” (half duration). Then the great-grandmother said quietly: “And I also counted the steps.” Oh, how slowly she walked! “One and, two and, three and, four and” (whole duration). (All durations are first clapped, then walked in a simple step in a circle, then the claps are combined with steps)…>

<… Teacher: Guys, do you like riddles? Yes? Well then, let's guess them. If you guessed the riddle, we'll show you the answer.

  • It flutters and dances over the flower, waving its patterned fan. (Performing the “Butterfly” exercise).
  • You talk to her more often, you will become four times smarter. (Book)…>
The final stage<… Teacher: Today you were active, did the exercises well, and danced. Well done boys! Thanks everyone for the lesson.
Quote from: https://maam.ru/detskijsad/otkrytoe-zanjatie-po-ritmike-tancuem-igraem-vseh-priglashaem.html

Video: open lesson on rhythm in the younger group

Video: open lesson on choreography with children of senior preschool age

Analysis and diagnosis of dance classes in kindergarten

Dance classes make it possible to determine how well children have mastered the program material according to the following parameters:

  • interest and need to perceive music and movements;
  • level of performance of rhythmic movements to music;
  • the degree of manifestation of creativity in the performance of a complex of movements of games, dances and dances.

Monitoring is carried out twice a year: at the beginning of the school year and at the end. In the first junior group, diagnostics are not carried out at the beginning of the year.

Musical and rhythmic movements in music lessons in elementary school



Music for a child is a world of joyful experiences. In order to open the door to this world for him, it is necessary to develop his abilities, and above all, his ear for music and emotional responsiveness. It is not a discovery for anyone that in the musical education of children of primary school age, the primary role is, first of all, given to play activities, movement, experimentation, and the development of the child’s creative abilities. In this regard, it should be especially noted the uniqueness of teaching music with the diverse use of various types of arts - singing, movement to music, musical composition and others. It has been noticed that when teaching singing to children of primary school age, the level of reading, counting, arithmetic, and writing and graphic skills significantly increases, since during musical lessons brain functions are activated, and the child’s emotional mood also improves. Such activities help relieve the child’s mental stress and increase the intellectual activity of this age category. It is very useful and necessary to use the moment of psychological relief for children in the lesson - these are “minutes of health”, musical and rhythmic movements.

Musical-rhythmic movements are a type of performing activity for children, which includes exercises, dancing, and games. “...Movement to music turns out to be one of the most effective methods for developing musicality - a method based on the natural motor reaction to music characteristic of any child” (L. Kulakovsky). This type of performing activity develops attention, memory, spatial orientation, and coordination of movements. “Movement is also speech that expresses the essence of a child” (L. Generalova). Even if the child is silent, but with his movements he conveys the character of the musical work, expresses his attitude towards it, if he correctly performs motor exercises as instructed by the teacher, it means that he reacts to the word, thinks, remembers, acts. “From words to music, from movement to thinking” (T. Borovik).

The game, related to musical-rhythmic movements, is the main activity in music lessons in elementary school. Musical games are of great importance in the musical development of children. With their help, in an interesting and relaxed way, you can successfully solve the problems facing the teacher. It is known that games, giving joy and the opportunity to express their emotions, contribute to the development of children's cognitive interests and emotional sphere, the development of strong-willed and moral character traits, the development of coordination of movements, speed of reaction, and dexterity. In musical education, instrumental games (plot and non-plot), with singing, words, as well as musical and didactic games are most often used. Story-based games are distinguished by vivid images. These games have characters, events, relationships between characters. All this forces children to react emotionally and act creatively, in accordance with the developing plot. More liberated, relaxed children are more easily involved in games and quickly agree to take the leading role. Before learning a story game, it is advisable to introduce children to its content and music. Non-plot games usually include elements of competition; with their help, motor tasks are solved - rhythmic and creative. Non-plot games include certain rules that must be followed by all players. Often in such games various objects are used (tambourines, rattles, etc.). Singing games. With the help of these games, you can solve many problems of musical education (forming an interest in music and singing, developing an ear for music, memory of the sense of rhythm, purity of intonation), as well as correctional tasks (normalization of mental processes and properties, training the motor system, streamlining the tempo of movement and singing ). The advantages of games with singing include the fact that with their help it is easier to practice movement coordination. Games with words, just like with singing, have their roots in folklore, including nursery rhymes and jokes. The poetic text of the nursery rhyme, which has a clear rhythm, dynamics, and emotional richness, encourages the child to take action. The child’s emotional responsiveness to an artistic image is in close connection with the rhythmic movements performed to the poetic text. In active speech play, children easily grasp the musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of speech, and learn the accuracy and expressiveness of language. What is the meaning of word games? They develop speech, broaden their horizons, improve sound pronunciation, allow them to consolidate complex motor skills, automate movements, develop a sense of rhythm, intonation and poetic ear, musicality, children’s vocal abilities, coordination, movement with words. A few words about the method of learning word games. First, the child perceives the material, then comprehends it, and then reproduces it. Therefore, we start playing with words while the teacher sings, then we learn the movements and text separately. When the text has been learned and the movements have been mastered, they must be combined by inviting children to accompany the movements with words, paying attention to high sound, expressive pronunciation and coordination of the text and rhythm of both movement and speech. Pronunciation of the text syllable by syllable, chanting is not permissible: this violates the poetry, emotionality of the text and the entire game as a whole. If the intensity of the movements interferes with pronouncing the text, you can divide the children into subgroups: some children play, pronounce the text, and the other is actively involved in pronouncing. When choosing one or another game with a word to learn, the teacher must be sure that the children will cope not only with the text, but also with the movements; they will be able to do it and will not require much time and effort to learn. Otherwise, the preparatory work will turn into drill and will cause a negative attitude and negative emotions in children, and will negate the benefits of these games. Thanks to motor music lessons, many children become more confident and active as they reach their potential.


  1. Bekina S.I., Lomova T.P., Sokovnina E.N. Music and movement M.: Education, 1985
  2. Kalashnikova I. A. Types of musical activities in music lessons at school. Playing children's musical instruments, musical and rhythmic movements [electronic resource] // Music around us, Access mode - https://kalashnikova-irina.ru/met/metod/vidy-muzy-kal-noj-deyatel-nosti-na -uro-2#ixzz3xiTIoibY
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