Summary of GCD for application in the preparatory group on the topic “Autumn Kaleidoscope”
DIY crafts on the theme “Autumn” 1st place “Golden Autumn” costume. Author: Trushina
Memo for parents on preparing their child for school
Even at the end of the last century, few parents thought about the preschool development of children,
Chemistry lesson in 8th grade “Covalent polar bond”
Covalent bond - definition, characteristics. What is a covalent bond? The term “covalent bond” itself comes from
What did our grandparents play? Primary school teacher: Cherkasova E.V. GBOU Secondary School 1002. – presentation
Autumn outdoor games in kindergarten for children 6-7 years old card index (preparatory group)
“Modern gaming technologies in the development of speech in preschool children.” material on speech development on the topic
Game technologies in teaching storytelling (middle age) Galina Osipova Game technologies in teaching storytelling
Class hour “We are against smoking”, 5th grade with presentation
Title: He who smokes tobacco is his own enemy (presentation on the dangers of smoking). Author: Shakhova Natalya
Open lesson on the topic: Seed germination. Conditions necessary for seed germination.
Laboratory work “Seed germination” Growth and development of plants, grade 6. — presentation Laboratory work
Do-it-yourself Russian folk crafts: TOP-100 photos of the most beautiful crafts of 2020
Conducting a class on applique clothing and shoes. For a successful class, do not forget to use
summary of an extracurricular lesson in psychology “Emotions and Feelings” 2nd grade
lesson notes on the topic: “The World of Emotions” Guys, what do you think is the end of the story with
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