Consultation for parents “Interesting games with sand”
Card index of sand games In such games you can use tasks for classifying objects, for example
Card index of didactic games for preschoolers in preparation for learning to read and write card index for teaching literacy (senior group) on the topic
Card index of didactic games for teaching literacy. Irina MALINOVSKAYA Card index of didactic games for teaching literacy.
exercises for speech development, how to develop speech
Training for parents "The role of parents in the speech development of children"
Stages of speech development in children Parents look forward to the moment when their baby begins
reminders for parents about the physical education of children in the family; consultation (junior group) on the topic
Kindergarten No. 74 Both boys and girls contain two hundred grams of explosives.
Lesson notes on the development of auditory perception and the formation of pronunciation in children with hearing impairment and a cochlear implant (grade 4)
A set of games and exercises for children with hearing impairment A COMPLEX OF GAMES AND EXERCISES for
Design of notebooks in elementary school according to the Federal State Educational Standard: rules, requirements, examples
How many notebooks should a primary school student have? In elementary school, students must have
Lesson summary on SBO “Rules of behavior at the table”
General rules of table etiquette Table etiquette varies depending on the country, the purpose of the meeting (formal
Presentation for the lesson on the surrounding world “Golden Ring of Russia” 3rd grade
Brief report The Golden Ring of Russia Many may consider the Golden Ring of Russia to be some kind of ancient commonwealth
Abstract of a geometry lesson on the topic: Vector coordinates
The concept of a vector in space presentation for a geometry lesson (grade 11) on the topic Slide
Card file of outdoor games for the second junior group card file for physical education (junior group) on the topic
What precautions should be taken into account Think about the location of the game. It's better when it happens
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