Pedagogical project “Profession librarian” for children of the senior and preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions
Pros and cons of the librarian professionWhere to studyLibrarian coursesLibrarian salarySalary as of 10/07/2020 A librarian is an employee
Additional educational program on ecology for children 6–7 years old
Diagnostics of environmental education of preschool children ⇐ PreviousPage 19 of 20Next ⇒ Ecological and pedagogical work with children
Presentation for a biology lesson (7th grade) on the topic: presentation for the lesson The World of Algae - presentation
Summary of a biology lesson on the topic “Algae” (grade 7) Lesson No. 12 on the topic:
Creative project “Dolls amulets in the history of Russia”
creative project “Dolls-amulets” CONTENTS Introduction 3 History of the doll 3 Types of dolls 6 Dolls-amulets
Lesson summary on the topic “Scale” lesson plan in algebra (grade 6) on the topic
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Physics lesson in 10th grade Friction force. The force that arises when one body moves over the surface of another is called the friction force. The power that arises. - presentation
Development of a physics lesson on the topic “Friction Force” (grade 10) “Friction Force” Grade 10 Purpose:
Problems with economic content in primary school.
Practical assignments in economics “Economy and economic living conditions” In the modern world, every person
Protecting and promoting the health of preschool children through the introduction of health-saving technologies into the educational process of preschool education
“Preserving and strengthening the health of children in preschool educational institutions” Preserving and strengthening the health of children in preschool educational institutions
DIY foil embossing master class for children
Short-term educational practice “Drawings on foil”
The popularity of crafts made from foil is explained by the ease of their manufacture and stunning appearance. It's a hobby
Summary of a lesson in music in the 7th grade » In the musical theater. Ballet"
Summary of a music lesson in 7th grade on the topic “Ballet Carmen Suite” Hello! Today we
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