“Work program on art for 1st grade of the educational complex “School of Russia””
Work program for fine arts, grade 1 EXPLANATORY NOTE Work program for the subject “Fine Arts”
Throwing. General characteristics. Program requirements and teaching methods in different age groups.
Methods of teaching throwing. Sequence of training in different periods Throwing is a technically complex movement, execution
Lesson on etiquette and politeness in the senior group
Summary of a lesson on appliqué in the preparatory group We welcome guests with aromatic tea.”
Notes for a lesson on speech development "Etiquette"
Class hour in 7th grade Topic: “Do good throughout the whole Earth”
Work program in mathematics 1st grade “School of Russia”
Work program for teaching materials "School of Russia" in mathematics in 1st grade Shmatova Natalya Ivanovna
Lesson summary "Historical process and its participants" in history
Summary of a lesson on social and communicative development in the second junior group of a preschool educational institution
Synopsis of the NOOD on social and communicative development for the 2nd junior group Synopsis of directly organized
class hour “HELLO, ZIMUSHKA-WINTER!” (for students in grades 1-2)
Class hour: “Winter” Class hour “Winter, winter, hello.” Teacher. Hello guys. Today we are all gathered
Medals for guests. How to make medals with your own hands?
Crafts made from foil: master class and step-by-step instructions. 90 photos of ideas and finished products
Not a single holiday event, family holiday or youth party is complete without fun and
Summary of a lesson on the topic “Maslenitsa” for children of the senior group
The history of the Maslenitsa holiday in Rus' You can tell preschoolers about Maslenitsa already in the middle group.
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