Didactic games on life safety for the preparatory group
Main aspects of organizing educational activities on life safety in preschool educational institutions Any educational activity begins with goal setting
Lesson notes on mathematics in 2nd grade. Topic: “Solving multiplication problems”
Summary of a lesson in mathematics on the topic “Compound problem” 2nd grade Topic: Compound problem (problems
Questioning parents in the field of “Physical development”
Structure and types of questionnaires Questionnaires are conducted several times a year and allow collecting
Measuring information. Computer science
Presentation on computer science on the topic: “Measuring information. Alphabetical approach" 7th grade
In our lives, each of us measures something. For example, in childhood, our parents measured
Vegetable garden on the window in a kindergarten: decoration in the form of a fairy tale, photo
Environmental project in the senior group “Vegetable garden on the window”
What are the benefits for a child of a vegetable garden outside the window? By creating a miniature vegetable garden on the window, children
word scheme
Literacy cards on the topic “Phonetic analysis of words”
Is it a word or a sentence? The diagram is a graphical model that, using symbols,
Judgment of Osiris
Summary of a history lesson in grade 5 “Religion of the Ancient Egyptians”
Religious ideas in Ancient Egypt The attitude of the Egyptians to religion was special, which influenced
Test for the Russian language lesson "Spelling unstressed case endings of singular nouns"
Test with answers on the topic: “Noun” 1. What is a noun? A) part
Formation of the fundamentals of life safety among preschool children as part of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard
“Formation of the fundamentals of life safety in preschool children” Author: Buvaeva Galina Nikolaevna “Formation of the fundamentals
Project in the educational field “Socio-communicative development” in the middle group “All professions are important”
Long-term work plan for social and communicative development in the middle group Nina Savelyeva Long-term work plan
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