Summary of a frontal speech therapy lesson in a preparatory group on the lexical topic “Winter” Integrated lesson on
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF Familiarization of younger preschoolers with the work of adults. Features of introducing younger preschoolers to labor
Cards “Communication. Participial turnover". Grades 7-8-9 Card 1. Copy, adding missing punctuation marks. Graphically
Review of a student's research work REVIEW OF A STUDENT'S RESEARCH work A review of educational research is being prepared
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Lesson summary: “Decorative still life. Flowers". Rodich Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Teacher of the Children's Art School of Kaliningrad Lesson summary: “Decorative
Irina Krasnozhonova Summary of a lesson in visual arts in the preparatory group. Drawing “My favorite toy”
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Developmental manual “Rings of Lull” Senior preschool age is a favorable period for the development of logical