Adaptation of first-graders (report to the teachers' council with presentation)
C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Desktop\Article on the topic ...Family and parole - facets of cooperation at Municipal Educational Institution of Pre-DDT\photo for the article\open lesson for parents at the School of Early Aesthetic Development.JPG
System of working with parents in organizing additional education for children
Forms and methods in working with parents in institutions of additional education for children Maria Sharapova
Summary of a lesson on mnemonics (speech development) in the senior group on the topic: Winter
Geography lesson in 6th grade. A lake is an enclosed body of water formed on the land surface in a natural depression. - presentation
Geography lesson on the topic “Treasure Island: generalization on the topic “Plan and Map” for 6
Nosov “On the hill. Nosov “On the slide Lesson presentation of noses on the slide
Slide captions: State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region, basic secondary school in the village of Koshelevka municipal
Creative project: “Bell of Ardon” Ecology and environmental protection: 1. the surrounding world;; 3. computer science and ICT. Pupils of 4a grade, 2000. - presentation
Walking through a forest or field, you can immediately notice the amazing bellflower plant. People liked him
Lesson notes on fine arts Silhouette
Silhouette presentation for a lesson in fine arts (art, 6th grade) on the topic Slide 1
Lesson with a teacher
Development of graphic skills of a preschooler as a stage of preparation for school
What is graphomotor First, you need to understand the very concept of graphomotor. It's not only
Project. First Snow Festival. 3rd grade. reading project (grade 3) on the topic
Traditions of welcoming winter The Vetrnetr holiday is very ancient, it is a legacy of the times when the Scandinavian way of life was
Physical education leisure for the younger group of kindergarten “Visiting the dolls”
Card index of outdoor games “The gray bunny is washing his face. The ball goes through the net. At the bear in the forest" Anna
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