Sports festival for children of the 5th year of life “Winter Holiday”

Winter sports entertainment scenario for middle preschool children

"The History of Winter Fun"

Prepared by teachers: Bolotskikh N.V., Prokofieva E.B.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Gorodishche kindergarten "Scarlet Flower" of Stary Oskol city district, group "Semitsvetiki"

Material submitted for the competition ​“

Winter sports festival outside in kindergarten. Scenario

Scenario of a recreational event for children of different age groups of a preschool educational institution “Winter Fun”
Description of the material : I offer you a scenario for holding a winter recreational event “Winter Fun” for a mixed age group. This material will be useful to employees of preschool institutions. Goal: to develop children's interest in winter sports through relay races and competitions. Objectives : To consolidate knowledge about winter. To develop the speed of motor reaction, the ability to act in a coordinated manner in a team, courage, and a sense of self-confidence. Achieving a positive emotional attitude. Material: toy snowman. Sleds, mittens, snowballs, 2 buckets. 2 clubs, 2 pucks, skis, tape recorder, medals and prizes. Children go out onto the playground in front of the kindergarten and stand freely. Toffee: Hello, kids, I am Toffee, the merry girl, Veselyushka, the laughing one! She flew into a birch tree and hit two bushes with her nose. And then... she fell five times! Finally, I got it for you! Winter began to spin its round dance over the earth again. May winter sports bring us health, joy, and strength. We will all say: “No!” cold. (Let’s repeat) We don’t care about frosts. We will be friends with skates, with a stick, a puck and a ball. - Guys, it’s winter outside, it’s cold, there’s snow all around. Do you like winter? Aren't you afraid of frost? Let's warm up together. Musical game "Let's Play" Are you warm? Children, look, a white-sided magpie brought a letter. Who sent him? Let's get a look. Hurry up to celebrate the snowy winter with us, have fun and play! Show your skills, both dexterity and patience, We invite everyone to the holiday. Come, we are looking forward to it! Guys, do you want to see who is inviting us to the winter holiday? Winter comes out. Winter: Hello guys! I am Zimushka-winter. Did you receive the letter? It was I who invited you to the holiday to have fun and play. Only today and only now is a winter holiday announced here! Let's play my game. Children stand in a circle, the text says Winter and shows the movements. Game “Blizzard”: A blizzard is moving along the street, soon it will sweep all the paths. (They walk in a circle) We harness the horses, yes, we will go to the forest to get firewood as quickly as possible. (Hands in front of the chest, we imitate that we are riding on horses) We will trot, trot after each other, and we will quickly reach the forest. (They run, raising their knees high) We will hit with axes in unison, only splinters will fly through the forest. (We stop, join our hands into an “axe” and swing downwards) And with our hands we slam everything at once. (Children clap) And stamp your feet all at once. (We stomp our feet) Well, Frost, now you’re not scary for us! (Jumping) Winter: Well done, you are nimble! Now guess my riddles! Riddles: The snow has turned blue from the cold, There is white frost on the trees. Even Bobik hides his nose, Because outside... (frost) She fell out of a white cloud and ended up in our arms. This fluff of snow is called...(snowflake) Every bird here can have a treat in the winter cold. There is a hut hanging on a branch, It’s called... (feeding trough) Long planks are moving along the snowdrifts near the river. They are looking for a higher hill. Name the planks... (skis) We crafted it cleverly. There are eyes and a carrot nose. It’s a little warm, it will cry instantly and melt... (snowman) Winter picks up a toy snowman. Winter: Guys, did you find out who it is? (Yes, it's a snowman). Let's try to revive the snowman. Close all your eyes and repeat after me. Snowman, little snowman, you snow-white side, red carrot, resin edge. Turn around three times and turn into a human! One, two, three, bring our snowman to life! Children open their eyes, and there is a living snowman in front of them. Snowman: Hello guys! I, the cheerful Snowman. I've been used to games since childhood. I know how to play snowballs deftly and hold my nose with a carrot. - Oh! Where's my nose? That's the problem, the problem. (Starts crying) Winter: Don't be upset, snowman. We will definitely help you. The exit of Alice the Fox and Basilio the cat. (they walk, swear, they can’t divide the carrots) Butterscotch: So, they are thieves who stole the snowman’s carrot. Fox Alice: Hello, hello... Well, why are you slandering us. In general, Basilio and I are going to the land of fools, where Pinocchio buried the money. Winter: Why, you didn’t take it, because we saw carrots from you. Cat Basilio: Okay, pay the ransom, otherwise we won’t give her back. Winter: We don't have money. Cat Basilio: That there is no money. Fox, you heard, they have no money. Horror. What a horror..... Cat Basilio: Drive the money!!!! Fox Alice: Then you will have to complete our tasks. If you succeed, the nose is yours, but if you don’t, let him remain without a nose!!! We answer in unison yes or no. Winter: Well, okay... Come on, guys! Let's show how strong, brave and dexterous we are! Butterscotch: Then let's play! Relay “On a sled” There are toys sitting on a sled, you need to take them to the counter and back to your team; pass the sled to another team member who will continue the relay. “Hot mitten” relay Teams stand in a column one at a time, start at a signal, go around the counter and run to their team, pass the mitten to another relay participant. Relay race “The most accurate” Teams stand in a column one at a time, at the signal, the first participants take a snowball in a basket and throw it at the target - a bucket, which stands at a distance of 2.5 m. When the entire team has finished throwing, the results are tallied. Relay races “Hockey Players” Two teams each have one stick and a puck (cube). Children move the cube with a stick. They score a goal into the goal, return to their place and pass the baton. The team that finishes the run first wins. Relay races “Who is faster on one ski around a basket” 3 racks, skis, 3 baskets. 3 children or 3 teams of 3-5 people participate with the transfer of skis) Cat Basilio: Well done, all of you guys! Now let's play my game. I want to check your attentiveness. Game “Christmas trees and stumps” Winter: Well, give me the carrot nose! Oh, guys, where is our Snowman? Toffee: He probably got upset and left us! How can we find him? Look at some traces! Didn't he leave them? Let's follow the tracks and maybe we'll find the snowman. The children follow the tracks and find a snowman. Fox Alice: Okay, don't cry. Keep your nose up. Say thanks to the guys. They were the ones who helped you get him back. Snowman: Thank you guys! You are real helpers, very smart and attentive. Winter: And for this we want to reward you with medals. Awarding with medals and sweet prizes. Winter: We are finishing the holiday. Goodbye, kids! Snowman: Well, guys, you conducted the training very cleverly. Get your rewards. Congratulations! So happy! Our parting wishes: Be healthy ALWAYS! Winter: To grow and harden. Let's play sports. Toffee: Our holiday is over, we wish everyone cheerfulness, health and all the best!

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