Healthy eating presentation for a lesson (grade 5) on the topic

Presentation on technology on the topic: “Healthy eating”

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LESSON PRESENTATION in 5th grade Physiology of nutrition. Teacher: Senina Marina Alekseevna

Necessary information about the physiology of nutrition.

Food is the main source of human existence.

  • Contains about 600 chemical elements.

— 90% of them have medicinal properties.

— Everyone needs to know the nutritional value of foods!

Properties of food products.

  • Adequate nutrition is impossible without knowledge of the chemical composition of food, nutritional value and rules for preparing a diet.

Biological significance of food

  • The most important substances affecting the growth, development of the body, and replenishment of energy costs are:
  • Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, water, min. substances, etc.


  • Proteins are the building blocks of the human body and a source of energy.
  • Increases the performance of body organs.
  • The daily protein intake depends on physical activity. High consumption rate - 120 g, low - 80 g.

Proteins of plant origin.

  • Soy. A genus of annual herbs. Cereals, oilseeds (up to 37% protein). Used to produce synthetic and artificial food products.


  • Grain crop. About 20 species. One of the oldest food plants on Earth. From grain they obtain cereals, starch, alcohol, oil. Straw - produce paper, cardboard, wickerwork.

Rice harvesting.

  • Presumably the homeland is India, where rice has been cultivated for several thousand years.
  • The main crops are India, China, Ukraine, N. Volga region, North. Caucasus…


Beans. It has been grown in Russia since the 19th century. The Indians cultivated it 4-3 thousand years BC.

Rich in proteins, fiber, sugar, vitamins C, B, carotene, PP. It has medicinal properties – diabetes, liver disease.


  • Peas. There are 6-7 types.
  • Food peas – produce cereals, flour, green peas.
  • Medicinal properties – hypoglycemic agent for diabetes, diuretic. From flour - a poultice to soften abscesses.


  • One genus of perennial herbs, the buckwheat family. Cereal and honey crops. 4-5 types.
  • Cereals are obtained from buckwheat - kernels, prodel.


  • A genus of annual herbs, the grass family.
  • About 500 species. In Russia it is cultivated in the Volga region and Central Chernozem regions.
  • What they get is millet, polished and crushed.

Animal proteins

  • Meat. In nutrition, it is the main source of complete protein, fats, vitamins and minerals.
  • High protein content (20-40 g) - pork, ducks, geese, semi-smoked sausages.


  • Valuable food product. Composition of cow's milk (%) – water 87.5; milk sugar – 4.7; fat – 3.9; minerals – 0.7; vitamins, enzymes. Calorie content 100 g – 289 kJ (69 kcal).

Fresh water fish

  • Fish is a source of nutrients of high biological value. Fish proteins are better digested and absorbed by the human body.
  • Chub, ruffe, asp, crucian carp, carp, rudd, bream, tench, burbot perch, gudgeon.


  • Sea fish. Cod meat contains 20-30 times more iodine than beef.

Marine invertebrates

  • Squid.
  • Shrimps.
  • Healthy foods.
  • Invertebrate meat contains amino acids and vitamins.

You should know!

  • Incomplete protein nutrition leads to serious illnesses. Excess leads to the development of atherosclerosis, accumulation of toxins in the body, decreased immunity, and infectious diseases.


  • Fats are primarily a source of energy.
  • Regulate metabolic processes in cells.
  • Fats of plant origin participate in the respiration of cells, bringing oxygen into them.
  • Protects the body from cooling.
  • Recommended consumption per day: butter 20-25 g; vegetable 15-20 g.

Vegetable fats.

  • Sunflower.
  • Homeland – Northern America. Introduced to Russia as a crop in 1829.
  • The seeds contain up to 57% sunflower oil.
  • They grow earthen pear and some ornamental species.
  • Honey plant.


  • Olive tree, a genus of evergreen trees. The pulp of the fruit (olives) contains 80% oil. The best varieties are called Provençal.
  • Use of wood for carpentry and turning.


  • Vegetable cottonseed oil is obtained from cotton seeds.
  • Used for food, for the production of canned food, margarine.
  • Homeland - India from the 3rd millennium BC.

Animal fats.

  • Meat is one of the main food products. Meat protein is almost completely absorbed by the body.
  • Fish is a source of high biological value. Meat consists of proteins and minerals, fats, and vitamins.
  • Milk contains 160 beneficial substances that are involved in the formation of bone tissue, blood restoration, and brain activity.
  • In addition to fats that enter the body in pure form, they can be formed in it from carbohydrates when they are consumed in excess with food. Such fats are of little value because they lack fat-soluble vitamins. Excess fat is deposited not only under the skin, which leads to obesity, but also on internal organs, which complicates their functioning.

You should know!


  • Carbohydrates, like proteins and fats, are the most important components of the diet.
  • They make up a significant part of plant food and are a source of energy. They are divided into: monosaccharides (sweet in taste), polysaccharides (starch, fiber) not sweet in taste.


Turnip. In culture for about 6000 years - Ancient Egypt, Greece. In Ancient Rus' it was one of the main cultures.

Medicinal properties – expectorant, diuretic, for cancer.

The value of fiber.

  • Found in raw vegetables. Promotes better absorption of food.
  • Once in the intestines, it swells and acquires the ability to absorb excess cholesterol and other metabolic products. Dietary fiber (fiber), by increasing the volume of food, causes a feeling of fullness and does not contribute to overeating.

Carbohydrates – starch.

  • The homeland of potatoes is South America. Introduced to Europe in the mid-16th century. Appeared in Russia at the end of the 17th century. Peter 1 brought a bag of tubers from Holland.

Fruit fruits.

  • Citrus.
  • - Grapefruit. Evergreen. The fruits are processed into juice, jam, and compotes. Contains sucrose, organic acids, vitamin C

Grapefruit blossoms.


  • Pomegranate is a genus of shrubs. There are 2 types.
  • Pomegranate fruit.

Pomegranate flower. Fruits contain sugar, citric acid, vitamin C,


  • Berry crops are a large group of perennial shrubs, subshrubs and herbaceous plants that produce juicy fruits - berries.
  • Berries contain organic acids, sugar, mineral salts, vitamins, and aromatic substances that are important for human nutrition.
  • -Blueberries, raspberries, chokeberries - have medicinal value.

Sugar: Berries.

  • Cowberry. Evergreen. Berries are a valuable food product. A decoction of the leaves is a very good remedy as a diuretic.


  • There are 400 species. Edible fruits contain sugars, organic acids, and vitamins.


  • 1. Garden strawberry - strawberry (plant of the strawberry genus).
  • 2. Wild strawberries. About 50 species. The berries contain sugars, organic acids, and vitamin C.

You need to know this!

  • Daily carbohydrate intake:
  • - 450-500 g, the consumption rate is divided into consumption of monosaccharides - up to 100 g; fiber – up to 30 g; saccharides and starch – up to 370 g.


  • A person’s nutrition depends on age, nature of work, gender, appetite, taste, upbringing, family customs, geographical and economic factors, and no less important, availability.
  • A nutritious, reasonable, proper, regular diet is the basis of a balanced diet.

Principles of rational nutrition.

  • The correct diet is to eat at the same hours (5 times).
  • Moderation in food consumption: do not undereat and do not overeat.
  • A varied diet: alternating foods of plant and animal origin.

Let's always remember!

  • Don't forget about food culture.
  • Food should be tasty prepared and beautifully presented.
  • Food is the fuel on which the body works, and anyone, especially a young person, should know about this fuel and be able to use it competently.

Extracurricular activity for 5th grade with presentation. Healthy lifestyle

Methodological development of classes for 5th grade on extracurricular activities.
Topic “Healthy lifestyle” Goals and objectives: To form students’ understanding of positive and negative factors affecting health; Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the health of students; Create a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle; To develop knowledge of the basics of hygiene and healthy nutrition; Form a conscious need for motor mode; Develop the ability to see and analyze errors, reason; Develop the ability to make choices and take responsibility for them, use the acquired knowledge in everyday life; Cultivate discipline and the ability to introspect one’s position in life; Create conditions for interaction between teachers and students in the information and educational environment, the use of ICT tools in the classroom. Expected results: actively engage in communication and interaction with peers based on the principles of respect and goodwill, mutual assistance;
be able to characterize phenomena, actions, actions, give them an objective assessment based on acquired knowledge and existing experience; solve creative problems using information and communication technologies, be able to work in a team and independently; know and be able to apply in everyday life the theoretical foundations of personal hygiene, balanced nutrition, behavior and other components of a healthy lifestyle; know about the impact of negative risk factors on human health; understand the need for a healthy active lifestyle. Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, interactive whiteboard. Progress of the lesson:
I Teacher : In one fairy-tale country there was a palace on the shore of a beautiful sea. There lived a ruler who had three sons. The father loved his sons, they reciprocated. The children grew up kind, obedient and hardworking. One thing upset the ruler - his sons were often sick for a long time. The ruler invited the wisest people of the country to the palace and asked: “Why do people get sick? What needs to be done for people to live happily ever after?” The sages consulted for a long time, and the oldest of them said: “Human health largely depends on lifestyle, behavior and the ability to help oneself and others in difficult situations.” The ruler of the sage listened and ordered to open a health school for the children of his country. The writer Mikhail Sholokhov said that it is “the head of everything,” the outstanding Russian figure Vissarion Belinsky argued that without it “happiness is impossible,” and folk wisdom says that it “neither No amount of money can buy it." - What do you think our conversation will be about today? Student statements: - about health - about a healthy lifestyle II Teacher: The topic of our conversation is a healthy lifestyle. (Slide 1) How do you understand what health is? Statements from students: - health is beauty and strength - health is when you are not sick - health is life - health is a good mood - health is when you are kind and cheerful - health is when a person is not sick Teacher: Why ? does human health depend on? Student statements: -from how he leads his lifestyle -from proper nutrition Teacher: How do you understand what a healthy lifestyle is? Statements from students: - a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition - a healthy lifestyle is a daily routine - a healthy lifestyle is physical exercise and exercise - a healthy lifestyle is when you do everything for your health - a healthy lifestyle is vitamins - a healthy image life is when they don’t smoke - a healthy lifestyle is when they don’t quarrel and are polite to everyone - a healthy lifestyle is when everyone is happy with each other, when they play together Teacher: If we sum up what you said, we can conclude that A healthy lifestyle is a way of life for every person in which he strives to do everything necessary to maintain and strengthen his health. This is a set of health-improving measures that ensure harmonious development and strengthening of health, increasing people’s performance, and prolonging their creative longevity. (Slide 2) The main elements of a healthy lifestyle are fruitful work activity, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, balanced nutrition, hardening, giving up bad habits. III Game “Who is more” (students name the signs that characterize a healthy person and write with a marker on the interactive board using a grid) IV Teacher: In the absence of physical activity, one cannot say that a person has a healthy lifestyle.8) Lack of movement has a very bad effect on health: metabolism slows down, extra pounds accumulate, diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes and other diseases develop. Move more. Special physical education classes, independent regular repetition of exercises, morning exercises, physical education minutes, hiking - choose what you like. Be “for” a healthy lifestyle. The importance of physical exercises for the formation of a support and movement system. (slide 3) Movements, the need for which is determined by the growth patterns of the body, are an indispensable condition for normal development, health promotion, the formation of correct posture and mastery of basic motor skills. In order to become strong, dexterous, resilient and efficient, you need to regularly engage in physical labor, physical education and sports. (Slide 4) Muscle work improves mood, creates a feeling of vigor and ultimately leads to increased vitality of the whole organism. A person should always strive to develop such physical qualities as strength, agility, speed, endurance. Each of us has many things to do that require physical effort and reliable training. (Slide 5) Physical exercises (Slide 6) They should be performed daily, preferably several times a day. You can spend no more than 30-40 minutes on this daily. Although it’s a good idea to devote an hour to an hour and a half a day to your physical self-improvement, strengthening your health and increasing your efficiency. Personal hygiene: rational daily regimen, body care, hygiene of clothes and shoes. (Slide 7) It's no secret that health begins with personal hygiene. This includes body cleanliness and oral care. The choice of clothing is also of great importance. Clothing should be appropriate for the climate, season, and occupation. After returning from school, you need to change your student uniform to home clothes. All this contributes to better rest. Sleep (Slide Good rest provides us with sleep. For deep sleep, we must always get up and go to bed at the same time. The room must be ventilated before going to bed. A short walk before bed in the fresh air is useful. Bright lights, noisy games, etc. interfere with falling asleep. loud conversations, prolonged viewing of television programs. Maintaining sleep hygiene will allow you to recharge your batteries and improve your mood. Insomnia. It occurs as a result of nervous fatigue, prolonged intense mental work, anxiety, noisy games or reading before bed. To ensure normal sleep, you need to follow simple rules: go to bed at the same time, do not eat or drink a lot at night. It is useful to introduce walks into your routine before bed. A calm environment, the usual routine of getting ready for bed, well tune the brain for a night's rest. (Slide 9) Study on the computer and watch TV half an hour a day. V Teacher: What should nutrition be like? Statements from students Teacher: An indispensable component of health is rational nutrition. It provides a person with energy and substances from which the body is built and which regulate metabolic processes. (Slide 10) It is recommended to eat food at least four times a day. It takes three hours to digest it, so you need to eat it after about 3.5-4 hours. If you always eat at the same time, the whole body is promptly prepared for food intake: gastric and intestinal digestive juices are secreted. As a result, food is well digested. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts, water are very necessary for the body. Proteins contained in animal products - meat, fish - are called animal proteins. A growing organism especially needs them. Animal proteins are used to build muscles, skin, brain, and internal organs. Plant proteins are found in peas, beans, and bread. The body needs to replenish energy costs. And carbohydrates and fats help with this. Carbohydrates are found in cereals and bread, potatoes and other vegetables, and sugar. Most of all there is water in the human body. The brain contains 80% water, muscles 76%, bones 25%. We drink water when we are thirsty, and it enters the body with juices, soup, compote, milk, and other foods. A person can live for weeks without food, but only a few days without water. Mineral salts are found in the most common foods: cabbage, apples, milk, fish. (working with an interactive whiteboard) Here are pictures that depict food products. I propose to divide them into “healthy products” and “harmful products” and arrange them on the slide according to these labels. (Students complete the task.) The correct classification option is: “Healthy foods”: vegetables, fruits and berries, honey, juices, milk, cottage cheese, eggs, cereals, fish, onions and garlic, chocolate (in small quantities). “Unhealthy foods”: hot dog, french fries, sausages, lemonade, cake, pizza, canned food. Teacher: Food must meet several requirements: provide the body with sufficient energy, nutrients, vitamins and microelements. Nutrition should not be excessive, then the excess will be stored “in reserve.” Also, there should not be a shortage of food, otherwise a person’s well-being will worsen, the speed of thinking and performance will decrease, and immunity will decrease. Therefore, it is important, while maintaining a healthy lifestyle, to follow nutritional rules. One of the most important components of health is hardening. (Slide 11) With its help, you can avoid many diseases and maintain your ability to work and enjoy life for many years. Hardening has a general strengthening effect on the body: it increases the tone of the central nervous system, improves blood circulation, and normalizes metabolism. The most common form of hardening is the use of fresh cool air and dousing with cold water. The role of hardening is especially important in the prevention of colds. It is no coincidence that the famous Russian commander A.V. Suvorov, being frail and sickly from birth, thanks to hardening, managed to become a hardy and persistent person, immune to either cold or heat. Until old age, the commander retained his indomitable energy and cheerfulness. VI. Wellness minute (musical accompaniment) We will play hopscotch, jump on one leg. And now a little more On the other leg, let's jump One, two - clap our hands, And then on every count. One, two, three, four - Arms higher, shoulders wider One, two, three, four, five, We need to sit down and stand up. Spread your arms wider - One, two, three, four, five. Bend over - three, four - and jump in place. On toes, then on heels. Throw away the laziness and again - One! Rise, stretch, Two! Bend over, straighten up, Three! Three claps of hands, three nods of the head. By four – your arms are wider. Five - wave your arms. VII. Teacher: What do you think is the purpose of such motor minutes in lessons? Student statements: to give the body a rest, take care of your health Teacher: What else should be done to maintain and strengthen health? Statements from students: - go in for sports, - do exercises, - eat right, - take vitamins, - lead a healthy lifestyle Teacher: Giving up bad habits (slide 12) Fighting bad habits plays a significant role in maintaining health: smoking and alcohol Bad habit This is an action that is automatically repeated many times, and this action is harmful from the point of view of the public good, others or the health of the person himself who has fallen under the bondage of a bad habit. Leading a healthy lifestyle is quite easy. The main thing is to want it and follow simple rules every day. This way you can improve your life and always be on your toes. (Slide 13) Game “Your Choice”: The slide shows a “backpack” with which you will “go through life” and a wastebasket. I suggest putting the pictures you need in your backpack and throwing the ones you don’t need into the trash can. Students complete the task. Correct option: In the backpack: pictures with the inscriptions “Say no to drugs”, “Sobriety gives a person reason”, “I want to live long”; pictures indicating a healthy lifestyle - healthy sleep, physical education, balanced nutrition In the trash bin: pictures depicting alcohol, cigarettes, etc. Teacher: You made the right choice! Outdoor game “Stream” (musical accompaniment) Players are divided into pairs and, holding hands, form a “living corridor - a stream.” The player left without a pair walks inside the corridor, choosing a pair for himself. Usually, according to the rules, a boy chooses a girl, and a girl chooses a boy. The new pair, having passed through the corridor, stands in front, and the player left without a pair again looks for a pair. VIII. Let's summarize today's lesson - What did you learn today?
— What discoveries did you make? — What did you find particularly interesting? - What else do you want to know? Presentation on the topic: Healthy lifestyle. Basic Concepts

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