20 fun competitions for mothers on March 8 in kindergarten in the junior, senior, preparatory, and middle groups

Competitions for Mother's Day

Mom's childhood

The children are given leaves and pens, the presenter asks questions about their mother’s childhood, and the children answer. Whichever of the mother-child pairs has the most matches will receive a prize. Examples of questions: What did your mother dream of becoming as a child? What hairstyle did your mother wear most often as a child? What school did your mother go to? What was the little mother's favorite toy? What was the little mother's favorite cartoon? What did your parents affectionately call your little mother?

With moms

Couples participate in this competition: mother and child. The game is a knockout game. Couples take turns naming cartoons and movies where there are mothers, for example, “Mom for the Baby Mammoth”, “Moms”, “Tsvetik-seventsvetik”, “Home Alone”, “Barboskiny”, “Fixies”, “Umka” and so on. The couple that stays until the winner wins will receive a prize.

School diary

This competition is for parents. They will have to remember and write down their child's school schedule for the week. Those participants who made the fewest mistakes win, the children judge, of course.

And my mother is the best!

Anyone can take part. Participants sit in a circle. Now everyone’s task is to tell about their mother with a phrase that begins with “And my mother is the best...” (for example, “And my mother is the kindest,” “And my mother makes the most delicious shortbread”) The participant who could not remember in turn Mom's talents leave the game, and the one who remains wins.

What was the question?

In another room, the presenter asks the children various questions in turn and writes down their answers in order on a piece of paper. The questions can be completely different, for example, what does the whole family like to do on weekends? What dish does your mother cook most often? What are your family's favorite candies? What lipstick (color) does mom wear on her lips? Mom loves to wear heels and why is that? And so on. Then everyone returns to the room where the mothers are sitting and the presenter reads out the answers of each of the children in turn, before saying the name of the mother whose child the answer is. And based on the answer, the mother should guess what the question was. For example, the presenter reads: “No, she doesn’t like it, because it hurts her legs and she can’t walk quickly,” and the question was: Does mom like to walk in heels? Why? Moms who can answer the most questions will receive prizes.

Family dates

The leader takes the children to another room and asks each of them about the most memorable dates in the family, and the children themselves answer, for example, May 5 is mom’s birthday, and November 6 is dad’s, July 8 is my birthday, and November 25 is mom’s. It’s my wedding anniversary with my dad, and on August 18 we celebrate family day - we go camping and fry sausages and so on. Then the children and the leader return to the room where their mothers are waiting for them. Then the presenter, one by one, begins to read out “stacks” of dates named by the children, first one pile: May 5, November 6, July 8, November 25, August 18, and mothers must find out whether this “stack” of dates belongs to her family or another. The mother who can quickly guess, for example, from the first or second date, that we are talking about her family, will win.

It's all mom's

This competition requires various items from the personal belongings of each mother; these can be completely different items, for example, lipstick of the color that the mother most often uses; scarf; socks; barrette; watch; handkerchief; keychain; slippers; brooch; cream and so on. All things are mixed and laid out together on the table. At the “start” command, children must find their mothers’ things. The child who collects only his mother's things faster than others will win. The same can be done vice versa, that is, collect children’s things, for example, pencils in a box; hair bands or caps; socks; toys and so on. And from the general pile of all things, mothers will have to find their children’s items faster than others.

Mom can do anything

Children are divided into several teams of 3-4 people. Each team must use the abbreviation of the word “MOM” to make a list of what mom can do, that is, verbs play a key role, for example: Washing, Actively working, Dreaming, Abstracting from failures and further: Waving her hand when I go to school, Focusing on joy, fashionable, gasps when I play around and so on. The team that gets the largest and at the same time interesting list is the winner.

Daughters and mothers

The presenter gives each participating couple a card with the task of acting out the scene from life indicated on the card, but at the same time, mother and child change places. For example, a child tries to put a thermometer on his mother, and his mother is capricious.

Competitions for mothers and children at school

  1. What were you doing there? – Mothers who sit with their backs to the audience have signs attached to their backs (zoo, dentist’s office, basement, etc.). Next, the child asks questions to which the parent must answer negatively or affirmatively. The task is to guess the place.
  2. Miss Lips - Blindfolded mothers apply lipstick to their daughters. They leave an imprint of their lips on the paper, after which they are given funny titles like “Miss Sugar Lips.”
  3. Questions and answers – mothers and children are asked questions. They must write down their answers on pieces of paper. The pair with the most matches wins.
  4. Dress up - daughters dress up toys, and mothers guess which toy their child dressed up.
  5. Balloons - mother and child stand opposite each other and blow on the ball so that it flies either to the mother or to the child. The ball must not fall to the floor. The couple that lasts the longest advances to the finals.

There are a lot of competitions for the entertainment of mothers and children. They help bring children and parents together and feel like one team.

Sports entertainment for Mother's Day in the preparatory group. Scenario

Sports entertainment with mothers dedicated to Mother's Day “Mom and I are dexterous, brave and fast, skillful”
Author: Lyudmila Gennadievna Nikolskaya, physical education instructor. MDOBU "Novoarbansk kindergarten "Rainbow". Republic of Mari El, Medvedevsky district, Novy settlement. Description of the material: Sports entertainment is carried out in the gym with children of the preparatory group and their mothers. The script can be useful for teachers, educators, and physical education instructors. Goal: Creating a positive emotional mood in children and parents. Objectives: - To form a respectful attitude towards adults, friendly relations between children. — Cultivate a love of physical exercise and sports, cultivate a sensitive attitude towards comrades. — Development of agility, speed, endurance. Preliminary work: Making holiday gifts for mom with the children. Learning warm-ups, poems and songs for the holiday. The hall is ready for the party.

Progress of the entertainment To the music and applause of their parents, children enter the hall.

Host: Hello, our dear mothers! Congratulations on the autumn holiday - Mother's Day! On this holiday, mothers receive gifts, congratulations, greet guests or go to visit themselves. Well, today we invited you to our sports festival. The guys will show their mothers how dexterous and skillful they have become - real helpers to their mothers. And our mothers will show that they love sports very much, even though they have a lot of different worries! Let's say kind words to mothers. Poems chosen by the teacher. Song: “My dear mother is my mother.”

Host: Today we invite our mothers to take part in competitions, games and dances with their children. But before the relay races, you need to warm up. Warm-up for children. Warm-up dance for children on the steps: “Barbariki”

Host: Our dear mothers, you need to divide into teams. To do this, we will now draw lots. Assignment:
mothers come to the table, there is a tray with leaves on the table. The leaves are two colors of red and orange on one side, and on the other they are all the same. Mothers pull out the leaves and see what color they got, orange or red. This makes two teams.

Host: So we divided into two teams.

Host: Are the teams ready to participate? Children, parents: Yes! Host: And now the relay race, a warm-up for our mothers. Warm-up relay race for mothers “I am the most beautiful” Task:
On the opposite side of the mothers, there is a table on it with a skirt, beads, and a hat.
You need to run to the table and get dressed. Run to the hoop, stand in the middle of the hoop and say loudly: “I am the most beautiful!” ", undress and run back to the team, passing the baton to the next participant. Presenter: The mothers’ warm-up is finished, they are ready for the competition. Guys, come out and stand next to your mothers. (Mom, child; mother, child, etc.) Relay race No. 1: “Mom and I are a friendly couple” Assignment:
Each pair (mother and child) hold a ball between them and begin to move in pairs to a landmark. They run back and pass the ball to the next pair.

Relay race No. 2: “Let’s help mom cook scrambled eggs.” Task:
Take a kinder egg with a wooden spoon and transfer it to the frying pan. When you return, pass the spoon to the next person, etc.

Relay race No.: 3 “Big Races” Task:
Participants transport toy cars. Children, bending over, hold the car and carry it, and mothers use gymnastic sticks.

Host: Now it’s time to play and dance in the game. Playing with a tambourine “Roll the merry tambourine” Task:
Participants stand in two circles, mothers in the middle. Each circle has a tambourine. At the end of the music, those who still have the tambourine in their hands go to dance, mother and child in the middle of the circle.

Presenter: We invite mothers to dance. Dance of children and mothers: “Let’s clap our hands once, twice, three.” Presenter: We will continue the holiday and play with mothers. “Who is faster” (for girls with mothers). Assignment:
Leaves and mushrooms are laid out around the hall. The mother collects autumn leaves, and the child collects mushrooms.

. “Whose car will arrive faster” (for boys and mothers)

Host: We continue our competition. Relay race No. 4: “Snake” Task:
The pins are placed in a straight line in a row. You need to circle the cube between the pins with a “snake”. Mothers perform the task with a mop, children with a stick.

Relay race No: 5 “Let’s help mom cook borscht .” Assignment:
At one end of the hall there is a table, on the table there is a saucepan. Each participant takes one vegetable and transfers it to the pan. He comes back and passes the baton.

Presenter: I invite everyone to the “Boogie Woogie” dance

“Best friend or friend” Assignment:
Each mother is given a balloon. Moms use felt-tip pens to draw “faces” on the balloons. Mothers give balloons to children. In return, children give homemade cards to their mothers.

Photos to solder about the holiday.

We recommend watching:

Scenario for a joint holiday of parents and children of the preparatory group for Mother's Day Musical and sports holiday for Mother's Day. Preparatory group Scenario for a holiday in the preparatory group on the theme “Mother’s Day” A musical fairy tale for Mother’s Day for children of the preparatory group. Scenario

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