Calendar-thematic planning in the middle group. September, 2nd week. Topic of the week: “Who works in kindergarten?”

“All professions are needed, all professions are important” plan-summary of GCD in the middle group

Conversation in the middle group

Topic: “All professions are important”


: Introduce children to a number of professions (driver, doctor, cook), tell what people do in these professions, what tools help them in their work, where they acquire professions.



  • expand children's understanding of people's professions and their importance in society.
  • Show the importance of work in a person’s life.


  • develop imagination and communication skills.
  • to train children in the ability to determine the name of a profession by the names of actions.


  • cultivate a respectful and kind attitude towards people of different professions.

Materials and manuals:

  • demonstration material - pictures depicting professions.
  • books by B. Zakhoder “Builders”, “Chauffeur”, “Tailor”; S. Ya. Marshak “What do you have?

Contents of activity:

  1. Organizing time

Educator: dear guys, do you know what a profession is? A profession is work to which a person devotes his entire life. People work what they like to work with, do what they do best.

There are many professions in the world. Name the professions that you know? (children's answers)

Educator: every morning your mom and dad go to work, tell us what professions they have? (children's answers)

2. Main part

Educator: I brought you cards with pictures of various professions, I will ask riddles, and you will guess the profession.

  • Card with a picture of a fireman

Dark night, clear day

He fights fire.

In a helmet, like a glorious warrior,

Hurries to the fire... (firefighter)

(children's answers)

Educator: That's right, it's a fireman. What qualities should a firefighter have? How do firefighters put out a fire?

  • Chef card

Walks around in a white cap

With a ladle in hand.

He cooks us lunch:

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette. (cook)

(children's answers)

Educator: That's right, this is the cook. What is the job of a chef? What does a chef look like? What items does a chef use in his profession?

  • Driver card

I'm driving in a car

Morning, evening and afternoon.

Together with the children's mothers

I take you to kindergarten. ( driver)

(children's answers)

Educator: That's right, this is the driver. What does a person in this profession do? Should a driver know the rules of the road and why? Guys, how did you guess all the riddles so quickly? That's right, every riddle says what a person does. A fireman fights a fire, a cook prepares lunch, a driver takes him to kindergarten.

Educator: let's play. I name a profession, and you answer what a person in this profession does.

Game “What does it do?”

  • Doctor - treats
  • Teacher - teaches
  • Doctor - treats
  • Seller - sells
  • Cook - cooks
  • Educator - educates
  • Chauffeur - drives the car
  • Builder - builds

Educator: all professions are needed, all professions are important. The main thing is to do the job you love well.

Educator: I have prepared proverbs for you about work, and you explain how you understand them.

Proverbs about work


  • You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

(children's answers)

Educator: you definitely need to work hard for something to work out.

  • Labor feeds a man, but laziness spoils him

(children's answers)

Educator: If you don’t work, you will become a bad person, lazy.

The most important thing in a person’s life is work.

Educator: now imagine that no one will work, what will happen then? (children's answers)

Educator: everyone will feel bad; there will be no one to teach the children, to treat them if they get sick, there will be nothing to eat, etc. Every profession appeared on earth because it is needed not by one person, but by many people.

3. final part

The teacher sums it up with the children:

Children answer the following questions

  • What did we talk about today?
  • What new professions have you learned?
  • Why is it necessary to work?

Lesson Objectives

The drawing lesson “Who do you want to be” in the preparatory group is designed to solve a set of various tasks that will be listed below.

Developmental and educational

This lesson is designed to solve the following problems:

  1. As a result, children will learn to portray people of different professions in their professional clothes with the corresponding attributes.
  2. Kids will learn to portray people in appropriate settings, developing a sense of harmony and composition.
  3. The technique of drawing with a simple pencil is being mastered. Children also learn to color in a drawing with pencils.
  4. Knowledge is gained about what professions adults have and children are given additional information about them.
  5. Children gain skills and knowledge about drawing composition. They create an image that is located on the entire surface of the sheet, and not in one place, they gain the concept of the perspective of a drawing, and learn to convey spatial relationships between objects on paper.
  6. Drawing lessons help solve developmental problems in the aesthetic sphere.

Familiarization with the outside world in the senior group

On a note! Along with the above, this activity helps solve the educational problem, instilling respect for people who are engaged in various professions: doctors, firefighters, military and others..

Children talk about professions

Important! In addition, since children's activities are always done in such a way as not to tire them with monotony, they should always include physical education sessions that allow them to relax and move around. Thus, in this lesson, the teacher helps children improve their health.

Drawing lesson on the topic “Who do you want to be” in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution

Children need activities that help them learn more about adult life. Drawing plays an important role in the preparatory group - “Who do you want to be” is one of the topics that helps kids learn more about people and their professions.

What professions are there?

Example of drawing lesson notes

When compiling a summary, immediately after the title at the beginning of the text, you need to indicate who its author is and where he works.

Next, you need to indicate the topic of the lesson and what age it is intended for. Work with children must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Then you need to cover the following questions:

  1. Indicate the main goals of the lesson conducted with the children.
  2. Then you need to list the tasks for which it is carried out. Usually they relate to various educational spheres: developmental, educational, health promotion and others.
  3. After this, you need to list what tools and materials will need to be prepared before starting the lesson.
  4. In some cases, it may be indicated that preparation is required. A separate section of the document is devoted to this.
  5. In the text of the document, it is recommended to note the working methods that are recommended for use. For example, this list can include the following: physical education, questions, encouragement or conversation.
  6. The course of the lessons is described in detail. It is convenient to do this in the form of a table with stirrup columns. The first indicates the stages of the lesson, the second indicates what the teacher says and does. The last column describes the kids' expected reaction.

On a note! At the end, you need to praise the children and summarize, noting what they learned as a result of their efforts.

Preliminary work with children, discussion of the topic of professions

Before choosing which image to draw, it is necessary to have a fascinating conversation with children about the characteristics of various professions.

We need to talk about what professions there are, what the people who work in them do.

After discussion with the child, a choice is made about who he wants to portray. At the same time, the child must tell why he made this particular choice and why he was attracted to the profession.

Important! You can have a conversation with your children about where mom and dad work.

It would be useful to read fiction texts to obtain information about professions.

Which image to choose for printing on paper

Important! Since there are a large number of professions, the idea is to introduce children to the ones that are most well known and most understandable to them.

As a result of the discussion, the child has a desire to portray a representative of a certain profession. For example, this may be influenced by the father's occupation, or childhood dreams of what he will be when he grows up. If the child cannot choose, then the teacher himself must offer him a suitable option.

Practical part of the lesson, drawing of the chosen profession

In order for a lesson to have the greatest impact on children, it needs to be exciting and the children do not get bored during it. In addition, young children will love it if they not only draw, but also perform various movements under the guidance of a teacher.

Finger gymnastics classes in preschool educational institutions for children 2-3 years old

GCD progress, what techniques can be used to apply an image

In the GCD lesson, the technique of drawing a drawing with a simple graphite pencil is used. The resulting drawing can then be colored with colored pencils.

Musical accompaniment

The musical accompaniment should be quiet and pleasant. When working with children, poems, songs and riddles can be used. The music should create a suitable rhythm for them.

On a note! During various skits in which children move, it is important that they perform exercises to the music.

Drawing process step by step

The lesson begins with a preparatory stage, when children are introduced to various professions of adults.

In order to captivate the kids, the teacher offers a game, which consists of the following. He says loudly: “The cook makes...” Children must complete the sentence and complete the sentence. Other professions are mentioned similarly. You can also compare professions. For example: “The janitor cleans, and the doctor ....” Here children are expected to say loudly that he is healing.

Children are passionate about drawing

You can read poems about professions written for kids. Or discuss with the kids what their parents do. You can make riddles in which the answer is the name of the profession. After this, they offer to draw those who were mentioned.

The kindergarten teacher says that now they will draw representatives of various professions. He shows the corresponding drawings, notes what position people are in, how they are dressed, what kind of transport they drive.

Next, the kids begin to draw. As soon as the teacher sees that it is necessary to conduct physical education, he reads poems, for example, about a cook, while the children make movements reminiscent of those mentioned in the poem. After the end of physical education, drawing continues.

On a note! When the lesson comes to an end, the teacher sums up the results, looks at the drawings, and praises the children.

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