Business game with teachers “Experts of health-saving technologies”

Business game for the pedagogical council “Use of health-saving technologies”

Business game to be held at
the pedagogical council
Topic: “Use of health-saving
During the business game, teachers are divided into two teams. The physical education instructor briefly talks about health-saving technologies carried out in kindergarten:

  • physical education minutes,
  • motor warm-up,
  • finger games,
  • logorhythmics,
  • breathing exercises,

-massage, walking along massage paths

  • recreational, therapeutic games,
  • psycho-gymnastics,
  • gymnastics after a nap,
  • exercises to prevent flat feet and form correct posture.

1 task:

Teams are asked to write down physical education objectives.

The work is carried out in this way:

-each teacher writes down tasks independently,

  • The entire team analyzes the task, making the necessary adjustments. -The work takes 15 minutes. This is followed by a check in which all teachers participate. As a result of joint work, teachers formulate the tasks of physical education.



protecting the lives and strengthening the health of children, promoting the proper physical and mental development of the child’s body, increasing mental and physical performance.
development of movements, formation of motor skills and physical qualities (dexterity, speed, strength, endurance), formation of correct posture.


Enriching children's knowledge about their body, health, ways to strengthen it, preserve it, and take a responsible attitude.
nurturing positive character traits (courage, determination, perseverance), moral qualities (goodwill, mutual assistance), volitional qualities (willpower, the ability to win and lose), developing the habit of a healthy lifestyle, the desire to engage in physical exercise (including for the sake of achieving success, but for your own health).

Then teachers are invited to make a message “About finger gymnastics and its meaning”:


Scientists who study the activity of the children's brain and the psyche of children have found that the level of speech development is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. By performing various exercises with his fingers, the child achieves good development of fine motor skills of the hands, which contributes to the development of attention, thinking, memory, has a beneficial effect on the development of speech and prepares the hand for writing. Intense pressure on the fingertips stimulates blood flow to the hands. This promotes psycho-emotional stability and physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, and tones the entire body.

Task 2:

Teams are asked to remember 2-3 finger games and demonstrate them (for all ages).

Message “Physical training minutes for preschoolers”


Physical education minutes are used to prevent fatigue in activities that involve prolonged sitting in a monotonous position, requiring concentrated attention and maintaining children’s mental performance at a good level.

Task 3:

Teams are invited to demonstrate physical education exercises: (mathematics, games, color, physical education)

Message “Breathing and sound gymnastics”


Human health, physical and mental activity largely depend on breathing. The fitness of the respiratory muscles determines a person’s physical performance. The lungs are not only an organ of respiration, but also of excretion and regulation of body temperature. They also take part in the production of physiologically active substances involved in the process of blood clotting, metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. That is why breathing exercises play a huge role in the hardening and healing of children.

Task 4

Teams are invited to ask each other riddles on a sports theme. A point is given for the correct answer.

Task 5:

Solving a crossword puzzle (application no. 5)

Message “Types of massage and its meaning”

(acupressure (preventive, pain relief); self-massage of all parts of the body, walking and running on massage paths (different types of surfaces), using massagers).


Massage has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of children, reduces the incidence of illness, and also enriches the experience of children with exercises for independent practice in order to relieve fatigue and tension.

Task 6

Teams perform any type of massage.

Message "Health Games"


As a result of the use of recreational and therapeutic games, we not only strengthen the health of children, but also promote comprehensive harmonious physical and mental development, the formation of the necessary skills of coordination of movements, correct posture, dexterity and courage.

Task 7

The presenter conducts
recreational games. Teams must determine the goal of the game (health-improving effect). At the end of the game, you can count the points scored by the teams for the tasks.

“Skomorokhi” (tones the whole body, develops the calf muscles, makes the lower back flexible);

“Rocking chair” (strengthens the muscles of the trunk and limbs, has a gentle effect on the functions of the vestibular apparatus, coordination of movements); “Hoop” (trains the flexibility of the spine, promotes concentration);

“Heron” (trains the vestibular apparatus, develops the ability to concentrate, improves mood);

“Oriental waiter” (development of coordination of movements, balance, strengthening of the muscular “corset” of the spine).

“To be healthy, you need to master the art of maintaining and strengthening it.
This art should be given as much attention as possible in a preschool institution.” /Z.I.Beresneva/. The use of health-saving technologies in a preschool institution is of great importance in the process of optimizing physical activity, promoting diversified development, strengthening the health of children, and mastering self-healing skills. Therefore, in preschool educational institutions it is necessary to search, study and implement effective technologies and methods of healing. 2

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