Work program of the curriculum in computer science and ICT for grade 8

Work program in computer science 8th grade Federal State Educational Standard

Work program in computer science for 8th grade of primary school

  1. Planned learning outcomes.



The student will have the following:

  • ideas about information as the most important strategic resource for the development of the individual, state, and society;
  • understanding the role of information processes in the modern world;
  • possession of primary skills in analysis and critical assessment of received information;

The student can develop:

  • a sense of personal responsibility for the quality of the surrounding information environment;
  • readiness to improve their educational level and continue learning using the tools and methods of computer science and ICT;
  • the ability and willingness to communicate and cooperate with peers and adults in the process of educational, socially useful, teaching, research, and creative activities;
  • ability and readiness to accept the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle through knowledge of the basic hygienic, ergonomic and technical conditions for the safe operation of ICT equipment.



Students will learn:

  • understand what a computer network is; what is the difference between local and global networks; purpose of the main hardware and software for the functioning of networks: communication channels, modems, servers, clients, protocols;
  • highlight the purpose of the main types of global network services: e-mail, teleconferences, file archives, etc.;
  • understand what the Internet is; What opportunities does the World Wide Web - WWW - provide to the user?
  • understand what a model is; what is the difference between full-scale and information models; what forms of representation of information models exist
  • understand what a database, DBMS, information system is;
  • create relational databases and its elements (records, fields, keys); field types and formats; structure of commands for searching and sorting information in databases;
  • apply logical values, logical operations.
  • Understand what a spreadsheet and spreadsheet processor are; basic information units of a spreadsheet: cells, rows, columns, blocks and methods for identifying them; what types of data are entered into the spreadsheet; how a spreadsheet processor works with formulas; basic functions (mathematical, statistical) used when writing formulas in ET;
  • use the graphical capabilities of the table processor.

Students will have the opportunity to learn:

  • regulate their information activities in accordance with the ethical and legal standards of society.
  • create an information and algorithmic culture; ideas about a computer as a universal information processing device; development of basic skills and abilities to use computer devices;
  • develop the skills and abilities of safe and appropriate behavior when working with computer programs, the ability to comply with the norms of information ethics and law.




Students will learn:

  • independently plan alternative ways to achieve goals, consciously choose the most effective ways to solve educational and cognitive problems;
  • exercise control over the result and method of action at the level of voluntary attention and make the necessary adjustments;
  • the ability to adequately assess the correctness or incorrectness of completing a learning task, its objective difficulty and one’s own capabilities to solve it;

Students will have the opportunity to learn:

  • understand the essence of algorithmic instructions and the ability to act in accordance with the proposed algorithm;
  • independently set goals, select and create algorithms for solving educational mathematical problems;
  • plan and carry out activities aimed at solving research problems;


Students will learn:

  • conscious mastery of the logical actions of defining concepts, generalizing, establishing analogies, classification based on independent choice of grounds and criteria, establishing generic connections;
  • establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and conclusions;
  • create, apply and transform sign-symbolic means, models and diagrams to solve educational and cognitive problems; the ability to see a mathematical problem in the context of a problem situation in other disciplines, in the surrounding life;
  • find information needed to solve mathematical problems from various sources and present it in an understandable form; make decisions in conditions of incomplete and redundant, accurate and probabilistic information;
  • understand and use mathematical visual aids (drawings, drawings, diagrams, etc.) for illustration, interpretation, argumentation;
  • put forward hypotheses when solving educational problems and understand the need to test them;
  • apply inductive and deductive methods of reasoning, see different strategies for solving problems;

will have the opportunity to learn:

  • formation and development of educational and general user competence in the field of use of information and communication technologies (ICT competence)
  • formation of initial ideas about the ideas and methods of mathematics as a universal language of science and technology, a means of modeling phenomena and processes;


will learn:

  • cooperate with comrades when performing tasks in pairs: establish the order of actions;
  • carry out mutual verification;
  • discuss a joint solution (offer options, compare methods of calculating or solving a problem);
  • combine the results obtained (when solving combinatorial problems);
  • ask questions to obtain the necessary information.

will have the opportunity to learn:

  • take into account the partner’s opinion, criticize mistakes made in a reasoned manner, justify your decision;
  • carry out your part of the responsibilities during group work, taking into account the overall plan of action and the ultimate goal;
  • ask questions in order to plan the progress of solving a problem, formulating cognitive goals during project activities.
  1. Contents of the training course

Computer science
8th grade basic level (35 hours)
Transmission of information in computer networks (8 hours)

Computer networks: types, structure, principles of operation, technical devices. Data transfer rate.

Information services of computer networks: e-mail, teleconferences, file archives, etc. Internet. WWW – “World Wide Web”. Internet search engine. Archiving and unarchiving files.

Information modeling (4 hours)

Concept of model; full-scale and informational models. Purpose and properties of models.

Types of information models: verbal, graphic, mathematical, simulation. Tabular organization of information. Areas of application of computer information modeling.

Storing and processing information in databases (10 hours)

Tabular databases: basic concepts, data types, database management systems and principles of working with them.

Entering and editing records.

Information search conditions; logical values, operations, expressions.

Search, delete and sort data.

Table calculations on a computer (12 hours).

Binary number system. Representation of numbers in computer memory.

Spreadsheet calculations and spreadsheets. Spreadsheet structure, data types: text, number, formula. Addressing is relative and absolute. Built-in functions. Methods of working with spreadsheets.

Constructing graphs and charts using spreadsheets.

Mathematical modeling and problem solving using spreadsheets.

Thematic planning by sections

No. Subject Number of hours Test papers
1. Transfer of information in computer networks 8 1
2. Information Modeling 4
3. Storing and processing information in databases 10
4. Table calculations on a computer 12 1
Study time reserve 1
Total 35 2

Calendar and thematic planning, computer science 8th grade, 35 hours per year


Lesson topic Number of hours the date of the Notes
Plan. Actual
1 2 3 4 5 6
Transfer of information in computer networks, 8h
1. Maintaining. TB rules. Computer networks: types, structure, principles of operation. 1
2. GCS hardware and software. Data transfer rate. 1
3. OL No. 1
“Working in a computer class LAN in file sharing mode.”
4. Email and other network services. 1
5. PR No. 2
“Working with e-mail.”
Incoming control.
6. Internet and World Wide Web. Internet search methods. 1
7. PR No. 3
“Working with WWW . Searching for information on the Internet"
8. PR №4
“Creation of web pages”
Information modeling, 4h
9. Modeling. Graphic information models. 1
10. Tabular models. 1
11. Computer information modeling 1
12. WP No. 5
“Building an information model”
Storage and processing of information in databases, 10 hours
13. The concept of a database and information system. 1
14. Purpose of the DBMS.

PR No. 6
“Working with a ready-made database.”

15. PR No. 7
“Creating and filling a database”
16. Fundamentals of logic: logical quantities and formulas. 1
17. Selection conditions and simple logical expressions. 1
18. PR No. 8
“Creating simple queries”
19. Selection conditions are complex logical expressions. 1
20. PR No. 9
“Creating complex queries”
21. Sorting, deleting and adding records. 1
22. PR No. 10
“Creating requests for deletion and change.”
Table calculations on a computer, 12 hours
23. Number systems. 1
24. Binary number system. 1
25. Numbers in computer memory. 1
26. What is a spreadsheet? Rules for filling out the table. 1
27. PR No. 11
“Working with finished electronic equipment”
28. Working with ranges. Relative addressing.

PR No. 12
“Relative addressing in electronic devices”

29. PR No. 13
“Use of functions. Sorting tables."
30. Business graphics. Conditional function. 1
31. PR No. 14
“Construction of graphs and diagrams.”
32. Logical functions and absolute addresses.

PR No. 15
“Logical functions and absolute addresses”

33. Final test
“Storage, transmission and processing of information on a computer”
34. ET and mathematical modeling 1
35. Reserve 1

Appendix 2

Criteria for assessing the educational results of students in computer science

1. Evaluation of written tests of students in computer science.

The answer is scored o if:

  • the work is completed completely;
  • there are no gaps or errors in the logical reasoning and justification of the decision;
  • there are no mathematical errors in the solution (there may be one inaccuracy, a typo, which is not a consequence of ignorance or misunderstanding of the educational material).

O is placed in the following cases:

  • the work has been completed in full, but the justification of the decision steps is insufficient (if the ability to substantiate reasoning was not a special object of testing);
  • one mistake was made or there were two or three shortcomings in the calculations, drawings, drawings or graphs (if these types of work were not a special object of inspection).

O is given if:

  • more than one mistake or more than two or three shortcomings were made in calculations, drawings or graphs, but the student has the required skills on the topic being tested.

O is given if:

  • significant errors were made, which showed that the student does not fully possess the required skills on this topic.

The teacher can increase the mark for an original answer to a question or an original solution to a problem, which indicates the student’s high mathematical development; for solving a more complex problem or answering a more complex question, additionally offered to the student after he has completed any other tasks.

2. Evaluation of students' oral answers in computer science.

The answer is estimated about

, if the student:

  • fully disclosed the content of the material to the extent provided for by the program and textbook;
  • presented the material in literate language, accurately using mathematical terminology and symbolism, in a certain logical sequence;
  • correctly completed the drawings, drawings, and graphs accompanying the answer;
  • demonstrated the ability to illustrate the theory with specific examples, apply it in a new situation when performing; demonstrated knowledge of the theory of previously studied related topics, the formation and stability of the skills and abilities used in the answer;
  • answered independently, without leading questions from the teacher;
  • One or two inaccuracies are possible when covering secondary issues or in calculations, which the student easily corrected after the teacher’s remark.

The answer is estimated about,

if it basically satisfies the requirements for a “5” rating, but at the same time has one of the disadvantages:

  • there are small gaps in the presentation that do not distort the mathematical content of the answer;
  • one or two shortcomings were made when covering the main content of the answer, corrected after the teacher’s comments;
  • an error or more than two shortcomings were made when covering secondary issues or in calculations, which were easily corrected after the teacher’s comments.

The answer is estimated about

is placed in the following cases:

  • the content of the material is not fully disclosed (the content is presented fragmentarily, not always consistently), but a general understanding of the issue is shown and skills sufficient to master the program material are demonstrated;
  • there were difficulties or mistakes were made in the definition of mathematical terminology, drawings, calculations, corrected after several leading questions from the teacher;
  • the student failed to apply the theory in a new situation when performing a practical task, but completed tasks of the mandatory level of complexity on this topic;
  • with sufficient knowledge of theoretical material, insufficient development of basic skills was revealed.


is placed in the following cases:

  • the main content of the educational material is not disclosed;

Appendix 3

Calendar-thematic planning adjustment sheet

Topic name 1 adjustment 2 adjustment
According to plan Actually According to plan Actually

Appendix 4

Test schedule

No. Name the date of the
According to plan In fact
1. Entrance test
2. Final test on the topic “ Storage, transmission and processing of information on a computer


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